momentomcri · 3 years
“So you must be Jude, correct?” Martha asked the man sat before her. There had been lots of conversation in the halls about the ‘man with the mysterious powers’ that Mar hadn’t ever believed until she had the papers in front of her. Even then she was skeptical. But she was a scientist, and scientists found out the truth through research, experimentation. And there was no exceptions when it came to this rather attractive man sat in front of her. “You’re not squeamish are you? Because a lot of these tests will be kind of invasive– just to warn you now,” she smiled sweetly.
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@momentomcri​ ( jude )
Jude would have been happy to just go about his life and pretend that all of this hadn’t happened, though he knew logically that a couple of months would have passed and the curiosity of it all would have gotten too much for him and he probably would have ended up in the exact same position. “That’s me.” He replied as the other asked if that was his name, the room he was sitting in was clinical and was causing him a little discomfort given then he fought his way out of the last place that looked like this. “Well given I was shot, killed and then resurrected- think it’s safe to say that I’m not too squeamish.” Jude replied, “Though I am a little curious as to just how invasive these tests are going to be.”
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momentomcri · 3 years
“Well I saw you with Thea and just guessed that was all you were into,” Charlie shrugged. “But that was wrong of me to assume, and I am sorry.” Of course he was interested in Eren’s dating life, how could he not be? But a part of him was really disheartened to see him with a girl. A childish fantasy of his that he never thought would be. Charlie sighed, “I know– you do not need to tell me about it.” He’d spent hours listening to the other’s rants about the inefficiency of the monarchy and how it should be dissolved, and Charlie agreed. He didn’t like this position– he never asked for it. And here he was, stuck with his life because of the family he was born into. “You were the one who volunteered to do it, I’m literally just piggy-backing off your idea here,” he chuckled. “Did you not hear the very loud bangs going off? I thought it was the end,” Charlie told the other. Being locked in a closet with Eren didn’t do anything to calm his heart rate down either. Charlie’s cheeks began to flush red as Eren kept calling him that name he hated, “Please stop,” he managed to get out. His entire face turned red as the other pinned him to the mattress, watching Eren’s grin hovering only inches from his face. Charlie gave a mischievous grin as he began to hatch his plan, letting his arms and hands freeze over to force Eren to let go.
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“Definitely not all I was into.” Eren told the other with a huffed laugh, “I have had many experiences with guy’s after me and Thea realized we were better off being best friends instead of partners. But it’s alright, nothing to be sorry about.” Eren told the other with a small wave of his hand, “Just so you know though, I always expected you were at least a little gay. Now I just know it’s a case that you’re a lot gay.” Eren sighed and looked to the other, “But sometimes I feel like I need to remind you, if not just a gentle nudge that you are the key to changing all of this someday and I can be right by your side when you do.” Though he knew Charlie had a long way to go to actually do such a thing and there was always the prospect of the other being too scared to create change within the monarchy. Even if he was the one in power. “Yeah, but the way you said it made me sound like some sort of social experiment and not like I was helping you out.” Eren rolled his eyes at the other, “You’re so dramatic, it was just some kids messing around with poppers. But God forbid it was actually the end and they’d find us in a closet with me on top of you, what would the crown think.” He commented dramatically. “Stop what?” He smirked, enjoying the colour of the others face currently. Eren rose an eyebrow at the grin that was currently on the others face, wondering what he was up to before he felt the biting cold in his hands causing him to pull back quickly with a hiss. “You fucker.” 
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momentomcri · 3 years
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Casey Deidrick in an episode of In the Dark. 
For more content like this, visit dudesdirectory.
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momentomcri · 3 years
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Random Alb’s gifs because I’m thirsty: 04/??
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momentomcri · 3 years
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Just because Clark Kent had glasses she couldn’t tell he was the same guy?
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momentomcri · 3 years
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#how to get away with arson
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momentomcri · 3 years
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momentomcri · 3 years
“I didn’t think it was right of me to ask,” he replied. “I’m not the type of person to just ask someone’s sexuality outright.” People might get confused why he was asking and then ask the question back, and the flustered looks would all but give it away that he was hiding something. “It’s not sad, and I’d also argue it’s not simple either,” Charlie countered. “One day I’ll do it. That day is just well into the future, when I’ve seen how people have reacted to you coming out and I’ve had time to digest that.” Charlie tutted, “The one where you got us locked in a janitorial closet was not well thought through. Nowhere near enough room for the both of us in there.” If they had been like they were now instead of at each other’s throats, the experience could have been more than enjoyable for the both of them. “Exactly. But please don’t call me your bro. It sounds far too fratty for my liking,” he chuckled before shaking his head. “Says you, ready to offer me up statistics at the drop of a hat. Giant nerd.” Charlie reached over and threw a pillow at Eren’s head, ducking beneath the duvet before he could retaliate. 
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“Well I wasn’t saying you should have just stormed up to me interrogation style and beat it out of me, I just thought you might have asked about certain people who were around me and my relations.” Eren shrugged, but then again he hadn’t asked the other, but then again asking a Prince about their dating life when said Prince supposedly hated your guts was probably not the best way to start up a conversation. That didn’t mean he hadn’t wondered about the others personal life though. “No, it is sad. It’s sad that you can’t be yourself because of public perception of a monarchy that shouldn’t even exist anymore.” Because Charlie shouldn’t have to pretend to be something he wasn’t. “Oh gee, great, thank for making me be your guinea pig.” He scoffed. “I’m sorry, I did not get us locked in a janitorial closet, it was your security who pushed us in there because they thought there was a threat to your royal ass.” Eren told the other. “You do know that telling me that is going to make me want to call you it even more now, right-... bro.” Eren smirked as he teased the other. “I take pride in my nerd status, intelligence is sexy after all.” Eren told the other before feeling the pillow hit him in the face, seeing Charlies retreating form. He moved to hover over the others body, taking his wrists and pinning them above his head, “You really think hiding under a duvet is going to save yourself from me, nuh uh, not happening, Sweetheart.”
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momentomcri · 3 years
“Yes, I know that,” Charlie replied. “You kept it so private from me that I literally had a panic attack when I found out.” Given it wasn’t just that, but that fact alone did contribute. Charlie smiled softly at his reasoning, “You really are just something else, aren’t you? I’m incredibly jealous,” he chuckled. “Yes, of course. Being able to control how it gets out is so important.” And it was honestly Charlie’s worst nightmare, being outed before he was ready to deal with all the implications. It was why he was being so careful around Eren, making sure they weren’t seen together in any sort of intimate way because he still hadn’t worked out what he was going to say, and Charlie was not a spontaneous person so an on-the-spot speech would be an actual disaster. “I’ve known a few plans you’ve not put thought into, yes,” Charlie told the other, furrowing his brows. But seeing Eren’s face light up like that, his mood was instantly switched. “Like you said, seeing me with you at Pride with you having just publically come out is going to look like I’m supporting you and only that,” he shrugged. “All the attention will be on you and not me, so that I can deal with.” Charlie smiled a little into the kiss, and as Eren pulled away, Charlie followed him, pressing another kiss to his lips. He wasn’t sure he’d ever get tired of this. “I’d still like to hear those statistics, though.” 
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“You never asked.” Eren simply replied, because if the other had questioned him about his preferences when it came to relationships, he would have told him. But the Prince had never took much interest in his personal life before now, what with the both being at one another’s throats constantly. “I find it sad that you’re jealous of me being able to do something so simple like this.” He told the other with a frown, because Charlie should be able to do what he liked in regards to his own life, and yet the other felt like that wasn’t the case. “The fuck, name one.” He responded, almost offended at the other seemingly thinking that he didn’t in fact put a lot of thought into each of his plans. Eren’s smile couldn’t become a little taunt at the others words, feeling something sharp in his chest which he refused to deal with right at this moment. “Yeah, just looks like you’re being happy for your bro who is bisexual. Nothing more.” Eren let out a snorted laugh at the others response, “Of course you would, you totally get turned on by numbers. Fucking nerd.”
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momentomcri · 3 years
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what the main account sees vs what the private account sees
charlie, pt. 1
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momentomcri · 3 years
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A guide to second date sex (2019) ― dir. Rachel Hirons
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momentomcri · 3 years
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Hot Summer Nights (2017) Directed by Elijah Bynum
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momentomcri · 3 years
It had been another night of not being able to sleep, so he had once again taken him out onto the training grounds, letting the low security lights guide him in his movements and hopefully mean he wasn’t going to trip over his own feet. There was very few people out at this time of night, most of the time it was only couples scuttling out of the edges of the forest back to their rooms in states of dishevelment which only caused him to shake his head. In fact he had been so focused on a couple far ahead of him he hadn’t even realized there was someone creeping up behind him until he heard a crunch of a leaf, causing him to spin around fast, holding the bo staff in his hands up to their face before lowering it once he saw it wasn’t a threat. “Have you never been warned about sneaking up on people, in the dark, at night and outside. Like that’s just asking to be smacked in the face.” Benji commented with a shake of his head. “I could have seriously hurt you.”
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@benzenewritings​ ( benji x thea )
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momentomcri · 3 years
The foreign voice caused Dawn to freeze mid-theft. She hadn’t turned to look at who had entered just yet, almost as thought she was hoping that boring a whole into the wall with her stare would save her from the situation. “Oh?” she finally remarked when she’d taken the time to acknowledge her current situation. Was there any way to get out of this without handcuffs around her wrists? She didn’t know yet. “Do you often help thieves out with robbing your own place?” Dawn asked, turning around fully now to face who’d caught her red handed. “Because if you do well, I’ve got to admit you’re the first I’ve encountered. This may come as a surprise to you, but most people aren’t too happy about being robbed. They usually call the cops or pull out a gun right about now.”
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“Can’t say I’ve ever encountered a situation like this, but my evening was proving to be pretty boring and this seems at least somewhat entertaining.” He commented from where he was still leaning against the door frame, arms crossed. “Well one, this isn’t a movie, I’m not a mob boss so therefore I don’t have a gun but I am intrigued to know if you ever have had someone pull one out on you before.” Cedric commented, wanting to ask the other a lot of questions which should be the opposite reaction he had for someone who literally robbing him right now. “And two, this may be my home but this is my Dad’s office so really this doesn’t concern me.” He said with a shrug, sure he’d probably get in the neck when his father returned home and he would tell him that the place had been robbed. “Also three, I could call the cops and you could run away, but they’d still have you on camera.” Cedric continued, pointing to the security camera in the corner of the room.
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momentomcri · 3 years
Eren was right, a statement that chilled Charlie to his core. No one had told him he couldn’t go, but he could only imagine the Magix papers having a field day with creating rumours that the prince was gay. Or maybe he was thinking too far into it. But as Eren explained his reasons, Charlie’s hard stance softened. “You’re going to publicly come out? Woah. That’s big,” Charlie told the other, a soft expression on his face. “It kind of is the perfect excuse,” he added, giving it some more thought. And though a ten year old Charlie wouldn’t be thrilled he was still hiding himself and his sexuality for the sake of the monarchy, he’d be proud that he was going to pride and showing his support for the thousands of people like him that lived in the city. After a few moments he spoke. “You’ve really put a lot of thought into this, haven’t you?” He sighed and put his head in his hands, rubbing his eyes with his palms. “Fine. I’ll go,” he told the other quietly. 
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Eren simply shrugged at the others affirmation that what he was doing was big, “I mean, it’s not like I’m not out. I am, just trying to keep my private life just that, private.” He told the other, “But then I realized I am in a position where I’m seen publicly a lot, I’m best friends with the Prince and around people in power who might not see my sexuality as something that should be accepted. If I can use my status and platform to come out, to show people that there is someone who understands and is always fighting for their rights. Then I’ll do it.” Eren continued. “It also means I’m taking the power away from anyone who tries to out me again.” Because he didn’t want to go through that again, especially not on a more public scale. “Of course I have.” He scoffed, looking at the other. “Have you ever known a plan that I haven’t put at least a little bit of thought into?” Even if a lot of the things he did seemed to be spontaneous and a little reckless, his brain did tend to overwork, making lists of weighing options before he acted. “You will?” He replied, face lighting up a little at the others words, dragging him closer to him on the bed so he could press a kiss to his lips. “And here I was thinking I’d have to pull out statistics to get you to agree.”
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momentomcri · 3 years
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momentomcri · 3 years
When offered to use of a moving team, Darcy had turned them down claiming she would be fine, she didn’t have that much stuff and she’d be able to unpack everything from the truck alone before it got dark. However the sun was starting to set and she was still looking at a truck which was half full, she also thought she could carry more boxes then she thought and was struggling to navigate herself onto the pavement. She felt one of the boxes from the top slide, not having any free hands to stop the topple and leading her to only shout out in case anyone was walking passed her on the street. “Look out! It’s going to fall and I literally can’t stop it so you’re going to have to run, duck or dive.”
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@ncstalgiia​ (dante)
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