monochromefruitloop · 3 months
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I’m kicking my feet rn
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monochromefruitloop · 4 months
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Low quality pics of a high quality man.
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monochromefruitloop · 4 months
I’m currently working on a Remus x OC Fic over on my Wattpad if anyone wants to read. I’m writing the first chapter at the moment, but it’ll be published soon.
Here’s a tease for ya…
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Hestia Hawke is a Metamorphmagus and an Animagus. She attended Hogwarts with the infamous Marauders and was close friends with each of the boys, including Lily Evans.
After the brutal murder of her three best friends and the imprisonment of another, Hestia kept herself away.
Years later, she finds an all too familiar letter waiting on her doorstep.
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monochromefruitloop · 4 months
Okay, hear me out, but I’ve just finished the series ‘The Artful Dodger’ and I am in serious need of a fic with David Thewlis as Fagan.
I mean, come on!
I need like, 1 person to like this, so then I know that I’m not being delulu alone.
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monochromefruitloop · 4 months
the bond between a girl and their favorite fictional man is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object
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monochromefruitloop · 4 months
Me looking at myself in the mirror at 3am after reading smut for 4 hours straight instead of sleeping:
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monochromefruitloop · 7 months
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1K notes · View notes
monochromefruitloop · 7 months
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monochromefruitloop · 8 months
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The Ecstasy Of HET
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monochromefruitloop · 9 months
James Hetfield - The Thing That Should Not Be 🔥
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Live in Seattle 1989 ⚡️
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monochromefruitloop · 9 months
Support rock? Fuck a rockstar
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monochromefruitloop · 9 months
True story
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monochromefruitloop · 11 months
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Pairing : James Hetfield x reader Era : Load era James Warnings : only fluff Synopsis : on a normal day life, your husband James decides to surprise you with a new haircut...and a new video shoot AN : Thank you again @ridethehet for this new idea with our beloved Load era James! Hope you'll like it honey <3
"Okay, so...10 more minutes and...it will be ready...", you explained loud to yourself as checking the cooking meat in the oven. Satisfied, you nodded as closing the oven door and putting your towel aside on your shoulder. Now, time to check on the vegetables. You weren't especially a great chef for you started to learn cooking a few years ago but you always wanted to do your best to cook the best meal you could do for your husband.
A smile just appeared on your face at the thought of him when he'd discovered you prepared his favorite meal. But nervousness quickly invaded you when you realized that it could not had the taste he expected and this was stressing you as hell.
"Honey, I'm home!". With the sound of the boiling potatoes and the kitchen hood, you didn't hear James coming back home from a work day.
No rehearsing or recording today, only talks and meetings about the next song of their new album "Load" to be out and the video shoot they'd want to create with it. He had told you he'd be home for dinner and he was right on time.
He walked over you with a smirk on his face. He had noticed of course that you didn't hear him and he wanted to surprise you. James was a big goofy and he liked to play different kind of jokes on you. He watched for some seconds what you were doing, leaning against the door frame of the kitchen, arms crossed, admiring how you quickly moved from every kitchen stations to get everything ready. A delicious smell invaded his nostrils and made his stomach grumbled.
When you bend over the oven one last time to check on the meat, he realized it was his chance. Slowly, like a predator, he walked carefully, hoping his boots wouldn't make too much noises on the ground but then he remembered you didn't even hear him speaking loud a few seconds ago.
He kept walking until he arrived behind you and without a warning, he gently pinched your two hips making you scream of surprise. James laughed loud, proud of his joke, and you turned around to gently tapped him with your kitchen towel.
"James Hetfield! How dare you!".
"James! How dare you?!", he laughed, imitating your voice in a very feminine, high-pitched way as wrapping his arms around you for a cuddle.
"Silly!", you giggled as pinching gently his chest. "I could had a knife in my hand and hurt you!".
"Oh Mrs Hetfield would had killed me then?", he grinned wild with a goofy giggle. How much you loved hearing him calling you this way! You smiled, amused, until you noticed something different on him.
"James, baby?", you said soft with a frown, checking on him. Yes, something was different, you could tell but what was it ?
"What is it honey?", he kept playing as embracing you, bending to kiss your cheek then your neck. "Can I have my welcome kiss now?"
"Wait!", you exclaimed as cupping his face with your hands, stopping his movements to kiss you on the lips, and made him lean forward. "You hair!".
"What is wrong with my hair?".
"What have you done? Your hair is darker!".
"That's right!", he proudly said with a cocky smile, showing you his new hair color like if he was a model, posing for photograph.
"But...why?", you asked with a frown, not sure of your feelings about it. When he decided to cut his hair off the first time, it had already been a shock for you. But now, you already missed his blond hair.
James lost his smile. He thought you'd have liked it cause damn, he really loved it but he was really surprised of your reaction.
"Don't you like it ? It's for our next video. It was my idea...I thought it was cool and different".
"Well...It's different I agree. It's just that...it's a big change baby...and...", you mumbled, trying to find your words, placing your hands on his chest. You didn't want to disappoint him cause you knew how insecure he could felt sometimes about his look. As you knew that this album was a big change for the band and they sadly didn't receive a lot of good reviews.
"But it's me, with just a different hair color now", he added like if he needed to justify himself. You smiled lovingly at him, caressing his cheek with your palm.
"I know it's you. And you know I'll always love you no matter how you look". He smiled, comforted by your kind words, and finally bend to kiss you on the lips. It was a sweet and tender kiss.
"Now I remember why I've chosen you to be my wife". You giggled loud against his lips before biting his lower lips.
"Stop being silly!"
One month later, James surprised you - but not for a joke this time - while you were lying on a deckchair in your garden. You were comfortably settled, reading one of your favorite novel for the third time.
"Hey baby!", you said smiling to him as he came over, hiding something behind his back. He had still kept his new hair color and you slowly get used to it. If James loved it, you had to accept it? "What's up?"
"Guess what I have here...", he asked with a big grin on his face, nearly jumping on his feet. You placed your book aside and sat, wondering what it could be. You smiled, amused by his behavior.
"Hum...I don't know. Good or bad thing?"
"Good one", he replied, excited.
You searched for some seconds in your head what kind of thing James could brought home on this normal day or was it a special day and you forgot it ?
"A little clue, perhaps?", you suggested and he agreed. He started to hum a melody that you quickly recognized as "Until it Sleeps".
"The video! You got it ?!"
"Yes!", James exclaimed, happy, with a jump as showing you the video tape. You giggled as clapping in your hands.
"Show me baby!".
Comfortably sat in your couch, you waited patiently for James to play the video tape he just inserted inside the video recorder. Once done, he came back next to you, one arms resting behind your back, eyes fixed on the TV as he pushed the button "play". He was watching it for the first time as well and you could tell he was nervous.
The music started and you carefully watched their final work. James was right, the video was really original, different from what they had done before it was in a good way. The story behind it matched good with the lyrics of the song and you analyzed every detail, searching for the meanings of each scenes.
They were all amazing in their character but your eyes couldn't left James of course. He was totally playing his role and his performance really touched you, considering the meaning of the lyrics. You knew the kind of fight he was having against his addiction.
He was incredible. He was gorgeous and finally, you started to like those dark hair on him. You had to recognize that it was really suiting him very well...He was absolutely sexy.
The video ended and James looked at you, excited to now your opinion about it. "So?"
"Mmh...", you started with a grin as looking back at him. "Where to start...?". You teased him as coming closer to gently caress his cheek before your fingers rushed through his hair. "I think you should keep that color for a couple of days or months maybe...".
"Oh really?", he smiled big, leaning against your touch.
"Oh yes, I really like it". James smile grew bigger and he bend to peck you on your lips. You gently rubbed your nose against his before you whispered : "This video made me changed my mind".
"Oh that's nice!", he chuckled before his arms wrapped up around your chest. "Then why was I worried you would never like it ? I just had to wait...until you like it baby...", he murmured before he bend to make you lay down on the couch, showing you one more time how much he was loving you...
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monochromefruitloop · 11 months
99 James was out of this planet 🥵
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monochromefruitloop · 11 months
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Umm... Sir 🥵👀
Photo of @whiplashh___ on Twitter
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monochromefruitloop · 11 months
1999/S&M James Hetfield is a Whore, and I’m living for every second of it. 🖤
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monochromefruitloop · 11 months
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