montyvocx · 48 minutes
It's absolutely hilarious to me that we are shown Charles being jealous of every dude who talks to Edwin but even though Edwin says "I just find her so oddly charming" about Niko and they clearly click almost instantly, Charles is not jealous at all??
Like, did Charles clock Edwin a long time ago already or what? dude was so secure that Niko was not a threat, but Monty and the Cat King? oh no no no
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montyvocx · 1 day
Another absolute need for S2: Edwin flirting back at Charles, at least once.
Charles, leaning over Edwin reading a book: I'm just saying, my smile is pretty convincing...
Edwin, looking up at Charles from under his lashes: I rather agree. It could convince me to do a great many things.
Charles, face blank, staring: *404 ERROR. RESPONSE NOT FOUND. PLEASE REBOOT.*
Edwin: *turns back to his book wearing the same satisfied, flirty smirk he wore as he walked away from the Cat King*
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montyvocx · 2 days
Happy Pride Month to the gay couples of the internet that sparked a thousand blogs May the odds of reboots, post-series conventions, and actor affirmed canon be in your favor. Wishing a very happy gay month to Destiel, Merthur, Hannigram, Johnlock and all those in between including our new brethren Painland, Blackbonnet, Ineffable Husbands, Nandermo and others! Rejoice!
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montyvocx · 2 days
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happy pride month to the dead boy detectives!
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montyvocx · 2 days
episode three is hard to watch because of. you know. the axe murder. but I will always cheer for edwin and crystal finally figuring out how to work together!! him asking her to explain the vhs tape. he holds the flashlight for her. he pulls her out of the way of the misery wraith (by fully wrapping his arms around her and carrying her out of the room, no less). she finally begins to understand his relationship with intelligence, and how he uses it to protect himself, much better. then he reassures her that david was lying about her being an asshole even though he has no way to verify it. I love them DEARLY. bitch4bitch friendship development fr
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montyvocx · 5 days
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montyvocx · 5 days
Sort of bums me out that so many people didn't seem to Get the Cat King so here are my thoughts:
So let's start with Edwin's crime. He uses something the cat desires (a sardine) to lure the cat to him and then uses an enchanted string to trap the cat with magic. He demands the answer to a question in exchange for its release. Edwin knows it is dangerous to use magic on a cat, that it violates Rules but he does it anyway.
Binding a creature and agreeing to set them free under a certain condition is very Classic Fairytale. its also a favourite trope of Neil Gaiman's (he did not write this show but his influence is there). In both the Sandman and his novel Stardust (and the film adaptation) trapping a creature with magic and demanding a task/favour in exchange for their freedom is an extremely important plot point. Edwin binding a cat and demanding an answer in exchange is exactly in line with this Fairytale trope
And so is the Cat Kings response. The Cat King is a trickster. What he does to Edwin is exactly what Edwin did to one of his subjects. He entices Edwin, he binds him with magic and when Edwin demands to be free he turns his own words against him "why all the fuss for one little spell?" Edwin did something wrong. He imposed his will/magic on another creature and the Cat King is punishing him for it in a way that is poetic. Its fairytale. its trickster. its classic.
I've also seen people complain that the task Edwin was given 'count all the cats' is 'impossible'...except its fucking not. Edwin does it. He does it so well he actually BEATS the Cat King ("you didn't count yourself" Are.You.Kidding.Me. Classic!Fairytale!Vibes!)
The Cat Kings choice to bind Edwin to Port Townsend is good on so many levels. From a storytelling perspective it forces characters who can travel anywhere in the world to stay in one place, and increases the stakes for these characters who are supposed to be on the run. From a genre perspective...its an excellent use of fairytale tropes using both Rules of magic, a protagonist who is unkind to a seemingly weak creature who is punished by a more powerful law, a binding, a task to complete, etc
Which just leaves the character perspective which it ALSO does really fucking well and introduces the final aspect to the Cat Kings character. He's seductive. He is responsible for Edwin, 100 years old ghost boy, finally unpacking his internalized homophpbia. he is the catalyst (cat pun not intended)
He pushes Edwin, challenges him, at times literally forces the truth out of Edwin, but he really never does violate his consent. Significantly Edwin is attracted to him, like its an important part of his character that he is. He may not like the Cat King but he is attracted to him!
The Cat King is such a great example of a trickster, a morally grey character who imposes a sense of justice on Edwin after he crosses a line, but also has his own selfish interests and meddles. Hes so important to the plot of the show, to Edwin's character arc, to the genre.
And he's just fun. Unapologetically queer, powerful, complicated. Silly little outfits. Petty cat behavior. Deep heart.
Some of you just didn't get it. And I'm sorry for you. because the Cat King is Excellent actually.
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montyvocx · 5 days
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montyvocx · 6 days
not edwin realising his suppressed homosexuality and super intense feelings for his best friend of 30 years because a cat flirted with him and then a crow kissed him
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montyvocx · 6 days
I think the funniest thing I've seen in Dead Boy Detectives for now is the gruesome, horrible, disgusting spell on the crow that produces... A twink
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montyvocx · 6 days
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Obsessed with their commitment to having Monty perched up in his usual bird spot
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montyvocx · 6 days
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Is this anything?
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montyvocx · 8 days
it’s insane to me that crystal could possibly think of herself as a bad person when the very first thing she did after waking up with no memory of her identity was to drag two ghost boys all the way to the other side of the world to save the life of some random little girl because she’s alive and she’s in pain and we have to help her NOW
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montyvocx · 8 days
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montyvocx · 8 days
summoning circle for the important things in life 🙏🏼
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dead boy
🕯 detectives 🕯
s2 confirmation
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montyvocx · 11 days
Charles wouldn't kiss Edwin gently on the swings after a romantic walk and a heart-to-heart. He isn't like that. They aren't like that. He would pick the worst moment ever, while they're being chased by unfathomable horrors, and do it then. It's tradition
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montyvocx · 11 days
favorite posts about dead boy detectives are the “omg cute lesbian date i’m so happy for jenny!!” followed by the inevitable “OH NO WHAT THE FUCK” ten minutes later
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