Did you quit Tumblr 😭😭😭😭
Quitting means you plan on never returning, which I plan to do!! 💜
Unfortunately my mother's health has declined since my father's passing, so I've taken on the responsibility of being her caregiver. Which means I no longer have the time I used to, which is why I started posting cute dress up games on YouTube so my moonbeams can get a little piece of comfy while I'm away 🥺💜
I do think of this acc, not daily, but fairly often because a piece of me is still here 🤗💜 I'd love to bring this back, life just has other plans for me atm.
Thank you for checking in on me, moonbeam 🤗💜 I hope life is treating you well and you're happy, or at the very least as happy as you can be within your circumstances 💜
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I love them 🥺💜
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Well then how honored am I to have the pleasure of you interacting with me in your slumber state 🥰 I'm glad you're hanging on 💜
Hi Jasper, nice to see you in my notifs again 🥰 how's my baby doing today?
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Hi Jasper, nice to see you in my notifs again 🥰 how's my baby doing today?
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Hello ! Is there any difference between people who are "meant to be" and people who are "made by heaven" ? ^^
They can coexist, can't they?
Just because you're meant for someone, doesn't mean you're not made by the heavens to your person and vice versa 💜
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heya there! i saw your yes or no questions are opened, and took the chance to chance. i'm wondering if someone is into me and do i know this person??? thank you 🌷💗
No 💜
Intuitive yes or no readings are based off my intuition using the current energy of the asker and those connected. They are not fact and should not be treated as such. You are in charge of your choices and decisions 💜
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Thank you moonbeam 🤗💜
Tell me how you feel about me 💜
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Hiii are you doing celebrity readings still😇
Hi moonbeam 🤗💜 I do still offer celebrity readings, but they're currently closed until my life is less overwhelming 💜
Thank you for asking! 💜
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Can u do Harry styles tarot reading please 🥺
I ask again moonbeam, which one? 💜
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Hello, do you offer free readings. I am a new follower.
Welcome to the family, moonbeam 🤗💜
Yes! I do offer free readings, but they're currently closed until I can get a better grip on my current life 🙃
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I would like to add on to this and say that there is a reason why the phrase "Girls marry their fathers" exist.
Most, not all, children see their mothers marry older men and watch as they provide comfort and financial security for the family. So naturally they grow up attracted to similar figures because they seek out what they grew up watching between their parents dynamic 💜
It's very sweet and anon shouldn't feel icky or worried about potential daddy issues 🤗💜
Yongie, is there any reason why I feel more attracted to older man?
I've heard one of the most common reasons is not having a father figure present but idk if that's true and honestly I don't think it's my case, my dad was always present and, yes sometimes we argue a lot, but in the end he always supports me so idk... 🤔
I have an excellent relationship with my father. Like honestly, I know I am very lucky to have a father like mine, who always does everything for his daughters and his family.
I am extremely attracted to older man as well. Like I'm currently 24. Male my age can be fun and all, but physically I am not attracted to them. However, 35 to 49 yo.. well (Keanu Reeves if you want to marry me please, I will be good to you).
We could explain it through astrology depending on certain placements like having your 7th or your 5th house in Taurus, Libra, Cancer or Pisces.
Psychology-related, i think daddy issues go both ways. Meaning people who have extremely bad relationships with their fathers and the ones that have good ones will be attracted to older people. Because of the security that unconsciously it represents. Also it might also be involved with traumas that can push the person seek comfort and security in a fatherly like energy
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In just two months, my numbers have doubled 🥺💜 I want to thank any moonbeams that are following me and helping me to gain traction in the algorithm. I appreciate you all so much 🥺💜💜
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In my time away I've started a new venture 💜 I'm confident enough to finally share it with my moonbeams so you can still enjoy content from me, even when I'm away.
I've started a YouTube channel for my side hobby that keeps me sane while dealing with life's stresses. So you can watch me play pretty and cute mobile games and have it running in the background while you clean, journal or scroll away 🥰
My content is based on comfy vibes, rather than voiceovers you get occasional pop up bubbles that gives you insight on my thoughts for the content I'm playing. You absolutely can ignore if that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, but I thought I'd make a post so you can see how I spend some of my down time 🤗💜
If you decide to subscribe you'll be helping to support me for future videos once I'm monetized. Which will be beneficial for my family and myself and help me to be able to work from home.
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This is my main channel, where I post longer gameplay videos and outfit look throughs 💜
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My shorts channel is where I post my fun gacha pulling videos and redeem codes for the games I play 🥰
If you decide to join the zodiac family, I'd be happy to have you and grateful to see your input 💜
*Pictures updated on Dec 7th 2022*
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In the meadow 💐🌷🌸🐈‍⬛
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Lily of the valley 💕🧚🌱✨
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mercury through houses
1st house
The forever overthinker, the one that looks for flaws in order to feel alive. The wise one. You are someone that values honesty and speaking up, but you might not always feel confident in your words. Your mind changes a lot - which is not a bad, thing as it is tied up to your personality, your mood, and your view of the world. You enjoy traveling with your body & mind. Practicing mindfulness and meditation are tools you can use to get over blockages and fully express your authentic self. You live to express your thoughts and your purpose is to inspire others with your stories & way of thinking, appearance, or style. This also makes you sensitive to words, and other people’s opinions & hyper-aware of your surroundings. It’s important to ask questions, but learn when it’s time to listen and not research, but rather observe.
2nd house
You have a practical mind, and you select the subjects that are worthy of your attention. Sometimes, this can make people feel left out, but when it comes to being focused on what really interests you - you are able to master any skill. You might be into self-development and are solution-oriented. Money comes easily to you if you think of a clear strategy of how to earn it or you could manifest it if you tried. You enjoy spending money on anything that gets your mind excited: courses, podcasts, books, tech, and business. Communication for you can become a source of income if you do use it wisely. You might get bored easily and can sometimes find it hard to decide on a single career path. Your self-worth is connected to high expectations and that might make you attached to a certain ideal or status in life.
3rd house
Idea-driven, thinks in stories and is a great storyteller. Your voice was made to be heard, if only you trust yourself enough to get it out there. You might have a talent for writing, public speaking, visually representing your thoughts, and singing. You have a great ability to make connections and have a good memory when learning. You are able to store a lot of information, sometimes useless and you get inspired by the ordinary, daily activities of life. Your attention to detail might sometimes make you overly critical, but your ability to not hold grudges against people helps you adapt quite easily. You are friendly and open to conversation, humorous and social when wanting to be. You might have siblings, but might sometimes put your ideas in front of others, while disregarding theirs. Your anxiety can affect your need to be social, so try less noise and more presence.
4th house
Your feelings travel through the mind, you always need to be understanding them on a deeper, rational level. This is why you only open up about your struggles to those people with whom you have built a strong emotional connection and feel comfortable around. In your private moments, you enjoy learning or consuming the type of information you are interested in. You like staying connected to your family members and you usually relate stories of the past, living off nostalgia. Your home is often your place of study or work. You might move out a lot. Your cultural background might be important to you or your ancestry, you might have inherited talents from generations. You might find it difficult to decide between wanting stability or freedom, but spending time alone is the best way to understand your needs.
5th house
Your childhood self might have been talkative or loud, always having something to say. You are someone that’s really talented and has an innate sense of mastering their hobbies, while you’re young. Growing up makes it harder for you to enjoy life, as you start asking too many questions. Your journey is to go back to the things that made you enthusiastic when a kid. That’s when you truly allow your life to flow and trust your instincts. You might have a few flings, might think a lot about having kids though. If you do have kids, they will bring out this playful side of you that you tend to bury within worries. Allowing yourself to endure the pleasures of life, in hobbies, in going out, and away from putting too much pressure on performing - will improve your overall well-being & love life.
6th house
You are the analyst. You enjoy directing information and making sure things are in order in your life. Your routine and keeping up with it is what gives you a sense of stability, but also you find it kind of fun. You are interested in the way your body works and reacts to different foods and changes in the environment. You can sometimes get so caught up in the daily that you actually forget to truly take care of it, by allowing yourself to take a break, take a breather, and rest, away from schedules and perfection. Your co-workers are important and you need to feel like your ideas are being appreciated in order to perform well at work. People come to you when they need recommendations, as you have tried everything and were able to find just the right balance of things. Don’t forget about your mental health & breathe.
7th house
Communication is the main factor that helps you build long-lasting relationships, but also the factor that might ruin them if you do not open up enough. You might have a fear of showing your opinions in romantic relationships, as you would be scared of being judged or misunderstood. In reality, the relationships you attract are here to teach you more about your mindset than you think. You are not a fan of oversharing, but often end up doing so. You have the potential of marrying your best friend - someone that understands your intellect and to whom you have a strong mental connection, which can also increase arguments, sometimes just for fun. You might work best or learn best when in a team, sharing ideas with others generates more ideas and you can create new business models if you find the right match.
8th house
Your mind is always looking to find the deeper meaning of things, whether you are aware of it or not. You might also be extra naughty sometimes, but this side of you is only shared with those you feel safe to do so or you’d rather keep it to yourself. You might be psychic or have a strong intuition, but need to allow it to grow and not deny it. Your thoughts about the inexplicable or weird subjects no one seems to care about are what keep you up at night. You have a way of attracting money through inheritance or pairing up with others, a relationship, a marriage, or gaining money together. Intimacy to you is the moment in which you are able to share anything without shame. When drunk, you might overshare, but usually, you are quite private with your feelings, especially when intense.
9th house
If you could, you would travel with your mind everywhere. There is only so much you can know about the world and you want to experience it all and then talk about it. Mostly the talking part though. You are open-minded and ready for a new challenge, get bored easily if not provoked mentally, and love to jump from one subject to another. You might be passionate about travel, foreign cultures, languages, philosophy, ethics, law, society, and purpose - the big questions of life. But when it comes to the small ones - related to daily duties, it might be harder for you to be able to promptly answer. Details are cool and all, but what about history, right? Humor might be your go-to bible. You might travel a lot or meet people from different backgrounds and be interested in your own cultural heritage. You have the potential to teach.
10th house
You are extremely goal-oriented, always looking for the next thing to achieve, and never stopping to understand how much you have actually done. Hard-working and future-oriented, you can sometimes get lost in your career with your mind and ignore other, more personal matters. Your feelings are sometimes numbed by your busy nature. This comes from a lack of emotional understanding when young & a heavier set of expectations set on you from early on. You have the potential to own a company or to be in a managing position. But sometimes you need to enjoy life a little more - this will inspire you and offer you a greater vision. Your career should be intellectually stimulating and the environment needs to be one where your ideas are implemented.
11th house
Forward-thinking and open to new experiences, you are a social butterfly. You are someone that gets mental stimulation through friendships, discussions, debates, groups of people with common interests, and talking on injustice and social issues. You are not the one to shut up about the things you believe in, especially when you feel that someone is being left out or misunderstood. You need a place where you feel safe to be your authentic self and this usually translates into your friend group or a community of people that have the same hobbies or views on life as you. You might be the one that is in charge, as you have a future vision and are able to mediate conflict. This makes you quite impartial, but can also make you cold, not being able to tell who is really there for you.
12th house
You allow your mind to be taken over by emotions. You are a dreamer and you might actually have really vivid dreams at night, but also by day. You need to be careful to not get stuck in a fantasy that doesn’t have the potential to manifest into reality. Unless you get to know your subconscious mind better, through meditation, through sitting in solitude and listening to your thoughts, you will always be putting the needs of others first and adjusting based on what they want. What is it that you want? Truly? What have you always wanted, for yourself? Your imagination and ability to manifest have no boundaries, so trust that inner calling. You would make a great researcher, artist, or spiritual worker. Finding characters in books, movies, and games that you relate to will be a way to get to know yourself better.
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