moonsunbam · 2 days
They didn't say anything before they left, maybe they didn't know where they would end up, but the fact is that they are on the front line, undergoing very hard military training, in the worst winter conditions.
All for the sake of enlisting together.
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moonsunbam · 2 days
The Chicken or the Egg: Jikook Travel Show
This is my unhinged theory. It is just a theory. I state nothing as fact except the things that I actually listed that are facts. Enjoy!
For those of you who really don’t want to read all of this, I will open at the close with a brief summary.  I propose that there was never a chicken at all.  It was always about the egg and only the egg.  The chicken was just a clever ruse.
Thank you for reading.  You may scroll on. Have a wonderful day💜
Some of you appear to still be reading. Ok. For those of you are inexplicably still here, I will carry on with my convoluted theory of eggs and chicken (all this talk of food is making me hungry). I think I want some chicken and eggs.
So, let’s start shall we?
When I first started stanning BTS back in November of 2014, I immediately learned about this thing called mandatory military service. MY IRL who pulled me into ARMY life spoke about it often, almost as a warning to me of what I was getting into. 
As an American, the concept of mandatory service was foreign to me because our draft in the United States has been dormant since Vietnam in the 70's.  But as I learned more about the SK culture and the precarious “active war” situation that they were living in, I began to understand more about why the country deemed mandatory service necessary.  
Even though I knew all of this, it still didn’t really register in my mind exactly what it would mean down the road. In my mind, it was sooooo far down the line, that I wondered if I would even still stan BTS by the time it happened. I had no idea that I was embarking on a life long journey that would change my life forever. My IRL friend who was Korean, warned me from day one. She told me to protect my heart and be ready for the day that they would eventually have to leave. She insisted it was a thing, a thing that could tear my heart out if I wasn’t ready.  (Needless to say even with nine years warning, I still wasn’t ready when it actually happened)
But in addition to the warnings that she gave me about everything else, she also mentioned something casually in passing.  I believe her exact words were - “Yeah and they probably won’t be able to tour much either in the 6-12 months before they serve because they are not allowed to leave the country just before they enlist.” 
Pin that thought because it will be important later.
I accepted all of this back then, not fully understanding the impact it would have on me later.
Now let’s skip to later.  
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Jikook has always stood out to me as “careful” about revealing what REALLY goes on between them; except during the rare times when they just can’t help it.  They willingly give us hints - some to garish to overlook. They give us enough to come to the conclusion that they have a relationship that is possibly romantic. But overall, they are careful not to share too much. It's not because they particularly care what we think, but because they are protective of the true nature of their relationship in general. There are things they show us and things they don’t.  It all depends on their comfort level.
But it wasn’t until late December of 2024 that I realized just how truly stealthy and protective they really are.  Forgive me for not remember the exact dates, but I believe it was late December 5th when we learned of their plan to enlist together.
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And this is when we learned that despite months and months and months of planning, plotting, paperwork, interviews and work behind the scenes, they never gave the fandom a single clue about what they had planned for MS.
In fact, to the world at large, Jikook appeared to really embody the spirit of individuality of Chapter Two. We saw them with other friends, other members, in other cities, but never together. For us who were watching it all play out, it appeared as if Jikook barely saw each other, barely spoke and were living their "true lives" which did not involve always being together. 
Think about it - they wouldn’t even do Tik Tok challenges together even though they did them with everyone else.  Sometimes they would even tease us by doing the same challenge in the same building with different people. Think about it. It was so strange and Jikookers were giving them the bombastic side-eye because we knew something was off.
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They kept their distance and really fooled some of us. Let’s be fair, both were busy with their own projects. Jimin truly was working.  Jk was truly working.  They were putting together incredible projects for us - both of which were some of the best music and performances of my lifetime.
Still, there was a perception in the universe that they were spending less time together and barely even talking. Jk spending his time begging JM to come and see him and even crying at some points and dressing up for white day - didn't help matters either.
But we soon learned that there was a much greater plan in play. As the saying goes, we were playing checkers, but they were playing chess. In my opinion, allowing the fandom to think that there was some sort of natural drift between Jikook as part of Chapter two was very intentional. However, Jikookers were never fooled. Even with what we saw in chapter two, most of us Jikookers knew they were in constant contact because our Spidey senses told us.  We are in sync with them and we know how they move behind the scenes. We know their history. We understand their preference for each other. 
 But even the most dialed in Jikookers never saw the buddy enlistment coming.  It shocked all of us, to the point where we spent days and days trying to verify if it was really possible. We were bamboozled because the truth of what was really going in the background was nothing we could have imagined.
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Was the entire fandom victims of a con job? Yes. Yes we were.
This entire scheme was very well-played.  Very well organized, very Jikook-ish and I applaud them.  They protected their plan vehemently which probably aided in the success of the overall scheme. And I call it a scheme because it takes alot of work, forethought and planning to keep this kind of information away from ARMY. Given all of the leaks, even out of the military, the planning had to be coordinated from the very highest level.  And I think we all know why they kept it a secret.  It’s just further evidence that they know how toxic this fandom can be and how toxic fans (or even supportive fans) could have intervened and caused significant problems for them and their bid to enlist together. I mean GOD FORBID, members of other ships send protest trucks to military bases to keep them from enlisting together. In fact, someone can remind me in the comments, but didn’t another ship send emails directly to the military demanding that they not be allowed to serve together?  Wasn't there even a formal complaint against them?
Well it didn't matter. Because by the time we found out, it was too late for anyone to sabotage their plan. Again I say WELL PLAYED JIKOOK! If this information had been leaked earlier, it could have easily affected their ability to get approved for this very competitive program. But these two were so skillful in the execution; so methodical and intentional which proves just how much they wanted this to happen.  Its a sign of how desperately they wanted to be together.  Hats off to Jikook. 
But here is where I get back to the topic at hand - the egg and chicken situation.  After all was said and done and Jikook learned that their bid for buddy enlistment had been approved, we started to see them act a little less “careful” didn’t we?  After months and months and months of their keeping their distance and seemingly not spending any time together, we suddenly saw them together alot. I mean ALOT alot.  It felt like a switch was flipped and the coast was finally clear for them to return to baseline. The mission was completed and there was nothing that fans could to do to change the outcome. So for the first time in a looooooong time, they made their interactions public because it was safe to do so.   
[On a side note, my heart breaks when I think back to how much JK was missing JM and how many times he begged him to come over or got overly excited when he saw him in the comments. He single handedly held a three hour launch party for FACE. He's just such a sweet man and JM means so much to him. (In a later post, I will talk a little more about just how much JM also missed Jk during their time apart. But that will be in another post.) Jk's behavior during their down time was a reminder that these two are organically joined at the hip. Denying themselves the ability to be together was a great sacrifice within itself.]
I don’t have all of the receipts or the exact dates for when Jikook suddenly began their private travels, but I think you get the point. They were everywhere together.
They kicked off this season of togetherness in the BIGGEST way possible. Jimin showed up in NY for JKs debut.  This was the start of Jk's solo career and he was so nervous.
And then out of the blue without any warning, Jimin showed up. Remember that picture of him stepping out of the van in NY with those sexy freshly waxed legs? My guy was ready for ANYTHING.  Smooth and sexy.
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Not only was Jimin there, he seemed to be very discreetly traveling to some of JKs venues with him. We learned later when Jk was absolutely ambushed by the interviewer, that JM was likely there with him on the GMA set.  Jk pretended not to understand what she was asking even though he knew damn well she said Jimin’s name. He waited for the translator in order to buy him more time to think of his answer. Remember the infamous gesture towards the back stage when he answered the question about Jimin?
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But YES, Jimin was possibly there on set with him, we can reasonably assume even though we don't know for sure. And once again the fandom was stunned. Out of nowhere, he showed up at the most important moment of Jks life.  So many people tried to downplay it and say he was there for EVERYBODY. And he was there for as many of the members as he could be. But that doesn't mean his presence at Jk's premier wasn't special.
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I would argue that Jimin's visit to NY with Jk was very special because of what happened next. Jimin didn't just go home.
There was constant garbage being spewed about how Jk was working and JM was there by coincidence because he was working too. Although we never got confirmation that JM was working at all. And we know for a fact that Jk had a few days off where he WAS NOT WORKING just before traveling to London. The answer to if they were working or not working matters. I will share later.
And guess what JM did? He stayed with Jk during his time off. We were stunned once again when we saw them leave NY and go on a private vacation, isolated away from everyone, including management per some of the reports. Jimin gave us the first official clue, but it was to be the last that came directly from them.
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The first clue that they were alone together on vacation came quite accidentally. But it didn't stop there. For FOUR looooong days we had no idea where they were or what they were doing. It was a complete mystery and they once again went into stealth mode. The only reason we knew they traveled to Connecticut was because of more witnesses who barely knew who they were. We know staff was with them on the boat. But when they were seen in the convenience store and then in the bar, they appeared to be alone. (Not sure if we verified that, but going off of what I read at the time)
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And look here, there is a low quality camera in JKs hand. Considering how much he likes to film and how talented he is, it seemed odd to me at the time that he would have such a mid-level camera instead of asking one of the staff members to bring his personal equipment. Strange right? Well, I have an answer for you - keep reading.
These two disappeared and not a soul knew where they were. Well played Jikook. Another successful game of chess while the rest of us are playing Go Fish.
But there was more. The next trip that also popped up as a surprise was the trip to Japan.
We know for sure that JK was working. So that checks the box. It was work. We saw one of the most intimate moments between the two of them that we've seen since 2018. And they were looking VERY VERY VERY coupley during that Japan trip.  To the point where someone thought JM was JKs blond girlfriend. It was truly a jaw dropping moment. Where we even saw them matching again, like old times.
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These pictures and the magnetic pull that you can SEE between them, plus the news that they were enlisting together but still traveling alone together WOKE UP THE WORLD!
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In addition, by this time it was mostly undeniable that Jimin was NOT working on anything official. Yet we all kept hearing references to their "travel show". And the question kept popping up amongst Jikookers. why are they working so close to the time of their enlistment when they should be spending time with their families. Why is this "travel show" so important to them?
So now you're thinking, did this crazy bitch just put "travel show" in sarcastic quotes? Yes. Yes I did. Keep reading.
And then there was Sapporo, the most romantic getaway location that two couples can escape to in Japan. It was yet another seemingly romantic getaway with just the two of them where they COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED! We saw noting. Not a single sec of footage or photos from this trip. (other than the airport stuff) Once again, Jikookers gave the bombastic side-eye. Our lot can always tell when something is not quite right.
As someone who invests most of my time in thought equity, I thought alot about these sudden trips. We were constantly being told they were for work. It’s work. Nothing but work. "Travel show" this, and "travel show" that. We were told not to read anything into it other than work.  And that’s when a conversation from 2015 popped right into my head. I asked myself the question - How is it that JM and Jk can travel all over the world when they have just a few weeks left before they have to report for service?  Why are they allowed to leave the country at all? This question plagued me. I even tried to reach out to my friend who told me about this because I had to know. She had never thought about it either. From everything we both knew, soldiers who were about to enter the military could NOT leave the country at all, no exceptions.
Well in typical nerdy-as-fuck Dawnie fashion,  I jumped head first into Korean military code of ethics and Military Manpower Administration to find answers.  Which of course led me to the Enforcement decree of the Korean Military Service Act. What I found changed everything for me. It fundamentally shifted how I perceived the final weeks of Jikook travel patterns just prior to the enlistment.
Let’s get into it:
Please keep in mind that I am not an attorney. I am not a Korean citizen, nor military, nor anything that makes me an expert in this area. I am just reading and researching and drawing my own conclusions. I listed my references so that you can read and draw your own conclusions as well. The entire MMA code is there for you to study.
But the way that I interpreted this: Anyone between the ages of 25 - 27 who has NOT yet fulfilled their military service duty must receive an overseas Travel Permit. Contrary to what I was told back in 2015, members CAN INDEED travel overseas within 12 months of service.  They just have to get permission.  And that makes sense because we know that our guys have been all over the world. Article 145 and 146 are referenced below. This applies to all members because we know they all traveled and none of them at the time of this post had completed their military service.
BTS is not exempt.  If they were, then they would be exempt from serving at all.  They get the same treatment as everyone else, which means they had to get permits to travel.
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The next thing I stumbled upon was HOW permission was granted. What were the circumstances under which they would be allowed to go to either Japan or United States? And this is where I broke out into feverish, uncontrollable Jikook giggles. 
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There was only ONE way that the members could qualify. Check out #7. THEY HAVE TO BE WORKING!
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Ok, let's land this plane shall we?
I don’t know about you, but if I wanted a reason to travel on romantic vacations with my sexy boyfriend to other countries and spend quality time alone while showing off my freshly waxed legs, I could easily pull out a go-pro camera and say that I was “working”. 
Are you following me? Are you picking up what I'm putting down? (My dad says that all the time and I never know what the hell he's talking about)
Now don’t crawl up my ass with your complaints, because this is just my theory.  
For many of these trips JK was working. But JM WAS NOT.  We've already established that he had no verifiable schedules. Sure he may have done a little something here and there, but nothing that matched up with the full timelines that he probably had to add to his travel permit. So how was he allowed to go? The only way he could be granted a travel permit so close to his enlistment is through a working assignment in the country to which he was traveling.  Remember Jk said that the "travel show was not planned." It just kind of happened. 
My theory is that it wasn’t planned because the travel show was just a chicken. 
So Dawnie are you saying the travel show wasn’t really real? Yes, I am. The "travel show" was an event that was never really meant to happen.  It became a convenient excuse to justify them being able to travel for a work trip. The chicken that was just a clever ruse to hide the real intent of this last minute travel.  
But the egg is what actually came first.  And what exactly was the egg? The egg was the very romantic travel between two members who wanted some freaking time alone. They needed to make up for lost time.  They needed to say things that they hadn’t been able to say before.  They wanted to relax in each other’s arms without the world peering in. They wanted their last moments of freedom to be with each other.  Jk had repeatedly begged for JM and JM had repeatedly said no out of necessity. But do you really think there is a world where JM wouldn't give JK exactly everything he wanted? Especially given how miserable they both seemed to be without each other.
Ok so am I possibly over stating this? No, not really.  I don't claim anything sexual happened or that they got married or any other such speculation. But I do claim that this egg - was indeed a very intimate trip based on whatever intimacy means to them. In fact all of the trips were, possibly even the one to Jeju island.
Why else would they spend this time alone at such a pivotal moment when they should have been with their families, pets, parents, friends?  They needed this time together.  And the wildest part is that they knew they were going to be together for 15 loooong months yet they had these very private days alone anyway. We cannot compare the time they spent alone to the time they will spend by each other's sides in military service. We all know that they will have to adopt completely different personas and methods of interaction once inside the military. 
So the last few days alone before going in, allowed them to be themselves and interact organically.  If you don’t believe me - take a look at just how CUDDLY they were after returning from Sapporo. (Jk was fresh off of filming with Usher -another tribute that I feel was for Jimin). But it was their first time seeing each other publicly since their Sapporo trip. It's that same post-vacation cuddly bliss that we saw right after GCFT. I mean just look at them!
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There is absolutely NO reason to hold his hand! You didn't just meet. You don't need to introduce yourselves. They do this whenever they want to hold hands. We all know. HELP!
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HIS FULL FACE IS IN JIMIN'S CROTCH and Jimin just allowed it. How comfortable do you have to be with someone to casually allow this and not flinch or wince or jump AND keep your hands behind your back like nothing is happening. Yet a few minutes ago they shook hands like they just met. Give me a full break LOL!!!
What in the hungry hungry hippo is going on here? This is soooooooo clingy. Keep in mind, at the time of this filming, these two presumably hadn't spent quality time with each for almost an entire year up until they were finally able to travel together. They missed each other alot and it shows.
I am going to link a full video for you down at the end, but watch at 0:34 JK is rubbing his back and they are staring at each other so hard that Namjoon has to break them up and bring them back to earth. Y'all WTF? I am flabbergasted by their post Japan behavior YET AGAIN! You cannot tell me that these two did not bond ever more on that trip. My point here is that these two were acting like they were about to separate for years and never see each other again. But in reality, they were off to the same damn place where they would be stuck together for 15 months. This is why I believe in the egg - not the chicken.
The "travel show" is real and I believe we will get it. However, I don't feel the need to see it like other Jikookers. The reason I am not super amped to see it is because I truly believe it was their egg, their private time. Sure there will be some fan friendly moments that they will have to show us to prove they were on "work" trips. But I think the truth of what those trips meant to them can be seen in their final goodbye above. The smiles, the chemistry, the stares, the reconnection that they so badly needed. That is the true purpose behind those trips and in a way, I wish they could always keep them private. The show within itself is not as it appears to be IMO. It really is just a thinly veiled cover up for two people who wanted some alone-time with each other without having to explain to the world why they needed it.
When it comes, I will watch it of course because I love these two with my entire heart. I will watch anything they share with me.
Again, these are only my theories. We won’t really know for sure what went on until we get the actual travel show.  But again, JK already told us it was a mess and it was unplanned. And that is because it was just a chicken.  Now I shall close where I opened. The age old question of which came first, the chicken or the egg?  The egg of course. The love that these two share, the companionship, the preference for each other, the willingness to sacrifice for each other is the egg. It has always been the egg and it has always come first no matter what.  Everything else we see is a life spawned from the fertile core of their bond. I've always been a feverish delusional Jikooker, but these days my thoughts are grounded I the reality of what I see right in front of me. These two chose to be together during one of the most volatile times in our global. history. They chose the front lines just so they could be together. They sacrificed everything just so they could be together. They will forever be linked by their decision to serve together. I am not even sure any other Idols have ever done this. I tried to find some, but I couldn't. SO they may very well be the FIRST to ever do this. They set history together. They made sure that forever their names are spoken together.
Lastly, I leave you with this. How long have they been planning this? I suspect it was a very long time. My very last theory is this.
Do you remember how strange it was that JM and JK were the lead characters in the Magic Shop? In fact Jimin owned the Magic Shop. Why was there so much emphasis on the storyline between Jimin and Jk? Well guys, I think this is the answer. I think it was back here where they started planning to enlist together. It's also the answer to why they were the only two names listed in the Magic Shop archives.
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It is my theory that Magic shop was indeed about Jikook making the decision to commit to enlistment together. I also believe THIS is why they were the only two names listed during the last Magic Shop scene where they closed the files. (Pic above). Remember how mysterious that was? Well I think we finally have our answer.
Well that is all I have for now. Thank you for reading all of this. I love you, be healthy safe and happy please. See you next time.
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moonsunbam · 2 days
How the hell did it come to people analysing jk's relationship with his family and conclude he's not emotionally close to them?
you only know jungkook. only his brother is in the public eye, mainly because of his brand. And they seem close. Wasn't it jungkook's brother who posted the photo of jk shaving his hair before his enlistment?
jungkook is generally very private with most of his relationships, especially the ones outside of bts (and even with the members he's not the most proactive at sharing)
bts in general seldom talk about their families, because they aren't the ones who chose to be public figures, and so they deserve that kind of privacy.
it's fascinating to me how some of you will use his family to prove jimin is close to them, but at the same time jungkook isn't? make it make sense. (improperly) using his comment about being a mix of the other members, while ignoring what he said about his parents influencing him. and yes, using that comment, more often than not, takes away his individuality and agency. and it's never used the other way around.
being emotionally close doesn't mean being emotionally dependent. That's why you can go some time without hearing from e/o but still feel emotionally close. And being closer to your friends deosn't mean not being emotionally closer to your family. Family and friends are just different types of relationships, even if you consider your friends as your found family, the dynamics are just different and not comparable.
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moonsunbam · 2 days
They take care of each other 💛💜
If we had been paying attention to Jimin, we would have known that Jungkook's knees are giving him some issues, especially the left one it seems.
As always, JK and JM are taking care of each other.
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moonsunbam · 4 days
he is and he knows it
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his boyfriend must be so lucky
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moonsunbam · 4 days
if i had my asks open and a pjm or jjk show up saying shit about jimin or jk to me a JIKOOK ULTIMATE, i would get crazy cause how this people that dont know how to love and respect their own faves acuse me of being a solo? when they both are the same side of a coin kkkk like pls bffr Ă© o sujo querendo falar do mal lavado
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moonsunbam · 4 days
debut yoongi was so in love with hobi and to this day he still is!!!
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moonsunbam · 4 days
Love exists
A few months ago, I received an ask talking about “queer men”, stating that they’re known for casual, not-lasting relationships and that they don’t usually commit to a single partner. I don’t remember anon’s exact words, but it was so messed up and disrespectful that I decided to post just a screenshot of its first lines, to express my disgust and reply without actually disturbing people’s timelines with all that shit.
Lately I’ve tried to inform myself more and be more aware of what the members are actually going through. I wanted to distance myself from all the catastrophic, hell-like scenarios people talk about when they refer to the military life; but I also wanted to consider and reflect on that side, for what it is and isn’t, and for what we can (or at least I can) know, because being honest means admitting that’s not the best environment to be in right now. Mentally, physically, politically speaking as well. The world’s a tense nerve and I dare to say the big majority of the men in there would have chosen to stay home, living their own lives. As Jimin said, “it’s not like I want to: I have to go”.
I’ve come to terms with the fact that it has to be done, or at least I’m getting there. 4 out of 5 stages of grief. Videos of Namjoon pop up on my twitter and I watch them. I don’t know if I’m supposed to or not, but I do. And my first thought is “I miss him”, even though new music is coming and we’ve got content to enjoy of 10+ years worth and it’s not like we shared the same neighborhood anyways. But the truth is I miss the life I know he’s missing. I almost and probably hyperbolically feel like I’m the one who has to go through intense training and early alarms waiting for a free weekend to visit a museum. Because I know he would choose art if he could, instead of arms.
And the more I think about it, the more my brain’s crossed by the same thought-sequence each time: they’re serving and they’re away, they’re gonna settle and come back quickly, I hope they’re safe.
But with Jimin and Jungkook the thought sequence is different, and I catch my brain correcting itself everytime. Cause sometimes I’m eating and ask myself how Jungkook’s doing in those kitchens, and some very often times I start thinking about Jimin cutting his hair the very last day available, and realize how discreetly but honestly he showed his mixed and negative feelings about the departure. I feel the same way I do for the others, that gut thing that hurts my stomach a bit, for a few seconds. Or the resigned expression on my face making me frown.
But then I remember they’re together. And it was so unexpected for me that even now, now that we’ve known for a while, it’s not foregone. I need to remember myself it happened, it’s happenening, they chose each other, and give myself some selfish comfort.
They’re not attached to the hip, that’s a fact. They have different jobs and times, probably interact with different groups of people most of the time and I’m sure they’re facing individual struggles that the other won’t as well. They’re not on vacation.
But what warms my heart is that they’re always coming back to each other. Maybe some days are easier and they’re around each other, but some others are for sure more busy and require them to spend time in different areas of the camp. And even during those times they’re coming back to each other. At the end of the day that’s their peace.
I think we all imagine ourselves in others’ situations sometimes. I do that often, literally projecting my entire life and body and possible feelings/reactions into theirs. And with the members it happens often, even though my personality is probably similiar to a couple of them. During tours, for example, I’m always wondering “how would I feel on that big stage?”, or reading one of their tweet imagining how it feels to post something that gets instantly seen, reposted, commented by thousands and thousands of people.
And since Jin left I’m always thinking “how would I feel, how does it feel?”, because I don’t know what I’d do if I was the eldest of the group, the first one to enlist, and medias, journalists, press, public opinion and “fans” all gathered together criticizing me for not being enlisted yet, telling me to “just hurry up and go”, judging me and putting pressure on me in a way that I’ve probably never experienced before in my long, respect worthy and deserved career. I paved the way for each one of you fools and that’s what I get in return. I’d be mad and exhausted.
With Jimin and Jungkook I tried to imagine how I’d feel if I was thrown in this rough and crazy experience with bullets and everything all over my body, hair cut, number on the helmet and a fucking dog tag around my neck just in case the worst happens, and having someone I love, I know, I trust, I chose to be with, someone I’ve spent years with sharing moments and memories and tears and dreams, fights in the rain and all, by my side. Ending my day in a completely new, challenging, unfair (speaking in terms of principles, above all), uncomfortable environment, and seeing that same face I’ve seen growing changing crying and laughing since we were young dumb and broke. If you let me, that would heal me a little.
Now what I said at the beginning, about anon’s ask, concerns exactly this. I’ll never justify those words, never discuss about it, I’m not opened to conversation with that specific person whoever they are. But I have to admit that goes around a lot. Like a lot. “How can you believe two of the hottest men in Korea have been committed to each other for years?”, or also “why would they commit to each other when they could actually have anyone at anytime everywhere and whenever they want, for one night?”. And I get it, fast food-love-feelings-everything capitalistic society’s idiot, you want that dopamine now and you want it all just to let it go by the morning and crave it again at night. I see it. Lasting things are boring and who wants to be bored and sad, when you can fly high all the time.
My relaxed, white-flag, fast answer right now would just be that love exists. And I’m talking about every healthy, pure, real form of love. Loving books or loving people, loving your cat or loving your mom. It exists and it must be such a crazy chemical reaction for people to experience, because that love made Jimin and Jungkook respect and take care of each other since 2013, even when we couldn’t see it, when it was fresh, new, when it needed attentions and time and surely made them make mistakes like a kid growing up learning he can’t scream in the streets or make doodles on his house’s walls.
I’ve always seen their love as something they’ve raised together. Because it’s easy to fall in love, but loving everyday is a choice and that exact choice for them specifically was harder than it would be for someone else, not in their position. But now I see and believe it’s mature. That love which started from teasing and pushing, flirting, refusing trips or hugs but shyly hugging at night sharing the bed, is now a big boy. It will continue to grow up, it could change shape, it could last forever. As partners, as friends, as people who literally built each other’s lives adding pieces of memories to their stories. Jimin’s helping Jungkook doing his life’s puzzle and viceversa and that’s so, so, so tender. Something deep and pure keeps them tied to each other in the most healthy and committed way I’ve ever seen.
When I replied to that anon, someone in the comments (I don’t wanna bother people with any annoying notification, but the username was something like @/onthecuterside. I hope they don’t mind me mentioning), shared something so beautiful and true that it’s still stuck in my mind. “If you want endless repetition, see different people. If you want infinite variety, stay with one”. A quote from Joni Mitchell. This comment went on talking about the fact that in a long relationship, things die and are rekindled, and this shared process of “rebirth” deepens the love. It’s hard. Sometimes you feel like you can’t stand the person you love anymore and you start thinking they’re assholes. You look like an asshole to them as well. But once you go through it (I’d add when the love is worth doing so), you get closer, you learn a new way of loving each other, warmer and deeper. And that’s when you understand how much the other means to you.
I’m not under their bed neither I’d want to be. So I can’t say if they’ve already experienced this phase or not. We’ve seen periods of tension and moments that looked like break ups, but I can’t bet on it. The only thing I feel like knowing for sure is that they nurture their love every day, in such a gentle, spontaneous but attentive way, that I can’t even describe it. And it’s unique when you realize that, at one point, it doesn’t matter anymore if they’re actually dating or not, opinions about it all die screaming. It’s love, period, and they’re proof it exists.
“They’ll get tired of each other after spending 18 months together”. While my actual thought when I realized (because I didn’t realize as soon as I knew) they enlisted together was: “they’re gonna fall in love with each other again”. They’re gonna crave support and familiarity, someone with their same sense of humor, who understands them and has always done so, they’re gonna meet new good people who are doing what they have to do, just like them, but none of them could ever compare to someone you met when you were 15. They’re gonna need each other and find each other right there.
I know for sure they’re sitting next to each other before bed time, when the sun is down and that forest-like place they’re living in goes quiet, and they’re sharing with each other the new parts of themselves coming out. And that’s when they’ll get to know each other again, and disagree, and relate, and feel understood, seen, heard, and that’s when they’ll have no distractions, absolutely nothing, phone available just for a few hours, and that’s when they’re gonna fall in love again.
“They’ll get tired of each other”. Oh boy. Oh man. They chose each other for years and travelled together before enlisting together, with the companion system they chose to apply to, risking it all and knowing damn well the price they had to pay for it: being together, cool, but in one of the hardest units. And the decision was made anyways. At the end of the day this bond is such a pure celebration of love that nothing touches me anymore. It really was the last piece of the puzzle. They did it privately, quietly, they protected themselves all the time, they had nothing to prove or show to anyone.
When we found out about it, I got reminded of Jungkook’s birthday live when Jin brought him grapes. He told Jungkook: “I’m the only one visiting you, none else came”. And Jungkook nodding, laughing, not denying. But when Jin asked him who visited, name by name, Jungkook confessed Jimin and Hobi had actually been there. Man was like “if you ask me I’ll tell you, nothing to hide. Until then, I keep it low and safe”. And I’m not only talking about Jimin. Jungkook didn’t mention Hobi either. It’s just their way of being, their attitude. If people have nothing to do with who visits Jungkook on his birthday or doesn’t, why would he share that?
Because that’s how it works when you have nothing to prove and your relationships work and live beyond the public space. You protect what you gotta protect, do what you gotta do, and what comes out comes out, what doesn’t doesn’t. And of course we need to take consideration of context: Jikook earned a certain status and reputation, but they still have limits and restrictions that we don’t always see.
There are also endless times when Jimin and Jungkook spent time together and we found out months, days, even years later. And this is why I kept saying “they owe us nothing” to that anon asking how they could ever handle public eye and living together, hypothetically, in the new mansion Jungkook’s getting built.
Jimin and Jungkook enlisted together for themselves, they chose it for their own sake and safety. They knew it was gonna come out, and still, no public statements, no justification. No mention except for Jimin, rapidly, the day before leaving. But why would they? They didn’t do it for us. For you. We have nothing to do with this we’re just sticking our noses in. I’m doing it too lol.
So next time people will piss me off about their bond and love, I’ll follow Jimin and Jungkook’s rules. I do my shit, stay sane and cool, leaving the bitching outside the door. Cause at the end of the day it’s me and my baby that matter, not their moaning. At the end of the day this should have never turned into a ship proving type of thing, into a fandom war, goddamn we should’ve all celebrated it. Treat it with care. All we should be thinking about is for them to stay safe, healthy, sane, praying and hoping they’ll be back before the world fucking explodes.
And if there was a better and warmer way to go through all of this, all the fear and discomfort, and it was together, I can’t see why Jimin and Jungkook shouldn’t have chosen it. I can’t see why people can’t appreciate things worth of support, despite personal opinions or shipping sides. While you’re kicking your feet people keep loving each other and doesn’t it feel like a waste of energy to you?
I’m just so glad love exists, and I’m really willing to gradually stop caring of anything else outside and stay on my floating island cheering for it. Avoidant coping mechanisms but I swear I’ll speak up if needed. I’m just glad I can witness its pure nature between these two young men, in different ways everytime among them all, and I’m glad we’re always talking about choices here, nothing like codependency or toxicity. I’m so glad I can acknowledge this is way too special and delicate to become or be treated as everything it’s not, except for what it is.
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moonsunbam · 4 days
Oh, what a time to be a Sope and Jikook lover!
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MY FAVS đź’•
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Sope and Jikook, then and now!
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moonsunbam · 5 days
i wish jikook appeared on weverse just to say a hi were fine and we love you :( im really anxious cause of this hybe drama and i want to feel like they are really safe and happy dispite everything. i wish bts can Last forever
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moonsunbam · 5 days
im really sad rn and im really missing jikook too
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moonsunbam · 5 days
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moonsunbam · 5 days
calling yourself a fan but always degrading their choices, so fucking pathetic, get a life
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moonsunbam · 5 days
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this is so important 🤍
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moonsunbam · 5 days
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Let that be the motivation
Bcs I’m tired of people not supporting Namjoon the way he should
I’m tired of the people who used to go to his lives to ask him to bring in other members, or to the people who used to say his lives were boring
I’m tired of people saying that his music is for people with a defined palette when it’s just that they don’t think he needs support
They see him as a tool to support a ship or a means to support their faves
And anyone who says they don’t like his music, then are you saying your don’t like BTS’ music?. Because he’s credited as a writer for most of them.
You say you only support your bias, well how about the fact that he co-wrote songs with your bias, the songs you love so much are ones that he helped create
Namjoon has done more than enough to prove that he is worthy of our support, he’s given us his youth and he’s done every single thing he could to protect BTS.
So yes, I’m making it a personal mission that we get Joonie the fucking by flowers he deserves.
And just like I did the promo for Jimin, I’m gonna do it for Namjoonie too.
People say they aren’t antis or don’t hate the 7 or that they love them as well, when then show me, because I do expect others to show up for the one who started this all
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moonsunbam · 5 days
let me rephrase this
i am just so emotional because if you think about it - by the time the schedule for rpwp ends we will almost get seokjin back and until we will have joonie and before that we had hobi and yoongi (with suchwita eps) and… they really just won’t ever leave us alone 💜🥺
oh i love my seven so much
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moonsunbam · 5 days
i think is really funny when people follow gossip acc in twitter, tiktok and ig for kpop cause this people that runs the acc dont know actually any real gossip or info cause these people arent even from korea or arent in any real sasaeng groups on naver (cause that shit is HARD to enter) and to me is so obivious that these accs arent reliable cause sasaengs are known to be people that are extremely rich, like so rich they could buy hybe if they wanted. so to them having real personal info about idols are something really precious that they will not give to anyone who asks them or do an acc in public to share with everyone who wants it. NO. they sell that shit to people who can pay. they arent in social media saying all that shit that gossip acc are saying.
if you ask me how i know this stuff is bc in brazil there a lot of kpopers who are known for being a gossip acc. and its just basic knowlodge too cause to do what they are known to do you need a lot of money that a poor obsessed fan DONT HAVE.
PS: i dont read gossip acc, i dont like this stuff.
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