morrisuniverse · 3 years
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HBD Mitsuhide!
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morrisuniverse · 3 years
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Bellflower Blues
A Mitsuhide Akechi story. This scene occurs around the midpoint of Ch. 8. This is one of my favorite moments … Approx. 1100 words.
Her window was dark. Mitsuhide considered that she might not be there. With the alarm, it was possible that Nobunaga or one of the warlords had taken her someplace else. If so, this errand was a failure. He could only leave the hairpin for her to find. No last moments together. No final goodbye. He ignored the way that thought made his heart clench. It was another sacrifice he would make on the altar of his ideals.
The window opened with little effort. The room beyond was lost in shadow as Mitsuhide peered inside. He could make out only vague shapes. 
“M-mitushide?” Her voice quavered, loud in the silence.
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morrisuniverse · 3 years
A must read for every Mistulover out there.
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Alarm Bells
A Mitsuhide Akechi story. This scene occurs toward the beginning of Ch. 8. Approx 1600 words, fluff and angst.
The days passed in a blur. Long stretches of boredom, punctuated by brutality and the occasional message from Kyubei. Mitsuhide endured one and looked forward to the other. He passed along requests to his vassal and he waited. 
His cheek still felt warm where she’d kissed him. 
In the dark hours, his mind wandered to fantasy. What life could be, had he chosen another path. His little mouse, a wife. Children. The worries of a warlord instead of those that weighed down an assassin and spy. It was a tempting dream. He could not help but plot what it would take to reach such a life, no matter how long the odds of success. Those thoughts got him through the worst nights, a distraction from his hunger and pain.
That was why, when Kyubei delivered his next message, Mitsuhide’s reply included a special request. A bellflower hairpin that once belonged to his mother. A sentimental thing, its only use to remind him of his family. It was among his meager possessions in Azuchi. And now it would serve as a promise.
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morrisuniverse · 3 years
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Shall I stay? Would it be a sin If I can’t help falling in love with you? Ikemen sengoku commission for mineko811, featuring her OC and Mitsuhide together in a romantic snowy night in Gion, Kyoto <3 Thank you so much!! Please, DO NOT Edit/Repost without my/the commissioner’s permission, thanks! (Reblog is okay!)
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morrisuniverse · 3 years
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morrisuniverse · 3 years
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I need to see all these!! Anyone who knows how if you don’t live in Japan?
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morrisuniverse · 3 years
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Intended Consequences
A Mitsuhide Akechi fanfic. This story occurs toward the end of Ch. 7. Approx 2000 words (I know - it’s a long one!). Angsty.
Mitsuhide smiled as the guards kicked and punched him. It wasn’t hard to keep his crescent moon grin in place when he knew it was the only victory he could have over his tormentors. They ripped his nails out, burned him with coals. They threatened to kill him but he knew they wouldn’t go that far. If Nobunaga planned an execution, it would not be in secret like this, at the hands of brutal warriors.
The worst was the humiliation. He refused to eat when they tossed his food on the ground. Sat silent through their taunts. Made no sound when they offered worse to him, pissing at his cell bars or throwing offal at him. Dignity was the one thing he could hold on to. Besides, he needed to cling for only a little while longer.
Kyubei’s secret messages, hidden in the rotten food tossed by one guard in particular, told him the time was coming soon. His agents in Kyoto were moving, and so was his target. This knowledge was all that kept him going. After this, there would be nothing. He’d made sure of that. Mitsuhide thought with luck, he’d die after he dealt with his foe, and perhaps, in death gain some forgiveness from everyone that believed in his betrayal.
He was only glad his little mouse could not see him like this. He wanted her to remember him as he was in their journey and all the sunlit days they spent as he trained her. More than that … 
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morrisuniverse · 3 years
This feels so right to me!
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Mitsuhide and the Maiden
This scene occurs in Chapter 1, before Nobunaga drags MC off to war
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morrisuniverse · 4 years
The Chase (MC, Ieyasu mostly)
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Featuring:  The Oda warlords x MC (Naoki), 
Synopsis: MC gets confronted with an assassin and nursed back to health my Ieyasu.
Disclaimer: All characters are the rightful property of Cybird and I do not claim them as my own. This is just for funzies. 
WARNINGS: angst, death
Also, I have not read Ieyasu’s storyline yet, I just like to imagine him as the medic... 
Wet footsteps running through the woods. The sound of my breath and heartbeat seemed to echo in my head as I ran. The rain was pouring down and not even the tree crowns made much of a cover. My body didn’t notice anyway, all I could think of was to get as far away as possible. I ran until I collapsed on the forest soil, out of breath and out of strength to carry on.
I looked around for followers but I couldn’t see any. I still couldn’t hear anything but my own heartbeat inside my chest so I crawled behind the nearest tree and put my back towards its trunk.  I leaned my head against its rough bark and closed my eyes to try and focus on sounds. Nothing. I focused on taking deep breaths. Nice and slow Naoki, nice and slow. But the monster lurking in the dark did not agree. Adrenalin was pumping through my body and the fear stabbed me in my chest and made my breath ragged. 
What felt like moments ago I had been on horseback. I had felt free like a bird soaring through the sky only I was soaring through an open field. The wind blew in my hair and smelled of flowers and rain. I was happy. Then there was a sound of lightning and something hit me hard in the shoulder. I was knocked off my horse but managed to make a roll and landed flat on my tummy. My horse took off without me wildly whining.
From the edge of the forest I could see the dark silhouette of a man. As he walked closer I could see the rifle in his hand. I touched my shoulder. There was something wet and sticky coming from it but I couldn’t feel it. My brain did a mental note that I had been hit and probably should try to have some first aid done quite soon but for now my focus was on the man walking towards me. What did he want with me? Was he going to kill me? Why? 
He didn’t seem to bother to reload. Instead he drew a sword from his belt and held it towards me. 
“Oda princess! You will give me the pleasure of seeing the face of the warlords of Azuchi when I hold up your head in front of them. Finally I will avenge my family!” 
No thanks. I gathered my strength and stood up to meet him, drawing my katana. 
“Not if I take yours first!” I glared at him and took a stance. 
“So the rumors are true. Azuchi’s princess can fight.” He had a wicked smile on his face and his eyes narrowed. 
Never had I been more thankful for Mitsuhide and Masamunes training. It was like they stood behind me, their voices reminding me of the tactics. I felt calm and collected, just like people describe when put through accidents or life threatening situations. I faced my enemy and decided that this was not my day to die. I would show him that this Oda princess indeed was a force to be counted with.
It felt like forever. The sound of metal meeting metal. My own laboured breathing. Suddenly there was a mistake made and I used it. My sword ran straight through his chest and he gave up a small sigh before his body slumped to the ground. As he fell I let go of my sword and stared down at the lifeless body. I just killed someone. I stood there for what felt like hours until I heard voices screaming something from the forest. All the focus and calm I had felt during the battle fell off me with the raindrops running down my arms and body. I felt panic swell in my heart and throat and I ran the opposite direction from the sound. 
My hand moved towards my shoulder. It hurt now, a searing pain that spread out to my hand and fingers and back to my neck. It was slick with blood that had bled through the fabric of my kimono. I closed my eyes and imagined being back in Tokyo, in the office, designing clothes in a nice, warm room with aircondition and soft chairs. I felt surreal. Maybe it was all a dream? I mean, me, a princess in the Sengoku era, fighting with swords and riding horseback. Surrounded by seven awe striking warlords that adored me. Come on Naoki, does this sound like reality to you? Well, now it turned into a nightmare and it was time to wake up. 
I pinched myself, knocked my head back into the tree trunk, kicked with my feet and screamed. Nothing seemed to help with the waking up. I even thought of the genius plan to poke my wound. The pain almost made me faint but I was still here, in the woods with the rain pouring down around me. I started to feel hopelessness grow inside me and tears dimmed my sight. Within short I was sobbing and wailing in desperation. Was this the end for me? Here in some distant time in the muddy soil? 
My concerns about enemies following me were long forgotten when I suddenly realized there were people moving in the woods. I gasped for air and tried to swallow my tears but then I heard what the voices were calling. 
“Naoki! NAAOOKII!” 
I couldn’t even answer properly. Tears flooded my eyes and my throat only voiced a hoarse whining. I didn’t want them to see me like this. I forced myself up from my hidingplace and just as I did I saw Kuybei’s familiar face show up behind the trees. His eyes met mine and he ran towards me only to have me collapse into his arms.
“My lord! I’ve found her!”
When I opened my eyes again I was lying on my futon in my own room. A pair of big green eyes gave me a grim look. 
“You should sleep some more…”
I felt his hand on my arm as I tried to move. 
“Lie still you idiot. You are far from healed.” There was worry in his voice.
“I’m sorry”
“You better be… riding so far off all by yourself and not telling anyone about it! You are lucky Mitsuhide found you when he did.”
I felt ashamed and looked away. Maybe it had been a bit reckless but sometimes you have to live a little as well. And it surely wasn’t my fault that some revenge mongering moron happened to strike at just that day. I felt anger grow within me, anger for the injustice of being the one to blame but I had no strength to show it, it was only my eyes that blazed.
Ieyasu cleaned up my wound. I must have fainted again from the pain cause when I opened my eyes the next time there was a neatly done bandage around my shoulder and arm. 
“Why are you so stubborn? I’m still not done here, you’d do better just to go back to sleep.”
I looked at him, my eyes still blazin from the anger within.
“Fine. Drink this and try to relax ok?” Ieyasu helped me raise my head a bit and held a cup of something warm next to my lips. It smelled strongly of herbs and it made my eyes sting a bit. I gave him a look, he just nodded at the cup and I decided it was best to follow the doctors orders. As I swallowed I could feel that warmth of the liquid spread to my body and with it a sense of relaxation. Ieyasu gently laid my head back on the pillow. 
“I’m going to see that you have no other wounds that need taking care of, okay.”
I felt how he carefully undressed me, wiping away the grime with a warm cloth, looking for wounds. His touch sent weird sparkles throughout my body. It must have something to do with the drink he gave me. I felt hot and a bit dizzy. As his hand moved up my thighs a light moan left my lips and I got a puzzled look from Ieyasu before he looked away. 
“It’s just the medicine talking…” mumbling, perhaps to himself while his cheeks turned adorable red. 
Just pretend she is a soldier. He told himself. Of course, if she was he wouldn't be doing the washing and aid of the small wounds but he didn’t want to leave her in the hands of anyone else. He needed to see for himself that she was safe and that he had done everything he could. He had seen small wounds fester and cause seemingly healthy men to die in front of him. It would not happen to her and it was his responsibility. 
It was with a medic’s eyes he undressed her legs and started cleaning them. Removing the grime and dirt and making sure nothing was left to infect the abrasions. Her skin was so soft. For a moment he lost himself in the feeling, that’s when he heard a sound leave her lips. He woke up from his thought only to realize… he blushed and looked away. You are the medic Ieyasu. Focus! He covered her legs with blankets to keep her warm, then he took a deep breath. He needed to check for wounds on her upper body too. Just pretend she is a soldier… 
He took a new cloth and wringed out the water over the steaming bowl. Slowly he started with her hand and healthy arm. Finding a few scratches he carefully applied salve to them before continuing to her shoulders, neck and her chest. She was so beautiful, so small yet so strong. There were marks on her body where she had been hit by the sword, bruises and cuts. He felt anger towards the man who had done this to her lovely body but she had already avenged herself. He was still as astonished as when Mitsuhide had told him. That they’d found her sword deep impaled into the thug’s chest. A bit of him wondered how she was going to handle her first kill. But she was strong, their princess, both in body and mind. She would find a way, like they all had, and they would be there for her.
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morrisuniverse · 4 years
Such pretty art!
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Choose your fighter…ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡♡ 
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morrisuniverse · 4 years
It is always ok to cry...
Can I request (and I’m sorry if this is lengthy lol) oda + ut forces reacting to an MC who is too afraid to cry in front of them because she thinks they’ll believe she is weak, but has such a terrible day she ends up breaking down to them, all of these feelings... fears coming out? Thank you!! ❤️
oooo, I’m a sucker for comfort, ngl. I love this request!
ODA + UT Forces w/ MC too afraid to cry worried they’ll believe she’s week
Oda Forces:
Nobunaga Oda
All day he had been receiving reports from maids that something was off with you, that you had been caught shedding a few tears behind a curtain, attempting to conceal yourself from anyone. 
He cursed the workload in front of him, preventing him from at that moment getting up and going to find out whatever was wrong.
However when Hideyoshi had came with an annual report, and mentioned how he saw you in the garden with your knees huddled close to your chest, he practically said, “Fuck it,” and tossed everything aside, making way to you. 
Like Hideyoshi said you’d be, he found you in the castle garden, sitting before the pond, your fingers trailing within the water to create ripples, and your chin buried within the dent between your knees. 
He wasted no time in approaching you, calling your name out, and you almost fell into the pond with surprise at the deep voice calling behind you. You smiled at him, called back to him sweetly; “Nobunaga! Oh, are you done with work? You must be so tired. If you just give me a few more minutes I’ll come up and I can read you a story, or we can play go— wah!”
He stops you by slinging you over his shoulder, and carrying you up to his tenshu without a word. 
He can see the tears that still cling to the corner of your eyes. He can see your flushed face. He can hear the way your voice is cracking. You are not going to get yourself out of this. He will find out whatever is wrong. 
He plops you carefully on the futon, and leans above you. He unfastens the front of your kimono and lays upon you, his ear resting upon where your heart is inside your chest. “Nobunaga? What are you doing?” you question. Your voice still cracks even then. It’s painful to him. 
“Remember when you gave me your heart? This carries so much within. It carries your joy, your excitement, your love, your sincerity, and it carries your sadness.
“This heart belongs to me. I won this heart. I won your joys and your love, and your sadness, and now I want to know what it is that makes this heart carry such sadness now. You will hide your tears no more.”
You’re silent, and he waits patiently for you to say something- anything. After what felt like an hour to you, but only minutes to Nobunaga, he feels your body shake beneath him, then hears the wretched sobs escape your mouth. He removes the hand you place over your eyes, and begins to place gentle kisses upon your face, tongue collecting the tears that fall gracefully down your cheeks. 
He lets you cry everything out, and his lips are there to take away every tear, and gentle fingers there to lovingly comb through your hair and stroke you. 
When you’ve finished crying, you tell him everything that is upsetting you, and he listens and holds to every word, memorizing everything you say so once he’s done comforting you he can right away begin to fix whatever is hurting you.
You’re very tired afterwards, and he tucks you into the futon, cuddling Bersace next to you. He kisses your forehead, and waits for you to fall asleep — the whole time he is lovingly stroking your head, humming to you, and responding to your small mumbles. Once you are asleep, he sets right out to fix whatever it is that is upsetting you.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
mama bear mode on
He hears through gossip between two maids that you suddenly bursted into tears whilst helping them with their duties. Once he questioned the maids, they explained how you had been apparently off all morning before finally breaking down and begging they pretend it never happened. 
He’s like a man on a goose hunt looking for you. He thought you would be in  your shared room, but when he went there, you were no where to be found. He was marching all around the castle, demanding people tell him if they’d seen you or not. It was Mitsuhide who was in the end able to tell him you had gone into town.
He marched through the streets once more, until he finally found you at a tea shop, alone, with your head bowed and a small cup in front of you— your favorite meal there too. He could see the droplets of tears still gliding down your cheeks, hitting harshly against the wooden table. 
Hideyoshi called to you, and the moment you saw him you were frantically wiping at your tears, and smiling at him, trying to pass off as if you were just there a second ago weeping. 
He is so gentle. And you know by how sweetly his hands roam up and down your arms, rubbing behind your back, and stroking at your hair, that you’ve not been able to convince him whatsoever nothing is wrong. You allow yourself to bow your head again once more, and fall against him. Your head rests within the crook in his neck. He can feel your hot and shaky breaths against his skin. 
“Darling, what’s wrong?” he asks kindly. 
You break down to him, telling him whatever it is that is troubling you. He listens to everything, and speaks when needs to. He holds onto you and he doesn’t let go of you once. His hands are always comfortingly caressing you, reminding you he is there and that his warmth will not go. 
However, his breath hitches when in the midst of your rant, you admit that you did not want him to find you. 
“You were hiding from me?” He asks rather dumbfounded. You nod slowly, and Hideyoshi frowns, pulling away from you so he can cup one cheek with his hand, and the other cup your neck. 
“MC, don’t ever hide from me, please, especially if you are hurting. It is so important that you come to me, because I can not live with myself knowing you are suffering alone. Why would you not want to see your tears.”
“I was afraid you’d find me weak if you saw me crying. No one likes a crying woman.”

Hideyoshi snorts, rolling his eyes. 
“Did Ieyasu put that in your head or something? Never in a million lifetimes would I think you were weak. Before we even knew we were in love, I could see that there was no man, woman or thing that could ever match your strength. 
“Crying does not make you weak, my dear. It’s not something that you must feel the need to hide. Do you know how many of my men I’ve found crying? More than you would think. I don’t tell them they are weak, I tell them to let it all out now while they can so they can go into battle stronger than before.
“Let everything out now, my love, and I promise that afterwards you’ll be able to heed forward from this stronger than ever. And I will be there besides you, not once leaving your side, to watch as your strength grows.”
Ieyasu Tokugawa
He wasn’t surprised at first to find you in the gardens, holding Wasabi flush against your breasts as you cuddled the fawn. What surprised him was when he got closer, he could see clearly there were tear streaks down your cheeks — numerous ones at that. 
He hadn’t seen you at all that day. He had woken up pretty early, left to do work, came back to your shared room in hopes to see you but you were not there. He walked around his manor, asked maids, all of whom said they hadn’t seen you either. 
Ieyasu, frankly, started to get incredibly worried. He felt ease and comfort in his heart when he found you, but now the rush of anxiety was coiling within him once again now having found you, crying. 
You don’t seem to see him. He kneels before you, hand slowly reaching out so a nimble finger caresses lightly against your cheek, just below your puffy eyes. You jump, startling Wasabi who quickly pounces from your lap. 
“Ieyasu? Oh, um— did you need something?” 
He recognized the tactic where you tried to distract him, or lead him astray from something. It never worked. It certainly would not work now. 
He frowned, brows creasing together, and he sits in front of you. He carefully reaches for you, pulling you towards him so you sit on your knees between his legs, and your faces are inches from each other. 
With you closer to him, he can see by how glassy your eyes are you are still holding back tears, and by the way your lip quivers you are struggling to do so. He sighs, one hand moving up and down your arm, and the other resting on your waist, gently, holding onto you. “Are you going to tell me why you are sitting here alone, in the garden, cuddling Wasabi crying?” His comment is gruff, but his tone is tender.
He cares. 
The truth is, it makes him so, incredibly uneasy to see and know you are sad, or hurt, or in any time of pain, whether it be physical or mental. He wants to fix whatever it is so he can see that once infuriating but now golden, beaming, beautiful smile of yours. 
“I’m embarrassed,” he hears you mumble— he just barely hears it. 
He questions you, gets no answers at first, but finally something seems to break within you and you’re letting everything out. Not only agonized words but the tears once again too, as they come pooling down your cheeks like a broken dam. As you speak, he listens to every word you say, and moves to sit beside you so he can cuddle you against his side. His arm wrapped around your shoulder, hand in your hair combing through your locks. 
“I’m embarrassed because I don’t know why I’m so sad. I woke up this morning, and I couldn’t pin point it, but I felt so distraught and it was hard to do anything. And I didn’t want you to see me like this so I tried to just hide myself. I was so… scared of you to see me like this. I already feel so weak, and I know you’ll see me weak too like this. 
“I remember the first time I cried to you, and I hated it because god knows what you were thinking when you saw me. I never wanted to cry in front of you again.”
Ieyasu lets you speak before he says anything. He’s frankly hurt; why would you think he’d find you weak for crying? Were you really so terrified of him seeing you like this? When at a time like this, feeling broken and disconsolate, he should be the first person you come to so he can ease and assure you, and remind you you are loved. 
When he knows you are done talking, he turns your face towards him so you can look straight into his evergreen orbs. His voice is deeper than usual, as now he finds himself having to fight back emotions he never likes to show. 
“Don’t ever… ever presume something like that of me. I could never find you weak. Everyday I find you strong, and crying one day doesn’t change that. Even if you cried every day, dammit, I’d still find you so, incredibly, unbelievably strong.
“Do you realize how much that hurts me?”— he shushes you as you try to interrupt — “I care so much about you, and it troubles me to see you like this. I can’t bare it! 
“I don’t want you to ever hide from me again. If you’re ever feeling like this, even if you don’t know why, I don’t care if I’m working or in a war council, you come to me. I know I’m not always good at being affectionate, or good with words, but I’ll always be there to remind you just why I love you, why I’ll always care, and while I’ll always wipe your tears away.”
He does just that, kissing away every tear that continues to fall, tenderly. 
Wasabi makes his way back to you both, nestling his way between you two, adding onto the comfort. At such a sight, even with all the emotions pouring out between you two, Ieyasu finds himself smiling. With the arm around your shoulder, he pulls you tighter against, and the other arm goes to wrap around Wasabi. 
“I’m sorry,” he hears you whisper into his shoulder. 
He kisses the top of your head. “You’ll never be weak to me.”  
Masamune Date
Embarrassment tingled within your chest as you froze in place, the plates you were bringing into the kitchen to help the cooks now all shattered in front of you. The cooks were quick to assure you that all was fine, but at that point you could already feel the burning sensation of your tears behind your lids, threatening to spill. 
And of course, Masamune had to come in, ready to use the kitchen to cook up something new. He was grinning, and he started to tease you about the shattered plates, helping you and the cooks to pick up the pieces. But it was when he saw you smile at him and tell him you had to leave that he figured something was wrong— whether it be about the plates or not. 
He knows your smile better than anyone. Knows it off the back of his hand. That smile you gave was no real smile. It camouflaged whatever it was you were truly feeling. 
He thanked the cooks and quickly went off to find you. He found you in the halls, on your way to your room, but he ran in front of you, stopping you by the shoulders.
It felt like a dagger in the chest when he saw you; your face was red, lips quivering, eyes watery. But even so, you smiled at him and told him you were fine, just needed to do something. 
“I’m not daft, lass. I can see something is wrong.”
He wraps his arm around your shoulder and pulls you against him, crushing you against his chest. He can feel you breaking beneath him. You start to push on his chest, demanding that he let you go, but he refuses, and instead wraps the other arm around you.
“I can’t do that, kitten. I need to know what’s wrong first.”
“It doesn’t matter. I don’t want you to see me crying. So just let me go and we can talk about it later when I’ve composed myself.” 
He could feel your tears soaking the cloth of his kimono— the dams behind your eyes had broke, flushing out streams of salty, bitter tears. 
He pulls back from you, but not to let you go. He cups your cheeks with both his hands, thumbs wiping tenderly at the tears. You try to pull your face from his hands but his grip, gentle as it is, is still strong, and you can’t budge. 
“No, no, kitten. I’m not letting you go. I understand you are upset, which is why I need to stay with you. And why are you so adamant I don’t see your tears, lass?”
You mumble. 
“Say that again?
“You’ll think I’m weak!” you snap. 
Masamune stares at you slightly dumb-shocked before he snorts and laughs, pulling you back in for another bone crushing hug. “Weak! That is the last thing I would ever think of you. Why would you think that a few tears would make you weak?”
“It’s not just a few tears.”
“Hmm, even so, they don’t make you weak. Everyone cries once in awhile, lass, just like everyone has bad days, which you seem to be having. You need to tell me when you’re sad, and need to show me when you’re crying so I can make things better, love. Please promise me next time you will not try to hide your pain from me. I want to be the only one who can see you cry, and the only one who can wipe your tears.”
You nod slowly, hum in pleasure when his lips start to kiss up your neck, to the trail of tears on your cheek, moving upwards, tongue swiping at the droplets. 
The rest of the day is spent with Masamune making sure you feel properly comforted; not just with soft kisses and gentle touches, but with food and gifts too.
Mitsuhide Akechi
There was nothing more that you hated then the burning sensation of tears behind your eyes, that pricked the inside of your lids painfully, threatening to pool like a tidal wave. 
Alone in your room, no one to see you, especially Mitsuhide, you sighed, allowing yourself to cry— everything you had been holding back from this terrible week all let loose, and you hunched forward as sobs rocked your body. 
You stopped yourself, however, when you heard the sound of footsteps approaching your door. You quickly grabbed a handkerchief and wiped your face as best as you could.
In no way did you want Mitsuhide to see you like this. You always stood tall and firm for him, never letting him see any other side of you that wasn’t happy, optimistic and cheerful. 
The door slid open, revealing your smirking boyfriend, Mitsuhide. You give him a wide smile, trying your best to hide the fact that you were crying just mere moments ago. 
Of course, you should have known better since this is Mitsuhide after all, and he knew before you probably even knew that something was wrong. 
He hums, the back of his knuckles gently caressing your cheek bones. In a rather sultry voice, he says, “My dear, your cheeks are incredibly red.” His index finger ran down a long, white streak. “And your face is marked with lines. 
“What are you hiding?” 
You frown, at that, realizing you are caught and there really was no way you could hide anything from him. So you explain whats been bothering you, doing your best not to cry again, however, your emotions failed you as the hot tears again began to slide down your face. 
At every tear, Mitsuhide is wiping them away. Though he smiles whilst he listens to you, there is a sharp pain in his heart seeing you so distraught, and knowing that you were trying to hide any of this from him. He asks you, and you confess, telling him how you hate for anyone to see you cry— especially him. He smiles, pushing strands of hair behind your ears, and he pulls you in for a hug, his warm arms encircling around you, embracing you tightly. He tucks your head underneath his chin, and strokes your hair down the flat of your back.
“I understand that, however I’d much prefer you tell me if something is wrong. It will not change what I think of you if I see you cry. So next time, do come to me and I can comfort you from the start. Do not hide yourself from me.” 
You nod, and he pulls back so he can kiss your forehead, nose, then finally your lips. His lips trail up against your cheeks, kissing at the stains the tears left behind. Against your skin, his hot breath tickling the soft flesh, he whispers, 
“Every tear of yours is mine to kiss away. Remember that.”
Mitsunari Ishida
The unfortunate truth of the matter was that just about everyone in Azuchi castle except Mitsunari could see there was something wrong with, and see you facing an eternal struggle, since that very morning when you trudged out of your shared room with Mitsunari wearing a very despondent look. 
It was clear to everyone you were trying to hide the fact that something was quite wrong, and that something was obviously making you very, for lack of a better word, sad.
In all truth, you didn’t even know what was making you sad and so desperately wanting to cry. And that angered you all the more. You hated to cry, and you hated for anyone to see you cry. The idea of someone seeing you at your most vulnerably moment as you shed tears terrified you.
You were so mesmerized by the idea that it made you weak if anyone saw you cried, so at this moment you were happy that Mitsunari was as dense as he is, and couldn’t really see that something was truly wrong. 
However, it’s Ieyasu in the end who knocks some sense into him — with the help of Hideyoshi. Mama-bear must keep peace in the castle — that something was wrong, and at that Mitsunari was making haste to your room where he knew you were working on your latest sewing project. 
He opened the door, and everyone was right; you were in your room halfheartedly sewing a kimono, your head bowed and hair in your face to hide the fact that any sort of tears could have fallen. 
When you noticed Mitsunari in the doorway, you screeched, and quickly started to pick yourself up, attempting to conceal the tears you were shedding just seconds ago. But now he knows, and they’re is no more hiding it. 
He is in front of you in seconds, that angelic face of his baring a deep frown and puppy like eyes as he looks into yours, now a hazy red. He’s holding your face in your hands, and shushing you with a kiss as you try to get yourself out of the mess you’ve got yourself into. 
When he pulls back, he can see your eyes quaking once again, and your lip now trapped between your teeth. 
“MC?” his voice is so sweet, and quiet. “MC?” he calls again. 
And you break down. 
“Oh, god, I’m sorry—“
“Don’t apologize,” he hushes. “I’m sorry I didn’t see sooner that you were hurting. Please tell me what’s wrong. Let me fix whatever it is.”
You shake your head, hands coming up to grip the hems of his shirt tightly, pulling him closer to you as if it were even possible to do so. “I don’t know, I don’t know. I don’t know what’s wrong, but I can’t stop crying. I don’t want to cry in front of you.”
Mitsunari hums, his arms wrapping around you. “That’s fine, MC. You don’t need to know what is wrong. Just let it out, I’ve got you. I promise I won’t let you go. Not ever.”
Mitsunari sticks to his word, of course, not letting you go once— holding onto you for the entirety of your tears. When you settle down, he lays with you in the futon, coaxing you to rest and allow the gentle ministrations of his fingers combing through your hair to lull you to sleep. 
There would be time afterwards where he could assure you there was no reason to ever hide your feelings and emotions, your tears and your cries from him ever. For now, what was important was holding you and letting the warmth of his arms remind you that he is here, and he’s never going away.
Uesugi + Takeda Forces: 
Kenshin Uesugi
Since the very beginning emotions have been something that confused him, but it was only till he met you that he learnt to validate them. 
Kenshin was all too familiar with the burning ache in his chest and the confliction that emotions brought on. He struggled with it every day. It was always you that brought him closure to these emotions, and held and assured him, it was ok to feel such burns of feelings. 
“It is feelings and emotions that shape us, love. I find every little chord of yours to be nothing but utterly beautiful.”
He cherishes those words. 
And because he finds your emotions to be just as beautiful to him, it is what makes it all the more painful that you would hide them from him. If feels like a cruel twist of fate to find you hiding in the kitchen — the last place he’d ever think to find you — crying alone in attempt to conceal from him the true pain you’re feeling.  
He doesn’t understand why. You tell him all the time just how important it is to be open with you and for him to share how he feels. So why are you now here, a broken mess, confessing to him how you were scared he’d find you crying. 
It makes him angry, and he hates that it makes him angry, but he’s just so confused and hurt as much. It’s like his own dagger has gone piercing through his heart, and you were the one to shove it in there. 
And it makes him even more angry that as soon as you see the burdened expression on his face, you’re trying to comfort him, when he should be trying to comfort you! 
He finally manages to ask, “Why,” and your answer surprises him, yet he finds himself coming to understand. After all, he’s the same:
“I didn’t want you to think I was weak. I’m so sorry. I really am. I just… I feel so vulnerable when I cry, and so useless, and pathetic, and I want to seem nothing but strong to you. So I tried to hide them. I’m sorry. It was stupid of me.”
He shakes his head, his arms finally enclosing around you to pull you flush against him, cheek resting upon his heart so you can hear it’s steady drum. 
“No, it’s far from that. I finally understand, and that is because I am the same. Why it took me so long to figure that out, I don’t know, but I finally see. 
“We both, I can tell, have far to come in sharing our emotions with each other. We both struggle, but that’s alright, I know through our love we will overcome it, and by time be able to be more expressive of our feelings. 
“We must cherish both our happy and sad emotions. They shape us into who were are now. There is nothing to be ashamed of the negative emotions — you taught me that. Let me reciprocate that lesson to you.
“You are so far from ever being weak. Even as you cry, you are stronger than I could ever be. Do not forget that. Let me hold you for the rest of the night, and don’t hold back your tears. Let out whatever needs to be released. I promise I’ll kiss them away, and I won’t ever stop.”
Yukimura Sanada
You clenched your fists at your side, cursing yourself for even feeling the burning liquid behind your eyes.
Everything about this week had gone, totally, utterly wrong, and you were at your breaking point. But you refused to cry, always did. 
You never wanted anyone, let alone Yukimura, to think you were weak in any sort of way. 
He’s said before he’s awkward and lost when it comes to a crying woman. It terrified you; You wanted to be nothing but strong for him.  
So whenever you felt the need to cry, you found ways to stop yourself without showing it to Yukimura that you were so close to a breakdown. But at this moment, it seemed you couldn’t stop yourself. No matter what you tried to do, you couldn’t stop the tears from brimming.
You bit your cheek when you heard the loud footsteps of Yukimura— you just needed to get away. If you could only get away, he wouldn’t see you about to break.
It was too late, however.
He stood in front of you, a smile on his face as he was about to share with you a funny encounter with Sasuke, but the grin he bared quickly faded when he noticed how red your eyes were, and how they quivered. How your body seemed to shake, how you hiccuped due to your attempts to prevent yourself from crying. 
He was so gentle, his hands slowly reaching up to hold your cheeks. You clenched your eyes shut to stop the tears. You could feel them— it burned, and you just wanted it to stop. 
His voice was so soft: 
“MC? Whats wrong?” 
His touch was even more. His rough and calloused thumbs gently stroked beneath your eye. You went to speak, to tell him nothing was wrong, but the moment you opened your mouth you hiccuped and seemed to hitch forward, the tears escaping, as did a wretched sob. 
Yukimura caught you, of course. His hands cupping the back of your head as he pulls you against his chest, holding you to him. His arms enclose around you, protectively; one arm wraps over your shoulders so he can continue to hold your head. The other is at the small of your waist, his thumb gently kneading. 
“Whatever is wrong, I promise I’ll fix it. It will be ok, MC, I promise.” 
He gently coaxed you into tell him what was upsetting you so much, and through breathless sobs and hiccups, you broke down everything that was weighing on you and everything that had made this day so bad. 
He listened and hung to every word you said, wiping your tears and stroking your hair, and waiting for you to finish. When you did, he took your hand and lead you to the garden at Kasugayama Castle, sitting you down on a small bench. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close to him so you could rest your head on his shoulder, and he could continue to stroke your hair.
“You should have told me sooner. Why were you holding all of this in?” 
You confessed your fear; “I didn’t want you to think I was weak for crying. I want to always be strong for you.” 
Yukimura sighs situating himself and you so that you’re facing each other and he can cup your small face in his hands. “Remember not too long ago when I lost all those men to Kennyo, and how broken and defeated I was?” You nod— how could you forget. “It was you who convinced me then and there that even as I broke down, and even though I had lost my men, I was still strong, and it did not change or affect who I was. 
“That goes for you too. We can’t always hold back our emotions, and that’s fine. You taught me that. Don’t be afraid to hold back your emotions from me, because I can promise you that in no way would I ever think you coming to me, whether it be jumping with joy or crying, would make you weak.
“I am honored when you come to me with how you feel. 
“I know I am not the best either at expressing emotions and how I feel, so maybe this is something we can work on together.” 
You smile up at him, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I’d like that.”
Shingen Takeda
To hear the cries of his princess was the last thing he wanted to endure— what hurt more was the knowledge you gave him that you were trying to hide from him just the pain you were going through. 
This day had been nothing short of terrible for you. You messed up a kimono you were working on, a project you had been so excited to start. You got in an argument with a female friend you had made whilst in this time period, and the argument would seemingly have a lasting affect on the friendship. You accidentally spilt tea on a pile of Shingen’s work— he assured you all was fine, but you knew he was just saying that to calm you, and this was the breaking point.
After the spill of tea, you barged out the room, telling him you would be back soon. Shingen isn’t stupid, and he knew that something was wrong. So of course, he followed you, and he found you in the bedroom snuggled under the blankets, trying to hide yourself from the world. 
He heard you tell him to go away, your voice cracking pitifully. When he knelt down in front of you, he could see, though most of your face was hidden by the blanket, you were on the brink of tears. Your body was shaking and your lip quivered. 
“My love? It was just a few papers you dampened, nothing too serious.”
“It’s not just the paper,” you start, “but everything has gone so, terribly wrong today— and please, just go away. I don’t want you to see me like this.”
Any other day he would have respected your wishes, but he couldn’t help but wonder why you were so adamant on him not seeing you cry.
 And besides that, he couldn’t leave you alone crying. 
So he stayed, and pressed you for an answer. When he finally did get one, you let all your tears out, unable to hide them any longer. Shingen listens to every word, stroking your hair and every so often wiping a tear away. When you’ve finished, he pulls you from the futon and situates you on his lap. He pushes your hair behind your shoulders and presses a gentle kiss to your jaw.
“First of all, It hurts me to hear you’ve had such a terrible day. I want everyday to be one filled with wonders. Of course, I know that can’t always happen, but it still brings pain to hear that today was so bad. 
“Second, my love, please don’t ever be afraid to show your true emotions to me. I don’t want you to cry alone, when you can cry in my arms and I can comfort you. So please, my love, next time come to me, and don’t hide your tears.”
Sasuke Sarutobi
Sasuke, the clever boy he is, could tell right away that something was wrong the moment you entered the war council with your hair a mess, cheeks flushed, and eyes glassy. 
He know you better than anyone, and he can tell when you are hiding something, specifically your feelings. He can see you are fighting back tears as Kenshin speaks, discussing next motives for attack on the Oda forces. 
He first thought maybe you were upset being forced to listen to Kenshin discuss plans to, as in Kenshin’s words, “destroy every single one of those weaklings that get in my way to Nobunaga’s head,” but as he kept a close eye on you, he could see it was something more.
This was not the first time you had to listen in on these type of councils. And the moment you had walked in you were distant and out of it. Whatever was making you sad had nothing to do with war motives. 
You startled him, and everyone in the room, by suddenly jumping up, a clear and fake cover up smile on your face, announcing you needed to go and do something. He watched you leave the room in a hurry, hands balled at your sides. 
Sasuke waited a few moments before looking at Kenshin, who gave an exasperated sigh before nodding, giving permission to Sasuke to go and figure out what is wrong.
At super ninja speed he is at your room in seconds, sneaking in without you noticing. He watches you sitting on the balcony, crying softly into the palm of your hands. 
It breaks his heart.
He can’t bare to see you like this.
He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, carefully approaches you, resting a hand on your shoulder, and you practically jump two feet in the air at that. You try to pass it off, wiping furiously at your tears to pretend they were never there; “Oh, Sasuke! I’m sorry I walked like that, I just had something to do. I’ll apologize to everyone, it was rude of me, I will go back in a minute if you just give me a second to—“
“You’ve been crying.” 
Immediately you shake your head, rambling on a again but Sasuke sits on his knees in front of you, stopping you from your prattling by resting his thumb on your lip. 
You take a few deep, shallow breaths. He watches as your eyes begin to water once again, though you furiously fight to hold them back, and feels as your lip quivers against his thumb, and your body starts to shake. Before he can say anything, you curse before dropping your head and allowing the tears to fall once again. 
He is quickly pulling you against his chest, turning your head so your cheek rests upon his heart. Your arms wrap around his torso, and his arms wrap around you— one hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles. The other arm hooks beneath your legs, pulling you so you’re on his lap and he can cradle you properly. 
“I don’t want you to see me this way,” you repeat a couple times. “Please, go away.”
“No, I’m not going to do that. I can’t do that. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I did that?” 
“Please, I don’t want you to think I’m weak.”
Sasuke frowns, pulling back softly so he can look properly into your eyes to see if you are serious. 
You are. And he’s confused. Why would he think you were weak for crying?
He pulls you back flush against him, and rests his cheek upon the top of your head. 
“Did you know that emotional crying is still one of the human bodies greatest mysteries. Scientists still can’t find an answer today — ok, 500 years in the future, today — as to why people cry. Although, they can answer that crying is more than just a symptom of sadness, but can be triggered by a whole mix of emotions.”

“Why are you telling me this Sasuke?”
“Well, do you think emotions make you weak?”
“Exactly, you tell me that all the time. So why would crying make you weak, if it is something triggered by emotions. It only makes you more human. We all cry, and that’s ok. It’s a normal, human thing. So don’t try to hide form me your tears. I want to be the one that wipes them away, and holds you to make you feel better. I can’t do that if you don’t show me your tears, or tell me something is wrong. Please don’t ever hide yourself and what you’re feeling from me. Don’t hide your tears and suffer alone.”
You listen to everything he says, clinging to every comforting word. He presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head, and holds you as you tell him everything that could possibly be wrong and hurting you. 
And as you make a promise to him you’ll no longer hide your tears from him, he makes a promise to you that he’ll continuously support you, comfort you, and hold you for as long as he has you, whilst you cry.
MasterlistRules For RequestsRequests are closed!!
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morrisuniverse · 4 years
I just recently found out about these plays and I’m searching YouTube for all the content I can find. I wish there was a way for me to travel to Japan and watch this or at least find the whole thing to stream.
Also, I wish I knew japanese.😁
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morrisuniverse · 4 years
I had no intention of reading Kenshin’s route until I saw this. This Kenshin makes my heart flutter and my knees shake! 
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morrisuniverse · 4 years
❤  Mitsuhide ❤
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morrisuniverse · 4 years
As a ikesen AND catlover I am beaming over these!!!
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Ok so I said I was going to do some cats design for Ikesen. Have Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide. I’m not really happy with how Nobunaga’s look, he looks way too small so I might redo him later on.
And yeah I gave them warrior names bc fun, I didn’t know how to name Mitsuhide so here you have my two options and also yeah I used monkey in hideyoshi bc what other name was I suppose to use?? Also yeah I know, I wrote Nobunaga’s name wrong
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morrisuniverse · 4 years
I feel like I’m there in the Sengoku period, enjoying myself with the Oda warlords and their whims. 
Promise You Won’t Disappear
Part 5 Masamune Finale
By @ikesensrandomninjagirl (Feb 2020)
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku (An alternate route)
Links: See my Masterlist or the beginning of Romantic Standoff or Masamune’s Finale Part 1
Characters: Mai (Traditional MC), Masamune, Ieyasu, Mitsuhide, and Nobunaga.
Disclaimer: All characters are the rightful property of Cybird and I make no claim on them as my own.
Word Count: 3100
WARNINGS: Contains Mature Content 18+ (violence and sexual content)
Masamune was laughing at her.
How could she be this embarrassed when just a few minutes ago he had been kissing her senseless?
“I have never even touched armor before Masamune! Please stop laughing!” Mai’s cheeks felt like they were on fire and that certainly wasn’t helping her deductive reasoning.
“I’m sorry kitten. You just look completely bewildered. I’ve never seen anyone have this much trouble with it either. Are you sure you don’t want a hint?”
“No! I’ll figure it out!”
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morrisuniverse · 4 years
This is absolute magic! So beautifully written.
Rue | Mitsuhide x MC [Prompt List Request]
Chosen Prompt: Angst 2 - “Please Don’t Cry.”
Okay, so it’s three in the morning and I am t i r e d™ so I’m going to be really brief with the description on this one.
First: This is angst. It’s sad. It’s also quite graphic and violent because that’s just apparently where my head goes to when I think of Mitsuhide angst, so please only read if that’s something you’re comfortable with.
Second: This contains descriptions of Kyubei’s physical form which are entirely my own imagination and speculation.
Whenever reading my content including Kyubei, do not take my descriptions of him as anything remotely indicative of what he may look like. I don’t claim to know what Kyubei in IkéSen’s universe looks like, but I have my own imagined perception of his physical appearance, and as such, I use that in my writing so that I don’t have to dance around describing him and ruin the flow of scenes he’s involved in.
Summing up: no one knows what Kyubei looks like as of now as far as I’m aware. I’m describing him because I made up an appearance for him in my head. That means zilch in relation to the game, so don’t place any weight in my descriptions, please.
About This Fic:
Title: Rue
Pairing: Mitsuhide x MC
Word Count: 15,614
Page Count (9pt Overlock Font; Rounded Up): 19
TW: Intense graphical violence; death; gore; graphical war and wound imagery. Not for the faint-hearted or those uncomfortable with violence.
Proof-Reading Status: Proofed; please forgive overlooked errors or inform me of them so that they can be corrected.
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