mouisorange · 1 year
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mouisorange · 1 year
Okay but imagine reader did escape Hera “for good”, but they ended up in a village where they’re mistreated, which includes the “boy next door” using them at a bar to show how strong they are.
Reader gets out of the bar to take a breather, but when they come back, they see him on the ground, youth writhering away from him, and Hera standing in front of the corpse.
“See? These mortals know nothing about you. Now come along.”
Before you can answer, she picks you up and walks out of the bar. Could be the Stock Holme syndrome kicking in, but you fully embrace Hera’s “kindness”
The constant supervision would be too much for anyone. Even sending her birds to watch over you and having crows, peacocks even, trying to perch themselves on your shoulders gets to be irritating enough for you to drag your feet back to Hera most times. Even after you run away, birds seem to be after your shoulders and head any time you leave your “house” (if you can even call it that). Hell, a few of them are stubborn enough to try and dig their beaks under any crack or tear in the shelter.  It’s irritating. So much so, that you thought you’d sneer at the pests when the idiot village children, too spoiled by their parents, would take turns terrorizing the poor things. Rather, you found yourself chasing the brats back into the village, and with crows trying to grab at you. 
By the time Lady Hera finds you again, you’re so ready to go back to get away from these damned birds, only for Hera herself to be putting her favorites on you when she leaves you alone next. How are you supposed to do anything with a couple pounds of bird on you??
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mouisorange · 2 years
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Greek god bingo! 
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mouisorange · 2 years
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Artemis Doodles!
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mouisorange · 2 years
Would people be interested in Greek god doodles? Brain not in the writing lately but mmm posting things.
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mouisorange · 2 years
K-Kyogai 🫣
Kyogai who desperately wants to prove himself, isolating himself in his house for months on end in hopes of being good enough to be welcomed back into Muzan's grace. He really can't be blamed for folding the second a sweet little human showed him simple kindness, ignoring the tears and choked words. He's keener to beg for more praise, even if it's born from the hope he won't eat the poor thing if they sweeten up to him. Kyogai's happy to crawl after them, drag them back into his arms to try again to prove he can take care of them.
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mouisorange · 2 years
Hello! It’s been a bit since you’ve posted but I noticed you write for Greek mythology and the goddess Gaia. Are you currently taking requests?
Sorry for the late response! I am taking requests, things are just taking a while! I'm balancing a lot of things, but send something in and I'll totally get to it soon as I can.
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mouisorange · 2 years
It’s starting to feel like a ‘shave my head’ kind of night yall.
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mouisorange · 2 years
The Devil ,Strength , and The Fool for Hypnos and Vil for the Tarot Card Event?
Link to event & tarot prompts
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The Devil - What taboo things would this yandere do to their darling? 
Vil is overbearing, at times. He’d never hit on his darling, at worse they’d have bruises from being restrained.  No no, Vil’s issue is his need for perfection. It’s not stalking, to look into any history of dating, or into the kinds of books you read, the things you watch, no: he’s just interested in his crushes’ interests! It’s not abnormal to alter outfits, his makeup, or else out of no-where - he’s just trying something new! It’s not like he almost seeks them out or anything - no of course not! Vil is a very busy man, he doesn’t have time to fawn over just anyone. But darling isn’t just anyone to him. Which is why he becomes so much. He wants to see his darling reach their full potential. Vil isn’t cruel, he doesn’t force it on them, it’s just little nudges in the right direction! He’s working so hard to be his perfect self, don’t you want to join him?  It doesn’t matter if darling tries to walk away from it, from him. Didn’t you see how far he went to be #1 in the VDC? Vil’s issue is that he won’t kidnap them, he does everything in his power to make things go smoothly as if he wasn’t completely obsessed, because a queen should woo his sweetheart properly - and honestly it might be worse this way.
The god of sleep is, not so surprisingly, lonely. Can you really blame him if he puts his love to sleep when they’re being so nasty to him? But honestly that’s even if he feels comfortable introducing himself or interacting with them while they’re conscious. Hypnos is more than happy to have a perfect dream manufactured for him and his sweetheart, and even force their sleep to last longer, and longer each night due to his selfish cowardness. A coma is easier to swallow than the terror of them rejecting him. He’s a chthonian deity, surely darling would not face him as they might any other god. Hypnos isn’t too scared of your death though, neither should they be! He loves them in all of their forms, and would happily fish them out of the meadows of Asphodel.  Jealousy? Let’s cuddle up and nap!  Anger? Sleep and hope he wakes you from whatever terror his child throws at you.  Otherwise? He’s not overly a ‘taboo’ kind of guy, unless you consider constant touch as taboo. 
Strength - How outwardly passionate is this yandere around their darling? 
Only as much as you and his persona allow. He’d love to hold hands, gently guide you by the small of your back, pepper kisses over your face before stepping outside - but not at the expense of your comfort. Of course not, how could he expect you to want anything from him when he isn’t perfect yet? No, no he has to wait until you clearly want him. Vil won’t give up easily and is scarily informed about romance - I mean, he is an actor and model. But in the beginning, he’ll focus on wooing his darling with acts of romance straight out of novels and lovey dovey movies, anything to keep their attention on him. 'Running’ into them in the library, accidentally brushing knuckles while reaching for the same book - catching you before you fall after tripping - somehow getting your notes for a class you missed (even though he isn’t in that class...? How did he even know Crowley made you skip...?) - nothing is out of reach for a Queen and his happily ever after.
Hypnos is shy until darling sends the okay! And by ‘okay’ I mean doesn’t treat him like dirt and doesn’t react harshly to him being nearby. Once he gets over his ‘oh what if I make them hate me?’, you’ll have made a monster out of this deity. He loves loves holding his sweetheart and generally refuses to not be touching them at all times. Hand in hand, hand on your arm, hand on your back, hand holding you against him - you’ll go from telling him ‘no I won’t be carried but I guess you can hold my hand..’ to being held and carried around by a happy god. He won’t be singing your praises to anyone who’ll listen (cause what if they snatch you up when they find out how amazing you are?) but be prepared for all the quiet ways he smothers you in affection. 
The Fool - How deluded is this yandere when it comes to their darling? Are they self aware on any level? 
Vil is self aware enough to know how to handle things in a way so that his darling doesn’t catch wind of his obsessive behavior. But he doesn’t fully grasp the wrongness of his obsession with them. He’s Vil Schoenheit, and he strives for perfection in everything he does - and we see that in chapter 5 he fully allows himself to become consumed by this need, his desire. It’s not too much of a leap for this determination to branch out to someone he’s interested in, in fact we get a taste of this with Epel in the canon story! (Although Epel’s situation is much different, but it still displays Vil’s unrelenting dedication to a goal or to another’s goal)  The Queen knows how to play chess, and perhaps is aware of the underhanded nature of how he plays, but that awareness does not effect him in the slightest - for he knows his efforts will result in victory. 
Hypnos knows he’s looked down on by other gods, even his fellow chthonian deities. Can you blame him for being a little bit ecstatic to find someone who doesn’t think he’s lazy or disappointing? Maybe they do, but they still interact with him with a smile on their face - they talk to him willingly and don’t look like they want to leave. He’s fully aware that his feelings are pathetic for a god, especially if they’re human, but he doesn’t care. Hypnos just wants to keep them for himself, to nurture their positive feelings towards him - to keep them away from anyone that might change that. As long as he can keep them to himself, keep their love to himself, he doesn’t care what he has to do.  Even if they begin to hate him, he knows they loved him once, so he knows he can make them love him again. His behavior rarely changes around them, putting them to sleep when he can’t handle their words or the look on their face. He knows better, but he pretends he doesn’t - and he isn’t above having his children fabricate a dream for his darling so he can subconsciously alter their ‘hate’.  
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mouisorange · 2 years
This is the guy who asked about the other mythology’s and monster reader.
I think it’s neat that your willing to take other mythology’s into consideration. Greek mythology is really the only one that ever gets attention, with a few getting close to that amount.
So on that note…. an idea. If you don’t have any familiarity with Norse mythology, you may have to do some research. The Nordic goddess of death and ruler of Hel, Hel. Her domain and name are the same. I think she might be an interesting character to write about, and she’s not that well known.
If you like this, and if you want it, I can do some more stuff. But only if you want to. I get all giddy when it comes to mythology, I hope it gives you inspiration!
I've noticed that as well! 
And yes I'm familiar with Norse mythology! Hel is an interesting Goddess, I really like her characterization in mythology. She has this spitefulness you’d expect from a deity ‘burdened’ with overseeing the dead, this kind of “I’ve already been gifted the duty of which no one else wants, why should I do anything for you?”. She’s this persona of coldness that so many would assume of her based off her status as Hel. Hel doesn’t have many sources or myths involving her, but the major one has her refusing to release the beloved Baldur unless every being weeps for him. She doesn’t necessarily take joy in this either, though it depends on where you read her myths, she simply does not care. When Hermod comes to ask for him again, she does not laugh when she refuses (because there was a singular creature that did not cry for the dead god). And yet, she’s also shown as being a warm hostess towards Baldur and his wife as they entered her realm in some interpretations. I really enjoy what I can find of her! 
And yes please do send more! I’d love to just be informed or even bounce ideas/headcanons off of each other. 
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mouisorange · 2 years
“You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you” goes the cliche, and sadly it’s true. Ever since you matched on the dating app, the Personification of War has been asking you out and messaging you…
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mouisorange · 2 years
Sorry for the inactivity! Heavy life stuff happened and I’ve been in a funk because of it, I’ll get back to requests and all that good stuff as soon as I can!
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mouisorange · 2 years
Here's and idea Clover with and s/o with a special interest in entemology specifically has and interest in bees
with summer on it’s way, here we go!
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mouisorange · 2 years
I'm crying that was so good - 🌙 anon
Thank you! Glad to have pleased, Hun.
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mouisorange · 2 years
I am a Greek mythology addict. Along with other mythology. Have you ever thought of making a Monster reader? I’m not sure what kind of monster, just curious. Have you also thought of other mythologies? I might make a ask of some kind, and I’m kinda curious about it.
Oh yes, I love monsters! If you consider Nymphs as monsters, then check out [this]! It’s an ask I used as a warm-up for a while that ended up being an almost 2k fic - the reader is a nymph! Specifically a tree nymph, somewhat of a dryad, though I did get real into the character half-way through - so I have drafts of a nameless nymph ‘OC’ floating around in my computer haha.
I have thought of other mythologies - My mother is pagan, and I really enjoy studying myths in general, so I have an idea of varying mythologies! I’m happy to talk about whatever you’re curious about/interested in.
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mouisorange · 2 years
You’re all traitors, who was going to tell me that thinking is so hard?
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mouisorange · 2 years
For the tarot event: the hanged man, the strength, and the tower for artemis and athena please - 🌙 anon
Link to event & tarot prompts
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The Hanged Man - Is controlling their darling important? Or do they want their darling to love them willingly?
Artemis deeply desires her darling’s respect and affections, to be able to freely speak with them - with their genuine thoughts. She doesn’t want to have to control her darling in any way, shape, or form beyond what’s necessary to protect them. She wants the controlling to end at keeping them with her at all times, you’re free to have your own thoughts and opinions (by her side) - even if they’re not exactly positive. As long as darling isn’t irrationally lashing out and accepting the few rules she sets in place, then she’ll in turn be patient and allow them to wallow in any negative feelings - for a period of time. Just be sure to keep yourself in check, her temper isn’t something you want to be on the other end of. She is kind, though, and does feel bad if Darling get’s hurt in her anger or frustrations. In the end, she cares deeply about her loved ones and doesn’t want them to think badly of her, so Artemis will do what she can to keep darling happy, despite their thoughts on her having them within eyesight at all times - she doesn’t have any strict rules otherwise! She knows how her family treat their sweethearts, doesn’t her darling understand how much freedom they have?
She’d like to have her darling’s genuine love, but Athena doesn’t necessarily need it. Athena somewhat expects that they’ll accept their role and begin to feel some kind of affection for her somewhere down the line. She is immortal, and likely darling will become/is immortal, so time isn’t exactly an issue. Darling will be able to get away with pretending to be civil, pretending to follow through with what the goddess wants, and then ‘escaping’; all because Athena knows better than to trust an unwilling darling so quickly. She even enjoys the chase, to an extent. She’s much more patient than some deities, and her arrogance allows her to enjoy this kind of behavior. It doesn’t matter how harshly darling thinks Athena’s rules and punishments are - in her mind, they’ll understand and even appreciate her efforts to control them eventually. Don’t worry too much though, her darling definitely has more freedom than some, and Athena does encourage free thought and having discussions softening rules: even if it seems like it rarely actually does anything. 
Strength - How outwardly passionate is this yandere around their darling?
As someone who spends most of her time either alone or with her group of nymphs, Artemis has no reason to not be open about her feelings towards darling (nor many others for that matter). She’s not quite sure how to not be blunt about it, either. If Darling gets unnerved by it, at best she’ll get flustered and awkwardly try to alter what exactly she said/did to try to better it from darling’s point of view. At worse, she’ll be upset and see it as darling rejecting her: don’t worry though! She may be upset but she’d never hate them. Artemis is quite reasonable, after the storm fades, that is. Comfort and tending to mental/physical wounds is another form of expressing her passion, right? She’ll have to try and cater to their preferences from now on, so don’t be shy! The two of you really should be spending more time together anyways, the goddess is sure of it!
Athena does not exactly feel any need to go out of her way to express her emotions, why do so when her actions show it? When simple words set in with these actions should be a clear indication of her feelings? What a silly thing they are, she supposes she could try and express it ‘more’; how she will, slips her mind. Athena thinks she has been plenty clear and expressed enough. She does find it very cute (and somewhat clingy) that they want more from her. See? They do reciprocate - at least a bit (as of now). She’ll definitely be running with it and twisting it so that even Darling gets confused, conflicted. An unsteady mind is easy to set into place, but she might just wait it out a bit longer. It’ll be more satisfying for Darling to come around without much guidance on her part.
The Tower - If this yandere saw their darling in danger, how would they respond/react?
Artemis’ Darling? In danger? Artemis and her nymphs must also be in danger because her Darling rarely leaves her side. Ever. And if not her, they’re surrounded by multiple of the goddess’ most trusted/reliable huntresses until she returns. The only real danger I foresee her Darling being involved in is if another deity is involved; and even then, I doubt it’s only much of an actual issue if said deity is Olympian or Chthonian in nature.  She’s insanely protective, especially after what happened to her dear Orion, and won’t have any funny business. Artemis is more than happy to challenge any who think they know better for her darling, or think they’re somehow better than the hunter goddess. Not only that, but if necessary she’s willing to get her brother or father involved. She won’t let anyone or anything take them from her, she’d rather burn cities, forgo her duties, further recluse herself, than stand by and watch Darling be in any kind of danger; whether it be danger of injury or danger from ‘rivals’. 
There are few situations where Darling would be in any sort of genuine danger, as Athena keeps a close eye on them. Should they join her on the field, they’ll be a hurricane for mortals - her only concern is other deities, though even then they shouldn’t have any fatal issues (only their part of course!). Ares is her only genuine worry, but she has put him in his place before. Should they somehow become injured enough to need immediate attention, she’ll sweep them up and drag them back to her domain. She knows better than to rage (she’ll make no comment on any sudden injury or disappearance of anyone who brought this into darling), besides, Athena is more than happy to recall this moment in the future. Too rowdy? Don’t you recall when she had to drag you out of battle? Settle down, or she’ll make you. It’s a bit more likely that she finds herself watching some foolish “rival” try and woo Darling as if she wouldn’t notice what they were trying to do. Depending on who it is exactly, she either threatens them or “battles” them; aka finds an excuse to beat the hell out of them and chase them off. Though she’ll start dragging them everywhere with her should this ‘rival’ be another Olympian deity. It’s not as though she believes fully that you’d turn on her (she’s likely burned the idea that she’s giving the best treatment out of any other into your skull, at this point), but rather Athena knows how some react to being told “no” so she’d rather take precautions than be sorry should something occur. 
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