mrmagazine · 23 days
Terry Duffy, Group Publisher, Palm Beach Media Group to Samir “Mr. Magazine™” Husni: We Have Stayed True To Our Editorial Messaging, And Editorial Drives The Train At Palm Beach Media.
“Keeping the readers engaged issue after issue has really been the key to our success.” Terry Duffy  Terry Duffy is the proud group publisher of the Palm Beach Media Group based in South Florida.  In less than five years the group has expanded its reach in South Florida from 16 titles to 30, and is still growing. Terry believes that he is fortunate to live and work in a part of the country that…
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mrmagazine · 2 months
Kat Craddock Loved SAVEUR Magazine So Much She Bought The Company.  The Mr. Magazine™ Interview With The CEO & EIC Who Relaunched The Print Edition of SAVEUR.
Kat Craddock is to SAVEUR magazine what Victor Kiam was to Remington Shavers in the late 1970s.  The famous salesman who said, “ I liked the razor so much I bought the company.”  And so did Kat Craddock who liked SAVEUR magazine so much, she bought the company. Kat Craddock by Grace Ann Leadbeater. A restauranteur who fell in love with the magazine at a very young age and was sad to see it halt…
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mrmagazine · 2 months
Joe Berger, Magazine Marketing Consultant, On Magazine Distribution, Launching Magazines, And The Major Changes He Witnessed Over More Than 40 Years In The Business.  The Mr. Magazine™ Interview.
Joe Berger has been at it since the early 1980s.  He understands and knows the single copy and subscription magazine distribution channels inside out.  He is too humble to call himself president or founder of Joe Berger Consulting and prefers to be referred to as a “Magazine Marketing Consultant.”  In that capacity, he offers service and advice to magazine publishers both big and small.  He is…
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mrmagazine · 2 months
A Pioneer In The Field Of Single Copy Distribution, Linda Ruth, President, PSCS Inc., Tells Samir “Mr. Magazine™” Husni: “We’ve Got To Be Doing What’s Best For Every Member In This Business.”
A pioneer in the field of single copy distribution, Linda Ruth, president of PSCS Inc., has been one of a very few women working in the newsstands’ distribution channel of the magazine business.  She started in the 1980s when the single copy industry was comprised of at least eight major national distributors and almost 400 wholesalers and too many to count retailers.  Things have changed, and…
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mrmagazine · 2 months
Using Print To Establish A Multi-Platform Lifestyle Media Brand  With NEW YOU At Its Center.  The Mr. Magazine™ Interview With Vanessa Walker, President, NEW YOU Media.
“The name NEW YOU will stand for health and wellness, will stand for beauty, will stand for a name that you could trust and you can inspire. You’re aspiring to be a NEW YOU.” Vanessa Walker Vanessa Walker may not be a household media name.  However, after celebrating her ninth NEW YOU Awards last week, Ms. Walker has turned to be a truly media power person to contend with.  She did not come from…
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mrmagazine · 3 months
Shirley Halperin, Editor In Chief, Los Angeles Magazine, Shines A Bright Light On The Second Largest City In The U.S.A.  The Mr. Magazine™ Interview
“I think there is a place for a curated service, a lifestyle, entertainment, culture, food magazine. It’s not like we’re trying to rewrite the rulebook. We’re just trying to do a really good magazine, which I think after working in media for so long, I’ve really learned how to do.” Shirley Halperin To say Shirley Halperin, the new editor in chief of Los Angeles magazine , is passionate about…
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mrmagazine · 3 months
Good Journalism, Thoughtful Passion, And A Solid Business Are What “Connect” Gia Miller & Justin Negard “to Northern Westchester.” The Mr. Magazine™ Interview.
“It’s a nice feeling, working together. We’re both very creative, and we bounce ideas off of each other really well. When one of us is stuck on something, the other one can really jump in to help that idea form and get it to the right place. It’s been a really nice partnership in that way.” Gia Miller “We’re telling real stories and we’re putting in quality-level journalism into it. We’re fact…
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mrmagazine · 3 months
Will Lee, CEO, ADWEEK To Samir “Mr. Magazine™” Husni: “I Believe In The Ability Of A Print Publication To Create A Relationship With The Consumer That Is Very Different Than Digital...”
“I think that the opportunity for ADWEEK is really to transcend the category of trade publication and to evolve into a business intelligence resource platform tool for not just advertisers and marketers and people who are in the brand world, but also media, technology, publishers, and ultimately the aspiration for us to be as valuable and as essential to CEOs and CFOs.” Will Lee “I want to…
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mrmagazine · 3 months
AARP The Magazine And Its Sister Publication AARP The Bulletin Defy The Odds And Thrive Where Others Could Not.  The Mr. Magazine™ Interview With Shelagh Daly Miller, VP And Group Publisher, AARP Media Advertising Network
“All you have to do is dig in a little bit and understand that the 50 plus market, they own the wealth.  There’s a flood of sort of that gray wave in pop culture and music.” Shelagh Daly Miller “Everywhere you go and everywhere you look, you see someone who’s over 50, whether it’s at your gym or whether it’s at the grocery store. You can’t ignore the size of the audience.” Shelagh Daly…
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mrmagazine · 3 months
Ori Magazine: “An Antidote To What We’ve Been Seeing In The Travel Industry,” Kade Krichko, Founding Editor, To Samir “Mr. Magazine™” Husni.  The Mr. Magazine™ Interview
“I think there’s a lot of red flags when it comes to starting a print publication right now, but I would almost argue that not as many as three or four years ago,” Kade Krichko Ori “is a word that started out of convenience, but it’s really turned into something very representative of what we’re trying to do with the magazine, which is connecting east, west, north, south, all of it. And it…
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mrmagazine · 4 months
Kent Johnson, CEO Of Highlights for Children, To Samir “Mr. Magazine™” Husni: “There Are Things That You Do On Paper And In Print, Ways You Process That Can Be Unique From Digital.” The Mr. Magazine™ Exclusive Interview…
“I’m an incredibly strong believer in print. And I’m in no way anti-digital or anti-screen. What we try to obsess on is what are all the modalities that one can put into action to create an experience for a kid. And I do believe in puzzling. There are things that you do on paper and in print, ways you process that can be unique from digital. And that’s really important to have in the spectrum of…
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mrmagazine · 4 months
Bonnie Kintzer, President & CEO, Trusted Media Brands To Samir “Mr. Magazine™” Husni: “If You Read That Print Magazine You Know That You Will Be Entertained, You’ll Chuckle At The Jokes, You’ll Learn Something; You Might Even Get A Little Teary At A Story. You Can’t Have That Experience On The Web.” A Mr. Magazine™ Exclusive…
“Reader’s Digest is the greatest example of successful print because part of it is the physical nature of the product; the fact that it’s small and pocket-sized and you can take it anywhere.” Bonnie Kintzer… “I think the beauty of print is that the brand is so revered. Our print brands have been around for a long time, they really mean something as opposed to launching a new brand that doesn’t…
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mrmagazine · 5 months
Ryan Dohrn, Owner Of Niche Media Events And Founder Of Brain Swell Media, To Samir “Mr. Magazine™” Husni: “The Problem Is We’re Overly Saturated With Digital.” The Mr. Magazine™ Exclusive…
“One of the things that we’ve learned in 2023 is that many advertisers, while they love digital, they just love it, they’re realizing that it’s harder and harder to stand out from the crowd doing only digital. Some differentiating factors have been running in print magazines and running in traditional media, like television and radio.” Ryan Dohrn… “What I’m trying to get at to share with you is…
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mrmagazine · 5 months
Andy Clurman, President & CEO, AIM Media To Samir “Mr. Magazine™” Husni: “I Think There’s A Future For Print. It’s One Of The Oldest Forms Of Communication.” The Mr. Magazine™ Exclusive Interview… 
“Print is a foundation. Individually, everything we publish in print is profitable. And it’s part of our brand, position, platform, legitimacy, authenticity, all those things. You can get it, but it’s hard to get just in a digital form because there are so many people producing content all day every day.” Andy Clurman… “We’re managing print as part of the portfolio and we’re doing it happily as…
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mrmagazine · 5 months
Eric Hoffman, CEO, Hoffman Media To Samir “Mr. Magazine™” Husni: “We’re Not Running From Print; We Still Embrace It.” The Mr. Magazine™ Exclusive Interview…
“I think in a world where we have our phones with us all day, Smart TVs at night, multiple monitors we’re looking at throughout the day, I think the tactile experience of print in itself really is valuable. There are people who need that in their lives.” Eric Hoffman “Our team has stepped up in incredible ways. We’ve got great people. And it goes back to the legacy that my mom built. As a…
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mrmagazine · 5 months
TV Guide, TV Insider magazine and tvinsider.com President Tony Frost & Group Editorial Director, Michael Fell Bring Television Coverage In Print To A Razor-Sharp Level – The Mr. Magazine™ Exclusive Interview…
“Customers committing to longer term subscriptions and positive customer feedback. So they’re telling us that they want TV Insider, this is the magazine that they’ve been waiting for. We just have to market it on a larger scale and we have to promote it better…” Tony Frost “You want to give people real content. There was a lot of lists online, but I think the curation is the key. We’ll pick each…
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mrmagazine · 5 months
Mr. Magazine™ Names TV Insider Magazine 2023 Launch of the Year + 10 Most Notables
More Than 1,200 Bookazines And At Least 71 Magazines Were Launched Last Year. Dr. Jen Ashton,  Full Pour, GeN 3, Greenwood Ave., Highlights Brain Play, Nuts, OVR, The B,Tezza, And Trails Are The 10 Most Notable Launches… 2023 could easily go down in history as the year of the bookazine. More than 1,200 titles were launched last year covering every subject or personality under the sun (dead or…
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