mrtonymccray · 4 years
3 Things to Keep in Mind When Repairing Leaking Rain Gutters
Ignoring a leaky gutter can cause damage to your home’s exteriors. If you think you have this problem at home, take a read below to see what you can do to solve it.
Determine the cause of leaking If rushing rainwater hits a blockage while running through gutters, it’s going to surge up and over that blockage, usually spilling over the sides of the gutter. Once the storm is over, grab your ladder and a pair of sturdy work gloves, and take a look inside the rain gutters. If they are full of sodden leaves and smelly muck, it’s likely that your problem isn’t so much a leaking gutter as a spillover. Using a small trowel, a gutter scoop, or your gloved hands, clear away as much debris as possible, dropping it into a bucket for disposal. Then use a power washer or the strongest blast from your garden hose to clear away any remaining grunge. Once gutters are clean, use your garden hose to fill them up with water, and watch for leaks. If water runs through to the downspout without a hitch, you’ve solved the problem. Source: BobVila
Seal the seams Every connection on a metal gutter needs to be sealed: end caps, splices, drop outlets and miters. Buy a product that’s specifically formulated to seal gutter seams. Seam sealer can handle submersion for long periods of time. It’s also resistant to light, which it will get plenty of.
Most important, high-quality seam sealer is runny, so it can penetrate down into the seam for a durable, long-lasting connection. Most products refer to this property as “self-leveling.” And the runnier the better, so if you’re applying it on a cold day, keep the seam sealer somewhere warm so it stays fluid.
Try to remove as much of the old sealer as you can, and make sure the area you’re sealing is completely dry. Home centers usually stock seam sealer near the gutter parts. Source: FamilyHandyman
Replace large damaged areas If you have a large area to patch that’s damaged or rusted, your best solution may be to cut that section of guttering away with a hacksaw. Then cut a new section slightly larger than the one you removed and adhere it two both sides of the old gutter using roofing cement to hold and seal it. Source: DoItYourself
Gutter problems often require you to go up a ladder with the right tools and expertise. Don’t compromise your safety. Call us, and we’ll take care of the job for you.
  Contact: Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains 8296 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4C6 (604) 360-2114
from Kerrisdale RD https://ift.tt/38vsI6J
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mrtonymccray · 4 years
3 Important Tips to Avoid Chimney Fire
With all the things that happened this year, it seems like time flew faster than ever. Before we know it, it’s already almost winter. And this means it’s time to start prepping for the cold weather. Take a close look at the following tips to have a safe and cozy way to warm up at home:
Let a certified professional conduct an annual inspection A damaged chimney can spread fire to the surrounding areas in your home. A dirty chimney with a lot of creosote and soot buildup is dangerous because these materials burn at very high temperatures, spreading the fire. It is therefore important to have your chimney and fireplace checked annually. For best results, use the services of a certified chimney sweep. Annual cleaning of the chimney will ensure better passage for the smoke and exhaust gases, in addition to regular removal of dangerous creosote. Source: DoItYourself
Do a test run Test out the function of your fireplace by lighting a few small pieces of seasoned wood, lit from the top down. If smoke doesn’t exit vertically from the fireplace into the chimney, but enters the room, immediately troubleshoot and correct any problems. These can include creosote/soot build-up, other debris in the chimney like bird or animal nests, a damper that is closed or partially closed, or wet wood that isn’t burning well. Source: DIYNetwork
Use the right burning techniques Low-temperature, slow-burning fires, particularly those left to smolder overnight, produce more smoke and leave behind more unburned combustible material. When that hardens into creosote on the chimney walls, there’s an increased risk of chimney fires. Hot, fast-burning fires, on the other hand, leave far less smoke, vapor, and unburned wood behind, so little to no creosote forms.
The best way to burn a clean fire is to use the top-down burn method: Place the large logs vertically at the bottom of the fireplace or wood stove (with the bottoms of the logs facing you), add four to five horizontal layers of kindling, then top with tinder and light. Source: BobVila
Have a relaxing cup of coffee as we take care of any chimney problems for you. Call us today for a free estimate!
  Contact: Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains 8296 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4C6 (604) 360-2114
from Kerrisdale RD https://ift.tt/3mR02sU
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mrtonymccray · 4 years
Easy Halloween Decorations to Spook Your Guests
Stay true to your annual Halloween traditions even during this pandemic by celebrating safely at home with these easy DIY projects:
The sorceress’ downfall The wicked witch may have fallen, but your porch will come alive with this easy-to-make decor.
1. Cut two pool noodles to leg size (about 30 inches tall). 2. To make knees, draw a 3-inch half-circle in middle of each leg and cut the shape out. Pull edges together and secure with duct tape. 3. Tape quilt batting around pool noodles, adding extra layers to hip and thigh areas and an almond shape where it bends to complete knee. Use more tape to smooth out form. 4. Pull tights over legs. Stuff witch boots with batting and secure to legs by tying laces tightly. 5. To make sign, hot-glue six paint stirrers together to form a jagged rectangle, then hot-glue another stirrer to the back as a signpost. Paint on a phrase like, “Poison Apples for Sale.” Source: WomansDay
Say your message with jack o’ lanterns Spell out your greeting in mini pumpkins gathered on your porch.
Step 1: Pencil letters on hollowed pumpkins (carve out the opening from the bottom). Step 2: Using a drill with a half-inch bit, bore holes to form each letter. Step 3: Hang strings of Christmas-tree lights, gathered in small bunches, to illuminate each pumpkin (unscrew bulbs where the string descends to the next row). Source: CountryLiving
Let spirits roam around Cheesecloth is a crucial material for any DIY Halloween toolkit. Its loose, gauzy weave is reminiscent of cobwebs and ancient, forgotten places. You can drape it anywhere — over a mantel, lampshades, a dresser, a chair, or a window — to give your home an instant haunted house feel. It’s also the ideal material for making ghost decorations. A few ideas for cheesecloth ghosts include:
– Floating Ghosts. To give it a freestanding ghostly shape, soak cheesecloth in liquid fabric starch and drape it over a form shaped to look like a ghost’s body. Let dry, remove the form, and you’ll have a ghost that “floats” on its own, as shown on Home Talk. – Life-Size Halloween Ghost. Use a similar method to make a life-size levitating ghost for your outdoor decor. Make a larger frame, this time using wooden stakes and multiple Styrofoam balls. Then follow the same basic method as for the floating ghosts. Get the full instructions on HGTV. – Ghostly Outdoor Draperies. Inexpensive cheesecloth makes the perfect budget material for ghostly draperies. Hang yards of cloth from lightweight poplar boards you can staple to your porch roof like they did on HGTV. Source: MoneyCrashers
Want to improve your home’s curb appeal so that it would look awesome even without fancy decoration? We’d love to help! Call us today to get a free estimate.
  Contact: Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains 8296 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4C6 (604) 360-2114
  from Kerrisdale RD https://ift.tt/34H9WH6
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mrtonymccray · 4 years
Thinking About Installing Roll Roofing? Read This First!
Deciding on what type of roofing materials to use for your home can be quite daunting considering how many options are out there in the market. If you’re looking for something that’s more budget-friendly, then this is something you should see.
What is Roll Roofing? Roll roofing is a composite sheet of roofing material manufactured into a roll so it can be laid on the roof in strips that overlap each other. The roofing material used to make the roll can vary depending on the type one desires for their roof. Common materials used to make roll roofing sheets are similar to what’s found in most traditional roofing shingles and can include: – Asphalt – Fiberglass – Asphalt-saturated organic felt – Asphalt-coated fiberglass Source: LoveToKnow
Advantages There are a lot of advantages or pros to installing a roll roof. The biggest one is the cost advantage compared to a clay roof or traditional asphalt-shingle roof. The cost of the rolls is less than half of what is needed for a shingled roof. With this in mind, homeowners can see a true cost savings for their overall home-improvement budget.
Rolled roofing is very easy to install, and there is minimal expertise needed to finish the job. Heavy-duty saws or nail guns don’t need to be used, and without a slope, there isn’t a huge risk of falling as with a traditional roofing job.
Roll roofing offers a great deal of color options to match with existing home colors, which allows for a finished look that is professional and adds curb appeal. Source: Improvenet
Disadvantages – Rolled roofing is less durable than shingles. One reason why shingles work so well: the network of multiple, loosely interlocking shingles expand and contract without stressing individual shingles. By contrast, rolled roofing is like having one big shingle. This shingle cannot respond to changes in the building structure without tearing.
– Rolled roofing has a short lifespan of between five and eight years. Compare this to a lifespan of about 20 years or even more for composite shingles. Rolled roofing tends to lose its grains and develop bald spots after only a few years of use. Also, one of the benefits of roofing with many hundreds of small units (shingles) is that they can move and shift as the house moves and shifts. Rolled roof’s larger sections do not move as readily as the home expands and contracts.
– You can expect extremely poor resale value on residences that use this type of material. Few home buyers would consider rolled roofing to be anything more than a temporary, stop-gap roofing solution. Source: TheSpruce
  Contact: Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains 8296 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4C6 (604) 360-2114
from Kerrisdale RD https://ift.tt/3dYO11v
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mrtonymccray · 4 years
3 Useful Tips to Prepare You for Replacing Roof Shingles
Do you feel like it’s already past time to replace the shingles on your home’s roof? Here are some necessary precautions and tips to consider before you go up there:
Assess the damage Unless you’re seeing water damage inside your house, it can be tough to tell when you need to replace your roof’s shingles. There are, however, a few tell-tale signs to look out for.
Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Roof Shingles: – The edges of shingles are starting to curl up. – Moss or algae are building up on the roof’s surface. – Asphalt granules from shingles are in your gutters. – Your roof is more than 20 years old. Source: BudgetDumpster
Bring the right equipment Before you set the day to remove the shingles from your roof, contact a local equipment rental company for a large dumpster for the shingles. A square-edged spade or roofing shovel are ideal tools for getting underneath the shingles and loosening the roofing nails from the wood. Purchase sheets of plywood to place over the windows below your roof to prevent any debris from shattering them. Two or more bar magnets will be needed so that you can easily gather the nails that will fall to the ground. It will be difficult to see the nails in the grass that surrounds your home. Source: DoItYourself
Wait for cool weather Asphalt and asphalt sealant will heat up in hot weather, making it moldable and much more difficult to remove. It’s a lot easier to remove shingles that are cooled down and slightly more brittle than the moldable, so do the work of removing them first thing in the morning, before the sun has beaten down upon them considerably.
– Wet shingles to cool them down before removal, if you must work in the heat. Wetting them down with a small amount of water will help them to tighten and firm up, making them much easier to remove, if necessary. Source: WikiHow
Before taking on a roofing project, make sure you’re 100% safe by having the right experience and tools. Or if you want, you can just leave the task to us so you can sit back and relax as we fix any roofing problems for you. Call us today!
  Contact: Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains 8296 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4C6 (604) 360-2114
from Kerrisdale RD https://ift.tt/3lLgnie
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mrtonymccray · 4 years
What You Need to Know about Foam Roofing
Have you heard about foam roofing and its outstanding insulation properties before? If you haven’t yet, this is the perfect time to do so as it might be exactly what you need to add more barrier between you and extreme temperatures.
What is it? Polyurethane foam is a liquid that is applied over existing roofs to create and expand into a foam layer. It is incredibly helpful for asphalt roofing shingles or metal panel roofs to create a layer of insulation and make your home more energy efficient. There are quite a few roof shingle types that can be installed with foam roofing. Source: Modernize
Different types Cool roof coatings fall under the class of elastomeric coatings. These coatings protect the foam underneath and provide a painting surface. This creates an additional waterproof membrane that reduces heat infiltration on the roof. A cool roof coating may require several weeks of drying for additional layers of foam. The elastomeric coating also reduces the UV radiation from the sun that can cause foam to oxidize over time. All of these coatings can be applied at the same time as well.
Installation of a foam roof will require substrate preparation, coating and sealing. A foam roof cannot be applied directly without conditioning the substrate below. A clean, dry surface is prepared for contact, a process that includes the removal of any existing roofing material. The entire surface is primed with an adherence polymer to increase the adhesion of the foam product to the roof deck. This priming also prevents overspray from foam during the curing phase. Source: Improvenet
Advantages and disadvantages Spray foam roofing systems have many advantages, such as being more energy-efficient than conventional asphalt or metal panel roofs and creating less of a carbon footprint. However, we should also take into account some drawbacks when installing a spray foam roof on your home or property.
Pros Cons  
Can be used in any climate
Lasts over 50 years
Thermal insulation
Easy to install and maintain
Causes minimal disruption for homeowner
  Requires professional installation
Precision is imperative during installation
Fumes may be toxic
More expensive than other roofing options
Must be installed in dry, warm weather
Contact with foam could cause sensitivity or allergy
Source: Fixr
Do you want to have foam roofing installed at home? We’ll be more than happy to assist you in making your place cozier. Call us today to get a free estimate!
  Contact: Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains 8296 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4C6 (604) 360-2114
from Kerrisdale RD https://ift.tt/33BScwr
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mrtonymccray · 5 years
Moving Beyond Closed Networks – An Update on Trusted Exchange of Health Information
In the 1990s, many Americans interacted with the Internet through America Online. While this platform was revolutionary, providing users with e-mail services and access to content, it was also a closed network. Their users were restricted from accessing applications, content, and services available outside of AOL’s approved content providers. In the healthcare landscape, we still have a similar dynamic today. Both national networks and local or regional health information exchanges provide valuable services to their users; from Health IT Buzz http://bit.ly/2Djc9uf
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mrtonymccray · 5 years
London Cyclist is hibernating
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All good things must come to an end. Sadly, today is the end for the London Cyclist Blog. I created the blog back in 2007 because I was frustrated at the lack of information online for everyday cyclists like myself. To my surprise, the blog grew to over 136,000 visitors a month.
I found myself blogging up to 5 times a week, reviewing the latest bike gear, speaking to TfL and politicians and getting to meet the London cycling community. I got the chance to lend my voice to important issues such as the call for safe infrastructure for cyclists in London.
To sustain the site and support myself, I worked on really fun projects including the London Cyclist eShop, the bike maintenance course and London Cyclist apps. It was weird introducing myself as a full time “blogger” and my mum kept asking when I’d get a real job.
My fondest memories are from working on the London Cycle Routes eBook. I would wake up, grab my bike and camera and set out to explore a new part of London. Exhausted in the evening I’d write up my notes and then do the same again the next day. At the time the eBook was published, there hadn’t been a new London cycle routes guidebook in years. It went on to sell over 2,500 copies.
I want others to experience that amazing feeling, so today I’m making the eBook available for free.
When my app company Nibble Apps started demanding more of my time, I sought out talented writers with a passion for cycling to keep London Cyclist running. Emily joined for a year and contributed hundreds of posts. This was followed by a number of part time writers, who each added their unique voice to London Cyclist.
Nowadays in the world of influencers, YouTubers and podcasts, London Cyclist Blog feels quite quaint. While the internet can at times feel like a big, nasty place, I’ve been very fortunate to be a part of this little corner of it, which is filled with friendly people, united by a common love for the bike.
I’m hugely grateful to everyone who read, commented, shared and supported the blog over the past 12 years. I’ll be keeping the door open to reviving London Cyclist in future, but for now I won’t be posting any more updates.
What next?
LondonCyclist.co.uk will stay online and the blog posts continue to be accessible.
The London Cyclist eBook is now available for free. Please share it around with any friends who would enjoy it.
The London Cyclist bike maintenance course is now available for free. Again, please share it widely.
I’ve moved the Bike Doctor app to my company Nibble Apps. I’ll be updating the app for the latest Apple devices.
I’ll no longer be running the London Cyclist weekly newsletter.
The post London Cyclist is hibernating appeared first on London Cyclist.
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from London Cyclist https://ift.tt/2WHBzJg
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mrtonymccray · 5 years
Creamy Roasted Red Pepper Soup by The Pioneer Woman
Roasted red peppers are my favorite pantry item; well, they’re up there alongside jars of good marinara sauce. You can turn a jar or two of roasted red peppers into so many different recipes, from soups to sauces to panini to dips. The flavor is mild and slightly sweet, and I’m always amazed at how much I love them. This soup boasts two whole jars of the beauties, and it’s perfect for lunch or dinner.
Plus, it’s purty. You’ll love it!
(Side note: Hi, friends! *Waving*…)
In a Dutch oven, melt the olive oil and butter over medium heat.
    Add the onions and garlic…
    Then add the oregano…
    And stir, cooking the onions and garlic for about 3 minutes.
    Add a diced russet potato (this is optional; it helps with the texture, but you can leave it out if you’re wanting to cut carbs)…
    And 2 jars of roasted red peppers that have been sliced. Look at those little blackened bits. Flavah!
    Stir and cook the potatoes and red bell peppers for about 3 more minutes.
    Add the tomato paste…
    And stir to combine, letting it cook for a couple of minutes.
    Sprinkle in the salt and pepper and turn up the heat to medium-high.
    Pour in the white wine, then stir and let it start to cook.
    Then pour in some vegetable or chicken stock!
    Bring the mixture to a gentle boil, then reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer until the potatoes are very tender, about 18-20 minutes.
    Now it’s time to puree the soup, which releases all the amazing flavor of the peppers and makes the potatoes just become a part of the mix.
    Keep going until it gets to the texture you like.
    This is the texture I like!
    Now it just needs cream. I add about a half a cup, or up to 5 gallons. Just kidding about the 5 gallon part, but my point is that if you wanna add more cream, you should live the life you were born to live and just add it.
And truth be told, I probably added 3/4 cup of cream.
Okay, a cup.
    Stir it to combine and let the cream warm up for a couple of minutes.
    Finally, add a little red wine vinegar and cook for another minutes. Done!
    Serve with a little grated Parmesan and some fresh oregano leaves.
    A little grilled cheese rollup wouldn’t hurt either! (I’ll post these sometime soon.)
    Enjoy, friends! It’s still cool in some areas, so this soup is just perfect for the weather.
  from Cooking – The Pioneer Woman https://ift.tt/2TKlW73
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mrtonymccray · 5 years
Cedar Ridge in Port Moody
Cedar Ridge by Allaire Living and Headwater Living is a new townhouse development located in Port Moody. This project will offer a collection of 28 executive3 and 4 bedroom townhomes. Live in the heart of a thriving suburban neighbourhood with modern amenities including a flagship supermarket, access to the Evergreen SkyTrain line, and an eclectic cluster of shops and restaurants all just minutes from home.
The post Cedar Ridge in Port Moody appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.
from Projects – Vancouver New Condos https://ift.tt/2tv6DzB
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mrtonymccray · 5 years
Kira in West Coquitlam
Kira by Woodbridge Homes is a new 6-storey condo development located in West Coquitlam. This project will offer 116, 1, 2 and 3-bedroom homes, sizes range from 542 to 1136 sq ft. Live where life continues to evolve, with urban amenities, recreation, schools, and nature in the neighbourhood. A five-minute walk to SkyTrain and access to major highways quickly link you to Burnaby, Port Moody, and downtown Vancouver. Kira inspires you to live brilliantly. The development is scheduled for completion in 2021.
The post Kira in West Coquitlam appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.
from Projects – Vancouver New Condos http://bit.ly/2Xfd6fR
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mrtonymccray · 5 years
Five Road Richmond
Five Road Richmond by Anthem is a new townhouse development located at No. 5 Road & Steveston Highway in Richmond. This project will offer a collection of 47 West Coast Contemporary 3 and 4 bedroom family townhomes enriched by public art and a private park, in the growing Ironwood neighbourhood. Enjoy living minutes from destinations that mean the most to you.
The post Five Road Richmond appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.
from Projects – Vancouver New Condos http://bit.ly/2NgBCZd
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mrtonymccray · 5 years
Amira in Uptown Neighbourhood of New Westminster
Amira by Alpha Beta Developments and Domus Homes is a new 6-storey condo development located in in the vibrant uptown neighbourhood of New Westminster. This project will offer 41 modern apartments, features one, two, and three-bedrooms homes, sizes range from 613-1,020 sqft. The development is scheduled for completion in 2020.
The post Amira in Uptown Neighbourhood of New Westminster appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.
from Projects – Vancouver New Condos http://bit.ly/2BJJ8qT
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mrtonymccray · 5 years
The Oaks West Coquitlam
The Oaks West Coquitlam by Strand is a new 6-storey condo development located in a quiet family-friendly neighbourhood of West Coquitlam. The Oaks offers 1, 2 and 3 bedroom homes with high ceilings, spacious floorplans, and calm, beautiful interiors that create an authentic sense of home within the city. It’s a lifestyle here. A place created for living, the way you want. More than 28,000 square feet of welcoming indoor and outdoor spaces invite you to live beyond the walls of your home.
The post The Oaks West Coquitlam appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.
from Projects – Vancouver New Condos http://bit.ly/2SPL7DT
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mrtonymccray · 5 years
DLX on Third in Nanaimo
DLX on Third by Wertman Development Corporation is new condo development located just minutes away from downtown Nanaimo. This project will offer 181 units of gorgeous, modern living. Design. Live. Experience. Where urban form, function and affordability all meet. Space designed for you encompassing a crisp, clean, modern environment allowing the freedom to be yourself, surrounded by amenities you need and desire to make life easy.
The post DLX on Third in Nanaimo appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.
from Projects – Vancouver New Condos http://bit.ly/2N5bfW6
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mrtonymccray · 5 years
Camden at the Falls
Camden at the Falls by Aquilini Investment Group is a new single-family home development located at The Falls Golf Course in Chilliwack. This project will offer 47 single-family homes, sizes range from 1,343 to 3,266 square feet. Perched on the side of a mountain, your windows will open onto views that will inspire envy. Masterfully crafted, each spacious home will provide a perfect setting for rest and relaxation, or entertainment and enjoyment, with every detail considered.
The post Camden at the Falls appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.
from Projects – Vancouver New Condos http://bit.ly/2TNCPtF
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mrtonymccray · 5 years
Riverstone Place in Downtown Nanaimo
Riverstone Place by Platinum Properties Group is a new 6-storey new residential building development located at 20 Barsby Avenue, Nanaimo. This project will offer 90 market condominiums, features 1- bedroom, 1- bedroom + den, and 2- bedroom homes located close to the waterfront and forested walking and biking trails. A short 20-minute flight from downtown Vancouver, yet with fresh sea air and an abundance of world-class recreation at your doorstep, Riverstone Place feels like a world away.
The post Riverstone Place in Downtown Nanaimo appeared first on Vancouver New Condos.
from Projects – Vancouver New Condos http://bit.ly/2GoBtm0
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