mudskipper001 · 1 year
some days you listen to someone dying on the phone and know you can’t do anything to help them.
other days you listen as their loved one tries to breath life back into them, knowing that it won’t help because they’re already gone.
some days you listen to a terrified child and hope and pray someone will get there before this precious one is traumatized anymore.
some days you tell your caller help is coming as fast as they can but it wasn’t fast enough.
some days you listen to the grief and anguish of losing someone and all you can do is be there and listen to them cry.
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mudskipper001 · 4 years
why is writing so hard
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mudskipper001 · 4 years
Hey all you lovely people who have periods, the world is starting to look a little bit brighter now that certain tampon/pad companies have started to allow people to receive small kits and samples of pads, maxi pads, liner, and tampons for free. And I mean 100% free and discreet. You just have to give them your address and name, and bam! You’ve got all the menstrual cycle products you could ever need for no cost. Links below!
U by Kotex
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mudskipper001 · 4 years
isn’t it amazing how life just passes by? milestones come out of nowhere and leave in a flash. there’s not a single moment one can be in for more than just that: a moment. they come and go in waves, a crazy phenomenon that has never happened before and will never happen again. children are born and grow old in a small collection of those moments. there’s nothing one can hold and grasp for a lifetime. there’s nothing one can have for eternity. there is no baby that comes into the world and stays a baby for more than what feels like a single day. we laugh and cry, but only for a moment.
so if today, you’re feeling down, remember. it is simply a moment, one of many more moments that will be filled with happiness and laughter. that might also only last for a single moment, but that is the way of life. we all chase after those happy moments, and while they may not always be with us, while they may pass us by in a flash, slipping through our fingers, these are the moments that make all the others worth it. these are the moments that make life worth living.
so if you’re thinking today that it isn’t worth it anymore, that you can’t chase those moments anymore, remember: this small singular moment will pass on. you will find another amazing moment, one that is only for you, that has never happened before and shall never happen again. keep going for those happy, laughter filled moments.
keep your head up, kid. you’ve got this.
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mudskipper001 · 4 years
this bed feels empty without you and it hurts my heart
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mudskipper001 · 4 years
soldier /// c.r. kristofferson
arms, still pulling him through mud and dust and blood.
legs, still burning with exertion, but she couldn’t stop running.
hands, still stained red with blood only he can see.
eyes, still filled with ghosts of both enemies and brothers.
ears, still hearing the ripping of bullets through flesh, the screams of the injured and dying.
you’ve done so much for this country
you’ll never know what i’ve seen.
you’ve saved so many innocent lives
i’ve taken my fair share.
thank you for protecting us
thank you for pretending to care.
you’re a hero
i’m a murderer.
but… but you’re a soldier
but i’m a soldier.
you only did what you were told
i only ever did what i was told.
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mudskipper001 · 5 years
Me, in tears, halfway through writing a 300 word essay: I can’t do this anymore
Person on A03 who’s writing for fun:
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mudskipper001 · 5 years
So I just got this message literally few minutes ago
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A warning to all of my followers there no such a thing as @exposingthoselosers I just thought any form of information is good and can protect my followers from getting their phone or any other devices hacked if you’re connect to the wifi they might hack all of the devices connected.
Pls share this awareness ⚠
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mudskipper001 · 6 years
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it’s a good day to have a good day :))
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mudskipper001 · 6 years
all pedophiles should die and theres literally no downside to them all dropping dead
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mudskipper001 · 6 years
Are fedoras really that bad?
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mudskipper001 · 6 years
(Fox’s) 13R Countdown Day 4: Fanwork
8/26- Fanwork: Art, fic work, music, poetry, playlists, gifsets, anything! One of the best things about Zodiac is just how immersive it is! Pick up any part of Zodiac that inspires you and run.
Rhoma x Hysan playlist [lyric videos attached]
Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay [x]
Starving by Hailee Steinfield [x]
Risk It All by The Vamps [x]
Green Eyes by Coldplay [x] 
Ours by Taylor Swift [x]
Miss Atomic Bomb by The Killers [x]
This Is Gospel by Panic! At the Disco [x]
As Long As You’re Mine from Wicked! [x]
Enchanted by Taylor Swift [x]
I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith [x]
Something I Need by OneRepublic [x]
All I Ask by Adele [x]
Somebody to You by The Vamps [x]
yes I do realize my music taste it quite messed up, haha. I’ve compiled all the videos in one Youtube playlist so here you go:
Rhysan Playlist
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mudskipper001 · 6 years
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These #zodiacbooks candles by canterburyroadco.etsy.com are 😍😍😍😍😍
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mudskipper001 · 6 years
Incorrect Zodiac Quotes #38
*During Wandering Star*
Rho: I can’t believe that Matthias is dead
Hysan: this is so sad alexa play despacito
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mudskipper001 · 6 years
The Zodiac fandom is so small and unappreciated. It’s an amazing series, but there’s almost no fanfiction and fanart; it just makes this fangirl want to cry.
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mudskipper001 · 6 years
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mudskipper001 · 6 years
List of people Percy Jackson has scared the shit out of:
Clarisse, daughter of Ares, Drakon Slayer: “Believe me, revenge is coming. One of these days, he’s going to be sorry. Why am I waiting? Just strategy. Biding my time and waiting for the right moment to strike. I am not scared, okay? Anybody says different, I’ll rearrange their dental work.” - Demigod Files (Interview with Clarisse LaRue, Daughter of Ares)
Luke Castellan: “‘Luke feared you,’ the Titan’s voice said. ‘His jealously and hatred have been powerful tools. It has kept him obedient. For that I thank you.’” -BotL
Kronos himself: “"Perseus Jackson,“ one of them said. "Yes,” mused another. “I do not see why he is a threat.” “Who said I was a threat?” The first Hesperid glanced behind her, toward the top of the mountain. “They fear thee. They are unhappy that this one has not yet killed thee.” She pointed at Thalia.” -TTC
Leneus, a member of The Council of Cloven Elders: ”I didn’t push him very hard, but he was kind of top-heavy. He fell on his furry rump, then scrambled to his hooves and ran away with his belly jiggling.” - TLO
Hades, Lord of the Underworld: “Hades swallowed. ‘Now, Jackson, listen here…’ He was immortal. There was no way I could kill him, but gods can be wounded.” -TLO 
Phobos, the God of Fear himself: “I couldn’t kill him. He was immortal. But you wouldn’t have known that from his expression. The fear god looked afraid.” -Demigod Files (Percy Jackson and the Stolen Chariot) 
Leo Valdez: “Leo’s legs trembled. The way Percy looked at him made him feel the same as when Jason summoned lightning. Leo’s skin tingled, and every instinct in his body screamed, Duck!” -MoA
Piper McLean: “Piper guessed that Percy hadn’t meant to cause so much damage, but his glowering expression made her want to leave the ship as soon as possible.” -BoO
fucking Annabeth Chase: “Since she’d come back from Tartarus, Annabeth had told Piper about a lot of scary things that had happened down there. At the top of her list: Percy controlling a tide of poison and suffocating the goddess Akhlys.”- BoO
And let’s not forget:
How Percy looks when he fights: “My expression in the picture was fierce—disturbing, even—so it was hard to tell if I was the good guy or the bad guy, but Rachel said I’d looked just like that after the battle.” - TLO
Hazel’s first impression of him: “Then she’d met Percy. At first, when she saw him stumbling up the highway with the old lady in his arms, Hazel had thought he might be a god in disguise. Even though he was beat up, dirty, and stooped with exhaustion, he’d had an aura of power. He had the good looks of a Roman god, with sea-green eyes and wind blown black hair.”
Hephaestus’s words to him in BotL: “The god grunted. “Not that powerful, eh? Could have fooled me. You’re the son of the Earthshaker, lad. You don’t know your own strength.””
“Nico twisted his silver skull ring. “Percy is the most powerful demigod I’ve ever met. No offense to you guys, but it’s true. If anybody can survive, he will, especially if he’s got Annabeth at his side.“ -MoA
“Part of their problem was Percy. He fought like a demon, whirling through the defenders’ ranks in a completely unorthodox style, rolling under their feet, slashing with his sword instead of stabbing like a Roman would, whacking campers with the flat of his blade, and generally causing mass panic.” -SoN
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