muggl3bornprincess · 5 days
Not to be a Snape apologist (I prefer my characters as morally grey as they get, thank you) but it is pretty obvious that he doesn't buy into this pureblood stuff as, while in sixth grade, presumably already actively socialising with (future) Death Eaters, he still quite proudly calls himself "the Half-Blood Prince". It may be a pseudonym coined to keep his identity a secret from anyone who might find the textbook, but it's still likely him who thought of it. So my belief is that he supports this pureblood narrative just because Voldemort promises his followers power, glory and maybe eventually wealth - all the things that Snape so desperately desires as a teen.
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muggl3bornprincess · 16 days
Giving Snape a fidget cube and you hear little clicks echo from under his sleeve every few seconds in the Potions Classroom
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muggl3bornprincess · 17 days
Lmao, someone on Reddit wrote that they would probably simp for Severus if they were to enter the Harry Potter universe, and people in the comment section really went out of their way to disprove OP's attraction by listing his 'unattractive features.' Just wait till they see how thirsty Snape fans are on Tumblr.
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muggl3bornprincess · 18 days
Call me nuts but there's moments where Snape is really Snape
Alan Rickman did a wonderful job yet there's these moments where he is truly brought to life and it just....makes me feel something?
That's Severus, right there
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This moment most of all, that's Severus
And dear god he's crying
It kills me everytime
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muggl3bornprincess · 18 days
Character Analysis - Severus Snape
No because I feel like people don't truly understand Severus Snape's character when they say that he's nothing but an asshole and Death Eater who bullies children and did horrible things.
Did he do horrible things? Yeah. And did he bully children? Yeah. Was he an asshole? Yeah. Did his death and guilt relieve him of blame and responsibility? No.
But he was more than just an asshole. He had his reasons, no matter how shitty they may be. And even though his reasons are shitty, I think he at least deserves some consideration. Why? He made most of his shitty decisions as a child. An abused, discriminated against child. Think of it like this:
Meets Lily after ten years of abuse at the hands of his muggle father
At 11, is separated from Lily and is put into a notoriously discriminated-against house
Is (unfairly) antagonized by James Potter and the Marauders (while I do admit that yes, he probably gave back as good as he got, he couldn't have done that until at least his 2nd year because he was raised without magic. he also did nothing to cause the bullying in the first place [as far as I know, correct me if wrong] )
Was bullied and abused up until 5th (?) year
Is humiliated and sexually harassed (because yes, threatening to take off a peer's pants is sexual harassment in my opinion) and lashes out at Lily during this time of intense humiliation and is promptly abandoned by her
Is almost murdered by Sirius Black who receives no consequences
Goes on to join the Death Eaters at after years of being an abused outcast and stereotyped as nothing but a slimy Death Eater
Is then forced to become the potions professor at Hogwarts
1-2 years later, he turns traitor against Voldemort (around 18-19)
The only person he's ever had care for him in his entire life dies
He's only 19-20 when Voldemort is vanquished. I'd say that it's safe to assume that he never got help/support/closure surrounding anything he went through. As far as I'm aware, there's not a single person within the entire series who is shown to support Snape, which leads me to believe that no one ever told him to get help after the first war, and considering his life up until then, he most likely didn't know to get help. He spent the rest of his life doing a job he hated and was forced into, was a spy, and was split between two powerful and dangerous masters.
With all this in mind, I'm unashamedly a Snape supporter (not an apologist, there's a difference). He was an ass who did horrible things but there's more to him then that. The students he taught didn't deserve his ire, and he did and watched horrible things be done, but he's so much more than a Death Eater, and his background and potential to be more than a spy is so interesting to look at and think about.
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muggl3bornprincess · 18 days
“waa waa snape outted remus as a werewolf”
has it ever occurred to you that he was well in his rights to do that??? like, sure, love remus n all- but it was EXTREMELY dangerous to have him at hogwarts.
marauders stans act like snape outted him as gay or smth, when he didn’t. being gay doesn’t hurt anybody, but being a werewolf sure does. Remus almost KILLED multiple people with his OWN negligence and no one else’s. HE forgot to take his wolfsbane. HE forgot about the full moon. So yeah, Severus was well within his rights to speak up on it, especially when he himself was almost killed.
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muggl3bornprincess · 3 months
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more smoking sev :3
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muggl3bornprincess · 3 months
Oh this one's a doozy. In the comments on a tiktok video about Severus and Remus. When I pointed out that in SWM, Remus was a prefect and did nothing to stop James from sexually assaulting Severus, or get help from an adult, this person came back with "He was just standing on the sidelines because he was afraid of losing his friends. He didn't bully Snape, so it's not his fault." ....... I will one day write out something I've been thinking about Remus, about how he was willing to overlook his friends actions because yes, he was afraid of losing them. He was a child who found a group that would accept him and even become animagi to help him (even though, in my opinion, Sirius and probably James, betrayed that friendship by setting up Remus to play a lethal "prank" on Severus) So I get that he would be afraid to challenge them on their actions. But he was a prefect, he had a position of responsibility to the care of his fellow students. And he stood by as a boy was attacked, choked, deprived of liberty and sexually assaulted. And the fact that Remus did nothing to stop this attack because it was his friends doing the attacking, just means he shouldn't have been in the position of prefect if he couldn't carry out his responsibilities.
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muggl3bornprincess · 3 months
i honestly cannot get the idea of snape bowing sarcastically at umbridge out of my head. snape outrunning a hippogriff. snape writing poetry. severus “would you like me to do it now? or would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?” snape. snape referring to himself in the third person when he comes up behind harry and ron in cos “or maybe, he’s waiting to hear why you two did not arrive on the school train”. snape hiding behind a suit of armor and walking out with a dramatic “it is i, severus snape!”. robes billowing. the scowling. peaceing tf out by literally throwing himself out the window.
why do people hate this man. he’s hilarious.
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muggl3bornprincess · 3 months
“‘Sirius Black showed he was capable of murder at the age of sixteen,’ he breathed. ‘You haven’t forgotten that, Headmaster? You haven’t forgotten that he once tried to kill me?’
‘My memory is as good as it ever was, Severus,’ said Dumbledore quietly.”
like are you kidding me? are you being fr rn? snape is a better person than i am because if someone said that about my bullying and abuse i would’ve gotten scrappy and scary. victim of abuse that he knows about and his best teacher and the only one who tried to protect anyone or fix anything and is basically the reason lupin had wolfsbane at all that all just got thrown back in his face in the worst ways possible. i would’ve been in jail ten minutes later actually. holy shit man
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muggl3bornprincess · 3 months
sev on some errands
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muggl3bornprincess · 3 months
Severitus be like...
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muggl3bornprincess · 3 months
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teenage snape doodles
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muggl3bornprincess · 3 months
when marauders fans openly say "we don't care about canon" but they still hold snape to canon standard for some reason? what kind of math is that? everything bad the marauders (and regulus!) did in the books never happened but everything snape did is somehow multiplied by 1000 and worse 💀 that fandom stays a mystery to me and everything i have learned about it was against my will
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muggl3bornprincess · 3 months
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Inktober Day 18 - Magic Lessons
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muggl3bornprincess · 3 months
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"I approach every part I'm asked to do and decide to do from exactly the same angle: who is this person, what does he want, how does he attempt to get it, and what happens to him when he doesn't get it, or if he does?" -Alan Rickman (2/21/1946 - 1/14/2016)
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muggl3bornprincess · 3 months
This post reminded me of Snape and the Marauders bullying:
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1. Their age was not an excuse for what they did (and really it wasn't just 'ordinary' bullying either, they pulled some genuinely fucked up shit)
2. There is no real proof that James ever changed (in fact we see in canon that Sirius never did and even Remus still downplays what happened)
3. Severus NEVER got an apology from any of them. He had life long trauma and as grown adults they still couldn't even fully admit that they did anything wrong.
And now these are my personal morals that you are free to disagree with and also just kind of a rant, but while I never would defend some of the things Snape said to students as a professor because yes, he was a bully aswell, I still don't think it's as bad as what was done to him. Snape was a mean teacher, much like ones I had myself as a student. But the 'bullying' he experienced included sexual harassment and attempted murder. I just can't find it in me to forgive characters for those actions, even if they were 'only' teens, because to me those are inexcusable at any age. And yes, to me, a teen pulling those 'pranks' is worse than a grown adult making mean comments to children. I have long since gotten over all those awful teachers I had. But what happened to Snape is not something you just get over.
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