multiclassgeek · 5 years
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Sioux City Journal, Iowa, July 22, 1900
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multiclassgeek · 5 years
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Our previous post about wrongly flagged posts was flagged. 
We’re living through the opening credits to Monty Python’s Holy Grail. 
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
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Be kind. Book of K.
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
Some of my favourite moments from the day I spent at the library playing Snape for their Harry Potter event
•”The real Snape is taller than you!”
“Real Snape? Oh, you mean the muggle who played me in that film? His name was Alan. My name is not Alan, and I am sadly not 6’1”. Ten points from Gryffindor.”
•*to a little girl dressed as Hedwig complete with mask* “You’re that Potter brat’s owl, arent you? Hedwig, correct?”
“Yeah! You’re so mean to Harry! *pretends to peck at me my god she was adorable*
“See, I’d put you in detention for that, but regrettably you can’t put owls in detention. So I’ll put your mother in detention instead for raising such a disrespectful child.” *the mother cracked up at this*
•”Are you Professor Snape?”
“*long sigh* Regrettably.”
•I had a belt of potions bottles and a group of kids asked me what potions I had, so I actually gave an impromptu potions lesson. Some of the highlights included threatening to use Skele-Gro on a boy dressed as Harry who wouldn’t stop interrupting, and loudly complaining to their parents that I wouldn’t have had to waste time reteaching this lesson if their kids had paid attention the first time.
•Word got out that I actually had the dark mark on my arm so kids kept coming up to ask to see it. I made a big show of rolling my eyes and threatening them and then finally rolling up sleeve while flexing the tendons in my wrist to make the snake move. Made several kids scream. It was hilarious
•There were a couple teenagers in a group with a Luna and her friend dressed as her rabbit patronus. I had a lot of fun with them giving her a hard time:
-“Lovegood. I know that name. Why do I—ah, yes, your father.”
“He writes for the Quibbler!”
“Indeed he does. Penned an article claiming Hogwarts had a vampire teaching there. Can’t imagine to whom he was referring.” *cue biggest laugh of the evening*
-“Lovegood, if you melt on more pewter cauldron—“
“They had dark magic in them! All pewter cauldrons do!” (She was really good)
“…you’re telling me every pewter cauldron was made by a dark wizard? He must have been extraordinarily busy” *dry tone*
“Yes, and it explains why you’re the way you are. Spent too much time with pewter cauldrons”
“…why am I still talking to you, Lovegood?”
•”Why arent you at Hogwarts?”
“Have you been outside, child? It’s summer.”
•*parents who wanted photos* “Can we get our picture/their picture with you?”
“…*sigh* Fine. *dramatic eye roll* You do know I’m the villain for like six and three-fourths of seven books, right?” (They found this hilarious)
•The classic, “I love your costume/great costume!” comments followed up with “…What costume?”
•There was a sorting station I helped back up for a bit and I had way too much fun loudly groaning and complaining when kids were put into Gryffindor.
•One little girl was put into Slytherin so I introduced myself to her and her dad and was all “You’d better make me proud. Although honestly after 14 years my expectations aren’t very high so that should be relatively easy.” Went over her head but the dad lost it
•*two rowdy little boys nearly putting each other’s eyes out with fake wands and in general causing dangerous commotion* “No duelling in the halls. Twenty points each from both your houses, and a week’s detentions.” (They straightened up immediately. Was proud.)
•There was a station where kids could make Pygmy puffs out of cotton balls and glue and one kid made an all black one and proudly presented it to me with “I tried to make it look grumpy”
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
I had just finished university and was looking for my first job in a print shop. I had a bit of freelance experience under my belt but I was hoping to gain some shop experience. I had an interview at a local chain printing place and university (and life in general) never prepared me for this experience. It started out well enough. The shop was located in a downtown mall, and was staffed by two people - the owner and a single designer. The shop itself advertises itself as any services needed beyond branding, so original artwork is offered. Which is great for me because most of my freelance is my illustration work. Client: Our customers come to us because we’re fast, we promise to have proofs available for approval same day, typically within 1hr.
Me: One hour? Even for illustration work?
Client: Yes.
Me: But… depending on the complexity of the work, that’s not always feasible. 
Client: If it takes you longer than an hour, you’re working too slow. We normally never even need the full hour, just take a look at what we’ve been able to accomplish.
He takes out a binder of incredibly basic business cards. They’re not very well designed. They’re all examples of Helvetica or Arial on a flat color, no logos, with the occasional directional gradient and drop shadow. Stuff that would have been torn apart by instructors if it were handed in as student work. I nod and say nothing.
Client: What I need is someone reliable. I need to know you’re not going to call in because you and your boyfriend had a fight and you’re too emotional to work.
Me: I don’t even have a boyfriend? Reliability is not an issue, my references will vouch for that.
Client: Well do you plan on keeping a job? I don’t need you deciding to quit because your friends offered for you to live in their basement rent free.
I was so taken aback, I had no idea what the hell he was talking about. Why was he talking about basements? This really didn’t feel like an appropriate interview question.
Me: No. I’m looking to gain print shop experience. I enjoy working design, I find the work fulfilling, that’s why I chose the industry.
Client: Well let me tell you something - you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Jobs aren’t for fulfilment, they’re for working. That’s not what you come here for, that’s what you spend your free time on. You’re young and you don’t know better, but I know.
He actually sounded angry as he said this. The other staff member was still in the room, pleasant smile on her face, just clicking away carefree at her computer as if the shop owner didn’t just raise his voice at me. I was super uncomfortable at this point and I just wanted to get the hell out of there. Me: Sorry, I disagree. I really don’t think this will be a good fit.
Client: Me neither. As of today, that franchise location is no longer in business.
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
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By: Paperboyo Instagram: @artwoonz
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
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Jack talks about sex toys. I love Mac and her glace at Phryne
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
MUSIC PAINTING - Global Sound - Matteo Negrin
Take a 4 minute break, bookworms, and take a moment to relax to this beautiful music and art.
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
Raise your hand if you are older than 18 and you still prefer to watch cartoons instead of soap operas
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
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Meet the archivists preserving magnetic tape to battle technology obsolescence. 
Even in this era of cloud storage, many data centers still use good, reliable magnetic tape. But as the technology develops at a faster rate, this backup is quickly becoming obsolete. What will become of the forgotten data preserved on the tape of the past? 
Explore the first story in Science Friday’s new “File Not Found” series. 
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multiclassgeek · 6 years
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Bismarck Tribune, North Dakota, January 11, 1884
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multiclassgeek · 7 years
Caturdays be like 😴
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