muses-and-odd-fashion · 18 hours
Just in case I haven't made myself clear here yet,
The owner of this blog believes it is possible to enjoy vore non-sexually. To many people, vore is not an inherently sexual thing.
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reblog if you want to be spammed with anonymous asks
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"¡Nunca! Adios muchacho."
The fuck is she saying!!!!!!!!!!
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"What, you didn't think I speak a li'l Spanish? I wouldn't have done Mexika if I didn't."
Chat get this creature off my dashboard this instant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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"Eh? La criatura? ¿Donde?"
What the fuck!!!!!
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La creatura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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She arrives!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brand new muse, nerds, go bother her!
Mi Cha, known largely as “Mimi”, your favorite elven doctor hailing from South Korea!
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why did i make this
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Send me 🛌 to crawl into bed with my muse!
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Fluff Meme: Cuddles Edition
“Mm…you’re warm….”
“You are ridiculously comfortable…”
“Awe! But I don’t want to get up….”
“Get back here and cuddle with me…”
“Nope! You’re my prisoner today…”
“I’m tired, come to bed and cuddle with me please?”
“Well I guess I could come over there and cuddle with you for a bit…”
“Well if it’ll make you feel better…”
“A little cuddling won’t kill you, I promise.”
“It’ll be warmer if we cuddle together….”
“I’m sorry babe; I’m just not in the mood today, could we cuddle instead please?”
“I always sleep better when you’re here with me…”
“Why don’t we just relax and cuddle all day, hmm?”
“I’m really sore today, could we just take it easy and cuddle today please?”
“Somehow cuddling with you is even better than I expected it to be…”
“Can we cuddle for a bit please? I’m feeling kinda down…”
“I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with…”
“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…��
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Seduce my muse, no holds barred do it.
Ask Box Only
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bapples, cinnamoned
Monika: Hey, Wool I’m just wondering if you got the cinnamon apple pie?
Wool: Bapples, Cinnamoned?
Monika: What.
Wool: 👽
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“W-what… W-where am I…”
The dainty, raspy voice asked themself, surveying around the blindingly bright room. It smelt of saline solution and hand sanitizer. Periodic, rhythmic beeping echoed in and around their ears.
To the right was a heart monitor with flashing numbers as well as an IV drip whose bag was nearly dried up. Towards their left was a ventilator alongside a number of complex machines they’d never laid eyes upon.
At the end of their bed was a tall, lanky woman with a unique looking eyepatch across her right eye. She held a neon-colored clipboard and appeared to be jotting down information, until she glanced up and the sound scribbling pen against paper ceased.
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“Oh. You’ve woken up. Don’t move much, your body is still acclimating and needs time to adapt.”
Glancing towards their arm, their eyes widened in utter shock… It was a bluish color with bizzare, iridescent tattoos adorning it. Questions, panicked, but understandable inquiries began flooding their mind. What had happened? Where were they? Why did everything feel so strange?
“I can tell you’re perplexed. Anyone would be in your situation. My name is Doctor Iris Asclepius Pillowski, you’re in the Mugen Research and Healthcare Center in Tokyo, Japan. Do you remember anything prior to being here?”
They shook their in dismissal, still confused and frightened by everything. They pondered for several moments, trying to recall everything leading up to their hospitalization.
“I-I-I… remember… fire. Lots of fire and… screaming. I can… see two people, I think? And then everything else is a blank…”
Iris listened intently, shoulders rising and falling as she mentally braced herself for any strong reactions from what transpired next.
“You’re likely experiencing dissociative amnesia. Nothing unexpected considering what occurred four months prior. Your home was destroyed in an unexplained inferno, you were the only survivor amongst the wreckage… Unfortunately the same cannot be said for your parents, their bodies were incinerated by the flames.”
Despite being told tragic news, the patient didn’t react as strongly as Iris expected them too. In fact, they seemed rather docile aside from the tears that began streaking down their face.
“My parents…? I can’t… make out their faces no… matter how hard I try…”
“It is not uncommon for survivors of traumatic events to face gaps in their memory. The brain will take action if it feels that it is necessary for survival, I cannot promise your memory will return entirely. You may have noticed already, but we’ve had to make extensive modifications and enhancements to your body.”
While Iris explained, the infirm continued staring at their arms. Clenching and unclenching their fists, watching in pure awe as the colorful tattoos reacted and responded to every movement.
“It was a risk, but we decided to take it and fortunately enough we’ve been successful. You are the first human being to ever undergo complete bio-nanotechnological cyberfication. To dumb it down, you’re a cyborg. Using your cells we engineered new bio-mechanical organs that were irreparably damaged. Your eyes, your lungs, your entire digestive system, even your nervous system… I know this might be a lot to take in… so if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to spitball them.”
Cyborg. That word buzzed in the bedridden individual’s head over and over like a broken record. A-a-a cyborg. Something once considered to be mere science fiction and they were at the forefront of it all. It was world shattering to say the least, as they could only stare at their hands in abject bewilderment and terror.
Iris sighed once more, her normally sharpened eyes softening at the sight. Cognitively, she could empathize with the young girl. It wasn’t every day you wake up and are told your entire way of life has been uprooted and turned on its head.
“…I see, you will likely need time to adjust. I will send one of the nurses to bring you water, medicine, and a hot meal. Beforehand though, we’d like to have your name. Just so we can put it on file.”
Silence overtook the room in that moment, with only the monotonous beeps and clicks of the medical devices filling the vacancy. After what felt like an eternity, the bed bound patient finally spoke:
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“Xue… Xiang-Xiu Xue.”
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Big smile!!!!
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“Yeah, but have you seen my nails?”
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“Feeling stylish today, fellas!”
Wool beamed and struck a pose, showing off his freshly painted nails, each black
“You’ve never seen anybody pull these off so damn well, huh?”
Very confident today!
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How well do we know each other?: 
Do you have a pet name for me?: 
Do I have a pet name for you?: 
Are you attracted to me?: 
Why do you want to marry me?: 
Big wedding or Small wedding?: 
Do you see children in our future?: 
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