muses-inn · 9 hours
reblog if you support / love / appreciate muses 40+
i'm looking for more ppl to write with.
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muses-inn · 17 hours
// Don't worry, I'll be back on technodromes, I haven't forgotten my blorbos over there. But the brainrot I have for Jerry, the Battletoads and also Ania and Carrion to some degrees is insane, and I wanna ride on it for a bit longer. Because to be honest with you here, it's been a quite a bit since the last time I had so much joy in writing like I do here atm. You have no idea how happy I am to actually write stuff with the Battletoads after I've felt high and dry so often with muse for them but no one to write with in the past 🥺🥺🥺
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muses-inn · 22 hours
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them huddled together at the end tho
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muses-inn · 1 day
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[⭐]  The Toads are both left bedazzled. Or Zitz is, at least. Rash seems rather amused quickly by the sudden encounter, even taking some pride by the kissing mark left behind. Hey, he got a kissing mark on a day centered around kisses, what else could he ask for as a self-appointed ladies toad?
[🪨]  Pimple would be found working outside, in Doc's garden, watering one of the strongly pruned rose shrubs. He actually really starts to enjoy gardening, it is almost as calming as working as a masseuse.
Hearing a sound behind his back, he speaks up without turning around at first. "Hey, you're back with the fertilizer already?" Then, he glances back.
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"Oh! I'm sorry, I thought Zitz and Rash returned from towns..."
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[💜] Oh, hey! It’s two-out-of-three of those silly toads from outer space who crash-landed into Doc’s garden! Sounded like they were all caught up in this Kiss Day Hullabaloo and Hoopla, too. Well … she couldn’t leave them out to dry, now could she?
POOF! In an instant, as if she appeared out of thin air (and she had truly)— a sneak attack of surprise smooches were planted on the very tip-top of both their heads! Be it toad or man, that purple lipstick wasn't going to come off anytime soon (whats that stuff made out of anyway?!).
“You should wash your hands more if it tastes gross~♡”
And just like that, she was off! No doubt to try and find the third toad now.
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muses-inn · 2 days
POV: You just don't piss off Pimple. It's wrong on so many levels.
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muses-inn · 2 days
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[🐸]  "Oh wait! I think there's a worm inside that apple! Do you mind giving me that one? My Oyster Toads like these."
@riiese / Ingvar (I hope you don't mind me hijacking on your anonymous message like this. I just thought because you mentioned Star Trek crossovers earlier ^^)
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muses-inn · 2 days
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List of Muses that are available for shipping
Ania Carrion Ashton Zitz Rash Tapeta Quark Leo
Only platonic / romantic
Jerry Leck T'Ana Pimple Isaac Rough Tumble Michelangelo
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muses-inn · 3 days
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@shiningsilverarmor / meme
🐸 (Frog) Tumble!
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What sounds do you make that pertain to your species?
He will do high-pitched chirping noises when he's extremely distressed. And yes, he does stomp to intimidate, too. Not as ridiculously as the skunks we know, of course, but he has a habit of thumping down a foot when he has arrived.
He also chirps when he's very happy or content, but it's less high-pitched than when he's distressed. It would be really adorable if he wasn't such a little punk who acts like he's allergic to any love and affection.
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muses-inn · 3 days
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Tumble has been added to Rough's page
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muses-inn · 3 days
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[🪨] "Hmmm, I am very much under the impression that some people here would greatly profit from a massage."
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muses-inn · 3 days
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[⭐]  After another successfully performed concert, the Battletoads disappear behind the curtains of the stage to refresh themselves before spending a little time with their fans afterward. Their After-Parties are the biggest fun as far as it concerns Rash. You know, just talking to the fans, giving autographs, enjoying good drinks... that's life. Does he miss the days back in the arena and on the streets, where they would brawl against thugs and competitors day in and day out, though? Eh, sometimes. Letting off some steam by beating bad guys and being celebrated as heroes never gets old. But the Battletoads themselves, they don't really get any younger as the years pass, and Zitz, who's the oldest, would complain that he feels like he's grown out of this whole 'fighting business'.
While sipping some undefinable booze from a rainbow-tinted bottle, he's spotting a very massive character in the crowd. He looks familiar, actually. But where has he seen that Shell-wielding fellow before? The Toad places the half-full bottle back on the table and makes his way to the huge Turtle.
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"Hey big guy! Do I know you from somewhere? I'm pretty darn sure I've seen that big ol' snaggletoothed face of yours before!"
@nightwatchr (Rise! Raph)
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muses-inn · 3 days
who's your pokemon partner?
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Yamper Well, would you look at that! It seems a Yamper wants to be your partner! Yamper, also called the Puppy Pokémon, is a popular herding dog due to its devotion to treats and the electricity it generates from its tail. Like most electric Pokémon, Yamper are drawn to people who are excitable and energetic, though they are also known to also be exceptionally playful and impulsive Pokémon. They make the perfect partner for trainers who are extroverted and curious, and prioritize following their heart when it comes to their interests. My friend, this marks the beginning of your and Yamper's journey together. Welcome to the world of Pokémon!
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muses-inn · 3 days
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[⭐]  "Kissing day? Heck yeah! Everyone knows that I am the best kisser out of the Battletoads!"
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[🚀]  "Oh come on, not this again! Everyone calm down, he's only the best at kissing his own hand. Which is disgusting by the way, don't try it."
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muses-inn · 4 days
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@outofthiisworld / meme
🐨 🐶 For 🩸Carrion? :3c
How do you sleep? Do you hang upside down, curl up like a dog, or even stretch out like a cat?
In early stages, it prefers to retreat in holes, caves, ventilation shafts or any other places where it is secure. Its resting spots need at least two entrances, so it can escape 'through the backdoor' if necessary. In later stages, it sleeps wherever it wants to, even disliking confined spaces. Its tendrils are usually curled up, but it may sleep all sprawled out too if there's enough room. Not unlike octopuses, the creature dreams. It twitches, snarls and even camouflages while it sleeps and dreams.
Do you have a secret spot that you really love to be pet?
It prefers being touched on its tendrils. That's where it feels the most and also gets to learn more about the other. It doesn't like letting someone close to its core because it is vulnerable there. Tendrils are easier to regrow, while reproducing biomass takes more energy.
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muses-inn · 4 days
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@eyeknowmayhem / meme
🐰 🐸 🐋 for the battle toads!
How does your body react to a jumpscare? All three of them have extreme comical reactions to jumpscares. Their heads turn big, eyes popping out of their sockets, limbs removing themself from their bodies... that sort of stuff. It's because of their odd physic and ability to change and transform their body at whims. On milder scares, they react with screams or may just instinctively leap into safety.
What sounds do you make that pertain to your species? They croak occasionally. Especially Zitz tends to make huffy croaking noises when he's annoyed. The three of them are even able to do mating calls. Which, of course, attracts only other (normal) Toads. After experiencing the second invasion of Toads in their close proximity after such a loud call, they've given up doing that. Although Rash still does it every once in a while because he thinks it's funny.
How long can you stay underwater?
I went on Google to find out how long toads can stay underwater for this, but I didn't find any concrete answers. What I'm getting is that Toads can breathe through their skin out- and inside water and that the length of time depends on the amount of oxygen in the water and its temperature. The colder it is, the less oxygen do they need in there. Even though the BT used to be Humans many many years ago, many of their physical attributes are more Toad than Human now. So they can stay underwater for hours, if needed.
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muses-inn · 4 days
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@riiese / meme
☕ for Jerry?
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[🐝] "You know what this is? It is atrocious! Disgusting! How do they justify these awful decisions? How do they sleep at night? What were they thinking when they increased the price of my favorite Ham Sandwich again?!"
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muses-inn · 4 days
Animal Habit/Attribute Headcanons
Couldn’t really find a meme similar to what I was thinking, so I decided to make one myself!
Send in any of the following symbols, and either mun or muse will answer!
(Bonus: add ⚠ to your question and the muse will answer 100% truthfully.)
🐺 (Wolf) - How good is your sense of smell?
🐯 (Tiger) - Do you have fangs? Claws? Any dangerous body parts?
🐆 (Leopard) - How would you hunt/kill prey without any special abilities/weapons?
🐴 (Horse) - Do you run on two legs or all four? How fast do you think you would be if you did the opposite?
🐑 (Sheep) - How does your fur/skin/scales/feathers feel to the touch?
🐘 (Elephant) - How good is your vision? Can you see in the dark?
🐻 (Bear) - How often do you listen to your primal instincts? Do good or bad things happen when you do?
🐨 (Koala) - How do you sleep? Do you hang upside down, curl up like a dog, or even stretch out like a cat?
🐼 (Panda) - Is there a specific plant you like to eat?
🐶 (Dog) - Do you have a secret spot that you really love to be pet?
🐱 (Cat) - Any irregular places you like to nap/tend to fall asleep in?
🐷 (Pig) - Would you fight another wild animal to the death for food?
🐵 (Monkey) - Do you like to climb things?
🐭 (Mouse) - How accurate is your hearing? Do you cringe at high pitched noises?
🐰 (Rabbit) - How does your body react to a jumpscare? e.g. do their wings spread for a getaway, do they display fangs, do they immediately brandish their claws, etc.
🐹 (Squirrel) - Do you store energy and hibernate during winter?
🐦 (Bluebird) - Can you fly? If so, how long can you stay airborne?
🐧 (Penguin) - Can you endure low temperatures well?
🐔 (Chicken) - If you had to live off of raw meat only, what creature would you prefer to hunt?
🐤 (Hatchling) - Would you protect another one’s abandoned young?
🐸 (Frog) - What sounds do you make that pertain to your species? do they squeak when surprised, growl when irritated, roar when entering combat, etc.
🐟 (Fish) - Can you breathe underwater?
🐬 (Dolphin) - How quickly do you swim? What is your style of swimming?
🐋 (Whale) - How long can you stay underwater?
🐠 (Betta) - What is your relation towards other animals/humans?
🐙 (Octopus) - How curious are you? Do you enjoy touching and feeling new things?
🐍 (Snake) - Can you exert any kinds of poison?
🐊 (Alligator) - How well can you blend in with the natural environment?
🐢 (Turtle) - Do you have a protective stance you retreat into when threatened?
🐲 (Dragon) - Is your species naturally occurring in the ecosystem?
🐝 (Bee) - Do you prefer to be in a pack or by yourself?
🐞 (Ladybug) - Are your patterns/color scheme irregular for your species?
🐛 (Centipede) - How naturally stealthy are you?
🐌 (Snail) - Is there some sort of odd membrane covering your skin? Is it useful?
🐜 (Ant) - How strong are you? Is it normal for your species?
You can also send 🐾 + your own inquiry!
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