mushmage · 1 hour
Assalamu Alalykom Med, Thank you so much for your sharing and support
My other account got banned .. Can you help us be more visible?
This is my new account My Mother and Brother are extremely sick (Hepatitis C) we have to get them out!! Money is tighter than ever !! We're all sick !
Can You Post it with the gfm link available? https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-us-escape-gazas-nightmare-a-fathers-plea-for-safety and Here is an update : https://www.tumblr.com/firassalemnewacccount/751403421056237568/how-to-calm-a-one-year-old-and-a-two-year-old-and?source=share (Verified fundraiser by @communistchilchuck and @el-shab-husseincan )
Sorry to keep bothering you but I am really desperate. Thank you so much Forever Grateful and Indebted 🙏
Of course, you're not bothering at all.
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mushmage · 1 hour
Shahed Ghazi, primarily sharing her family's fundraiser on Twitter/X, is a Palestinian engineering student under a stressful time crunch -- the owner of the account hosting her campaign has given her 3 MORE DAYS to raise $30,000 CAD before shutting it down. She has raised $22,208 CAD so far, meaning she must raise $7,792 in 72 HOURS! I've seen what we can do when we all work together to show a family how much we care, so please, please, help them reach this amount before time runs out. Give what you are able to help ensure this family's survival, even if it is $5 CAD.
$22,208 CAD/$30,000 CAD.
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mushmage · 1 day
I'd like to bring your attention to a campaign by Shahd Abu Mousa, a passionate dentistry student in Gaza whose studies were cut short by the violent ongoing genocide, and whose dreams were dashed when she and her family lost everything they own.
Shahd is trying to raise funds to save her family's lives, including her older brother, her parents, and her 3 younger sisters. They are a loving family, just trying to survive these horrific circumstances.
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(ID in Alt)
In addition to raising funds for her family, Shahd has been conducting the important and heroic work of acting as a volunteer dentist during the war, at great risk to herself, just to provide healthcare to her fellow Gazans at a time when resources are scarce and the medical infrastructure of Gaza is completely gone.
Being forced to constantly evacuate from area to area under threat of bombing and gunfire, as well as the scarce resources is no way to live. And this family needs your help. They are requesting $40,000 and have only reached $4,811 as of now. Their donations have gotten slower, and as tumblr continues to shadowban Shahd's accounts, she needs help spreading the word.
Please donate if you can. Any amount would make an impact.
And please share!
You can reach follow Shahd on tumblr where she's posting a lot of updates, information, and photos around her experiences during the war @shahdhatem and also on instagram @/shahdmosa24
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mushmage · 1 day
STOP. DON'T SCROLL. READ THIS TO SAVE LIVES IN GAZA. Below are some VETTED campaigns to support Gazans. These people have been experiencing an active genocide for almost a full year. Donate and share widely.
(may 27th)
Save a displaced Gazan Family (@ranibra) - Rania is married with five children, her husband needs medical care. She is now responsible to save her children. Help them evacuate.
Support Fahmi and his family (@fahmiakkila) - Fahmi's life has been turned completely upside down, and he now finds himself responsible to save his parents, sisters, & brothers - 7 members.
Save the Maliha family (@dinamaliha) - Dina wants to save her mother, two sisters, and three brothers. The family lost contact with their father when the genocide started. They desperately need to get to Egypt.
Save Firas' family (@firassalemnewacccount @prosolitudeeee) - Firas is a father of two children, a 10-month-old boy and a two-year-old girl, who are in need of safe haven in Egypt.
Help Husam and his family (@husamthaher) - Husam desperately needs to save himself, his wife, and 3 young children.
Help Nader's family to evacuate from Gaza (@nadershoshaa) - Nader and his family, consisting of six members, are currently displaced in the south; help them evacuate and survive.
The Shamaly family wants to survive (@daee571989) - Help save 15 kids and their family, who are living a horrifying active genocide.
Ahmd needs urgent evacuation (@ahmd-iyd) - Ahmd has lost his livelihood to this genocide, and needs funds to help his family evacuate and rebuild their life.
Help evacuate Hani's family (@skatehani) - A dear friend, and a Palestinian skater trying to evacuate 10 members of his family; he has lost his father to injustice.
Help Iman’s family find safety (@imaneyad) - Iman has a family of 7 who need to find safety.
Help save Youssef's family (@bba3lo @mahmoud7878) - Ahmed Baalousha wants to save his wife, his two sons, his daughter, as well as his parents and siblings.
Support Ruba and Amal's family's urgent evacuation (@rubashaban @amalshabn) - Ruba and Amal's family are lacking the basic necessities of life; they have an elderly father who desperately needs to be evacuated for medical care.
Save little Yusuf and his family (@ahmednabubake) - Yusuf is in an intensive care unit fighting for his life in Gaza; he needs urgent evacuation alongside his family.
Help Omar evacuate (@omarsobhi) - Omar is a 20 year old Palestinian student who wants to save himself and his family from this genocide.
Help Belal and his family to evacuate from Gaza (@alaajshaat) - Belal has lost too much to this war and needs to support himself and his family.
Do not scroll past this list without contributing. This list makes it easy for you to find a fundraiser to support. Choose at least one. Your contribution will save lives. If you cannot donate, share these campaigns.
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mushmage · 1 day
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This is a fundraiser on @/el-shab-hussein's list of vetted fundraisers. It is one of the ones that is very low on funding so I am highlighting it today with a graphic because people respond to images more than just text.
Their donations are very slow at the moment. Please consider donating!
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mushmage · 5 days
inspired by the wonderful @tamarrud, i decided it would be much more effective to create one post every day that compiles the vetted fundraisers i receive from gazans, who desperately need donations/need their campaigns to be shared.
may 22nd:
Support Mohammed Ayesh (@mohammedayesh) - A university student who desperately needs to evacuate to Egypt.
Help evacuate Hani's family (@skatehani) - A Palestinian skater trying to evacuate 10 members of his family.
Help evacuate Fadi's family (@fadisharif11) - A father trying to save his wife, 9-month-old child, parents, three brothers, and three sisters.
Help Mahmoud Abu Hamam and his family (@ma7moudgaza) - A college student who desperately needs to evacuate to Egypt.
Help Iman’s family find safety (@imaneyad) - Iman has a family of 7 who need to find safety.
Help Ezzideen Shehab and his family evacuate (@helpezzideen) - Ezzideen, a young doctor, and his parents, siblings, and young brother Mazen urgently need to evacuate.
Help Tahseen and his family (@tahseenmush) - Tahseen and his family are from northern Gaza and need urgent help to survive this genocide.
Help save Youssef's family (@bba3lo) - Ahmed Baalousha wants to save his wife, his two sons, his daughter, as well as his parents and siblings.
Help Basel get his wife and children out of Gaza (@basel321) - Basel's family consists of 5 people (his wife and four children) and he is trying to help them evacuate.
Marah needs to save her family (@marahsalem) - Marah is trying to get reunited with her family, which consists of 5 members who need to urgently evacuate.
this compiled list is not just for convenience - it is supposed to encourage you to donate and share. do not scroll. please pick at least one fundraiser to donate to today, even if you can only donate a really small amount. if you absolutely cannot donate, share these campaigns. you can easily save a life
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mushmage · 27 days
If its more than one of these, vote the one that was strongest and/or lasted the longest.
I wanted to be a marine illustrator !! Like for textbooks n stuff
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mushmage · 1 month
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badge for @napstabliss ! I had lots of fun doing this one
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mushmage · 1 month
Reblog with your favorite Animal Crossing villager in the tags, I want to know what people think. Mine is Daisy
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mushmage · 1 month
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yeen dives for pizza!
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mushmage · 1 month
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more of my yeen (their name is ardent)
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mushmage · 2 months
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yeen dives for pizza!
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mushmage · 2 months
had to combine two in each answer cuz of poll limitations but hi. im curious…. round to the nearest inch. cm users do your best
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mushmage · 2 months
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mushmage · 2 months
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mushmage · 2 months
End blood quantum now
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Blood quantum is how much native blood you have in you and it needs to be a certain threshold to qualify you as a tribal member. Blood quantum varies from tribe to tribe.
It means my mom is a tribal member but because my dad is outside of my tribe... I don't have enough tribal blood to enroll. Neither does my daughter. Our "official" indigeneity ended with me.
My dad is still native tho. Just southern native. Others have two parents enrolled in separate tribes and can't enroll in either one despite being Full native because their parents were mixed with other tribes so they don't have enough blood of Any tribe to qualify.
And to what end are they doing this?
Under the treaties the US govt can lay no claim to native land. So how do they fix that? Get rid of the natives, of course.
And since they can't slaughter us in broad daylight anymore they did the next best thing. What the colonial government has ALWAYS done to us and other poc.
Made up a bunch of arbitrary laws to restrain and limit our power and numbers.
And this can't continue. We are the only race who needs to apply to be part of the community we were born into. The only race who needs to prove our blood.
And that's the thing: it's not even based on blood. Racist scientists defined who was a full-blooded native based on things like shoe size, head circumference, and skin pigment.
Not blood. And besides that it wasn't uncommon for outsiders to become part of a tribe!! You didn't need to be native by blood to be native! Blood quantum has made it IMPOSSIBLE for them to qualify and made it impossible for tribes to practice that long time aspect of our culture.
So please share this post. So many people legitimately think natives are extinct and even less are aware that we do more than just sit around drinking all day. Few people have good feelings about us and within that there are a few who actively help. Please be one of those few.
We need support and allies and for our voices to be heard. Please don't let this post just be me screaming into a void. We need people to know what blood quantum is, how archaic and harmful it is, and to help us spread awareness to people who otherwise would ignore us. Use your privilege.
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mushmage · 2 months
what if i decided i'm straight up not posting any new art publicly until that family's GFM in my pinned is at least Halfway to its goal
(even half my followers donating 5 bucks each would do that btw)
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