mutedkisses · 11 months
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Eddie's hair vs Eddie's hair described in fanfic
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mutedkisses · 11 months
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mutedkisses · 11 months
asking for a soft sleepy mike blurb pls pls pls 🙏🙏🙏
you asked and you shall receive darling love ! <3
-ˏˋ ❀ ❀ ❀ ˊˎ-
“babe no, cmon. you have to get up” mike coos as softly as he could, which probably was not a very good thing to do because if anything his voice was coating you into a deeper slumber, instead of waking you up.
your displeasure to his urgent words was apparent as you groan lightly in reply to his waking attempts. small whining emitting from you as you begin to feel him lightly shaking you.
“we have an important test tomorrow for calculus, y/n. we need to finish studying, we’re almost done. can you stay up just a while longer for me?” your boyfriend asks, peppering small kisses along your face that laid on his lap. his lips connecting to yours in a kiss before going up your features to place a quick peck at your nose next.
“bambii, m’so sleepy, though. jus’ a small nap? then we can finish, i promise” you lazily flicker your eyes open, only to meet eye to eye with your big brown eyed lover staring down at you. his hair was perfectly shelved on top of his head, a clean white tee clinging onto his chest and lanky arms. he looked absolutely perfect.
“baby, it’s already 9:00” mike sighs, ready to try and get you up again until he saw your pouty lips and the little puppy dog look you loved to use on him, just because it always work. with a disbelieving shake of his head, he smiles. his head coming down to give you a sweet kiss on your jutted lips.
“okay fine. just a small nap, i’ll wake you in 30”
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mutedkisses · 11 months
🏹🩰 ˖ ࣪⊹ — i hate love her
pairing: loser!mike wheeler x popular!fem!reader 😉😉
summary: influenced by ‘i hate summer’ monologue from ‘500 days of summer’ // mike wheeler clenched his teeth and mutters he hates you but as much as he tries, he can barely get the words out
warnings: description with crooked teeth, 1960’s haircut, knobby knees, mention of scars and bruises (these are just vague descriptions that fit the monologue & i also look different from this description but it’s just according to the film so please don’t take it personally thank you 🙏🙏)
age of pairing: 14-15
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i hate y/n.
mike stared at her from across the classroom, crossed legs and tapping your number two pencil on the wooden desk repeatedly. it bothered him so much, only adding to the mental list of things he hated about you. rather than staring now he was glaring but he sat behind you and a couple rows over which meant you didn’t even notice. continuing to annoy him without a single thought.
he pressed down his pencil into his notebook until the lead snapped, making him also snap out of this trance. he looked down at his empty paper with a dark lead circle in the middle. he ripped out the sheet and crumpled it up, debating whether to throw it at your head or into the trash can. he probably had a better chance shooting it at your head than landing it in the trash can according to his sports record but he refrained because your hair looked nice.
he wasn’t sympathetic especially when the situation included you but he wasn’t an asshole. it must’ve taken you all morning to do that hairstyle and agree that you liked it. he just didn’t want to throw all your hard work away so he kept the crumpled paper and shoved it in his backpack, agreeing he’d either throw it to your head another day or throwing it away at the end of class.
“mike! i asked you a question mr. wheeler, what’s the answer to the question on the board?” the teacher asked in a stern tone, hands on his hips and trying to get mike’s attention. mike looked up and away from you, hoping you didn’t see his eyes hurrying to avoid your eye contact. you turned around from your seat to look at him as did the rest of the class.
mike was out of it. he was thinking about something else, you. he forgot to write down all the notes on the board which contributed to what the answer could be to the question the teach was asking. before he could apologize, a hand rose up in front of him. it was yours. your arm popped up and attracted the teachers attention. “yes, ms. y/n?” he asked now taking his burning eyes away from mike and to you.
“if mike can’t answer it, i’d gladly do it myself,” you replied and not in a sarcastic or rude manner. it was like you wanted to help him. “sure that would be great, go ahead,” the teacher proceeded and let you come up to the board. you took your notebook with you, it was covered in bright stickers and shiny gems matching your appearance. mike watched as you sat up from your desk and almost skipped to the board.
you picked up the small white chalk and wrote down your answer, copying your equation from your notebook. the class watched but mike observed. he thought about how you saved his ass from getting yelled at the teacher. why? after finishing the equation, you turned and returned to your seat, winking and smiling at mike before doing so. he shook his head, whatever. he hated you.
i hate her crooked teeth.
if he hates you so much, why was he up at three in the morning still thinking about your stupid smile. your pearl white teeth almost blinding him in the middle of math class. his eyebrows knitted together and his eyes pierced through the ceiling of his bedroom. what was your problem? you didn’t do this to any other person in the school? let alone the entirety of hawkins! so why did you chose him? was this a punishment?
mike groaned and turned off his bedside table lamp, looking at the alarm clock reading 4:27 now. he spent almost four hours just thinking about you and it infuriated him. he liked girls before, girls in his class, girls on the tv, girls in his favorite movies. but he never stayed up thinking about him until this late hour. so what made you so different?
was it your smile? it wasn’t even that nice! he’s seen better smiles in the newspaper and even his mom may have had a better one. yet you were the only thing on his mind and mike couldn’t stand the feeling.
he turned to sides left and right, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep but it was no help. by the time, his eyelids were finally about to shut, they were disturbed by the bright light of the sun coming up. he hated you so much.
i hate her 1960’s haircut.
the next day at school, mike slung his backpack over his shoulder and got to his locker. he agreed to meet dustin before the hellfire club meeting afterschool and was in a hurry. the most unfortunate thing about going to his locker was that yours was right next to it.
he always avoided you everyday, trying to find a time that would be good for him to approach his locker without you being there. however unlucky for him, you were there most of the day. either taking with your friends, unloading your heavy textbooks, or just leaning against it waiting for the bell to ring.
this forced mike to hide behind the corner, peering over time to time like a creep to wait for you to leave. he was even late once or twice just going to his locker at you finally left when the bell rang. when his teacher asked why his eyes slowly trailed to you, who stared back at him innocently. unknown that you were the reason why he was late and got detention.
he could only shut up and take the yellow slip from his teacher. sliding into his desk in the back and staring out into the window in annoyance. why did he need to avoid you? why wasn’t it the other way around?
today was worse. worse than mike could ever imagine. he headed for his locker, after watching you walk down the hall to your cheer practice as you always did afterschool. it was weird how much mike knew about you. he hurried to his locker and put in his code. opening it quickly and grabbing his books and shoving them into his backpack for homework later.
as soon as mike closed his locker door, he almost had a heart attack. you were standing right there, facing away from him and looking into a small mirror attached to the door of your locker. you were applying another layer of strawberry chapstick, the one you carried everywhere and put on during first period, third period, and right after lunch by your locker.
so he was definitely surprised to see you standing right in front of him, puckering your lips and looking into the mirror. completely oblivious of mike standing behind you with a shocked expression saying ‘what the fuck!’ you didn’t even notice him staring at you for a full on five minutes. mike would never admit it but you weren’t such an eye sore as he tried to convince himself all last night.
you were actually nice to look at. really pretty and your hair was right in front of his face, the scent of strawberry and peach shampoo and conditioner filling up his senses. without him even knowing, mike’s frown became a small smile.
your high ponytail with a white bow made you look like a character from a 60’s cartoon. it was moving side to side putting mike into a trance but he snapped out of it as you put the cap back on of your chapstick, signaling mike to go back into hiding and run away before you freak out and sic the entire basketball team on him for being a creep.
he turned around and rushed down the hall, not looking back and just praying that you didn’t notice his existence like you did for the last ten minutes. how he hated you so much.
i hate her knobby knees.
dustin informed mike that everyone was required to watch the final hawkins basketball game tonight, making the hellfire club meeting postponed which eddie would be furious about but he didn’t want his parents being on his back about getting another detention this month. at least lucas would be glad which made going to the game worth it for him and dustin.
“what if we just slipped out during halftime?” mike suggested to dustin who was climbing up the bleachers to look for an empty seat. “if we get caught our asses are toast and my mom will take away my satellite meani—” dustin was explaining but mike had heard this a hundred times to repeat it, “—meaning no suzie, i know i know,” he grumbled and sat onto the wooden seats.
before the game even started, a girl walked to the middle of the gym and stayed singing the national anthem. or at least what sounded like it kind of. she sounded like a muppet, he and dustin agreed on. after that, a bunch of green uniforms filled up the center stage.
it was the hawkins cheerleaders, including you. his eyes immediately fell upon you, disregarding the other twenty girls and guys wearing the same outfit. you were the only one that caught his eye and he couldn’t tell why. was it cause of the weird interaction earlier today?
you were skipping in with a smile plastered on your face, those stupid pearly whites blinding mike once again. you had pom pom in your hands, waving your arms around and waving to the crowd. you didn’t spare mike a glance even once but he didn’t mind. at least it meant he could stare at you the entire time the cheerleaders introduction was happening.
what surprised mike was that you walked to the center, as everyone got into formation, you were center stage. your smile was warm and could light up an entire room, as it was doing now. you danced in the front with a bunch of other girls, doing a routine you guys probably practiced a million times before. mike could see the nervousness in your face, hiding behind that smile you held so proudly.
he noticed your knees, they were kind of crooked. you also had bruises on them, cuts too. skin tone band-aids trying to cover the scars on your knees. people might’ve thought they were ugly but mike found them nice. not like he was a sadist or anything about scars and bruises but it made you look more real. like you weren’t just another carbon copy of these popular cheerleaders who had perfect lives and appearances like the girls surrounding you.
you were different. something about you gave mike a hint that you wouldn’t make fun of him or laugh at his face if he made a mistake. maybe it was because you helped him yesterday morning or smiled at him a moment after.
either way, he found himself clapping for you after you finished your dance, enjoying your performance and rather disappointed to find it so short. dustin was confused, wasn’t mike just giving suggestions on how to sneak out of here five minutes ago? now he was smiling and clapping like his girlfriend was out there dancing in front of the crowd?
why did you make him feel this weird? this good feeling he had whenever he saw you? he had to force himself to hate you to avoid his true feelings from spilling out. he hated how you made him feel.
i hate her.
i hate love her so much.
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mutedkisses · 11 months
Mike nonstop talking about Y/n at Hellfire and Eddie lets the reader sit in on one of the games on Mike's lap?
this may be your best idea yet…
- so like any love struck teen, mike is literally the worst. the only thing he talks about now is you. whether that’s what you were wearing or what you guys did last time you hung out, it didn’t matter.
- frankly, the boys were getting tired of it.
- also they didn’t really believe him about you, because they never really saw you guys interact
- so finally one day eddie got fed up with mike and told him that if you were so special, why doesn’t he just invite you to the next hellfire meeting
- and mike, not really getting that eddie was trying to make fun of him, thought that was the best idea he had ever heard
- it took some time to convince you. you were scared to official meet most of the members, plus what if they didn’t like you?? what if they hated you?? or made fun of you?? and you didn’t know anything about dnd so what exactly were you supposed to do?
- mike calmed you down while gently answering all your questions. they would like you just fine, no they could never hate you, why would they make fun of you?? don’t you remember who exactly is in hellfire?? a bunch of (for lack of better words) social rejects. you would be just fine.
- as for what you were meant to do, he wasn’t sure. so that night the two of you stayed up and he taught you some basics
- the next day you felt confident until the last period of the day. the meeting was directly after school and you began to get all panicky.
- once the bell signaled you rushed off into the bathroom, deciding to hide out. you couldn’t face them, it was all too nerve wracking
- about ten minutes after the final bell, mike was beginning to be worried for you. i mean where even were you?? he knew you had been at school, fuck he had literally walked you there. plus he saw you right before your final class.
- and eddie looked all too excited to learn that mike had been bluffing the whole time about actually have this great and perfect girlfriend
- so naturally, as any teenaged boy does, he started to lightly taunt mike. then the rest of the group joined in.
- right as eddie was calling mike out, you had made your grand appearance.
- in the flesh stood you, mikes great and perfect girlfriend, with apologies flying out so fast no one could really process your words
- once you realized that everyone had gone quite, your cheeks heated up
- gathering up all that anxiety and swallowing it like an advil, you waltzed over to eddie and stuck your hand out, offering an official introduction. you acted as if it was a business meeting, stating your name and relation. to which eddie stared up at you from his throne for a good thirty seconds before grasping your hand in his. the force of his handshake was enough to leave little imprints from his rings onto your fingers
- after that he apologized, due to lack of seating. he explained that he thought you were a figment of mikes over active imagination. to which you could hear mike in the background FUMING
- so without any other ideas, you went over to your angry boyfriend who was spewing insults at the older male and just took a seat in his lap.
- that shut him up nice and easy
- eddie liked that, shutting mike up had never been that easy
- and so with your grand introduction, they began the game
- about half way through you and mike became a team and ending up defeating eddie’s newest villain from the campaign
- after wards, at lunch the next day everyone was pestering mike on if you would join the club, and when you would be back
- and he had never seen you smile so wide when he told you just how much everyone liked you in the end
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mutedkisses · 11 months
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pretty when you cry🕯 ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳
mike wheeler x fem! reader
angst (?) 🫡 [ inspo : pretty when you cry by lana del rey ]
age pairings; between 14-15 ༊*·˚
💋 warnings: douche mike, cheating
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y/n l/n.
the girl who i loved the most. she moved here to hawkins from brooklyn. and the first when i caught her eyes, i knew that i wasn’t in love with el anymore. sure she had all those powers but, what else? this girl was heaven. she was an angel. every time the pretty stars shine, i always feel like they shine for her. she’s the girl i dream of.
“you’re my girl.”
“you make me feel like your whole world.” she giggles. i loved her laugh. i loved everything about her. her eyes, her hair, her body. all of her.
we were young and in love. she loved me, i loved her. she didn’t know i was with el. she knew el, she was a part of our little friend group. i just never tried to be affectionate with el whenever she was there. and when she knew about it, she was upset. i didn’t mean to upset her, but she wouldn’t stop crying.
i didn’t get why she wouldn’t stop crying. was she jealous of el? did she feel bad for el? her tears were like gold. she was beautiful whenever she cried.
“you’re pretty when you cry.”
when y/n died, 1985. from the starcourt mall incident. i was feeling the worst pain in my life. worse than almost getting killed by a demogorgon, or a mind flayer. this was worse.
i felt sadness pool into my life. like i stopped caring. i stopped caring about el. i stopped caring about my friends. and i didn’t plan to show that, so i didn’t. i pretended that i was still the mike that the party was best friends with.
el and the byers’ moved to california. el sent me letters, i felt loved. but i didn’t love her anymore. she doesn’t know that. whenever i write back to her, i leave it with “from, mike.” i know that i seem like a total bitch right now, but trust me, thats how i really feel.
my mind flashed back when i wrote a letter for her trying to apologize.
“all those special times i spent with you, my love.”
“they don’t mean shit. compared to all or any drugs.”
“i’m sorry y/n. i love you.”
ever since y/n died, i started to change.
i started to act different. that’s how lucas says it. lucas got into the basketball team and, he started hanging with the basketball douchebags. like jason carver, mckinney, andy, and the other dudes. dustin and i? stayed loyal to dnd. every time, all i think about is y/n.
i swore to wait for her. when i’m gone. when i’m gone, i’ll be with her. she’s the death of me. my love.
୨⎯ " ♡ " ⎯୧
it was summer of 1986, i came to california to visit el and the byers. i had a gut feeling that i wasn’t supposed to be here, right after telling myself that i wasn’t in love with el. not now.
“mike!” el’s coming. i forced myself to hug her. to kiss her. it wasn’t the same anymore. i didn’t feel the same for her anymore. all of us, we weren’t the same after y/n’s death.
when we were at the roller skating rink, el hit a girl. with a rollerskate. will and i were terrified, i feel terrible for the girl, blood was scattered, trickling down her face.
we were home at the byers’ house. the tension at dinner was fucking terrible. i was outside to get some air walking to another random neighborhood where my legs led me to. just when i saw a familiar girl faced backwards by someone’s house’s window. she— she reminded me of y/n. the hair. the eyes, the eyes i loved. her body language. it was all the same. the way she walked. i saw her calling someone, the way she was holding her hip and it would turn to the left when she was holding on to her telephone.
she turned to the window and i saw her. the girl that i loved. but she’s dead. wasn’t she?
her eyes caught mine and she put the phone down. the way i knew her eyes were watering. she was starting to turn red. she went downstairs and opened the door. there she was. y/n. my y/n.
“mike.. i’m— what are you doing here.“
“i thought you were dead gone. you’re—you’re real.”
“i’m sorry. i had to, i couldn’t risk getting hurt anymore.
“hurt? why would you get hurt.”
why would she be hurt? was there anything to hurt her? she was looking into my eyes with sadness. she was starting to cry. tears of heaven were sliding down her rosy cheeks. eyes puffy, her long lashes dampened.
“you. you guys. every year, we all get hurt. because of that— that girl!”
“it’s her fault! not mine, y/n. you could have just told me. you could’ve just said that you were leaving than— than just faking a death!”
i was crying. not tears of joy after seeing her, not tears of sadness, nor tears of anger after she faked her death. i just cried.
“y/n, every thing changed when you left. even us. every one of us in the party. i felt like i wanted to jump off a cliff y/n. i felt terrible.”
“mike, i’m sorry. i loved you i know, i still do. i couldn’t help it. that damn eleven was getting us all tracked with every thing we do, every fucking summer! every fucking time mike, someone dies.”
she needed me. i needed her. she still loved me. i still loved her. but she wouldn’t accept the feelings she still had for me. we weren’t meant to be, were we?
“mike, just stop. please. i’m— m’ leaving.”
“th-there. you’re leaving. and you leave me again. what— what is it that you want, what is it that you need for yourself y/n? tell me. just tell me!”
“you know what. i can’t. i— i can’t do it. i love you y/n. i still do. i always have. i’m sorry. i love you y/n.”
“i love you too mike.”
she kissed me. that kiss that i’ve been longing for, for so long. our salty tears mixing. she was still pretty when she cried. it was just 1 year, but it felt like 10. but she left me, again. it was hard not having her. it was hard not having my pretty girl by my side,
my y/n.
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thinkin ab a part two 🫣
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mutedkisses · 11 months
hiii, i was just wondering if you could possibly continue on with the concept of mike preferring to sleep on your thighs rather than a pillow? like maybe a small fic of what led to it happening or something??
note —i don't like how this ended but i felt bad because this ask has been in my inbox for ages
you seemed to be in your own world as you idly thumbed through your book. midnight had long since seeped into the sky, and mike, quite frankly, felt ignored. his eyes began to droop with sleep, but he still refused to pull you from your story, claiming you looked too beautiful in such serenity. he moved to sit closer to you, careful to be quiet and leave you undisturbed. a minute or so passed until you felt a gentle weight resting on your thighs, the pressure enough to draw you from the book. you looked down with a confused glint in your eyes only to be met with mike's calm face. "what are you doing?" you asked, amusement lacing your tone. "sleeping." he replied instantly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "we're sitting on a bed, why not sleep on that, stupid?" he opened an eye, squinting up at you. "you're more comfortable." an airy laugh escaped you as you pressed a short kiss to his forehead. "whatever you say, wheeler."
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mutedkisses · 11 months
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Dustin Henderson x Fem! Cheerleader!reader blurb.
(No pronouns used but reader is a cheerleader and wears a skirt)
Dustin finds himself getting tackled by an excited cheerleader screaming his name in front of his friends. They have questions.
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"So I was thinking that our next Campaign could be pirate themed, think about it a cool pirate bard who flirts with mermaids and shit." Dustin excitedly petitions to his group of friends as the three of them walk through the mostly empty court yard after school.
"yeah but we don't have a Bard who flirts. Nog has always been awkward." Mike responded stiffly glaring up at the sun like it committed the murder of his dog. (Maybe it had Mike never did speak about what happened to Brody.) But Dustin wasn't easily discouraged by his friend's sour mood.
"about that." He grinned mischievously opening his binder wide to show a pretty decent sketch of a tall elven creature. "Meet Percival Gram."
"no." Was all that came out of Mike's mouth causing Dustin to stop walking as Mike and Lucas passed him by.
"oh come on Mike it's not that serious-" he called out to his friends recovering enough to catch up with their much longer strides before he heard his name cut through the air.
"huh-" was the only thing able to come out of his mouth before a blur of white and green came flying at him causing him to drop his books to catch it.
"I got in!" Was screamed excitedly as you flung yourself into a hug, wrapping you legs around Dustin on instinct. "look at me I got in! Look! Look!"
"wha-" you pull away and for the first time clearly he could see the green stitching on your chest read 'HHS' and the matching skirt that he realized his hand was rest under in order to hold your weight "oh...OH YOU GOT IN!"
"congrats, Honey bun! I told you you'd make it!" He smiles as you squeal in excitement and he puts you down.
The two of you straighten yourself out and hear a throat clear that leads your attention to both Mike and Lucas staring at you in confuse? Disbelief? It was hard to tell.
"you must be Lucas and Mike." You smile awkwardly. "Nice to meet you, I'm y/n."
The two continue to stare.
"well uh I've got to go..." You turn and press a kiss to the corner of Dustin's mouth. "Help me with my science homework later?"
"of course." He smiled waving to you as you wonder off, presumably home.
"Honey-bun?" Lucas raised an eyebrow, teasingly
"what happened to Suzie-poo" Mike laughed, causing Dustin to flip them both the middle finger.
"shut up. We broke up."
"you didn't tell us." Lucas frowned.
"you didn't ask." Was all Dustin replied as he picked up his books and kept walking.
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mutedkisses · 11 months
modern james would have an instax photo of regulus on his phone case
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mutedkisses · 11 months
POV: You accidentally opened the front camera but you’re Timothée Chalamet:
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mutedkisses · 11 months
send me any oddly specific mood , prompt , feeling , pastime , etc etc and i will give you a movie reccomendation !!
it’s kinda like those “oddly specific book recs” but it’s with movies instead :D
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mutedkisses · 11 months
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changed my header for the occasion :)
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mutedkisses · 11 months
ryan and shane's post-divorce interview but there's too many sound effects
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mutedkisses · 11 months
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reblog if ur a watcher weenie
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mutedkisses · 11 months
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Sara’s instagram post for Shane’s birthday!
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mutedkisses · 11 months
ryan telling ghosts to behave
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mutedkisses · 11 months
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these spot the difference games are getting harder
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