mx08z7kz6gqrs · 1 year
人间不值得 - This Human World Isn’t Worth It
人间不值得 - 黄诗扶 This Human World Isn’t Worth It - Huang Shifu Original Song Here Lyrics: Chi Yi Composition: Huang Shifu Arrangement: Mzf Xiao Mu 渡口爱上深山 薄雪中意晚莲 夕阳熬红双眼 想等来晨钟聊聊天 The harbor falls in love with the mountains in the distance, and a beautiful evening lotus catches the eye of the cold winter snow. The sunset stays awake until its eyes are brimming red just waiting for the dawn to come by for a chat. 心上人在梅边柳边 偏不在身边 小白蛇浇透临安 许仙却没带伞 My beloved stands there beside plum blossoms and willow trees, but remains out of my reach. The white snake finds herself soaked through near the West Lake, but Xu Xian did not bring his umbrella. 少女压坏秋千 书生十年落选 命运总是挑挑拣拣 诸事不成全 A young girl tumbles as her swing falls apart beneath her, and a young scholar fails his exams again ten years counting. Fate is such a fickle thing, never fulfilling anyone's wishes. 小和尚没化到缘 又路过烧鸭店 A young monk comes back empty handed, as he passes by roasting ducks on a street stand. 拈杯酒眯着眼 说专心看人间 看长安建安与潘安 都想沾一沾 Cups of wine in hand, with heavy eyes barely open, they say they are watching this human world carefully. Looking over the beauty of Chang'an, Jian'an, and Pan'an, they wanted a taste of everything. 神仙掐指算 此去少圆满 得来失 聚了散 千万莫求全 The gods count each one out one by one- few things are ever truly completed. Things we gain will lead to loss, and those who come together will inevitably part, so we must be careful never to ask for too much. 借泥炉烧碗饭 在檐上种炊烟 管小寒大寒与心寒 都来暖一暖 Let's borrow a clay oven, and cook a bowl of food, raising billows of smoke over the eaves Whether it's a icy storm, a cold spell, or a bitter, frozen heart- may they all be warmed a little. 好提胆闯人海 再叩风月关 兜兜转转八十一难 我们走着看 So that we may gather the courage to push through the sea of people around us, we bow again to the quiet moonlight above. No matter the ups and downs that await us on this winding path of life, let's walk along and see. 竹马去寻竹马 青梅意兴阑珊 A young boy comes along on a bamboo horse, but trots away to play with the others, And the little girl beneath green plum trees grows tired of waiting. 伯牙琴弦摔断 叔夜刚绝交山巨源 Bo Ya snaps the strings of his qin in grief, And Shuye (Xi Kang) severs his ties with Ju Yuan (Shan Tao). 知己半路就散 结发总另结新欢 小情侣恰好遇见 喜鹊没来上班 The friend you hold closest abandons you halfway through, as the one you love marries another, A pair of young lovers finally happen to meet, and yet cupid seems to have abandoned his post. 长生岂能如愿 古稀尚靠垂怜 老病倒比莺莺燕燕 多陪二十年 Over the course of such a long life, how could you expect everything to go as you may have wished? In the end, the elderly continue to lean upon the mercy of others. The illness of old age accompanies you twenty years longer than the spring of youth. 小嫦娥偷吃灵药 却反而羡人间 A young Chang'e stole the elixir of immortality, only to turn and envy the lives of humankind. 拈杯酒眯着眼 说专心看人间 看长安建安与潘安 都想沾一沾 Cups of wine in hand, with heavy eyes barely open, they say they are watching this human world carefully. Looking over the beauty of Chang'an, Jian'an, and Pan'an, they wanted a taste of everything. 神仙掐指算 此去少圆满 得来失 聚了散 千万莫求全 The gods count each one out one by one- few things are ever truly completed. Things we gain will lead to loss, and those who come together will inevitably part, so we must be careful never to ask for too much. 借泥炉烧碗饭 在檐上种炊烟 管小寒大寒与心寒 都来暖一暖 Let's borrow a clay oven, and cook a bowl of food, raising billows of smoke over the eaves Whether it's a icy storm, a cold spell, or a bitter, frozen heart- may they all be warmed a little. 好提胆闯人海 再叩风月关 兜兜转转八十一难 我们走着看 So that we may gather the courage to push through the sea of people around us, we bow again to the quiet moonlight above. No matter the ups and downs that await us on this winding path of life, let's walk along and see. 人生在世不称意呀 失眠或失恋 只劝你来把个盏 侃呀么侃大山 喝完大酒撑条船 说今生不靠岸 去天涯海角浪个遍 失意当尝鲜 Our time in this human world can be so bitter, whether it's sleepless nights or broken hearts. One can only advise you to take a cup, and come by for an bit of idle chatter After finishing the wine, take a boat out and say promise never to land again in this lifetime. Go forth to the ends of the earth and sea, and taste each new disappointment as it comes. 这一路手握剑 身侧有千帆 时不时~回头看看 百味是人间 时不时~也睡个懒觉 醒来多加餐 Along the way, keep a sword at hand, and a thousand sails beside you. Every now and then, look back at the hundreds of flavors of the human world. Every now and then, sleep in a bit, and once you wake, help yourself to a another meal. Side Note: There are a lot of direct references to Chinese literature here, and some other more ambiguous ones. I'll be posting some notes later to capture the ones I found. There are some localizations I did where possible, but for the most part I left things relatively literal because there was so much.
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 1 year
跟着光 - Follow the Light
跟着光 - 灿烂烂, 熙月月 Follow the Light - Can Lanlan, Xi Yueyue Original Song Here Composition: Xi Yueyue Lyrics: Qi Chengyue Vocals: Can Lanlan Mixing: Mo Yujing Original Doujin Music for Sa Ye 我在虚空之中 不断往下降 直到睁开双眼 落入你臂膀 你是倏尔 叩开人间空荡 第一声轰然巨响 你是我 远胜生命的重量 I was falling endlessly in a void, Until I finally opened my eyes, landing in your arms. You were a sudden force, knocking away the emptiness in this world The first voice, loudly resounding. You were the weight of a far better life. 如果世界冰冷 爱意却滚烫 无声汹涌在我 炙热的胸膛 你是被我 紧紧握在手掌 第一束乍破天光 想和你 奔向无垠的洪荒 Even if the rest of the world was icy cold, love still blazed, scalding hot, Soundlessly rising and burning within my chest. You were the first ray of light from the skies that I clutched tightly within my hands, With you beside me, I wanted to leap forth into the great unknowns. 哪怕头破血流 失措彷徨 哪怕只是 跌跌撞撞 哪怕隔了山高水长 也要去你身旁 Even if we're bruised and bleeding, with little left but uncertainty. Even if all it ever amounted to was just stumbling about. Even if we're separated by mountains and seas, I'd cross them all to be by your side 愿我们更勇敢 光芒万丈 肆无忌惮 撒野生长 岁月曾赐予伤痕 也带来希望 跟着光 Praying for both of us to become braver, with endless lights to guide our way. To live unrestrained and grow up running wild and free. The flow of time that has given us so many scars, Has also brought us hope, following the light. 你说一生总要 撞一回南墙 看惯黑夜的眼 会更加明亮 你是藏在 一身锋芒之下 温柔却最有力量 你是我 刻进生命的信仰 You said that everyone has to be stubborn at least once, until they finally hit a dead end. To the eye that has already grown used to the dark of the night, the light shines even brighter. You are that which is hidden beneath the edge of a spear, Warm, yet incredibly strong. You are the conviction that I've engraved onto my life. 没有人能永远 停在旧时光 但永远有少年 像你我一样 永远年轻 永远热泪盈眶 永远怀孤勇一腔 想和你 去往更远的远方 No one can stay still forever in the flow of time. But there will forever be kids, just like you and me. Forever young, eyes bright and brimming with excitement Forever full of loneliness and courage. I want to go far into the distance together with you. 哪怕头破血流 失措彷徨 哪怕只是 跌跌撞撞 哪怕隔了山高水长 也要去你身旁 Even if we're bruised and bleeding, with little left but uncertainty. Even if all it ever amounted to was just stumbling about. Even if we're separated by mountains and seas, I'd cross them all to be by your side 愿我们更勇敢 光芒万丈 肆无忌惮 撒野生长 岁月会记得所有 满怀着希望 跟着光 Praying for both of us to become braver, with endless lights to guide our way. To live unrestrained and grow up running wild and free. The flow of time remembers it all, Full of hope, following the light. 终会重逢前路漫长 还能道声 别来无恙 那个约定 你记得吗 要像对方一样 We'll always meet again, no matter how long and slow the road ahead may be. With every bid for 'safe journey', and each 'welcome back' Do you still remember that promise we made? To be just as brave as one another. 愿你我能成为 彼此的光 交汇之间 相互照亮 名为青春的书页 我将你写在 第一章 Praying for us to become each other's light, Walking together, and lighting the path for one another On this page of life we call youth, I've written you into the very first line.
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 2 years
天外有情 - Endless Love
天外有情 - 梦飞船 Endless Love - Dreamz FM Original Song Here Ending Theme for 陆小凤之凤舞九天 (Master Swordsman Lu Xiaofeng 2) 浩瀚天地之间 情如风月 挥舞飞九天 Between this vast earth and boundless sky, Love is reflected in a beautiful scene, Dancing into the highest reaches of the heavens. 是谁家散落 梦与烟 相对却无言 Whose home has fallen apart? Like wisps of a dream, Facing one another without a sound. 昨夜仿佛看见 天涯身边 转眼已从前 Last night, it was as if I had seen The ends of the earth right here by my side, And in the blink of an eye, it turned into a tale of long ago. 是一场思念 血泪间 爱恨到永远 It was a tale of longing, In between the blood and tears, An eternity of love and hatred. 天外天 梦可圆 刀锋间 有依恋 Somewhere beyond these skies, Dreams are fulfilled, At the edge of our blades, There is a yearning. 天外有情有缘 魂魄一瞬间 Beyond the end of the skies there is a destined love, The moment our spirits touch. 天外天 再相见 刀锋间 情不变 Somewhere beyond these skies, We will meet again. At the edge of our blades, Our love will never change. 天外冷眼人间 洒脱笑剑边 The distant skies look upon the mortal world with indifference. We are free, laughing with our swords.
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 2 years
我们的纪念 - Our Commemoration
我们的纪念 - 李雅微 Our Commemoration - Shivia Lee Original Song Here Lyrics: Shivia Lee Composition: Shivia Lee 数不清的泪 我又哭了好几回 幻化成蝶 停留在这片落叶 I've cried so many times, my tears falling countlessly Transforming into a butterfly, and landing upon this fallen leaf. 被风化的雪 埋藏在千年以前 我用尽一生的思念 只为等着你出现 The windswept snows are buried deep in a thousand years past. I've used up an entire lifetime of longing Just waiting for you to appear. 回忆渐渐凋谢落在我身边 唤不醒原来还跳动的画面 The memories slowly wither and fall beside me Unable to call back to the vivid scenes of the past. 就让我留在轮回的边缘 等一道光线 看见某年某月我们之间曾经说过的预言 Just let me stay here at the edge of reincarnation Waiting for a ray of light I look back towards a point in time long ago, and all that we once foretold. 就让它带走你的那瞬间成为我们的纪念 谁能发现我的世界曾经有过你的脸 Just let it take away that moment of yours and turn it into our commemoration. For who would ever discover that your face was once a part of my world?
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 2 years
情歌 - Love Song
情歌 - 梁静茹 Love Song - Fish Leong Original Song Here Lyrics: Chen Mei Composition: Wu Guanyan Arrangement: Chen Jianqi 时光是琥珀 泪一滴滴 被反锁 情书再不朽 也磨成沙漏 青春的上游 白云飞走 苍狗与海鸥 闪过的念头 潺潺地溜走 Time is a drop of amber, each tear frozen within Love letters that never withered are still worn into grains of sand, slipping through like an hourglass At the very edge of our youth, the white clouds drift away and seagulls cry Like the flow of a river, all these dreams begin to trickle away 命运好幽默 让爱的人都沉默 一整个宇宙 换一颗红豆 回忆如困兽 寂寞太久而渐渐温柔 放开了拳头 反而更自由 Destiny is such a fickle thing, forcing those we love to silence Taking all the universe in exchange for a single beautiful moment The memories are a caged beast- after too many years alone, they slowly become more gentle And by letting go, we become a little more free 慢动作 缱绻胶卷 重播默片 定格一瞬间 我们在 告别的演唱会 说好不再见 In slow motion, these frames of inseparable affection, We replay them again and again like a silent film, frozen in that moment At this concert of farewells, we promised never to meet again 你写给我 我的第一首歌 你和我 十指紧扣 默写前奏 可是那然后呢 You wrote me my very first song You and I, our hands tightly intertwined, wrote this prelude from memory But what about after? 还好我有 我这一首情歌 轻轻地 轻轻哼着 哭着笑着 我的 天长地久 At least I still have this love song of mine That I hum softly along to, through tears and laughter, My ever after 命运好幽默 让爱的人都沉默 一整个宇宙 换一颗红豆 回忆如困兽 寂寞太久而渐渐温柔 放开了拳头 反而更自由 Destiny is such a fickle thing, forcing those we love to silence Taking all the universe in exchange for a single beautiful moment The memories are a caged beast- after too many years alone, they slowly become more gentle And by letting go, we become a little more free 长镜头 越拉越远 越拉越远 事隔好几年 我们在怀念的演唱会 礼貌地吻别 As the wide lens pulls further and further away, the years pass by At this concert of our cherished memories, we kissed goodbye 你写给我 我的第一首歌 你和我 十指紧扣 默写前奏 可是那然后呢 You wrote me my very first song You and I, our hands tightly intertwined, wrote this prelude from memory But what about after? 还好我有 我这一首情歌 轻轻地 轻轻哼着 哭着笑着 我的 天长地久 At least I still have this love song of mine That I hum softly along to, through tears and laughter, My ever after 陪我唱歌 清唱你的情歌 舍不得 短短副歌 心还热着 也该告一段落 Sing with me- let's sing your love song without flourish The little refrain we can't bear to leave And our hearts, still filled with warmth This too should come to an end 还好我有 我下一首情歌 生命宛如 静静的 相拥的河 永远 天长地久 At least I still have my next love song Life is just like the quiet embrace of a river Now and always, forever after
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 2 years
海阔天空 - Boundless Oceans, Vast Skies
海阔天空 - BEYOND Boundless Oceans, Vast Skies - BEYOND Original Song Here Lyrics: Wong Ka Kui Composition: Wong Ka Kui Arrangement: BEYOND, Kunihiko Ryo (Yang Bang-ean) 今天我 寒夜里看雪飘过 怀着冷却了的心窝漂远方 风雨里追赶 雾里分不清影踪 天空海阔你与我 可会变 (谁没在变) Today, I watch as the snow drifts past on this bitter, cold night. Holding onto this freezing heart as I wander into the distance. Pressing onwards through the storms, and the fog that obscures everything before me. The boundless oceans and vast skies, you and me Will we ever change? (Who isn't changing?) 多少次 迎着冷眼与嘲笑 从没有放弃过心中的理想 一刹那恍惚 若有所失的感觉 不知不觉已变淡 心里爱 (谁明白我) Not matter how many times I've been met with cold looks of derision I never once let go of the ideals deep in my heart. Yet in a single moment of confusion, a feeling of emptiness took hold Somehow, without noticing, it all began to fade This passion in my heart. (Who could understand me?) 原谅我这一生不羁放纵爱自由 也会怕有一天会跌倒 背弃了理想 谁人都可以 哪会怕有一天只你共我 Forgive me for my life of reckless abandon, and my passionate freedom I too fear that someday, I may fall. Anyone can abandon their ideals And I'm afraid that someday it will just be you and me. 仍然自由自我 永远高唱我歌 走遍千里 And still I hold on to this freedom of mine, singing my songs out loud Crossing thousands of miles. 原谅我这一生不羁放纵爱自由 也会怕有一天会跌倒 背弃了理想 谁人都可以 哪会怕有一天只你共我 Forgive me for my life of reckless abandon, and my passionate freedom I too fear that someday, I may fall. Anyone can abandon their ideals And I'm afraid that someday it will just be you and me.
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 2 years
传闻 - Rumor
传闻 - 霍尊 Rumor - Henry Huo Original Song Here Lyrics: Cui Shu Composition: Hong Chuan Arrangement: Hong Chuan Ending Theme for 传闻中的陈芊芊 (The Romance of Tiger and Rose) 清风远飞 雨随风一去不回 我在谁梦中沉睡 The light breeze of innocence flies far away, The rain carrying it along, never to return. I lay asleep, deep in someone's dream. 念人生况味 以微笑锁住愁眉 岁月不增不减 事与愿违 Reading out a human life. Using smiles to lock away a troubled brow. The years neither rise nor fall. As things rarely turn out the way I have wished. 流光难追 到天边我愿奉陪 算不出心机枉费 A beam of light is almost impossible to chase, But I'd be willing follow to the ends of the earth. No matter how I try, I'm unable to discern the schemes hidden away in your heart. 功名如负累 相思终成灰 消得人憔悴 执迷不悔 One's fame will always come with its burdens, A yearning that ends only in ashes As it disappears, leaving behind hollow shells of people Never once regretting the passionate pursuit. 耳边如幻如真 是非在背后传闻 策马狂奔 逃不出命运剧本 Beside my ear are whispers that could be illusions or reality, Truth and lies become rumors behind my back. No matter how much faster we urge the horse to run We'll never escape the script that fate has written for us. 故事里的人 自己能控制几分 千山万水 结局会殊途同归 For those who exist as characters in a story, Do they have a will of their own? Over thousands of miles, mountains and rivers, All paths will eventually reach the same end.
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 2 years
此生未了 - This Life Has Yet To End
此生未了 - 音频怪物、HITA This Life Has Yet To End - Yin Pin Guai Wu, HITA Original Song Here Lyrics: He Hui Hui, Li Yang Composition: He Hui Hui, Wang Zitong Arrangement: Xiao Mo Ending Theme for 御赐小仵作 (The Imperial Coroner) 吹不散 剪不断 眉宇间 是对你的想念 Never scattering, through even the strongest winds, Never separating, despite every attempt to cut through, My longing for you rests here, in the space between my brows. 月光寒天色晚 尘世间冷暖 唯有你身边 拥抱让我眷恋 The moonlight is so cold, as the skies darken in the night, The earth chills and warms again in a cycle. Only by your side, in your embrace, can I feel the longing tug at my heart. 闭上眼 又相见 在耳边 如拂过你发线 Closing my eyes, we meet again. Right by my ear, It's as if I can feel your hair gliding pass. 岁月长情意浅 人世间遗憾 唯有你相伴 多远都走不散 The years are long, and affection so shallow The world of men is full of such regrets But when I'm with you, I know I'll never be lost, no matter how far we may go. 你一笑 这一秒 借我一生来收好 只为你 牵挂着此生未了 The moment you smiled, I decided to spend a lifetime protecting it, And it's only because of you I feared for the first time that my life may end. 人未老 情未了 终于为了你落脚 能借我一生来依靠 We've yet to grow old, and our love has yet to end, Finally, for you, I've decided to stay. I want to spend a lifetime supporting you. 愿共度此生的美好 To be with you through all the wonderful moments of this life.
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 2 years
REBOUND - 陈辉 REBOUND - Chen Hui Original Song Here Lyrics: Wang Shilin Composition: Jin Xuandao Insert Theme for 开端 (Reset) 微光熄灭微光 城墙外是城墙 在迷雾中迷惘 We won't give up A single glimmer of light extinguishes another, Beyond these walls lie even more barriers. Losing ourselves in the heavy fog around us, We won't give up. 等一个天亮 天亮却没有光 醒在熟悉地方 We won't fall asleep At the first sign of daybreak, A daybreak without light We wake in a familiar place We won't fall asleep Rebound 有多少可能还没来得及想 Rebound 失望过后还有无数个希望 We'll rebound Rebound How many poossibilities still lie ahead that we haven't had a chance to think of yet? Rebound Beyond the despair, there still lie countless moments of hope. We'll rebound 号角再次吹响 是埋怨或坚强 选仇恨或原谅 We won't give up The sound of a horn is a sign, Whether to complain or to remain steadfast, To sink into hatred or to forgive, We won't give up Rebound 下个路口一定能找到方向 Rebound 在黎明到来之前不再彷徨 We'll rebound and fight Rebound Surely, at the next intersection we'll find the path forward. Rebound We won't falter until dawn breaks We'll rebound and fight 勇气当作勋章 谎言中找真相 We'll rebound and fight We'll wear our courage like medals In all these lies, we'll find the truth within We'll rebound and fight Rebound 要和你熬过黑夜无限漫长 Rebound 要和你开启故事新的篇章 We'll rebound Rebound I'll endure the endless darkness of the night with you Rebound We'll start a new chapter of our story together We'll rebound
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 3 years
出山 - Leaving the Mountain
出山 - 花粥, 王胜男 Leaving the Mountain - Hua Zhou, Wang Shengnan Original Song Here Lyrics: Hua Zhou Composition: Bachbeats (Super Love) 在夜半三更过天桥从来不敢回头看 白日里是车水马龙此时脚下是忘川 我独自走过半山腰山间野狗来作伴 层林尽染百舸流秋风吹过鬼门关 Deep in the night, I never dare to look back as I cross the walkway above the streets, In the light of day, the busy traffic flows to and fro, but right now what lies beneath my feet is the endless depth of the Sanzu River. All alone, I cross halfway down the mountain, with only wild dogs at my side. The forests around me are dyed in layers of deep red, and ships rush by in the hundreds As an autumn wind whistles its way pass the gates of hell. 一瞬三年五载 品粗茶 食淡饭 六界八荒四海 无人与我来叫板 人间荒唐古怪 竹林外 有书斋 匿于此地畅快 偏来者不善善者不来 In the blink of an eye, three years turn into five, With only plain tea and tasteless food. No one this world, in any the six realms and four seas, has ever come to challenge me. The world of men is so preposterous and strange. Outside these bamboo forests are their libraries of knowledge. Hiding out here provides freedom, so beware of any travellers that may come. 是我装模作样在瞎掰 还是他们本就心怀鬼胎 Is it all just an act I'm putting on for myself? Or is it the rest of them that harbor more sinister intent? 有人不知悔改 迷雾中混淆黑白 在情怀里市侩 旁人不敢来拆穿 看似时来运转 实则在顶风作案 待曲终又人散 这一出还有谁在围观 Some do not know the meaning of repentence, A heavy fog of confusion that blurs the right and wrong. A soulless profiteer hiding within a facade of emotion, Passerbys never dare to expose the truth. Seeming to wait for a stroke of luck, While in reality scheming a darker crime. By the end of the song, everyone has scattered, Who will still be here for this next verse? 在凡尘修炼二十载听闻水能滴石穿 帝王豪杰风云变幻敌不过桑田沧海 我不关心谁的江山只眷恋两小无猜 兴风作浪不稀罕只身固守峨眉山 I trained in the mortal realm for twenty years, for I heard that with enough time and perseverance, even drops of water can wear away the stone beneath it. The rulers that tower above us come and go and the enemies change in the blink of an eye. I care not for who this land belongs to, and simply yearn for a time long past where we played together innocently. Uninterested in starting a war, I'm left alone here to guard this sacred mountain. 一瞬三年五载 品粗茶 食淡饭 六界八荒四海 无人与我来叫板 人间荒唐古怪 竹林外 有书斋 匿于此地畅快 偏来者不善善者不来 In the blink of an eye, three years turn into five, With only plain tea and tasteless food. No one this world, in any the six realms and four seas, has ever come to challenge me. The world of men is so preposterous and strange. Outside these bamboo forests are their libraries of knowledge. Hiding out here provides freedom, so beware of any travellers that may come. 是我装模作样在瞎猜 还是他们本就心怀鬼胎 Is it all just an act I'm putting on for myself? Or is it the rest of them that harbor more sinister intent? 有人不知悔改 迷雾中混淆黑白 在情怀里市侩 旁人不敢来拆穿 看似时来运转 实则在顶风作案 待曲终又人散 这一出还有谁在围观 Some do not know the meaning of repentence, A heavy fog of confusion that blurs the right and wrong. A soulless profiteer hiding within a facade of emotion, Passerbys never dare to expose the truth. Seeming to wait for a stroke of luck, While in reality scheming a darker crime. By the end of the song, everyone has scattered, Who will still be here for this next verse? 静悄悄配唠唠叨叨 随便瞧瞧我凑凑热闹 客串也别太潦草 吃的生蚝要蘸个酱料 The silence accompanies the endless chatter, I take a look around, and join the crowd. Never careless even when stepping into a new role, When eating raw oysters, you have to add the proper sauce. 悄悄你唠唠叨叨 随便瞧瞧你凑的热闹 听到你做个记号 请装进书包别四处招摇 You chatter on endlessly while sneaking around, You join the crowd, just taking a look around, I hear as you signal to me, Please slip it into your backpack, don't go showing it around. 有人迷途知返 便是苦尽甘来 一瞬三年五载 这曲终又人散 Some people find their way on the path of repentence, It's true that the hard times are ending, and the good is just beginning Passerbys never dare to expose the truth. Time passes in the blink of an eye as three years become five, This song ends, and everyone scatters.
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 3 years
小城谣 - Ballad of a Small Town
小城谣 - 胡碧乔 Ballad of a Small Town - Hu Bi Qiao Original Song Here Lyrics: Zhao Qian Qing Composition: Hu Bi Qiao Arrangement: Hu Bi Qiao 归时恰逢故城阳春三月天 熏风摇着酒旗茶幌遮人眼 花糕盈了满坊久违的香甜 伴着孩童放纸鸢 On this warm, spring day in March, I just happened to return to this old town. The wine and tea shop banners wave gently in the warm southern breeze, obscuring the view before me. It's been so long since I last caught the sweet and fragrant scent of the flower cakes filling the street, As children run along flying kites in the wind. 隔街戏台上正娓娓唱风月 唱罢你情我愿到时过境迁 谁人听得曲调婉转的缠绵 感叹韶光直须怜 On the stage across the street, they're singing to a romantic tune, A song of our mutual affection as the times change around us. All who hear it feel their heartstrings tugging to the gentle sway of the melody, Sighs of pity for a springtime long past. 驻足梦中画亭边 有燕双双傍青檐 翠幕绕堤 深深浅浅 恍见当年 Within my dreams, I stop for a moment by a painted pavilion And watch as a pair of sparrows press close together in the eaves. Curtains of jade wrap all around us, delicate layers stretching endlessly and blurring away all those years. 柳叶儿弯弯拂水花儿转 水花儿转转着小船儿摇 小船儿摇摇过石桥南 石桥南她撑伞步款款 The willow branches sway, brushing lightly against the lotus flowers and turning them about in the water. The lotus flowers spin about as a small boat rocks along. The small boat rocks its way past a stone bridge in the south. And on that stone bridge in the south, she strolls along, umbrella in hand. 两黛罥轻烟柳叶儿弯 柳叶儿弯配着金雀儿钗 金雀儿钗不慎滑落入我怀 惹得她羞向我看 A pair of soft, black eyebrows curve like the willow leaves, The graceful curves of the willow leaves paired against a golden sparrow hairpin, A golden sparrow hairpin that inadvertently slips its way into my grasp, As she turns a shy glance my way.
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 3 years
本可以 - We Could Have
本可以 - 刘宇宁 We Could Have - Liu Yuning Original Song Here Lyrics: Li Yang Composition: Chen Yongtao Arrangement: Xu Weitian Theme Song for 司藤 (Rattan) 相片 未曾留底 几年过去 没道理 相对还是很亲密 就算从来都不提 潜意识在收集 连空气 又闻到气息 闭上眼睛 来自你 I've never kept a single photograph, as the years passed by. It doesn't make any sense, but it still feels so close to me. Even if I never mention it, I continue to gather all these feelings unconciously In the air, and the scent that drifts by. I close my eyes...and I know it's from you. 本可以 没有顾虑 坚定的要在一起 走下去从来都不会怀疑 过去争执的话题也失去了意义 We could have forgone all our misgivings, and insisted on staying together. To walk on without ever doubting. As those arguments of the past have lost all meaning. 本可以 我们一起 什么都不会逃避 就不会停在那里 最残忍就是 我本来可以 We could have been together, without ever running from anything. And we wouldn't have been stopped there. The cruelest of all was that All this, I could have had. 想到过去怀念那个自己 至少曾今拥抱你 放开手 和今后一同抛弃 Thinking of the past and remembering the way I used to be, At least I was once able to hold you in my arms. I let go, and left it all behind, along with our future.
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 3 years
下落不明 - Missing
下落不明 - 王巨星 Missing - Wang Juxing Original Song Here Zhang Binbin's Cover for Si Teng OST Lyrics: Li Yang Composition: Chen Yongtao Arrangement: Shi Rui, Hu Hao Insert Song for 司藤 (Rattan) 错过车站陌生的人群 也许才巧合遇见你换乘 赶往开场迟到的电影 会不会再偶遇电梯某层 As I miss the train at the station, among a crowd of strangers Perhaps I'll meet you by chance as you transfer lines. Rushing to the movie that I'm already late for, Will we meet by chance again on some floor when the elevator stops? 谁的快门 各自背影 同框过几秒钟 Someone holds the shutter, As each figure walks away Just seconds after sharing the same frame. 呼吸随着风 街区隔着空 吹过你衣襟 My breath flows away with the wind, Through the streets separated by emptiness Blowing gently past the collar of your shirt. 只怕你已经下落不明 那天靠近 相见不相认 I'm just afraid that you're already gone, your whereabouts unknown That someday when we close the distance again, We'll meet without recognition. 只怕爱已经悄然无声 众里寻人 偷换了命运 I'm just afraid that our love has already been silenced That as we search through the crowds of people, Our destinies have been quietly exchanged. 不远也不近 各自西东 城市像迷宫 数不清街灯 Neither near nor far, As we each turn east or west, The city becomes a labyrinth, Lit by countless streetlamps. 这双手原本可以相拥 习惯了错身 无动于衷 These hands that could have once embraced you, Became used to letting things slip away. A heart grown indifferent.
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 3 years
Hi! I really admire your dedication to translating the lyrics faithfully and thoroughly. I'm an ABC in the process of learning Chinese and can't read or understand Chinese very well yet so I'm grateful for your translations <3
I’m so happy to hear that you’ve found them helpful T__T Honestly this comment made my day- thank you for writing in!
I’m actually also an ABC- I had a lot of exposure to the language and culture as a child because most of my family didn’t speak English well, but I absolutely understand the struggle of learning.
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 3 years
新世界 - New World
新世界 - 华晨宇 New World - Hua Chenyu Original Song Here Lyrics: Ding Yanxue Composition: Hua Chenyu Arrangement: Zheng Nan, Hua Chenyu 凛冬过后人事剩几何 迎来送往台下宾客 谁在 After the bitter cold of winter has passed, what of our human affairs still remain? Entertaining the guests offstage as they come and go, Who's still here? 春意也曾执着于秋 用尽仅有换所求 认真只是我 These thoughts of the spring once clung tightly to the chill of autumn Exchanging what little remains for that which I sought, I was the only serious one. 看太行 历风霜 我孤勇前进 万古腔 任我唱 Looking up towards the soaring peak of Taihang Mountain, and pressing through the harsh, icy winds I stride onwards alone, As the refrain of a thousand years past are bestowed upon me to sing. 梦一样的自由 杯也从容 歌也从容 转身矗立山峰的时候 Say it's a new world Oh it's a new world A freedom like that of a dream Where drink and song flow forth easily And when I turn around, towering the highest mountains, Say it's a new world Oh it's a new world 杯也从容 歌也从容 转身矗立山峰的时候 Say it's a new world Drink and song flow forth easily And when I turn around, towering the highest mountains, Say it's a new world 凛冬过后人事剩几何 迎来送往台下宾客 谁在 After the bitter cold of winter has passed, what of our human affairs still remain? Entertaining the guests offstage as they come and go, Who's still here? 春意也曾执着于秋 用尽仅有换所求 认真只是我 These thoughts of the spring once clung tightly to the chill of autumn Exchanging what little remains for that which I sought, I was the only serious one. 时空长 星夜凉 我不畏高飞 天尽头 问苍茫 The boundaries of space and time stretch on, and the starry nights are cold. I'm not afraid of soaring high. At the ends of the skies, I'll ask of the vast horizons lying beyond. 风一样的自由 醉也从容 我也从容 转身矗立山峰的时候 Say it's a new world Oh it's a new world A freedom like that of the wind Where intoxication comes easy, and I am at peace And when I turn around, towering the highest mountains, Say it's a new world Oh it's a new world 醉也从容 我也从容 转身矗立山峰的时候 Say it's a new world Intoxication comes easy, and I am at peace And when I turn around, towering the highest mountains, Say it's a new world 沉醉这风光讲究 明暗是假象 告别这星光黯淡 来去是假象 坐拥这掌声散去 起落是假象 笑对这冷眼观望 天地是假象 Basking in this lavish elegance, the light and shadow are just facades Saying farewell to the fading starlight, the coming and going are just facades The roars of applause I once enjoyed without a thought have scattered, the rise and fall are just facades Smiling towards a cold and indifferent regard, the heavens and earth are just facades 别弯腰 接受时间 躲不开的那一刀 人生渺渺 一种脚步入一山 结局没人敢赌穿 嬉笑谢幕勉为难 反复上演 难怪片刻新鲜是假象 Don't look down Accept the inevitable knife of time For a human life is so small and insignificant. Each one's footsteps lead towards a different mountain And no one would dare to bet on the final ending. The curtain call drops upon this joyful scene with reluctance. After staging the show time and time again, it's no wonder that this momentary novelty is just a facade. 笔墨再多渲染 明暗是假象 原谅娱乐看官 来去是假象 开场有多喧闹 起落是假象 结尾有多寂寥 天地是假象 No matter how I embellish the words on the page, the light and shadow are just facades Forgive the audience that wants only to be entertained, for the coming and going are just facades No matter how clamorous the crowd at the opening stage, the rise and fall are just facades. No matter how vast and empty the end may be, the heavens and earth are just facades. 论英雄 只有故事 从来没有后来 半晌贪欢几次 缅怀都是谈资 旁观都是一时 幸免才叫历史 不如下山 笑看万物是假象 When speaking of heroes, they are only stories And there is never an after told. An amusement to pass the time, remembering only that which entertains conversation Spectating is but a single moment, for only the daring escapes will make history So it would be better to descend from this mountain, and smile on at all these lives that are just facades 醉也从容 我也从容 转身矗立山峰的时候 Say it's a new world Oh it's a new world Intoxication comes easy, and I am at peace And when I turn around, towering the highest mountains, Say it's a new world Oh it's a new world 醉也从容 我也从容 转身矗立山峰的时候 Say it's a new world Intoxication comes easy, and I am at peace And when I turn around, towering the highest mountains, Say it's a new world
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 3 years
鬓边不是海棠红 - Winter Begonia
鬓边不是海棠红 - 陆虎 Winter Begonia - Rover Lu Original Song Here Lyrics: Yu Zheng Composition: Rover Lu Arrangement: Yu Lei Opening Theme for 鬓边不是海棠红 (Winter Begonia) 这一路的风和雪 侵蚀了画面 你我就算不想见 心也在缠绵 On this path, the wind and snow Begin to erode the scene before us. Even if you and I didn't want to see it, It lingers between us, our hearts entangled. 都说前世的缘 会偷偷潜入戏里面 曾经刻骨容颜 再度浮想联翩 They say that what we carry from our past lives, what's destined to be Will quietly steal its way onto the stage. And that face that was once ingrained so deep in our memories Surfaces again as we let our imaginations roam. 已经到了生死间 别踌躇不前 好怕终断了因缘 拿戏来敷衍 We're already here in this space between life and death So don't hesitate any longer. We're so afraid of severing these strings of destiny, That we hide our words behind this act onstage. 就算哭过千遍 嗓子里只剩下呜咽 而我爱你不变 哪怕沧海桑田 Even if we've cried a thousand times over Until all that remains of our voices are the echoes of weeping Still, my love for you remains unchanging Even if the world were to change beyond recognition, and every drop of the ocean drained into pastures of green. 原来姹紫嫣红开遍 似这般都付与断井颓垣 *Watching as flowers bloom into the deepest violets and brightest red *Encircled by these crumbling wells and eroded stone 良辰美景奈何天 赏心乐事谁家院 *How does one spend such a precious, beautiful spring day? *For where could you find a family blessed with true joy and happiness? 原来姹紫嫣红开遍 似这般都付与断井颓垣 *Watching as flowers bloom into the deepest violets and brightest red *Encircled by these crumbling wells and eroded stone 你我这世 这世的缘 都在眉间 心田 You and I, The fate that links us in this world Is etched upon the space between our eyebrows, And deep in our hearts. 商细蕊(尹正):你知道什么是知音吗 程凤台(黄晓明):我知道我一直在听 Shang Xirui: Do you know what it means to find your soul's confidant? Cheng Fengtai: I know. I've been listening all this time. --- Side Note: All the starred parts of the chorus are lines from the kunqu opera, The Peony Pavilion, specifically the famous 10th scene, "惊梦" ("Waking from a Dream"). I'll cover more specifics in the translations notes, but my translation here is my interpretation and takes a lot of liberties. Also this should be obvious, but the title of this song doesn't actually translate to "Winter Begonia." It matches the title of the original novel/drama, which literally would be something like "the begonias adorning the sides of your temples are not red." Which in and of itself would require quite a bit of interpretation to make sense of, so I just chose to use the official English title of the series.
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mx08z7kz6gqrs · 3 years
Hi! I'm a fan of Hua Chenyu and I'm very interested in hearing your process for translating lyrics. I've seen many versions of English lyrics for Little Love but I've never seen them as understandable as this. Would you be interested in talking to me about it?
Sure! I’m assuming “Little Love” is referring to “好想爱这个世界啊” since that’s the only Hua Chenyu song I think I’ve translated, but I’m really glad that you found it understandable.
I actually just posted some of my notes for that particular song (including line by line breakdowns of the nuances), so hopefully that helps. But I’m always happy to talk translation or answer questions.
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