mxchineherald · 24 days
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firstprince + hands
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mxchineherald · 1 month
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Happy Arcane Anniversary month! Here's a spread I haven't posted yet I did from the divide zine.
Can't wait to see the next season
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mxchineherald · 2 months
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It was just like her, to create something out of a failed project. He did the same thing, too. Unlike Jayce, who tossed out what he found to be broken or failed, Viktor's Zaunite origins had culturally instilled in him the urge to never let anything go to waste, whether it be food, water, medicine, or scrapped inventions. His own apartment was littered with half-finished projects and tools -- 'failures' he'd brought to home from the lab, waiting to be repuposed.
Her words sank into him, filling him with the ideas of some guard Enforcer, or Jayce finding the Hexcore before he could explain the evolution. She was right, again. Even here, she wouldn't be safe. Someone would come looking for the Hextech assistant eventually. Jayce would understand, wouldn't he? He lifted his head, raking his fingers through his hair to get it out of his now resolute face.
Viktor dried himself off, leaving his damp hair to air dry as he started to put his brace back on. It had several buckles to secure, as well as the safety release latch on the lower right side. Once it was on, he felt its restriction to his movement again, like he was being held in one piece by it. With a sigh, he bent down to grab his underwear and pants, just as she mentioned that she couldn't see herself. He sat up straight as he pulled the underwear and pants up together.
"Well, you glow. It's actually rather beautiful. But..." he looked himself over, noticing her wisps of light lingering around him and close to his skin. "But we could hide you against me. Under my clothes." He was certain he wore enough layers to cover the light, and if she stayed close enough to him, she could brace him, too. He certainly didn't mind the sensation of her holding him like a blanket. Perhaps it would even help him through the meeting, itself, to have such a comfort. "Here, try hiding under my shirt," he suggested while tugging his shirt back on, one sleeve at a time.
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Sky smiled when she felt his gratitude and other emotions. It made her happy that they could tease like this about sex and other topics. It was the kind of comfortable relationship she had always dreamed of growing up. She hadn't thought she'd get to have it with him but was so very glad that she did.
"I shall keep that in mind in case I ever get to prepare a bath or shower for you." She replied in a lightly teasing tone. She thought she'd be able to do it too. Not yet perhaps but soon. She needed to work on getting a clearer image of her surroundings so she could work to develop finer control of her energy.
It was too bad she couldn't just make a body for herself out of energy... wait.... wasn't that?... What Yordels did? Would it be possible for her to do something similar? Theoretically it would be possible since she was technically a spirit now. It was certainly something to look into and test once they had dealt with the Council meeting.
When Viktor began to move she shifted her focus back to him and made sure to support him as he prepared and entered the shower. She kept the core outside the shower and was pleased to realize that it didn't effect her ability to support and help him although her energy did have to flow around the curtain rather than through it. That last part didn't surprise her but it was good to have confirmation on that point.
She tried to give him what privacy she could while he bathed at least, turning her focus elsewhere for the most part with just enough on him to make sure he was supported. This gave her time to think about the upcoming meeting. She wasn't aware that HexTech had already been weaponized although she had certainly heard whispers and rumors about the idea. She knew Viktor would never take that step and once she had been certain that Jayce wouldn't either. Now she wasn't so sure.
Regardless, without more information as to what exactly had prompted the Council to even consider giving Zaun independence, she couldn't predict how the meeting would go. Which was one reason she wanted to go with Viktor. Another reason was the foreboding feeling she got when thinking about the meeting. She didn't know what it meant but she did know that she wanted to be there just in case. She didn't know what she would be able to do to help but she would do anything she could.
Once more, Viktor moving pulled her from her thoughts and she followed after him as he left the bathroom to sit on the bed once more.
"Thank you. Some of them were made from failed experiments. They were meant to purify the air. That didn't work but they were good for getting hid of odors so I tried making soaps out of them." Sky explained with a pleased smile, quite pleased that she had found a use even for her failures.
"I'm certain. I want to be there with you and I want to know what decision is made. I'm also likely safer with you than in some lab or even here." Sky replied calmly. "Although a key part of my keeping hidden will be knowing if my energy is visible. I honestly can't tell."
Her energy was in fact visible although not as much as one might expect and with how closely it was pressed around his torso it was entirely possible it could be hidden under his clothing if they were careful.
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mxchineherald · 2 months
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ARCANE | 1.03 “The Base Violence Necessary for Change”
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mxchineherald · 2 months
‘ NOTE ‘ (for Jayce)
[send me  ‘ NOTE ‘  and i’ll tell you what my muse would write on a note left for yours. -- ACCEPTING]
You left that half-finished resonance meter on the counter, next to a pot of coffee. I shouldn't have to tell you that is risky. I moved it to the examination table on the other side of the room. I hope you read this before you scramble trying to find it... P.S. : The coffee was quite nice. Get that roast from now on.
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mxchineherald · 2 months
send me  ‘ NOTE ‘  and i’ll tell you what my muse would write on a note left for yours. 
could be a cute post-it note left on the fridge, a short letter in place of an emotional goodbye, a threatening warning, etc. 
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mxchineherald · 2 months
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 It felt odd, being compared to a dead man. He had very nearly ended up the same way. Up until the final moments of bonding with the Hexcore, he’d felt his body dying around him, organs withering and muscles giving in to gravity and weakness. Now, while his body was still small in frame and weak in strength, he had the sneaking suspicion that he had become something more than human. Then he was reminded of Zaun’s play for independence. It was one that he and Jayce had both almost succeeded in achieving, only to be thwarted by a sudden explosion, destroying any chance of peace between the two sides of the River Pilt. They had been so close, yet it was stolen from everyone in just a few seconds. From that moment, his fate was bound to his homeland, to the Lanes, to Zaun. He supposed, in a way, Jayce’s fate had been sealed, too.
 “I did not,” Viktor answered honestly, his eyes blinking up from looking down at his hands. “But I knew more about him than I let anyone know.” He wasn’t deaf. He’d heard some rumors and tales of Silco’s dealings within the Undercity, and people were more open to speak about such things in his presence, being a fellow Zaunite. “I knew he was The Eye. The protector. The father of the resistance.” He swallowed back any hesitation to speak further, knowing he was in safe company. “And I knew that he hated Piltover. For a time, I disagreed with him, but I would never share secrets from my home with Topside. The rules of the land never left me.” Zaunites looked out for one another, whether they agreed or not. It was practically unspoken law.
 Viktor felt the grip on his wrist, glancing down for a flash before fixing his gaze back on her face. The determination in her features was not lost on him. He let her hold on to him, his held hand clenching into a fist around his staff to match her energy. A name he recognized came up. Sevika. She was known to be a brute with cunning – a woman with unmatched skill in her fields. A new idea began to take shape. “You have a drive for science and machinery. I would not waste that on becoming a Chem Baron, yourself,” he reasoned, “It is a job of information and intimidation, not of progress and power. If she is to be trusted, perhaps this Sevika could take that place, with you as the guiding blade that changes Zaun’s fate from the shadows.”
 It wasn’t out of the question that Sevika could take Silco’s place within the resistance. Many of the people spoke of her as the second in command already. If anyone was ready for that kind of command, it was her. There was, of course, the added variable of her relationship with Jinx. That was something hat was entirely out of his control or prediction. There were always variables in theories, however. They did not become solid fact until tested.
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At first glance Viktor seemed like a man of few words. It was another trait that reminded her of Silco. Unlike her, they thought things over and were able to do so with a clear head. They didn't just rush into decisions. She supposed that was what it was like having a mind that wasn't plagued with inner demons. Jinx had always been jealous of that, wishing that she wasn't so messed up and how she was even worse now that Silco was gone.
'He's all gone because of you, you're the one that let the enforcer get her hands on pow pow.' She could hear Vi whispering into her ear, however she ignored it for the most part as her hand that wasn't holding Viktor's clenched up into a fist. None of it was her fault. It was all Caitlyn's fault. If she had her way she would pay one way or another. Vi, played her part too, but Jinx was still clinging onto the hope that maybe her sister would see the light.
Just like Viktor had finally seen it. While she knew he would eventually get there, she hadn't predicted what would happen leading up to it. Nor did she know that the consequences of her actions played a factor. But she was glad to know that he had. Now, he could see the world through a much clearer lens.
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"It's okay, Viktor. I don't blame you for anything. You were blinded by your feelings for that piltie." She squeezed his hand and her face softened a more understanding one. "Emotions blind you, keep you from seeing everything. I can't control that for me, but I know you can. You're like papa and thats why I wanted to help you. It's what he would have wanted, too."
She could hold back the look of relief as his gaze didn't flicker. The determination she was there and there wasn't a single hint of a lie. Viktor was truly, finally, home. The way her carried himself, the way he spoke with such confidence, reminded her even more of Silco. However, he was also a genius, perhaps even more of a genius than she was. He was the one responsible for the success of the hexcore and hextech in general. Zaun would only benefit from their partnership.
"You know, you really do sound like Silco. That's exactly the kind of approach he took and why Zaun has become what it is." Jinx gestured out to the landscape of the city around them. "It's not as shiny as Piltover, but with shimmer he made it strong again. Under his rule we had a chance to be something, to finally break free and become our own nation. Just like we have always wanted." her smile faded from her face, replaced by a sad smile as she remembered everything leading up to SIlco's death. "But you didn't know much about him, did you?"
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Jinx was generally curious what little they knew of Silco up there before it all came out. Most, she assumed knew him just as an unimportant industrialist. And yet he was so much more, and now she was left to carry his legacy.
"Just because daddy is gone, that doesn't mean his legacy can't continue. I'm not a leader like he is but I will do everything to continue what he strived for." Jinx unconsciously tightened the grip on Viktor's wrist. "I'll continue his work the best I can, even if I hate the idea of being a Chem Baron. But if I can convince Sevika to work with me, we'll have everything. I can even make sure you have a lab, like daddy did with Singed."
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mxchineherald · 2 months
➻ NAME  : :  Zigg , Ziggy , Z
➻ PRONOUNS  : :  it/its/they/them
➻ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?  : :  my blog here @mxchineherald and my Silco blog @zaunseye, I have a muse list here, but most of them are on hiatus or very low activity.
➻ RP PET PEEVES?  : :  Having to lead a whole thread is up there, but I think being expected to match length gets to me too. Some days all I can manage is a two or three paragraphs, especially when I've run out of inner thoughts to express. I've have had old ex-partners imply to me that replying with a shorter length is rude or inconsiderate and I don't get it??? Like, I'm moving the plot along, just without as much inner monologue.
➻ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS  : :  Technically, I've been roleplaying since I was very little. I learned to type early, and was online and roleplaying(with parental supervision, actually) by the time I was about 9. So I'd say about 21 years.
➻ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT  : :  Hard to say! Depends on the plot itself, but I'm always down for some angst. Preferably angst revolving around injury, illness, and vulnerability. Something about my character either being in a vulnerable position or taking care of someone else in a vulnerable position just tickles me. I feel like it leads to a fair amount of development that may otherwise never happen between characters.
➻ PLOTS OR MEMES  : :  I like both! Plotting is a good way to establish a relationship between two muses, and also gives me an idea of the preferences of my partner, while memes are a great way to further flesh out that relationship and put it into difference scenarios we might not have thought of on our own. Sometimes it's straight up crack-rp which can be fun from time to time!
➻ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES  : :  It all depends on the current flow of roleplay. I'm up for something as long as 7-10 paragraphs, or as short as two or three sentences. This blog is meant for interaction of all forms, including long or short form roleplay. I used to try and force myself to pump out long replies every time, but that was leading to burnout and depression. It was making RP a job rather than a hobby. So now I just go with the flow of the thread and give what I feel is an appropriate response.
➻ TIME TO WRITE  : :  Whenever I get inspiration, honestly! My life has been hectic and sad lately, with some personal losses and a nasty cold rearing its ugly head. I might be a slower RPer at the moment, but it's what's balanced out for me with my IRL issues and other hobbies, like fanfiction and fanart.
➻ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)  : :  I relate to Viktor in a lot of ways, even down to having a bad leg on the same side as him. I connect to his want to leave a legacy, and his desire to help people in need. I share his pessimism toward the rich elite, as well as his short tempter with concepts like social climbing and masking. I, too, wish to just sit in the dark and work on my projects.
tagged by :: @runes-menagerie (ty!) tagging :: anyone who wants to do this, tag me so I can see
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mxchineherald · 2 months
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Blood tests weren't very common in the Undercity at all. He'd only ever really seen the facilities and equipment required for such science in the lab of the doctor. There was no going back to that place. He worried what tests poor Sky would be subjected to, should that man get his wiry hands on her and her unique situation. That left Piltover as the only option, and at such expense, is was an option neither of them could afford. He frowned at the thought, but kept quiet on the topic. Perhaps, if he was able to get into the Academy, he would be able to help her.
Viktor noticed her tuck the jar away, wondering if she was protecting her stash, or if she was protecting others from the temptation she had fallen to, herself.
Her logic was sound, keeping herself to such a low dose. Not only would it allow her to stretch out her supply for as long as possible, but it would keep her reliance on the substance to a minimum. He smiled softly toward the bag, nodding. "Very smart."
The fact that she saw through his request to the intention of spending time together behind it brought a hint of blush to his cheeks. He glanced to the side and smiled a little wider. "Let's go, then. My home is close enough to yours, I'm sure." He left his mask off, beginning to walk back the way the came. He would slow to make sure she was beside him, even going as far as to extend out an arm for her to hold onto. It was just as much for his support as hers, admittedly, but he hoped it was gentlemanly to do, regardless.
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"Not that I'm aware of. I did ask however but none of my family are aware of any Vastayan heritage. That is one thing I would want to check if I ever got access to better equipment however since from what I've heard that sort of thing would show up in a blood test." Sky answered with a sigh since she had considered that possibility as well when she noticed the changes. So far research along that track had led to a dead end until she could either trace her family tree back farther or get her blood tested.
She didn't hold out much hope on either of those routes however given that she had already traced her family tree as thoroughly as those still living could remember. She had also tracked down as much documentation as she could about her family although there wasn't much. As for a blood test, there just wasn't the equipment for it in Zaun. She could probably find what she needed in Piltover however and she did have plans to attempt the test to get into the Academy but there were no guarantees there.
"It would. And I have been trying to see if there might be a way to give others the benefits without the downsides but no luck as of yet. Any rats I experimented on ended up just as reliant on the flowers as I am. Without a better understanding of what causes the changes and how the flowers work there's no way to separate the benefits from the side effects." She explained with a sigh as she tucked away the jar in her bag where it wouldn't be seen.
"Yes, this will last me a few weeks once I've dried and ground them up. I generally take the minimum does to keep myself stable to better make what I have last and to prevent taking too much too fast from the plants." She answered with a smile as she patted her bag.
"I should be asking you that." She teased gently at his offer. "You're the one who got hurt after all." She then blushed a bit while smiling shyly. "But I would like to spend more time with you if you're interested."
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mxchineherald · 2 months
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mxchineherald · 2 months
show, don't tell:
[og post]
copy text, do not reblog
bold - always || italic - sometimes || strikethrough - never
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bouncing legs - darting eyes - breathing deeply - useless / mindless tasks - eyes on the clock - checking and re-checking - tapping fingers - humming out loud - freezing in place - hyperfocusing
grumbling - heavy footsteps - hot flush - narrowed eyes - pointing fingers - pacing / stomping - wide hand gestures - snapping at others - pinching the bridge of the nose - groaning out a sigh
eyes filling up with tears - blinking quickly - hiccuped breaths - face turned away - red / burning cheeks - short sentences with gulps - covering face with hands - trembling tone - eerie silence
smiling / cheeks hurting - animated gestures - chest hurts from laughing - rapid movements - eye contact - quick speaking - enthusiastic voice - breaking into song - skipping footsteps / dancing
complaining - sighing - grumbling - pacing - leg bouncing - picking at nails - staring at the wall / ground - humming out loud - rocking in seat - doodling on scrap paper - counting the seconds - tapping fingers
quick heartbeat - shaking / clammy hands - pinching self - tuck away - closing eyes - clenched hands - wide eyes - open mouth - reaching blindly behind - backing away - running away - freezing
no eye contact - hard swallow - clenched hands - tears, occasionally - "mhm-hmm" - tutting mouth - wagging finger - crossing arms - tilt of the head - giving the silent treatment - glaring
spacing out - eyes closing - nodding head absently - long sighs - no eye contact - grim smile - mumbling - nodding off sitting up - losing train of thought mid-sentence - leaning jaw into hand
prolonged eye contact - active listening - shoulders back - wide stride - chin held high - clear tone of voice - hands on hips - unconscious smile - clapping and rubbing hands - firm handshake
tagged by :: stolen from @zaunseye (myself) tagging :: anyone who wants to do this, tag me so I can see
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mxchineherald · 2 months
what would you be the god of ?
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The Stargazer
Deep in a long term love affair with the constellations, you want to believe in tarot, astrology, the patterns of the stars and of destiny. Too often, though, you find that things don't obey the roles ascribed to them, and the people in your life spin out of their orbits. You like to imagine that you're in a film and that everything that happens is just part of a pre-written journey, subject to a formula and written in your favour. An in-born compassion for others shadows you wherever you go, as you put others first with a dogged faithfulness. You value things that help you escape. However, to truly find meaning you must let go of the people who hold you back, and accept that the stars are just stars. As a deity, you're the patron god of the night sky, of destiny, of order and logic, of certainty, of wishes and of guidance.
tagged by :: stolen from @zaunseye (myself) tagging :: anyone who wants to do this! tag me.
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mxchineherald · 3 months
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One of my first pieces of Viktor. I was so happy with how it turned out 🥲
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mxchineherald · 3 months
          Until my heart beats for the last time,           Only then, perhaps, I would stop loving you.           Perhaps.
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mxchineherald · 3 months
Aesthetic Meme
List your muse’s aesthetic from tastes, smells, outfits & sceneries.
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TASTES: chai latte (sweetmilk), anise licorice, seafood
SMELLS: bergamot, juniper, patchouli, brewed coffee
SIGHTS: a single purple light in the darkness, blood on cold unfeeling steel, a lone figure walking in an alley, smoke trailing up from a soldering iron
SOUNDS: ambient silence of a lab, running water, large gears turning, the hum of arcane energy 
SENSATIONS: pain and fatigue, cold fingertips, a delicate touch, leather and metal against skin
OUTFITS: vests, silk neck ties, plain button up shirts, fitted slacks, the same shoes he's been wearing since the academy
tagged by :: @bluefeathrs (ty!) tagging :: anyone who wants to do this! tag me!
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mxchineherald · 4 months
What does your muse's name mean?
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Victor (Viktor)
popularity: 2576
origin: Latin
meaning: "champion"
Viktor is a baby boy name of Latin origin. Meaning “champion,” this baby name reigns victorious in countries like Russia, Kazakhstan, and Germany. Derived from the Latin name Victor, Viktor became a common name for saints, popes, and artists. Between writer Victor Hugo and City of Victor in Colorado, US, this name is recognizable in every shape and form.
tagged by :: @bluefeathrs tagging :: anyone who wants to do this!
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mxchineherald · 4 months
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Feeling the love and acceptance ebbing from her energy was helpful to his bashfulness, so he smiled and returned the energy with added gratitude. A blush swallowed his face, however, at her following comment on the mess. He chuckled as he undid the last hooks and latches of his spinal brace, slowly shedding it onto the bed, along with his already open shirt. The other six of nine screws, each nestled between a vertebrae, were exposed as he did so.
He always felt the most free during the moments he got to spend out of the restrictive and mildly uncomfortable brace, able to breathe without any restriction on his chest. He took a quick look over the mess of metal and leather components, checking for any possible mess he got on it in the moment. "It should be alright. I run my showers on the colder side." Seeing nothing, he pushed himself into a stand.
As he did so, he felt her energy return to its place up against him, and smiled at the reminder of her unending kindness and thoughtfulness. He was more used to being bare skinned for medical purposes, as opposed to intimate ones. He tried to restrain his blush as he walked, naked, from the bed to the bathroom, though his mind quickly left any embarrassment behind when he saw the interior of the room.
He stopped to run his finger along the large leaf of one of the many plants in the room, then approached and sat down on the edge of the bath tub. It was easier to do so instead of bending over to reach the faucet dials. He adjusted the water to his temperature, a warm, but not hot run, then stood and climbed in. He didn't mind the idea of using her soap, if it meant just a bit of her scent would then be on him. It would be something to keep her close physically. He ran his hair under the water, letting it get soaked.
As he bathed, he thought about the upcoming meeting with the Council, and how important it would be to not only Piltover, but Zaun's future. If they were to give Silco what he wanted, would it really ensure peace, or merely delay the inevitable? So much blood had already been shed. He put a hand up against the wall, bracing himself against it as the water ran through ribbons of dark brown hair now hanging in front of his face.
What was any of this really going to do? HexTech was already being weaponized, which made him sick to his stomach. It was never supposed to be like this. HexTech was only meant to improve lives, and yet it had already cost several people theirs. He felt disgusted by it, now. His fingers pressed hard against the wall until his knuckles blanched white with strain. Eventually, he had to stop thinking about it just to keep his head steady. He would help Jayce, and then they would figure out what to do going forward with Sky and the Hexcore.
He grabbed a towel on his way out of the bathtub, having a less difficult time getting out with his now augmented and more stable leg. He wrapped the towel around his waist after ruffling it through his hair, stepping back out into the bedroom. "You have very nice soap." An odd compliment to give, but an earnest one. He sat down on the edge of the bed again, his damp hair hanging in loose waves about his face. "... Are you certain you want to come with me to the meeting? It could be dangerous. If they found you in my bag..."
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Sky was quite pleased at how much more effective her energy seemed to be at bracing him now. It was good to see that her experiments had born fruit beyond the initial tests. It also assured her that she was on the right track to learning to control the energy of the core.
"I won't let them hurt you if they do find out about us." She replied, determination clear in her tone. She had more will power than most people thought given how she tended to blend in rather than stand out. She had needed that determination and will to make it as far as she had, from Zaun to Piltover and then to not only prove she was good enough to work for the HexTech project but to get to the point of being the personal assistant to both Viktor and Jayce. It also took mental fortitude to fight against the council hard enough to get some of her research put into practice.
All this meant that when she said she was going to do something, it would get done. One way or another. She would keep him safe. As that thought settled in her mind something clicked into place within her. A connection made and a door opened. She didn't consciously realize it but she had just determined one of the key ways the Hexcore would function from now on.
"I'm here to help you too Viktor. You're not alone in this. I told you before remember? I'm still your assistant." She told him fondly although there was still that undercurrent of determination to her words. She knew that there would be difficult choices to be made. She just hoped that Jayce would get his head out of his own arse enough not to be the cause of them. Even as she thought that, she began making plans just in case.
Her focus was brought back to Viktor by his sudden shyness. She thought about teasing him but decided to instead send him a wave of her love and acceptance.
"I did get you rather messy, didn't I beloved?" She said, unable to completely resist teasing him. "I do have a bath and a shower. The water doesn't always get as hot as I would like but if it's the time of day I think it is then there should be plenty of it at least."
As he stood up her energy moved with him, as did the core so that it was floating by his left shoulder. When she realized he was removing the brace she wrapped more of her energy around him, especially his torso to hopefully provide a similar level of support for his body.
There was a door to the bathroom within the bedroom. The bathroom was in keeping with the rest of the building, rather old and worn but still clean and functional. There were even some plants here, ones that needed little light and that thrived in the humidity of the room. Aside from that there was the promised tub and shower enclosure, a toilet, a sink, and a cabinet. Inside the cabinet were clean towels along with a small selection of hygiene products. Some of the products were store bought while others were clearly homemade. All were clearly labeled with their purpose and scent.
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