mxrinelifeclub · 3 months
I love when fiction makes the audience feel guilty about their role as the audience. When something fucked up is treated as a joke but later it's recognised how fucked up it was and the audience feels guilty for finding it funny. When a character breaks the fourth wall to plead for help, and you can't do anything so you just watch. And you know that the characters pain isn't real, but they're begging for help and you're not helping because their suffering is entertainment for you
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mxrinelifeclub · 11 months
Jin Ling and the Curse of Escalating Abuse
Seeing the complex nature of the relationship between Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng, I wanted to cover the topic of escalating abuse of the uncle towards his nephew, as Jiang Cheng is abusive towards Jin Ling throughout the entire story but that abuse shifts as the story goes on. Note: this is not an essay about how abusive people can love their victims still. I know Jiang Cheng loves his nephew, but that love means nothing in the face of him continuously being the force that drives the young boy to danger. Love does not absolve abuse. Moving on: though many of the scenes I mention are gone over in multiple translations, I will only be using one source per scene for my argument, as none of them are worded radically different. I will, however, include the other translations under the cut for anyone who wants to see them for comparison.
In the early section of the novels, we learn two important bits of information about how Jin Ling views his maternal uncle, Jiang Cheng:
From as early as Jin Ling could remember, he had never seen Jiang Cheng’s face make the expression it was currently making. His uncle, who had led the distinguished Yunmeng Jiang Clan alone since the man had been young, had been cold, severe, and gloomy for years and years on end. Not a single lenient or merciful word left Jiang Cheng’s mouth if he could help it, nor was he ever willing to offer charity and kindness.
–Chapt. 23: Malice I, fanyiyi
Angrily, [Jin Ling] leapt onto his feet and pulled out his sword on the spot. “How dare you hit me! Even my uncle’s never hit me!”
Surprised, Wei Wuxian said, “Really? But doesn’t he say he’s going to break your legs all the time?”
“He’s just saying that!” Jin Ling raged.
–Chapt. 24: Malice II, fanyiyi
From Jin Ling’s perspective, his maternal uncle is always acerbic and never kind, but he has never been physically abusive to Jin Ling. Plus though he often threatens Jin Ling with physical abuse–threatening to break his legs or use Zidian on him–Jin Ling considers this all talk. In fact, Jiang Cheng’s abuse of Jin Ling stays firmly in the realm of verbal and emotional for most of the story. His most common insults to throw at his nephew are about Jin Ling appearing unworthy of his position as Jin (and Jiang) heir, in almost a mimicry of how Madam Yu would tell him that he was unworthy of being the Jiang heir in comparison to Wei Wuxian:
Frowning, he said, “Jin Ling, how much time are you going to waste? Do you need me to go over there and invite you back? Look at your sorry state—why the hell haven’t you gotten back up!?”
–Chapt. 7: Pride II, fanyiyi
“‘Fine’?” Jiang Cheng said. “You look like you took a tumble in a muddy ditch—you call that ‘fine?’ Aren’t you embarrassed to be wearing your clan’s uniform? Go back and change immediately! Out with it—what did you run into today?”
–Chapt. 23: Malice I, fanyiyi
He is also shown to have a bad habit of lashing out instead of expressing any emotion that could be considered nice, just like Jin Ling says:
Upon seeing that Jin Ling was fine, Jiang Cheng’s heart crashed back to earth like a boulder. Immediately furious, he said, “Didn’t you bring a signal? Don’t you know to fire it if you encounter something like this? Don’t try to show off! Come here!”
–Chapt. 10: Pride V, fanyiyi
And because of Jiang Cheng’s outward lack of concern for Jin Ling’s health and safety–prefering barbs over comfort–Jin Ling refuses to be vulnerable with him, keeping his fears, concerns, disappointments, and even positive emotions like relief to himself. Outwardly, he lashes out, just like he has learned to do from his maternal uncle:
Since Jin Ling hadn’t caught the soul eating maiden, he was also angry. “Wasn’t it you who told me I had to take the thing down no matter what?! You told me if I didn’t get it, I should never come see you again!”
–Chapt. 10: Pride V, fanyiyi
Annoyed, Jin Ling said, “I already told you, I didn’t run into anything! It was just a fall. The whole journey was a waste of time.”
–Chapt. 23: Malice I, fanyiyi
The one who called was Jiang Cheng, who stood near the edge. Still teary-eyed, as soon as Jin Ling saw his uncle, he immediately wiped his face, sniffing. He looked here and there and finally made up his mind to fly over, landing at Jiang Cheng’s side.
Jiang Cheng grabbed him, “What happened to you? Who did this to you?!”
Jin Ling rubbed his eyes roughly, refusing to speak up.
–Chapt. 84: Loyalty, exr
Who can blame him, though? Almost every life-threatening situation Jin Ling finds himself in is a direct result of Jiang Cheng’s cruelty towards him: from attempting to fight to goddess statue without calling for help, to ending up almost suffocated in the walls of the Nie Clan Saber Hall, and even to him winding up in Yi City:
Jiang Cheng’s next words were wrapped in thorns. “Why are you still standing there? Are you waiting for prey to rush toward you and stick themselves on your sword? If you can’t capture whatever’s living in Dafan Mountain, don’t ever come see me again!”
–Chapt. 8: Pride III, fanyiyi
It seemed that the boy hadn’t come to Qinghe alone. No surprise—at Dafan Mountain, Jiang Cheng had come to support his nephew, so why wouldn’t he come this time too? Only it seemed that the uncle and nephew had gotten into an argument in Qinghe Town, which caused Jin Ling to set off for Xinglu Ridge on his own.
–Chapt. 23: Malice I, fanyiyi
It turned out that, having tricked his uncle and released Wei Wuxian several days ago, Jin Ling had been worried that Jiang Cheng would actually break his legs, so he had decided to sneak off and disappear, intending to reappear in front his uncle only after Jiang Cheng’s temper had cooled.
–Chapt. 35: Flora III, fanyiyi
As much as Jin Ling wants to assure everyone that “that’s just how his uncle is” and show us how unbothered he is by Jiang Cheng’s behavior, he does actually fear the man. And with good reason to! Now let’s address the elephant in the room: Jiang Cheng very much so does want to be physically harm Jin Ling, and this almost always correlates to Jin Ling talking back/not listening to him. Take this scene from right after the juniors survive the goddess statue and Jin Ling reminding Jiang Cheng that he was the one who told the boy to either catch the beast on Dafan Mountain or never return to him:
Jiang Cheng wanted to slap the stinking brat so hard he’d fly back up his mother’s birth canal—but he did actually say those words. Since he couldn’t very well embarrass himself, the Clan Chief could only turn to sarcastically mocking the cultivators scattered randomly over the ground. “So what exactly thrashed all of you into looking so dignified?”
–Chapt. 10: Pride V, fanyiyi
The thing stopping him from slapping Jin Ling is the fact that Jiang Cheng publicly told the boy not to come back if he was not successful, and he has been publicly called out when trying to take Jin Ling to task. Being unable to swipe at the boy as he wishes, he then turns his attention to his disciples to punish, as they are lower than him in rank and therefore no one can chastise him on his unbecoming behavior. But once we get to the scenes where all social hierarchy and propriety break down–the second siege and Guanyin Temple–all hands are loosed:
Jiang Cheng forced himself to walk over to Jin Ling, grabbing him at once, “Did you get hurt?!”
Jin Ling’s breaths even smelled like rust, “I didn’t. I…”
Jiang Cheng immediately slapped him onto the ground, scolding, “You didn’t?! Then I’ll make you get hurt and teach you the lesson! You damn brat turning a deaf ear to my words?!”
–Chapt. 81: Loyalty, exr
Jiang Cheng shoved Jin Ling, who’d been holding him up helplessly, out of the way…
…With panic, Jin Ling stood in front of Jiang Cheng, “HanGuang-Jun! My uncle’s hurt…”
Jiang Cheng slapped him onto the ground, “Let him come! Am I scared of him?!”
–Chapt. 102: Hatred, exr
Social etiquette no longer exists in a life-or-death battle or hostage situation, so Jiang Cheng has no face to maintain in front of anyone else. But by this point in the story, Jin Ling has spent a considerable amount of time with two role models who do show him kindness, care, and support. He begins to crave that parental love he has been deprived of, starting from the second siege:
A few sect leaders clutched onto their sons, cautioning them, “When the corpses rush inside all at once, protect yourself and try to get out. Stay alive no matter what! You understand?!”
As Jin Ling heard this, he felt himself cringe, but somewhere deep down he hoped that his uncle would say something similar as well. He waited for a while, but nothing came from Jiang Cheng…
–Chapt. 81: Loyalty, exr
And when Jiang Cheng finally hits him for the first time, Jin Ling’s only reaction is to look towards wangxian:
He sat down, catching his breath as his eyes turned to the two sitting at the side of the Demon-Slaughtering Cave closest to the outside.
Both Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi were a mess.
–Chapt. 81: Loyalty, exr
Finally, all of the dysfunction in Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng’s relationship comes to a head in Guanyin Temple, the climax of the story. Jiang Cheng’s behavior escalates into physical violence towards his last living relative, while Jin Ling is no longer lashing out at his uncle in place of being vulnerable but is also no longer able to brush off Jiang Cheng’s cruelty as acceptable. He has had his entire worldview turned on its head, and out of that, realizes that he does not want to continue the cycle of abuse and hatred that Jiang Cheng tries to force him to inherit, but would rather follow the path of love and kindness that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have shown him is possible.
Keep reading
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mxrinelifeclub · 11 months
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my ios theme ♡
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mxrinelifeclub · 11 months
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ghibli lockscreens pt. 2
• please don’t repost
• like or reblog if you save
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mxrinelifeclub · 11 months
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My Neighbor Totoro phone theme! 🍃🌷🌙
A very relaxing phone theme, with starry skies, gentle breezes of wind, and fields of flowers and grass ʚ ₊˚✧ ゚.🌱
I hope that you like it! ♡
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mxrinelifeclub · 11 months
you ever accidentally create a recurring theme in your writing. you start putting together an outline for something you’ve never written before and get partway through planning, rearrange the pieces, and go “GODDAMMIT THIS IS ABOUT GRIEF AGAIN”? because let me tell you,
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mxrinelifeclub · 1 year
Can you imagine raising a child to be homophobic, only for that child to come across one (1) flamboyantly gay man and decide in the span of some weeks that they are now his favorite uncle AND you ain’t shit? And then he finds out that his favorite uncle is the one you told him intentionally murdered his parents (which he finds out is a lie) and he STILL chooses that man over you, so now you ain’t shit x2???
Can’t even impress on one of the most impressionable groups of people (A CHILD) that he is worthy to be looked up to, that’s how much of an abusive loser Jiang Cheng is.
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mxrinelifeclub · 2 years
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mxrinelifeclub · 2 years
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mxrinelifeclub · 2 years
“I want to go home,” he repeated, almost like a prayer as sobs wracked his body.
There was nothing he could say back. They were both hurting but he would never know the pain the other went through just from this one conversation. Sucking in a shaky breath, he responded,
“I know you’re tired, but I need you to keep fighting. Fight just a bit longer and return to me and then you can rest. I’ll hide you away from the world as long as you want.”
Sniffles was the only reply before a broken voice was heard,
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mxrinelifeclub · 2 years
it never fails to surprise me how some people will simply take every single thing in a story at face value and assume that what the characters are saying or doing or thinking must always be true even when all of the context clues are screaming the opposite
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mxrinelifeclub · 2 years
it never fails to surprise me how some people will simply take every single thing in a story at face value and assume that what the characters are saying or doing or thinking must always be true even when all of the context clues are screaming the opposite
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mxrinelifeclub · 2 years
remember in sonic x when topaz on screen took rouge on a date, have her a gemed ring and then fell on the floor sobbing when they’d never see each other again like they really did that
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mxrinelifeclub · 2 years
Based off my lrb// we need a lqr as Kongming and Wwx as Eiko in a paripi koumei AU
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mxrinelifeclub · 2 years
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I have no proof that they are dating but I have no evidence otherwise either
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mxrinelifeclub · 2 years
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mxrinelifeclub · 2 years
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