mxzenpai · 1 year
Main Masterlist
Feel free to request things from the fandoms on my Masterlist! This will most likely update/change often so keep an eye out! I’m trying to make everything be as organized as possible. <3
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Twisted Wonderland
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Genshin Impact
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mxzenpai · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist
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mxzenpai · 1 year
Savanaclaw Masterlist
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Lions, Tigers, and Bears oh my!
- Leona gets turned into a lion, and you are none the wiser. -
He’s In Love
- Three times others realized he’s in love, and the one time he realized it. -
Accidental Flirting (Requested)
- There was something stuck in your eye so you attempted to keep blinking to get rid of it. Wait- why is Leona blushing? -
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mxzenpai · 1 year
Hello I absolutely love your writing! There just something about ur stories that make me happy Yknow?
Would it be possible to request Ace x reader who is home sick?
Thank you for your hard work and if you don’t take requests that’s fine too ahaha :))
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Ace Trappola x Reader
No Place Like Home
The students of Twisted Wonderland treat you kindly, but you still can’t help but feel a little homesick.
Another request yay! Sorry if it’s short or not exactly what you were going for. I see Ace as someone who would try and keep the mood light despite the seriousness of it so I tried to play into him being casual, but still concerned. I hope that’s okay!
A frown sits on your lips as you listen to the music playing through Ace’s phone. It wasn’t like the song was bad or anything, you just find yourself missing artists you were familiar with. Ace lets out a groan, throwing his pencil down.
“I don’t get it! This assignment is stupid.” He leans on his hand, going and picking up his phone to focus on that rather than the already delayed assignment that’s due tomorrow. You let out your own sigh, placing your own pencil down.
“Ace you already delayed working in this. It’s your fault for ignoring the essay ‘til last minute.” Ace huffs, giving you a glare when he glances up from his phone, but you’ve already gone back to writing. “And can you turn the music off?” Ace pauses for a moment. You’re normally fine with him playing music.
“What? Got a headache or something?” You shake your head no, not making eye contact. Ace leans forward, attempting to catch your gaze that remains on the table. He looks a little silly doing it, not that he cares. “Then what’s up?” You shove him back gently so he doesn’t hurt his neck.
“Nothing just- I dunno.” You play with the fabric of your sleeve. “It’s making me miss home. I want to listen to my music you know? Music that I’m familiar with and…I can’t.” You frown before waving your hand. “It’s stupid. I know, don’t worry abo-“
“The only thing that’s stupid is that you think missing your home is stupid.” Ace is blunt and straight to the point with it, not that he exactly cares. “Listen, missing music you know isn’t weird. It’s something that you’d never think you’d miss.” Ace leans on his hand, elbow resting on the table.
“Yeah but-“
“Shut up.” Ace cuts you off quickly. “I’m sure music isn’t the only thing you’re missing. I’m not an idiot.” You go to protest that last statement but stop when Ace stares at you blankly. “We can try recreating stuff? Like food, or maybe even the music.” You sigh, placing your head down on the table.
“I’m not musical though, I don’t know the exact notes people use…and I also don’t know exact recipes. I don’t even have my old phone! I’m…” You let out a shaky breathe. “I’m starting to forget what they look like Ace.” Ace reaches his hand forward, running his hand through your hair in an attempt to comfort.
“I knew it was more than just the music.” He mumbles, silently reveling in the fact that he was right. “We’ll find a way back. We can talk to someone about synthesizing a photo based off of descriptions or something, I don’t know. We’ll figure something out ‘kay?” You look up at Ace to see him giving you a toothy grin.
“You sure?” Ace nods.
“Yeah, don’t sweat about it. You got me and a whole other loads of people who’d be willin’ to help you remember stuff. Or hey, even make this place feel more like home for you. Let’s go make some food and you can tell me about the music you like, maybe sing a few lines.” Ace stands, collecting his stuff and yours to get ready to carry it.
“You gotta finish the assignment though.” You stand alongside him, tsking as he takes your bag for you, slinging it over his shoulder.
“Nah, my priorities have shifted. I can just do it tonight. Now then, off to the kitchen and hopefully we won’t destroy anything.” You two begin to walk together, Ace wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Do you even know how to cook?”
“Hopefully we won’t destroy anything!”
A few days later you found yourself standing outside the door of the light music club, listening with a smile on your lips as they attempt to figure out the notes for the song you sang to Ace. You’ll have to thank him later.
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mxzenpai · 1 year
So I learned that big cats will slow blink to show affection…
I’m thinking of Reader/Yuu/Mc slow blinking at Leona and him getting flustered and stuff
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Leona Kingscholar x Reader
Accidental Flirting
There was something stuck in your eye so you attempted to keep blinking to get rid of it. Wait- why is Leona blushing?
First ever request let’s do this! I don’t know if this is exactly what you were looking for, but I tried my best! I’m sorry if it was on the shorter side, I was struggling to think on how to draw it out.
You weren’t sure what was causing it, but your eye has been stinging for the past couple of minutes. Was it the dirt, pollen, a fallen eyelash? You didn’t know but you were getting annoyed. Leona was napping next to you while you were reading, well, attempting to read. You rub at your watery eye before blinking rapidly a few times.
You sigh in annoyance, dropping your book into the grass and banging the back of your head against the tree gently a few times. You look down at Leona’s sleeping form, slowly blinking a few times and wiping a tear from your eye before you go back to looking around the garden. Can whatever is making your eye sting knock it off?!
“Your thoughts are so loud they woke me up.” Leona mumbles out, voice laced with sleepiness. You look back at him, blinking slowly a couple of times. Leona’s sleepiness seems to vanish at your action and he sits up slightly, leaning on his arm. His tail flicks and his ear twitches.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you up.” You rub your eyes again. Leona continues to stare, slowly blinking at you a couple of times before turning away to hide his face. You quirk an eyebrow at his weird shyness. “You…alright?” Leona nods.
“Mmhm, just fine herbivore.” Leona continues to look away from you and you watch as his tail flicks back and forth, ears twitching at every move you make. You close your eyes for a moment, letting the water build up and then reopen your eyes and you smile in satisfaction as you feel your eyes no longer sting. You turn back to Leona to see him staring at you. You blink again to return your eyes back to normal and watch as Leona’s pupils dilate just slightly.
You let out a gasp as Leona pulls you into his chest, burying his face into your neck as his arms wrap around you. You lean against his back as he cages you within his hold. You feel him snuggle your neck.
“Uhm…Leona?” He lets out a hum.
“Thinking you can get away with doin’ that without any repercussions tsk.” Leona replies, his hold tightening around you as he tail wraps around you as well.
“Doing what? What did I do?” You were confused, all you did was get something out of your eye and now you are being cuddled like there’s no tomorrow. You don’t mind what’s going on right now, but it does leave you confused.
“Gettin’ away with being affectionate.” You pause, reaching behind you to rub Leona’s ear gently. When were you? Oh well, it doesn’t matter. You’ll take your victories where you can get them, and this was certainly one of them.
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mxzenpai · 1 year
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Azul Ashengrotto x Reader
Midnight Swim
Water always silences the outside world, so when your thoughts got too loud you decided to take a swim. You didn’t think someone would join you.
Sometimes it’s quiet. Sometimes it’s loud. Sometimes it’s easy to make it through the day, other times you wish you stayed in bed and ignored the outside world. Everyone always talks about how the world is loud and they wish they could turn it down…but no one talks about their own head. Their thoughts that scream, clawing at the walls of your mind. Begging to be heard.
Why is it when a person on the street says the nastiest things to you, you think they’re an asshole and ignore it, but when your own mind says the same things, it’s true. There are happy moments of course, moments were the smiles aren’t fake and the laughs aren’t forced. Of course there are. However, the black ink always creeps back, grabbing hold of you surrounded by that happiness and drags you down. Down, down, down, until you feel like you’re drowning.
It’s silent around you as the current of the water gently pushes against the back. You begin to feel the burning of your lungs, but you know you can ignore it and push past the feeling. You allow your mind to clear, focusing on the feeling of the water as you sit at the bottom. You ignore the muffed noises above you. That’s why you’re here, everything is silent.
The water embraces you, it’s chilly arms wrapping around you. Your hands grasp the sand, feeling the texture of it slip through your fingers. The burning has stopped now and you know you’re able to go just a little longer before having to come up for air. The muffled sounds of the surface have stopped a bit ago and you feel yourself lean back into the water, allowing yourself to lay in the sand.
There’s a splash from above you and you almost, in an act of foolishness, open your eyes. A part of you almost wants to feel the burn of the salt, but the logical side of you keeps them firmly shut. You feel the current of the water shift, it going from one direction to many and you frown. The calmness of it’s hold has turned into a wild swirl.
Two arms wrap around your torso before you are pulled against a chest. The two arms of the stranger are wrapped firmly around you as they pull you up to the surface, out of the safety of the water. You feel the rush of the water go past your body and become slightly impressed at the speed this person is swimming.
You break through the surface of the water and take a breath of air, your lungs satisfied with the feeling of breath rushing through them once again. Your heart is loud in your ears as you wipe some droplets of water from your face. You open your eyes and are met with two blue, almost grey ones. They look upon you in worry and you give them a soft smile.
“Hey Azul.” You mumble softly, tiredly resting your head against his lilac shoulder, closing your eyes. You feel Azul shudder, his hold on you adjusting and causing you to wrap your legs around his hips. You note that he’s taller in his merform, just like the twins said he was.
“You scared me Angelfish.” He whispers in your ear, a hand coming up to stroke the back of your head while the other one is able to hold you up. His voice is meek, nervous. Maybe it was because he thought you were hurt, or this is the first time you are seeing his merform. You weren’t exactly sure.
“I’m sorry. Everything was just so loud. It’s quiet in the water.” Azul hums and you feel him move to the edge of the water. He gently lifts you and places you on the edge with the assistance of his tentacles. You protest lightly as you’re placed there, your feet dangling in the water.
“It seems like a rather quiet night though.” After speaking Azul lowers himself so only his eyes and the top of he head can be seen. He’s attempting to hide himself from you, using the darkness of the water and lack of light to aide him.
“Not the outside world.” You shake your head, attempting to re-enter the water.
“Don’t.” You pause, choosing to sit there for a moment.
“You know I won’t judge you on your appearance.” Azul’s eyes shift, sinking slightly lower into the water.
“I know…but now it’s loud for me.” You nod in understanding before slowly slipping back into the water, using the wall to allow you to stay afloat easier. “I thought you were drowning.” Azul admits. “Seeing you there at the bottom…not moving.” You swim over to him, keeping some distance between the two of you. You feel something brush against your leg before it quickly retracts.
“It’s quiet down there.” You reply, “I’m sorry for scaring you.” Azul raises himself out of the water a bit and you feel a hesitant tentacle wrap across your back and over your shoulder. You give a reassuring smile and the tentacle pulls you closer to Azul.
“Don’t…don’t do it again. Come talk to me if it’s too loud. Just don’t-“ He swallows the lump in his throat, “Not again.” You give Azul a reassuring kiss before nodding.
“Okay.” You whisper out and Azul gives a soft smile, resting his head against yours.
“Okay.” He responds. “And you…you’re not disgusted…seeing me like this? I- this was the quickest way I could get to you and-“ You give him another kiss.
“I think you look handsome.” You run your fingers through his wet hair and you feel a tentacle circle around your waist, bringing you into Azul’s chest once again. “Is it still loud?” You ask and Azul shakes his head, resting his chin on your head.
“No, not as loud. You’re very good at making the bad things go away.” His arms tighten their hold on you as tentacles wrap around your lower body. It didn’t take a genius to know that Azul was attempting to hold you as much as he could. Azul kisses you on the head.
“I just wish you would allow me to do the same for you.” You close your eyes, a wave of exhaustion hitting you and you let out a hum.
“I will.”
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mxzenpai · 1 year
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Idia Shroud x Reader
His and Theirs
Idia knows that Ramshackle doesn’t have the ability for you to have a computer…you wouldn’t mind the set up being in his room…right?
Idia bites his lip as he stares at the set up in front of him. Did he choose the wrong color for the theme? He could have sworn this was your favorite aesthetic when it comes to this sort of thing. Then again, he really only had how you decorate in your co-ops to go off of. Maybe the games didn’t have the aesthetics you actually like? He looks around his room, seeing the mess that was all over the place shoved into a corner to make room for your desk.
Would you even like this? I mean, you like to play with him, but you never expressed wanting a computer. Hades it feels like he built his stats wrong and he’s about to get one-shot by the final boss. Idia’s hair flicks as he continues to stare at the set up. No no, that monitor needs to be a little higher. He moves to adjust the swing arm of the right monitor to raise it a bit more. Once done he looks at the other two monitors. Three monitors is enough for you right? You don’t need a lot since you aren’t going to be programing or anything… maybe he should have gotten another? Or he can quickly set up a hologram to go abo-
“You’re doing it again.” Idia whirls around to spot Ortho place the cat paw pillow Idia got you onto the chair of your set up. “I’m sure they’ll love it, they love anything you do.” Ortho smiles up at Idia.
“This is like- final boss territory Ortho, I gotta make sure everything is right. It’s like doing a blind playthrough without looking at a strategy guide!” Ortho giggles at Idia’s ramble before quickly leaving the room. Idia turns back to the set up. Should he have gotten some figures? You don’t know a lot of shows though…No! This was dumb! He’s just going to get rid of all of it and you’ll never know!
“Oh wow that’s so cool!” Idia lets out a screech as he whips around to see you standing there. A surprise encounter and he has NOTHING to help him with this! Idia silently watches as you look at the set up, eyes widening upon looking at the rig inside the case. “If this is the here equivalent to the RTX 3090 color me impressed.” Idia pauses.
“You…know computers?” You turn, nodding to Idia enthusiastically.
“Yeah! I played games all the time back in my world, even built my own rig. Things are different here though so I haven’t tried it. Not like I had the money to anyways, but still. Who’s this for? Ortho?” He watches as you take a look at the pc through the glass again before shifting his eyes away.
“For you.” You’re quick to turn, eyes widening in delight.
“For me? Oh hell yeah!” You turn on the pc in quick succession before turning on the monitor. You turn back to Idia. “You gonna sit?” Idia blinks, hair burning a tad brighter before he goes to grab his chair. You roll your eyes, yanking him down into your chair before plopping yourself onto his lap. Idia’s hair turns a bright pink.
“I- wha- but I don’t- you- chair- two of-“ You cover his mouth with your hand.
“Shhhhhhhh…I have a new toy and I must play with it. As the builder of said toy you must watch…aka help me with this part in this game that I’m stuck on.” Idia wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Which game?” Idia watches as you change the wallpaper to one of your favorite characters.
“The one that you let me make a save file for a few days ago. I’m gonna have to use your account to finish the game, might start a new save on my account after I finish though.” Idia nods, his hair going back to blue except for the tips.
You give Idia a kiss on the cheek and his hair lights up again. “Nah but seriously, I appreciate the gesture. I was really missing being able to sit at a pc and play games. Playing with you using your handhelds is fine and all, but I miss the keyboard.” Idia tightens his hold around your waste.
“Almost thought I got the wrong items for the fight.” You let out a laugh.
“Oh come on, you and I both know I’m not a boss. I’m the love interest.” You give a wink before turning back to the pc to boot up the game.
Yeah…you are the love interest, and Idia wouldn’t have it any other way.
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mxzenpai · 1 year
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Then Leap
*At a dorm head meeting*
Leona: B*tch do you WANT me to jump across this table? BECAUSE I DON’T HAVE ALL DAY FOR THIS OKAY?
Malleus: You feelin’ froggy? Leap.
Vil: Nonononono-
Azul: It’s okay!
Leona: Nuh-uh! Let me-
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mxzenpai · 1 year
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Leona Kingscholar x Reader
He’s In Love
Three times others realized he was in love, and the one time he realized it.
Ruggie found pride in the fact he was one of the few who could wake Leona without completely angering him. Of course, he had food with him every-time he woke the prince so that most likely has something to do with it. However, Ruggie will take his wins and successes where he can get them. Today however, was not one of those days. Ruggie simply did not have the time to get Leona his lunch and deliver it to him in the botanical garden. Instead, he found himself seated at a lunchtable, papers scattered around him as he crammed for his exam next class. Maybe he should have studied like Jack suggested.
You offered to take Ruggie’s place of handling Leona and Ruggie, feeling the stress of failure, happily accepted the offer. He didn’t think about the fact that Leona would not like being woken up by you, or the fact that you did not know what Leona liked to eat. He was too busy looking at his papers to even notice you left the cafeteria without a single ounce of food in your hands.
He looks up from his writing when he hears someone sit in front of him, eyes widening upon seeing you. You smile at him. “I got him.” Ruggie blinks, pencil going slightly slack.
“What do you mean you got him?” You tilt your head, pointing over to the lunch line. Ruggie thought he died and went to heaven when he looked over. He saw Leona of all people, standing in line. His tail was flicking in slight agitation, and he was looking around the room with boredom, but he was there. Ruggie’s view snaps back to you. “How did you manage that?!”
“I asked him to come to the lunchroom since it was time to eat?” You didn’t seem to grasp what was so baffling about the situation. Ruggie blinks once, then twice. He looks down at the table and realizes you don’t have any food.
“Where’s your food?” You go to respond before food is placed in front of you. Ruggie watches as Leona is the one to place said food, ruffling your hair as you say thanks before taking a seat next to you with his own meal. That’s when everything clicks for Ruggie. He laughs to himself, watching the two of you interact in amusement.
He leans on his hand, wondering how long exactly it will take Leona to notice his feelings for you.
Cheka very happy to meet his uncle’s friend, you were very nice and happily played with him while Leona napped. Apparently his visit was when you two were supposed to have a study session, whatever that was, but you didn’t seem too upset by his interruption. Cheka pouts, cheeks puffed as he crosses his arms. “I’m hungry though!” You sigh, placing down the toy you had.
“The cafeteria isn’t open…I could try getting you a snack from the dorm’s kitchen, but I don’t want to overstep.” Cheka huffs, looking over at his sleeping uncle before climbing to his feet and rushing over. He climbs onto the bed with great effort before shaking Leona’s arm.
“Uncleeeeeeeee I’m hungry and (Y/N) is too scared to cook!” Your eyes widen in offense at the blunt statement of the child before rushing over to scoop him up.
“Cheka! Let him sleep, come on now!” The little beastman wiggles out of your grip, landing back onto the bed with a thump. Leona’s tail flicks in agitation, ears twitching at the noise. His eyes open and they glare at Cheka. You wince but Cheka simply smiles a toothy grin.
“Let’s go get something to eat! We can have a picnic! Oh! Or a…buffet, or-“ Strings of laugher leave the child’s lips as he’s struck with a pillow by Leona. You’re quick to catch Cheka and prevent him from tumbling off the bed.
“Leona!” You scold and said beastman rolls his eyes.
“He was bein’ too noisy.” You roll your eyes in return, placing a giggling Cheka on your hip.
“Well, since you’re up. Cheka and I are going to go out for a bit.” You turn and Cheka watches from over your shoulder as Leona gets up, beginning to put his shoes on. You bend down, picking up Cheka’s toys and putting them in one of his bags. Leona comes up behind the two of you and Cheka watches as he slaps your hand away when you attempt to open the door.
“No.” That’s all that leaves his uncle’s lips before Cheka watches him open the door for you, stepping to the side to allow you to walk out of the room first. You huff in amusement, stepping through the doorway with Cheka before Leona does the same, shutting the door behind him. Cheka blinks, still on your hip as he watches Leona situate himself to the left of you, tail idly swaying and ears flicking gently at the sound of your humming. Cheka’s own tail begins to sway in happiness. Eyes widening in delight. That’s something his Father does! Holds the door open, walks on the left. Ears perked and ready to listen for whatever his Mother says! And his tail is showing he’s happy! You two are acting like his parents!
You were very confused when Cheka began to call you Auntie/Uncle (Y/N) later that day.
Jack was not expecting this today. Spelldrive games were never easy, taking a lot of athletic skill to play effectively. However, he seemed to be the only one to notice that their team was doing better than usual. Jack’s ear flicks as he thinks, eyes scanning the sidle lines as he takes a sip of water. His eyes pause for a moment when he recognizes you in the crowd. Your eyes connect and you send over an overly enthusiastic wave. Jack responds accordingly before placing his water down, preparing to go back in.
He watches as Leona moves across the field. Fang piercing his lip slightly as he continues to look. Leona put effort into the game, Jack knew that, this much effort though? No. Gears begin to turn as Jack attempts to think of what was causing it. His family wasn’t here and if they were then Leona would have been a no show. Ruggie could have offered him something…must’ve been a good deal. Jack’s ears pin back as the signal of the game ending rings out across the field. It was always noisy.
The crowd cheers at the results of the game and Jack watches as the other team sulks, feeling slightly smug at the feeling of victory coursing through his veins. Leona is quick to make his way to the bench, grabbing his water and downing it, tail flicking as sweat drips down his forehead.
“Didn’t think you could move like that.” Leona pauses, turning to Jack with a quirked brow. Jack is quick to correct himself. “I mean, I know you’re good, just the effort is a bit surprising is all.” Leona goes go bite back before being cut off by another voice.
“That was great! I still don’t really understand what’s going on, but I think I’ll get it in time.” Jack’s lips curl up as he spots you bouncing on your heels before turning back to Leona. The lion beastman has a small smile on his own lips as he looks at you.
“Yeah? I’ll explain what you don’t get. After a nap though. I’m exhausted.” You nod enthusiastically, folding your hands behind your back.
“Want me to come with? I won’t sleep, but I can stay occupied and quiet.” Leona scoffs.
“I don’t care.” Jack watches as Leona walks away, you taking a stance next to him. Leona is quick to correct where you stand, making sure you’re on his right. Jack watches as your figures get smaller as you make your way to the Hall of Mirrors.
So that’s why today’s game was so easy.
Leona didn’t need anyone. He was fine all on his own. That’s what his pride and ego told him. He was sitting at his chess board, playing against himself as you read a book on his bed. You were playing with the lion earlier, but became slightly discouraged at losing over and over again. Leona’s tail flicks as he thinks, eyes hovering over the king and queen pieces standing next to each other on the black side of the board. His ear twitches as he hears you move slightly on his bed and glances over.
His ears pin back as he notices the book you were reading lays slack in your hand, your head titled as your back leans against the headboard. How you managed to fall asleep in the position the beastman will never know. Leona watches your chest rise and fall slowly, leaning on his hand as his elbow rests on the table he sits at. That cannot be comfortable. With an eye-roll, he stands up and makes his way over to you.
The book is gently placed on the bedside table, Leona making sure to mark the page. The beastman then gets to work, lifting you up to place you on the bed comfortably. He glances back at the chess board for a moment before looking back down at you. He clenches his jaw before he crawls into the bed alongside you. His breathe hitches as you cuddle up against him and Leona begins to run his fingers through your hair.
A soft smile is on his lips as he continues to play with your hair, making sure to not tug and if he runs into a knot, to gently undo it. He leans down, giving you a soft kiss on the crown of your head before pausing. Leona’s eyes widen in alarm at his actions. Oh…oh. You and him need to have a talk later. Well, he has to talk to you. Leona’s face scrunches up just thinking about it. However, for now he is going to take advantage of the situation and rest.
He wraps his arms around you, closing his eyes as his tail thumps against the mattress. His tail settles as his breathing slows. Yeah…he’ll tell you later. He wants this to continue.
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mxzenpai · 1 year
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Leona Kingscholar x Reader
Lions, Tigers, and Bears oh my!
When you entered the botanical garden you were thinking you were going to see Leona sleeping once again, instead you find a lion. A lion who’s decided to stick by your side…for some reason. You are not qualified for this.
It was another day at Night Raven College and you seemed to be at your wits end. Normally, you pride yourself on your patience and the ability to not let little things get to you. However, it seems the odds are against you today and the world has chosen to test you. Grim causing a potion to explode making you have to clean the entire classroom, Ace and Deuce going at it again about something you don’t even remember, some random students attempting to take a jab at you. At this point all you wanted was to relax and escape for a bit. You knew a good place and you knew only one person would be there. As long as you were quiet, the fellow student would care less if you took a bit of a breather from the outside world.
A small smile crosses your lips as you are hit with the warm of the botanical garden as we step in. Your shoulders relax as you stand at the entrance for just a moment longer, eyes closing. They reopen as you step in fully, shutting the door behind you. You’re quiet on your feet as to not disturb Leona who you know for a fact is always in here at this time. You don’t even spare a glance in his direction as you make your way to a little corner, settling down in the grass and pulling out a book.
The book wasn’t anything special, just a novel that Sam recommended when you told him you needed something to occupy your time when you were at his shop the other day. It wasn’t a bad read and you were enjoying it quite a bit. You’d have to go to Sam for more recommendations in the future. You tilt your head slightly as you turn a page, rubbing the paper between your fingers for a moment. “I wonder why they chose to word it like that…” You mumble to yourself as you reread a sentence, the wording making it seem like it’s foreshadowing for something that will happen later in the novel.
A shadow overtakes your book and you glance up, expecting to see maybe Leona or Ruggie. Instead you find yourself staring into the bright green eyes of a lion. Your own eyes widen as the book falls from your fingers, landing softly in the grass. You look around you for anything, slowly scooting back to get away from the lion. “I…” As you scoot back the lion steps forward, making any distance you are attempting to gain vanish instantly. You feel your back press against the glass of the garden and your breath hitches.
Your hands feel clammy as they are pushed against the glass behind you, eyes watching every move the lion makes. The lion stalks forward, slowly. Mischief is coated in it’s eyes, like it’s playing with you. You close your eyes and turn your head away as it gets right in front of you. Your shaking slightly, of course this day had to get worse. How did a lion even get here in the first place?! These thoughts whirr through your head as you wait for something, anything, to happen.
Then you feel something rest on top of your head. You open your eyes and are met with nothing but dark brown meeting your vision. “Uhm…” You mumble, realizing the lion has rested it’s chin on top of your head. You make no movement as you watch the lion move once again. It turns…correction…he turns. You can now confirm it is a he. He turns, walking over to your book discarded in the grass. He lowers himself, picking it up gently between his teeth before lazily making his way back over to you.
The book is plopped into your lap before the head of the lion joins it. Your hands hover in the air as you stare at the beast who has chosen to use your lap as a pillow. He glances up at you lazily before his eyes shift to the book, nudging it into your stomach. You swallow the lump in your throat, taking the book into your hands and opening up to the last page you were on. “Uhm…hi?” You mumble out. Your response was an ear flicking and the lion turning to lay on his side. “Okay then…I’m…going to go back to reading now.” You mumble out, taking in the features of the animal on your lap.
He was a big lion. It would be impressive if you weren’t terrified out of your mind at the moment. When you are sitting he towers over you in height. His mane is a dark brown, the rest of him a lighter shade of the color. He has the brightest green eyes, they almost seem like they glow at times. The thing you notice the most though is the scar that sits over one of his eyes. You let out a small hum at your observation before you continue to read.
At some point, you can’t really say when exactly, you began to play with the lion’s mane while you read. You would thread the hair between your fingers, twirling the strands slightly. The lion didn’t seem to mind, eyes remaining closed and chest rumbling with pleasure. His tail idly moved against the grass as you absentmindedly talked about the novel. “I mean, I personally feel empathy for the villain. He was kind of forced into the role of the villain. It was the only option he had to survive really.” You hum as you look at the ceiling.
One of the lion’s eyes open, looking at you for a moment before it lets out a yawn. He stands and the warmth of him laying on your lap vanishes. He stretches, claws digging into the dirt slightly before turning to you, as if waiting. “Oh uhm-“ You’re quick to gather your things, standing as well. “I guess I’m hanging out with a lion today…” You fiddle with your shirt for a moment. “Let me just go say bye to someone really quick. He’s normally up by this time.” Before you can walk away the lion grabs your shirt between his teeth, not allowing you to move away from him.
“Hey! Let go! I gotta go say bye!” You attempt to get him to let go of your shirt. “Leona gets upset if I don’t say bye.” The lion’s tail flicks with irritation. Not budging on it’s choice of holding your shirt between his teeth. You let out a huff of annoyance, closing your eyes, “Listen, my patience is very short today and I’m really not in the mood. So let. go.” You tug again and feel the urge to yell as you watch your shirt rip. Your lips curl, eyebrows furrowing. “You know what? I’m leaving. I’ll text him later. I’m going back to my dorm.” You turn, ignoring the lion completely as you make your way out of the botanical garden, fully intent on going to the Hall of Mirrors.
People stare as you walk through the halls of the college and you can’t help but wonder if it is because of the rip in your shirt or if something else about you was out of place. In response to all the staring though you choose to keep your eyes to the ground. That is, until Headmaster Crowley stops you.
“And do tell, why you have a lion following you (Y/N)?” You look up, eyes widening as you look at your headmaster.
“But I do-why are you following me?!” You shout when you turn and spot the lion from the botanical garden sitting there. He lets out a yawn, tail flicking. You turn back to Headmaster Crowley, pointing at your follower. “I swear he is not mine.” The Headmaster lets out a laugh, head tilted back.
“I see differently! Now then, you know the rules about pets, even if this one is a little eccentric. I ask you return him to your dorm immediately.” Your eyes widen in alarm.
“But he’s not mine!” You stutter out, arms throwing out to your sides in alarm.
“Tsk, arguing with your Headmaster. Quick now before I choose to punish you accordingly.” The Headmaster wags a finger in your face before strutting off. Your hands clench into fists as you glare at his retreating back. You feel a tap on your shoulder and you whip around.
“What?” You growl out, pausing only to be met with Ace who holds his hands up in surrender.
“Woah! Chill, it’s just me. We still on for tonight?” You pinch the bridge of your nose.
“I don’t think I can help you, I have too much going on and I don’t-“
“But you said you would help! I could go to Deuce, but he’s too strict with studying. Riddle will have my head if I fail this and-“
“Ace please, I really can’t-“
“You don’t want me to fail do you?”
“I mean rea-“ A deep growl cuts Ace off and you both turn to see the lion standing there, hair on the back of his neck standing up and tail flicking in annoyance. His ears are pinned back against his head, body lowered to the ground. It’s as if he’s daring for Ace to continue. Ace nervously laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. “On second thought I’ll just ask Deuce! See ya (Y/N)!” With that, your friend is gone and you let out a tired sigh.
You turn to the lion, placing you hands on your hips. “Really?” You huff, but the lion ignores you beginning to walk down the hall. You throw your hands up in exasperation before trailing after the beast. It doesn’t take long for you to hear the whispers of the other students now that you are aware why they are whispering. The lion clearly doesn’t care though and continues to walk. At some point it ended up with you walking on the lion’s right and and the lion refusing to allow you to walk elsewhere other than the right side. Anytime you would move he would nudge you back into place.
“This is getting ridiculous…” You mumble as you make your way closer to the Hall of Mirrors. You notice a foot sticking out in an attempt to trip you and you simply hop over it, giving an unimpressed eye roll to the person who attempted to do it. Really? Tripping you is the best they can come up with. You continue to walk, the lion lazily walking beside you. “You know, I don’t have the means to take care of you right? There is no way I can properly care for a lion.” You tap your chin. “I could probably talk to Leona about a place for you…” You mumble and the lion huffs in amusement. “What? Got any better ideas?” He gives you a side eye and you roll yours in response. You’ve rolled your eyes so much today they might as well get stuck.
It always feels like you’re stepping through a waterfall when you use the mirror, but the thought slips out of your mind when you spot the familiar creaky wooden door of your dorm. With a sigh you push it open. The lion walks past you as you take your shoes off and place your items down, only to watch you collapse onto the couch with a huff. The lion stretches, walking it’s way over to you and nudging you with it’s snout. “Whaaaaaaat? Just give me five minutes dude!” You exclaim. “What do you even want?” The lion grabs your shirt and tugs, pulling you off of the couch. You land on the wooden floor harshly, laying there for a moment.
“That’s it. I’m going to bed. I’ll feed you tomorrow or whatever. I’m done. I don’t know what Crowley was thinking.” You stand, making your way to your bedroom and you open the door, letting out a noise of protest as the lion hops onto your bed and makes himself comfortable. “No! Absolutely not! That’s my bed!” The lion simply ignores you, tail flicking in amusement and you groan. You’re quick to take a shower and change in the bathroom, stepping out to see the lion fast asleep. You roll your eyes, crawling into bed yourself after turning off the light. At least he makes the chilly night air feel warm…
When you wake up the next morning it takes a moment or two for you to realize that you have arms wrapped tightly around you. You blink as your hazy mind clears, glancing down at the arms before looking up to be met with the sleeping face of Leona. You let out a yelp, scrambling and tumbling to the floor with the blanket. Leona lets out a groan.
“Do you really gotta be so loud herbivore?” He mumbles, voice still laced with sleep. You pull the blanket off of your head.
“What are you doing in my bed?” Leona peeks over the edge lazily, watching you with amusement as you sit on the floor.
“Sleeping obviously. You getting back in or no? You could even read your book or whatever.” You blink.
“Book? How do you- wait…” Then everything clicks and you point an accusatory finger at him. “You were the lion!” Leona rolls his eyes before rolling back over.
“Come on, get back in bed and read. Keeps you quiet.” You blink a few times.
“But we aren’t even dating how can you ju-“
“Fine. Now we’re dating. Come here.” You stand throwing the blanket back onto the bed.
“That’s not even how this works! You can’t just say that we’re dati-ah!” You gasp as you get yanked back down onto the bed and pulled into the chest of the beastman.
“I’ll take you out proper later. It’s still early. Now let me sleep.” You huff.
“Fine. But I pick.” You feel his hand play with your hair.
“Fine by me.”
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