Hey all. I know I’ve been silent for a while.
Long story short, this blog is officially on hiatus, whether temporary or permanent I don’t know yet.
To put it simply, I’ve been struggling with my mental and physical health for the past few months, and my enjoyment of whump has henceforth dwindled. It brings me more stress and discomfort than solace now, and it’s for that reason that I’ve stopped reading or creating it. I so dearly miss enjoying everyone’s stories and characters, and don’t doubt me when I say that it pains me to not be able to engage with your hard work, especially if we’re friends. Hopefully I’ll be able to return to this community in the future and share in the joys of whumping once again, but until that day this is a goodbye to my stories, characters, and universes, and a huge thank you to everyone who’s supported my writing, even the tiniest bit. You have no idea how much your generous words, likes, and reblogs still mean to me. For anyone wondering or worried, I’m getting help for my issues. I won’t go into details publicly (happy to share with friends or mutuals though) but I just had my admission to a facility today and I’ll be working on recovery over this summer and building myself back up. Know that I’m trying the best I can to battle what I’ve been burdened with.
In the meantime, if you want to keep in touch on Tumblr I’ll be hanging out over at @b0amagination (for whatever reason, tumblr is refusing to link the blog right now but b0amagination.tumblr.com should get you there), probably posting some of my art and reblogging whatever I fancy. I’ll be sure to log into this account on occasion to make sure I’m not missing anything, but I’ll spend the majority of my time there until further notice.
Thanks for everything, you guys.
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Hey all. I know I’ve been silent for a while.
Long story short, this blog is officially on hiatus, whether temporary or permanent I don’t know yet.
To put it simply, I’ve been struggling with my mental and physical health for the past few months, and my enjoyment of whump has henceforth dwindled. It brings me more stress and discomfort than solace now, and it’s for that reason that I’ve stopped reading or creating it. I so dearly miss enjoying everyone’s stories and characters, and don’t doubt me when I say that it pains me to not be able to engage with your hard work, especially if we’re friends. Hopefully I’ll be able to return to this community in the future and share in the joys of whumping once again, but until that day this is a goodbye to my stories, characters, and universes, and a huge thank you to everyone who’s supported my writing, even the tiniest bit. You have no idea how much your generous words, likes, and reblogs still mean to me. For anyone wondering or worried, I’m getting help for my issues. I won’t go into details publicly (happy to share with friends or mutuals though) but I just had my admission to a facility today and I’ll be working on recovery over this summer and building myself back up. Know that I’m trying the best I can to battle what I’ve been burdened with.
In the meantime, if you want to keep in touch on Tumblr I’ll be hanging out over at @b0amagination (for whatever reason, tumblr is refusing to link the blog right now but b0amagination.tumblr.com should get you there), probably posting some of my art and reblogging whatever I fancy. I’ll be sure to log into this account on occasion to make sure I’m not missing anything, but I’ll spend the majority of my time there until further notice.
Thanks for everything, you guys.
54 notes · View notes
Hey all. I know I’ve been silent for a while.
Long story short, this blog is officially on hiatus, whether temporary or permanent I don’t know yet.
To put it simply, I’ve been struggling with my mental and physical health for the past few months, and my enjoyment of whump has henceforth dwindled. It brings me more stress and discomfort than solace now, and it’s for that reason that I’ve stopped reading or creating it. I so dearly miss enjoying everyone’s stories and characters, and don’t doubt me when I say that it pains me to not be able to engage with your hard work, especially if we’re friends. Hopefully I’ll be able to return to this community in the future and share in the joys of whumping once again, but until that day this is a goodbye to my stories, characters, and universes, and a huge thank you to everyone who’s supported my writing, even the tiniest bit. You have no idea how much your generous words, likes, and reblogs still mean to me. For anyone wondering or worried, I’m getting help for my issues. I won’t go into details publicly (happy to share with friends or mutuals though) but I just had my admission to a facility today and I’ll be working on recovery over this summer and building myself back up. Know that I’m trying the best I can to battle what I’ve been burdened with.
In the meantime, if you want to keep in touch on Tumblr I’ll be hanging out over at @b0amagination (for whatever reason, tumblr is refusing to link the blog right now but b0amagination.tumblr.com should get you there), probably posting some of my art and reblogging whatever I fancy. I’ll be sure to log into this account on occasion to make sure I’m not missing anything, but I’ll spend the majority of my time there until further notice.
Thanks for everything, you guys.
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aAAh I’m listening to Moon’s Request by Lemon Demon because Spirit Phone is on shuffle and I am thrivingggg
tagging @whump-it and @pepperonyscience but no pressure y’all and sorry if you got tagged already and i missed it
FUCK UHH @anarchicmartyr @natsuonii @tenyagf
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boa timeee
whoever hasn’t been tagged can add on!
found some cool picrew
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so let’s make it a tag game
@1-800-i-ship-it @tower-of-weebz @dimobserver @khunfounded @bakuismybitch​ @levis-nipple​ and i don’t know people so @whoever-feels-like-joining!
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Tag the OC that gives the best hugs
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Happy spring everyone!
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I don't know who else besides me needs this reminder but just in case:
It's okay if your taste in fiction changes over time. This is particually true for whump and darker content. It's fine if tropes and themes you once loved and eagerly consumed don't hit the spot anymore in the same way they used to. You don't have to read and write the same things for the rest of forever, or the rest of your time here among people who write whump.
You can change, by choice or necessity. You can drop old series and still think fondly about when you liked them, without wanting to read or write anymore of them. You can appreciate great writing, and also be aware that it isn't something you want to read, or produce, any more of.
Whump is particularly strange and changeable in this regard, as we grow and experience life the things that gave us escapism in the past shift, sometimes naturally, sometimes with one big overhaul of emotion. But this can be especially true if your experience, or begin to process, your own trauma. And not even trauma, but just coming to terms with hurts or old wounds, and as new things happen in your life.
Whether you are a writer or a reader, you don't have to be beholden to things you began once upon a time. Let yourself move on, if you need or want to.
Squicks and triggers can change over time, but sometimes it's not even that strong, sometimes it's just... not for you, anymore.
I promise there will always be something new to read, or write, that makes you feel good. There are always stories being told that will light you up with joy, there's new tropes and new prompts and new characters that you will grow fond of, once you find them.
You don't have to hate what you used to love to need to step away from it, but it is okay to change what you read and write. Treat yourself well, and don't keep going back to things that no longer make you feel good. Your favourite authors won't hold it against you (or they shouldn't), your own readers will still have the old pieces to come back to. You can do whatever you want with the time you spend creating and consuming content, let it be guilt free.
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I write for the dialogue the plot is just filler
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going thru phone pics and found this thing that was tacked up next to the toaster at my old job, if anyone needs some light toast eating reading material
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ah, if it isnt my funky little snek friend!
boa, boa boa boa i should stop repeating that before it becomes a stim- you have been such a huge support for me, and youre such a delightful presence to have around. your art? stunning. mind blowing. i owe you my life for the fanart youve done.
you are without a doubt one of the funniest motherfuckers alive. not only that, you are SUCH a sweet person. and such a gremlin. i love you so much. we havent been talking a whole whole lot recently, everythings been kinda crazy for like the past all of the time but. i cant even begin to describe how much ive enjoyed being your friend thus far. 💕💕💕💕💕
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Sooo Neteri, how resilient do you think Erebus really is? Strong enough to make it through all your plans? Strong enough not to shatter in the process? (bonus points if you keep Erebus in the room to hear her response, but you do you my dude)
“Oh yeah he’ll be fine. I mean, he’s young and healthy, it’s why I wanted him over someone off the street, since royals usually have better healthcare, you know? And I mean, I’d prefer it if he doesn’t like, go insane or whatever, but if he does...” she shrugs, “I can deal with it.”
Erebus’s mounting fear is clearly visible as she talks, and he jerks away when she tries to grab his chin, looking at her in a mixture of terror and revulsion.
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Cannot stok laughing at this
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I made a bearded dragon stuffed animal anyone wanna see?
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REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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unfortunately, my friend and I had an obsession with typing.com in sixth grade and I got to be pretty good. I tried on my phone to see if it’d be more interesting but I managed to do it right on there as well.
tagging: @pepperonyscience, @galaxywhump, and @legallylibra (only if you want and sorry if y’all have already been tagged!)
i’m starting a game
Type your username with your eyes closed and tag 4 people
I’ll go first:
@warcrossheadcanons @tracywarcross @txal-sharky @that-one-goddy-trot
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