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Ignorance according to Merriam Webster Dictionary is the lack of knowledge, understanding or education. Consequently, many are claiming that this is some kind of disease and having this is fatal. Being ignorant can cause serious damage to you and the people around you. If a person asks you about an issue or something, and you give a dumb answer showing you lack knowledge to what is going on around or what is talked about, you might be dubbed as an ignorant. And this goes the same with the planet’s current concerns. It should be everyone’s business and one isn’t allowed to be ignorant about it.
           Everyone is required to be alarm with this planetary issue namely the Man-made Climate Change. There are no limitations to this requirement, the young and old, rich and poor, black and white, all humans are included; and many believed that there is no excuse for we all have the means to gain knowledge. Is this because everyone should be warned with the risks of it? Or it is a mere propaganda that needs a wider audience? Does ignorance only means lacking knowledge? How about those having the wrong knowledge, can we call it ignorance?
           After watching ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ and ‘The Global Warming Swindle’, all my beliefs seem to be shaken up by a strong earthquake. Allow me to discuss the technicalities of both film not with experts based data but only with my perspective as a normal viewer, in this way you’ll have a deep understanding on how they influence me. The first one, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ presented its points in a monotone manner, there is nothing engaging throughout the film. It is probably because the data and the way it is presented is nothing new to me, I may have read it online, heard or watched it from different medias. It gives me information that I expect and it’s the same old threats of the said warming of the world. On the other hand, ‘The Global Warming Swindle’ presented its points on a thrilling manner, having a strong intro which drives me to watch intently. The cinematography and film attacks of ‘The Global Warming Swindle’ is more effective than ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. Honestly, I don’t know where to place my side because of this technicalities, I am thinking if I’m driven by my real stand or just the technicalities of the film. However, after a day of reading online data, I start comparing and reflecting then ended up with my stand.
           ‘The Global Warming Swindle’ influences me to pick the stand that Climate Change is a lie. The data presented by the film ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ proves that everything are just theories and ‘The Global Warming Swindle’ has enough scientific rebuttals on each of it. With all the existing self-interests driven people and dirty business minded people, I actually had a hard time trusting those in power. I myself, was once a part of the media people on our school and community and I am aware of the things they do. I knew that even though a journalist oath to speak for the truth, they are still driven with commercialism, instead of putting the great news, they will place those threats and bad news because the ‘bloodier the better’. This goes the same with the Climate Change propaganda, they will put the biggest number possible to earn sympathy and money. This propaganda wants us to be vulnerable through these unproven points backed up with support of scientists purportedly. If these happen, our vulnerability can lead to an unlimited power, many are aiming for.
           However, this doesn’t mean that I am not aware of the existing problem of the world. We have environmental issues but addressing it as an agenda bigger than it actually is, produces it more of a commercial issue. When this happens, the must objectives are not met but it will go worse. Each country should try to solve their environmental issues with a solution under sustainable development which will not ruin every aspect of growth. What the world needs is not a movement to blame people and the industrial revolution but a global movement where each citizen has varying individual objectives but aligned with the Earth’s preservation or conservation.
           A friend once told me that it is better to be uninformed than to be misinformed. This is because having the wrong knowledge is riskier than having no knowledge at all. I agree with her but this is coward attitude because both means ignorance. The truth is, nothing is better than the two, because what really is better, is to have the true information. I would never want to live as an ignorant. They might feed me with the wrong information but I will always have my free will to decide for myself.
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This movie is a drift in time and experience. You had to deal with a process where you are caught between reality and dreams. More than that, you have to deal with reality within dreams and dreams without reality. Personally, aside from the fact that I am in love with the characters and the artists themselves, the screenplay, cinematography and direction is a thumbs up.
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With the existence of heroes’ portrayals and history drama in the Philippine Cinema, the 2015 biopic film ‘Heneral Luna’ offers another perspective for the Filipino film industry. The film tries to capture the eyes of the youth by picking it as its target market; and as a matter of fact, in cinemas nationwide there is an available discount for students. Fortunately, I am one of those students who were able to watch it on big screen. Undoubtingly, this film has so many to offer and I am truly moved by the film. It is indeed a game changer to the world of our cinema and allow me to tell you how and what I thought about the film.
           The film is a detailed account of the life of one of our revolutionary heroes during the American period namely Gen. Antonio Luna. It tells a story which is a part of our history we care less, something that we don’t usually learn at school. The film opens by claiming that it is fiction based on facts which I think is one way of pulling more modern viewers. It is framed around a series of interviews granted by Luna to Joven Hernando played by Arron Villaflor, a fictional newspaper journalist. Threaded into the narrative, these lively conversations provide viewers with valuable insights into the general’s personality and assist greatly with the transitions as the viewers keep track of the story’s bulging inventory of characters and events. After 333 years of Spanish colonization, the Philippine archipelago was sold for $20 million to U.S. The dilemma is now to decide how to respond with the Americans arrival under the government leaded by President Emilio Aguinaldo played by Mon Confiado and Prime Minister Apolinario Mabini played by Epy Quizon together with the Gen. Antonio Luna played by John Arcilla, is it to negotiate or fight? Clearly, the film told us that Heneral Luna’s proposition which is to strengthen the military force and fight is different from the majority of the key players of the government who is driven by each personal’s interest who wanted to accept the Americans’ domination without a fight. With this altercations, Luna being portrayed as a fiercely straight-talking patriotic general who had a temper as passionate as his feelings to the country made his own enemies inside the congress. While they are discussing inside the congress, a messenger came with the news that the Americans shot the soldiers scouting Sta. Mesa district and also terrorizing other parts of the country as well. The president then gave his go signal to Gen. Luna to take action. However, more conflict arises between Luna and other major players of the country. First, Captain Pedro Janolino played by Ketchup Eusebio who is dragged outside the hut while sleeping with a naked woman and humiliated in front of his soldiers after refusing Luna’s orders. Under the war, the bureau individuals were all engaged into discussing about reconciling to America which flamed the anger of Luna commanding the arrests of the members of the congress, Felipe Buencamino played by Nonie Buencamino and Gen. Tomas Mascardo played by Lorenz Martinez. President Aguinaldo knew that the members are getting fed up of Luna’s attitude but then let it pass. After the battles with his co-Filipino, we are able to meet Heneral Luna as a leader, with his interactions with his men, a soldier as how he fights under war, a son as his mother Dońa Laureana Luna y Novicio do tell his past, a brother, a lover with his affair in the name of Isabel played by Mylene Dizon and as a man. Then goes the climax, General Luna was summoned by a telegram written under the name of the President asking him to appear in Cabanatuan. He was welcome by mere silence and a few soldiers. At the office he saw Felipe Buencamino who told him that the president left long before he arrived. Heneral Luna was ambushed, fired and stabbed to death. The film ends with the sides stories of other characters making the death of Luna left unanswered.
           Creating a film with this kind of theme is something courageous because it is risky thing to delve the past since Philippine history had always been complicated. Personally, I am not into watching history-themed Filipino films because I feel like there will always be biases and sugarcoating techniques to produce a commercially made film with lots of profit. But Heneral Luna is an exception for me. The film was able to create a not hero type of protagonist but instead send us a message. From the protagonist’s line “Bayan o Sarili! Pumili ka?”, the movie gives us the story that the Filipinos main enemy were not Americans but themselves. It does not romanticize the character of Luna, the film showed that Luna’s rage sometimes is out of his control. As I watch the film, I could feel the anger and disappointment by Heneral Luna which I believe proves its efficiency to deliver its message. Undoubtingly, one could really point out the amazing performance of John Arcilla. The first time I saw the movie poster I am really excited to see how John Arcilla will portray his role because the poster is really intriguing and he really looks like Heneral Luna. He was able to bring to life the fierceness, fearlessness and devotion of Heneral Luna which looks really genuine. Though it was Arcilla who really stand up in the film, the supporting characters also deserved the praise which made the film more convincing. Heneral Luna’s supporting military men including Gen. Jose Alejandrino (Alvin Anson), Col. Francisco Roman (Joem Bascon), Capt. Jose Bernal (Alex Medina) and of Lt. Rusca (Archie Alemania) who deliver their roles commendably. On the opposite side of things, Ketchup Eusebio nails his portrayal of Capt. Pedro Janolino, who played as a young general with full hatred to Luna and one of those who led the killing of Luna. Mon Confiado and Epy Quizon also brings the best as Emilio Aguinaldo and Apolinario Mabini. It is amazing how these known comedians was able to engaged themselves into dramatic roles like that. Lastly, Mylene Dizon, a fictional representation under the name of Isabel, a Red Cross Worker was able to show her skills given the small screening time.
           Heneral Luna is one of the most audacious film I have watched mixed with the perfect vision of its film makers. It is a kind of film that deserves the applause. From the beginning up to the end there is something to be praised and averse. The beginning of the film with those short subtitles written in English gives us a hint that they wanted to enter the film into international field. It also announced that it is fiction based on facts which gives more questions to the viewers. I love how the film unfolds every narration through the effective transitions and flashbacks. The cinematography and direction is also a thumbs up for me. The images had wonderful and innovative effects, colors and angles which is shown on the series of flashbacks especially during Rizal’s execution. I would also like to acknowledge the scriptwriters for creating such remarkable storyline with smooth pacing and rasping and poetic dialogues. It is notable how they consistently put together different layers of events to achieve a much engaging story. One thing to notice as well is how they were able to put into timing the comic and humorous factor of the film which became an integral part of the film as well. Also the beautifully written dialogues with cuss words doesn’t sound so corny as the characters mouthed it. Like the lines “Para kayong mga birhen na naniniwala sa pag-ibig ng isang puta,” “Hindi ako ang asawa mo kung hindi gera.” “Isinusuka ko ang digmaan pero ang kompirmiso magbubulag bulagaan ba tayo sa kalaban?” “Ingles inglesen mo ko sa bayan po punyeta!” and “Mas madali mo pang pagkasunduin ang langit at lupa kesa dalawang Pilipino sa alin mang bagay.” There are just scenes I found a little lame in the film, those were the screen times for American’s conversations because the characters were not the appealing for me. But overall it was still carried out because there were just few scenes. At the end of the film we could hint for a trilogy, there was an extra scene in the middle of the closing credits, suggesting a next film featuring Paulo Avelino as Gen. Gregorio del Pilar which has been showed this year. There was also a brief cameo appearance of Benjamin Alves as a young Manuel L. Quezon, hinting at a possible trilogy. This is a very exciting plan indeed which we all hope will materialize given the success of "Heneral Luna" and only international films like Marvel series only which adds another first time for the film.
           I really admired the film at its finest. More than the things I mentioned above I like about the film, it taught us lessons to ponder. Ultimately, the portrayal of this tragedy has spurred so many emotions and so many questions. It does not only give life to history but it is telling us the present issues we have in our country. Today the Philippines is facing so many problems in our economy, education, politics and still too many to mention. I could say that the problems of the past were never resolved. Are we really independent? Are we really free from colonization? The film taught us that the Filipinos are the enemy of themselves, people driven by personal interest and those who can’t sacrifice for the betterment of his/her nation. Do you think this people don’t exist at the present? Or do you think they are the one leading this slow moving country? Leadership like what we discussed at University and I, comes with many styles and theories and therefore different to each person. In line with Heneral Luna, he’s kind of leadership maybe harsh because of being authoritarian but this is what the country needs during those times. We must always keep in mind that leadership never worked unless there is an exchange of the force of his followers. The main lesson we could adhere in the film is to keep ourselves inform with the issues of the country and do our job as its citizens. The revolution is still happening right now. Our current situation is no different from that what it had experienced during the era of the Philippine-American war and we should do our part like what our heroes did before. Ignorance should not be tolerated and let us do our part as leader or as a follower.
           This kind of film is what Filipinos must and would want to see. Like what I mentioned earlier its target market are the youth and modern viewers. They even use social media as a way of promoting this film. However, as I watched the film this is a movie for all. I recommend every Filipino to watch the film because it is worth the time and money. If you wanted to watch something that is really substantial and entertaining well this is the movie you are looking for. Or if you are tired of Filipino cliché made film, try changing your genre and explore our unrated films and watch Heneral Luna. In wrapping up, I really liked the film. With a rating over ten, I will give a nine to it and it is truly recommended.  
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