nac-ciller · 3 months
A little late, but as a Dunmeshi manga fan, this sums up how I felt about the latest episode.
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nac-ciller · 9 months
It's been a while since I last posted anything, so here's a pretty big update. Almost 50 Storm Wardens Space Marines painted to tabletop standard. Some still need decals and edge highlights, but tedium gets to us all. As I fish each Squad I'll take better lit and more thorough photos. But for now, here's them all mustered on my shelf.
15 Assault Intercessors, 5 Heavy Intercessors, 10 Infernus, 5 Terminators, 5 Sternguard Veterans, 3 Outriders, 1 Ballistus Dreadnought, and a handful of characters. Not quite half of an eventual full-strength Company.
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nac-ciller · 1 year
This'll be my first post sharing the minis I've painted and with my backlog I'll be posting quite a bit more over the next few days. This is my first squad of T'au Pathfinders. Led by Shas'ui Ze'ro, with accompanying drones.
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nac-ciller · 1 year
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nac-ciller · 2 years
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Ally: The Wrathful Squire
“ Here’s the Deal, alright? I’ll follow you around, keep your stuff safe, make sure your horses don’t run off, even polish those ratty things you call boots from time to time. In return, you show me what you know about fighting. No kid stuff mind you, I can take care of myself but I wanna know more than just how to crack skulls….. also, are you gonna eat that? My stomach’s been growling all day.” 
Setup: Scrawny, stubborn, and prickly as an urchin, Cait Callahan resembles a feral cat more than she does a warrior, dressed as she is in third-hand traveling clothes so caked in mud and road dust that they’ve forogtten their original colors.  Starting off by ineptly stalking the party’s warrior, Cait will shadow them until confronted, at which point she’ll admit that she heard about their reputation for kicking ass and wants to apprentice under them. She’ll likely be cussing too much for this to count as “asking politely”, but her appeal is heartfelt, and she genuinely wants to learn. 
Despite being fifteen, undersized, and obviously hardworn from months of travel before meeting the party, Cait knows how to fight, and can hold her own in a brawl against opponents twice her side relying on nimbleness and sheer survivalist brutality.  She brings this ferocity to bare when acompanying the party through the wilderness or defending their camp, in between performing the small hearth-duties (gear maintenance, hearth tending, minor food prep) that shows she’s had at least some training as a warrior’s squire. 
Cait does NOT like to be questioned about her past, and obviously has some trauma associated with it, to the point where forcing the issue can drive a deep wedge between her and her prospective mentor. With time, patience, and trust however, the wrathful squire will open up to the party, becoming a dedicated and stalwart ally for the remainder of their years together. 
Adventure Hooks: 
Cait’s weapon of choice is a large two handed sword that she carries with her everywhere, as protective of it as she is over her own backstory. Obviously oversized for her, she’s learned to use it like a warpick: gripping the wrapped blade like a haft and braining people with the hilt and pommel, or flipping open the end of the sheath to stab with the exposed swordpoint. Sharing the blade is an ultimate moment of trust between the Squire and her Mentor, and awakens the weapon’s true nature as a powerful magical item. 
Examining the squire’s blade reveals the markings and heraldry of an obscure knightly order, thought disbanded long ago. The blade (and Cait herself) once served a wandering hedge knight by the name of Ser Orren, who loved the scrawny squire as a father might, and saw great potential in her resilient heart. Ser Orren fell protecting a village from the cruelties of their feudal overlord, leaving Cait to wander hopeless for well over a year before approaching the party. The squire will warn them away from that village should they ever come near it, and may even make an attempt on the noble’s life should she unexpectedly meet them in the street ( a situation that the party will have to diffuse carefully, or else risk making an enemy of for life) 
If the dead mentor, magic sword, and overall tragic teenage moodyness didn’t give it away, Cait has some “Chosen One” Nonsense going on, and has been marked out by unseen forces for some grand and heroic destiny. Perhaps her new found-family will have a word or two to share with whatever fateweaver decided that a child should suffer a life of hardship to harden her for the responsibilities heaped upon her shoulders… or perhaps they’d seek to interpose themselves on that destiny and shield her from the tasks required of her. 
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nac-ciller · 4 years
Rations for various RPG Races
[[ Source. Original creator: wats6831. Additional information and images linked under each one. ]]
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Homemade artisan herb bread, home grown and dried apples and prunes, uncured beef sausage, munster cheese. Made a small bag from cheesecloth and tied it closed.
Discussion thread here.
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Garlic chicken livers, smoked and peppered cheese, spiced pork sausages, hard tack, dried vegetables, dried wild mushrooms.
Discussion thread here.
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Top left to right: Evereskan Honey Comb, Elven Travel Bread (Amaretto Liquer Cake with custom swirls), Lurien Spring Cheese (goat cheese with garlic, salt, spices and shallots), Delimbyr Vale Smoked Silverfin (Salmon), Honey Spiced Lichen (Kale Chips), and Silverwood Pine Nuts.
Discussion thread here.
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From upper left: “Honeytack” Hard tack honey cakes, beef sausage, pork sausage mini links, mini whole wheat toast, cranberry cheddar cheese mini wedge, mini pickles, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, lower right is my homemade “travel cake” muesli with raisins, golden prunes, honey, eggs and cream.
Discussion thread here.
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Wrapped in cheesecloth and tied in burlap package. Forest strider drumsticks, molasses sweet wheat bread “black strap”, aged Munster, hard boiled eggs, mixed wild nuts.
Discussion thread here.
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Orcs aren’t known for their great cuisine. Orcs prefer foods that are readily available (whatever can be had by raiding), and portable with little preparation, though they have a few racial delicacies. Toughs strips of lean meat, bones scavenged from recent kills, and dark coarse bread make up the bulk of common orc rations.Fire roasted rothe femur (marrow is a rare treat) [beef femur], Strips of dried meat (of unknown origin) [homemade goose jerky], foraged nuts, only edible by orcs….nut cracker tusks [brazil nuts], coarse black bread, made with whatever grains can be pillaged [black sesame bread], Pungent peppers [Habanero peppers stuffed with smoked fish and olives].
More images here. Discussion thread here.
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Pan fried Delimbyr smelt, spiced goat cheese (paprika crusted hand pressed Fontina), Gnome shortbread (savory pistachio), glass travel jar filled with Secomber Red (wine), hard boiled quail eggs packed in rolled oats (to keep safe), dried figs from Calimshan, and Southwood smoked goat sausage (blood sausage).
More images here. Discussion thread here.
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Lizardfolk are known to be omnivores, forage for a surprising variety of foods found within the confines of their marshy environs, in this case the Lizard Marsh near Daggerford. Fresh caught boiled Delimbyr Crayfish on wild chives, coastal carrageen moss entrapping estuary brine shrimp (irish moss, dried brine shrimp), Brackish-Berries (blackberries), Blackened Dart-Frog legs (frog legs) on spring sprouts (clover sprouts), roasted bog bugs on a stick!
More images here. Discussion thread here.
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From top left: Menzoberranzan black truffle rothe cheese (Black Knight Tilsit), Donigarten Moss Snails (Escargot in shallot butter sauce), Blind cave fish caviar in mushroom caps (Lumpfish caviar), faerzress infused duck egg imported from the surface Realms (Century egg), Black velvet ear fungus (Auricularia Black Fungus Mushroom).
More images here. Discussion thread here.
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nac-ciller · 5 years
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We’ll have to do dinner Thursday night instead.
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nac-ciller · 5 years
All things considered, the Fellowship would have been the most unnerving thing to Sauron if he’d ever found out.
-We have Aragorn, who’s heir to the throne of Gondor, in whom the blood of Numenor runs ‘nearly true’; that would be ok, because Sauron pretty thoroughly trashed that bloodline the last time he got involved with them, but Aragorn is not only from the line that didn’t fall to his tricks - he’s from the line that managed to hide out from and survive the hilariously hostile world of Midle Earth long enough to see Sauron’s return. In other words, he’s a cockroach with a holy sword and a legitimate claim to a kingdom with something like five thousand years’ worth of legacy of defying Sauron more ably than anyone else in the world.
-We have Gimli, who is a warrior able enough to be considered worth sending to the Council of Elrond despite being centuries younger than every other Dwarf there. He’s loyal to a fault, perfectly willing to open his mind to other cultures once he’s had a chance to think about it for a minute, and probably the most charismatic person there short of Merry and Pippin - and they can’t control it. And he knows the meaning of politeness, which so many Elves think Dwarves don’t have. He is here for those he loves, always, and if they number all of Middle Earth by the end, so be it. Moreover, his body count over the course of the books is somewhere in the hundreds - if there are more like him, and there are (his family held off the Orc army invading the Lonely Mountain around the time of the Battle of the Black Gates), and if they come looking for blood, things are going to get hairy.
- We have Legolas, who is tied with Boromir for being the biggest jock - except instead of fighting skirmishes against groups of orcs, he’s been fighting spiders the size of a car since he was probably fifty. Going by the movies he’s an acrobat with flair and a sharpshooter hard to match; going by the books he’s keen-eyed and ready to throw down. The only Fellowship member with a higher kill count than him is Gimli, unless they’re tied, and he’s also the first Elf in centuries willing to have a civil conversation with a dwarf. Add on the fact that his entire royal line came entirely out of left field the last time Sauron tried to muster an army and changed its course, and you’ve got an unpredictable ball of arrows and backflips with blonde hair. Life is what he loves, and let none fail to understand that fact.
- We have Boromir, who is almost the least able member of the Fellowship for accomplishments, as far as the Big People go, but even he (least gifted member of his family, in terms of strange abilities) was enough of a strategic thinker to manage the Gondorian army and retake Osgiliath while his father was in the process of declining. Considering what his brother and Dad can do with powers he doesn’t even have, and considering what it took to kill him, and considering why he *threw his life away in the first place* (love, it’s always love, and that it’s for a pair of helpless non-warriors doesn’t diminish it whatsoever, what more would his people do for their country and their world, what more is Sauron failing to account for), then what in Eru’s name can his brother do? (The answer is bringing down an Oliophant with arrows and stealth. He lost Osgiliath because of the Nazgul and a too-small force, nothing less)
- We have Gandalf, who has made enough of a nuisance of himself over the course of two thousand-odd years that he is hated by most of Middle Earth’s major players and done enough good in that period that none of them consider killing him a good idea without a significant amount of insanity. Operating on limited information, zero prep time, and once again love, he killed a Balrog; he stood up to a creature forged in the most horrific days of Melkor’s madness out of insanity and fire, one trained in a war that lasted long enough for kingdoms of men and elves and dwarves to rise and fall and neither buckled nor broke. He stood on among figures as feared as Gil-Galad, Glorifindel, and Beren, and then he came back stronger than ever before. Stronger than one who had spent centuries *seeking* strength, where Gandalf had only sough to help. Stronger indeed than any one of the Nazgul, given a moment to prepare.
-We have Merry, who is kind and concerned and very, very smart. He and Pippin don’t get enough credit in the movies, but in the books he was clever enough to figure out what Frodo was planning with his move from Bag End and decided (he’s brave too, and here love comes back) to come along. He is a son of the Thains, and will be a Thain himself in time; he is the newest branch of the roots of the Shire itself, which found that it is made of steel and stone and willpower twice - once against a cold bad enough to see a summer turned to winter, and once against the spite of a fallen angel. He is willing, without thought, to come to the aid of his friends; his honor is no less than Dwarves and Elves and Men. And should you tell him no? He will come all the same, as Theoden learned to his benefit.
-You have Pippin, who is oh so very young - indeed, the youngest member overall! Not even forty! And who came along knowing nothing about what he was walking into, besides that his friends needed aid. So very very far from home, he did not shine against the greatest darkness things beyond men can muster; he shone against *fear*, and *indifference*. First when Treebeard thought that he was beyond the wars of men, where he showed him that some things are worth fighting for, and then again when Denathor found himself so thoroughly insane with fear that he thought death better than that old, familiar Human need to stand up against that which comes to consume and say, ‘no’. Pippin said no, and he said it in defiance of a leader all the others cowered before.
-We have Frodo, who is the wild card. First the bearer of the ring the very first time it is given up willingly - which is the last thing that was ever supposed to be possible when it was held. Then, again, when every great, strong, powerful being gathered to see it destroyed cried that none of the others were worth or strong enough, Frodo said oh so quietly - “I will take the ring - though I do not know the way.” We call Sam brave, and oh he is, but Frodo took a leap of faith that proved Sauron’s undoing. How could a being who claimed such mastery of greed understand self-sacrifice? One again, Love comes forth.
- And we have Sam. Always, the Hobbits are considered less than the others. Less interesting, less brave, less strong; and among Hobbits, Sam defined that role. He was the lowly gardner, tagging along out of duty and, as always, love. Love first. Love most. But duty as well, because he made a promise - “Don’t let him out of your sight, Samwise Gamgee.” And he doesn’t intend to. Sam, who defined the forgettable, kind, somewhat simple nature of Hobbits and, therefore, the incredible, depthless strength they hide. Stone lies beneath soft, tilled earth, and the softer the earth the harder the work to get it there; so Sam was always stone beneath it all. He could not carry a burden for Frodo, but he could carry Frodo himself, and even when all hope for their survival was lost he reached out for Frodo’s bleeding, mutilated hand and told him - Don’t you let go. He did not let go.
So yeah. Sauron would have been afraid, had he ever truly looked.
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nac-ciller · 5 years
Proving a point to my boyfriend.
PLEASE REBLOG if you (male or female) believe it is perfectly okay and natural for a guy of any age to cry
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nac-ciller · 5 years
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nac-ciller · 5 years
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We are sharing some of our favourite gifs each day this month for Antifa International’s fifth anniversary. Today: Nazi monuments being destroyed after the defeat of Nazi Germany.
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nac-ciller · 5 years
IF YOU NEED TO CALL 911 BUT ARE SCARED TO BECAUSE OF SOMEONE IN THE ROOM, dial and ask for a pepperoni pizza. They will ask if you know you’re calling 911. Say yes, and continue pretending you’re making an order. They’ll ask if there’s someone in the room.
You can ask how long it will take for the pizza to get to you, and they will tell you how far away a dispatcher is.
Here is an example video
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nac-ciller · 5 years
If you would report an undocumented immigrant to ICE you would have reported me to the Nazis and I don’t fucking trust you
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nac-ciller · 5 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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nac-ciller · 5 years
Cleric: I am a conduit between the gods and the mortal plane, I wield divine magic in service of my god. I shall cure your wounds and smite our enemies 
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nac-ciller · 5 years
Reblog if you are ace, support aces or were knee deep in that Dragonology: The Complete Book Of Dragons book as a kid.
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nac-ciller · 5 years
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[[ The reason that I fell in love with D&D + the Forgotten Realms, and the reason that my love for both continues to burn bright. ]]
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