nadjastersurveys · 2 years
A woman on the bus complimented my outfit today and it made me feel so happy, like to the point I was pretty much shaking of joy and I wanted to start jumping up and down, and as dumb it may sound, I wish i'll always remember that moment and the feeling. Strangers who randomly decide to give someone a compliment are so important.
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nadjastersurveys · 2 years
What day is today? Thursday.
What did you do last night? I was at a dance class.
Do you sleep with a night light? I have these two LED candles that I got for my last birthday and I've been using them as night lights.
What did you do on New Years Eve? Chilling at home with my family watching TV and I watched Jaws with my brother haha.
If you had to play one sport, what would it be? I've been a fan of many martial arts but I never did them myself, but I really want to :( But I'm shy.
If your car broke down, which one of your friends would pick you up? Either of my parents would.
Where did you last go to eat and when? This one bistro type restaurant last week with my family.
Have you ate a lot today? Uhh just the regular amount.
Who is the worst person in your life? There's no one.
Do you wear green on St. Patrick’s Day? I don't celebrate it.
What jewelry are you wearing? Earrings and my nose ring.
What is something you would never get rid of? I'm sure there's things but I can't think of any now.
Is your hair up or down? It's down.
What is your favorite cereal? I don't like cereal that much. But the chocolaty ones are nice ig.
What room are you in? My own.
What are your favorite colors? Dark blue and purple, shades of red, pastels.
Walmart, kmart, target? Haven't been to any of these.
What is your favorite place to get pizza? A local place here.
Do you use listerine? No.
What is your favorite cartoon? Hmm I don't know.
Do you like the color yellow? Yeah.
Do you have a plaid shirt? No.
What is your favorite animal? Cats.
Do you wear your significant other’s clothes? We've worn each others clothes yeah.
What color are your toenails? I don't paint them.
What is your favorite kind of potato chip? Cheese or red pepper flavored.
What is the worst feeling in the world? Panic.
Green or blue eyes? I like both.
Who are your favorite bands? I don't really listen to any bands.
When did you last go out of state? There's no states here but I was out of town last month.
One word to describe your mood? Antsy.
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nadjastersurveys · 2 years
What is in the back seat of your car right now? I don’t have a car.
What was the last thing you threw up? I haven't thrown up in years but it was probably food.
Menthol or regular cigarettes? I don't smoke.
What is your favorite episode of Friends? I don't watch that show, I think I've seen only a few episodes before. I thought it was funny but I'm not good at keeping up with TV shows.
Does anyone have any blackmail on you? No.
If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be? If I'm going to marry someone I would like to get to know them personally first lol.
Have you been to a strip club? No.
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yes.
Are you wearing socks right now? No I don't wear socks to bed.
What was the last thing you had to drink? I just finished my coffee.
What are you wearing right now? White baggy t-shirt and purple sweatpants.
Last food you ate? I ate a toast.
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? No, I haven't bought any clothes in a while but I really want to ahh.
When is the last time you ran? I ran to catch the bus couple days ago.
What’s the last sporting event you watched? I watched some MMA on Youtube today.
Last person’s house you were in? My friend's.
Last movie you saw? The Omen.
Who is the last person you sent a message to on Facebook? I'm not on Facebook.
Ever go to camp? Yeah I've been to dance camps when I was younger.
Were you an honor roll student in school? We don't have that here. But if we did I definitely wouldn't be though :(
Do you like sushi? Yes.
Do you have a tan? No.
How old do you want to be when you have kids? I don't know lol I don't wanna think about it now.
Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? Yes but I'd rather not.
What is your age? 17.
Are you someone’s best friend? I have a friend group consisting of 5 people + my gf and we're all best friends.
What are your siblings’ middle names? I don't wanna tell you that.
Where is your dad right now? He's in the kitchen I think.
What was the last thing you said? I said something to my sister but I forgot what.
What color is your watch? I don’t have a watch.
What do you think of when you think of Australia? The beaches.
Ever ridden on a roller coaster? Yeah but I don't like them.
Favorite gemstone? Uhh I like rubies.
Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Usually I go in since my parents are not big fans of fast food and they are the people who drive me to places.
Do you have a roommate? No.
Do you have any bad habits? Yeah there's some.
What is your favorite number? I don't have one.
Do you know anyone named Lori? Nope.
What color is your mom’s hair? Like a dark blonde.
Do you have a dog? Nope.
What happened to you in 1993? I didn't exist then.
Does your first memory involve your dad? I don't know what my first memory is.
Do you remember singing any songs as kids? Yeah I sang quite a lot especially with my older siblings.
When was the last time you went swimming? Last summer but I just dipped my legs in the lake so I wasn't swimming. I don't like swimming that much, so.
Has your luggage ever gotten lost? No.
Biggest annoyance in your life right this minute? School and the fact that I suck.
Have you ever thought it would be cool to smash a guitar? Noo, I don't like breaking stuff lol.
Do you like watching a bonfire? Yeah it's nice and calming.
Are you allergic to anything? Not that I know of.
What is one thing you miss about your past? My old friend the most.
Do you ever get flu shots? I don't think so?
Favorite shoes that you wear all the time? My Adidas and Nike shoes.
What is one thing you’ve learned about life recently? That it's getting hard day by day lol.
Are you jealous of anyone? Nah.
Is anyone jealous of you? Probably not. One friend of my friend said once that my life seems so perfect to her though but I don't think she was jealous of me. Since my life isn't perfect anyway obviously.
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nadjastersurveys · 3 years
Do you like to listen to music a lot? Yeah especially when I'm doing other things, like I use music as a background noise.
What type of music do you like? It's mostly RnB and pop.
How was your day today? It was okay, I was in school for couple hours only today and then I came home and laid on my bed and now I'm here lol.
Are you bored? Not really anymore, because I'm doing this.
What are you up to today? I'm going to have something to eat and maybe go on Youtube and then to bed.
Are you alone? Yeah I'm alone in my room.
What’s your favorite color? Pastels are nice.
What’s your name? Nadja.
Do you like lemon heads? Never heard of them.
Are you sitting down? Yes.
Do you have a cell phone? Yes.
Do you ever get grounded? I've never been grounded.
Where is your mother? She's in the living room I think.
Do you use Chapstick a lot? I use lip balm. My lips get chapped really easily and I hate that feeling.
Why are you taking this survey i made? I saw it and it looked interesting enough.
Do you like All Time Low? I haven't listened to them.
Do you have a myspace? No.
What about Facebook? No.
Do you own an iPod? I don't.
Do you type fast? Pretty fast yeah.
Are you tired? A little bit.
Does your eye itch? Not right now lol.
Is your hair short or long? It goes a bit past my shoulder blades. So I guess it counts as long?
How many friends do you have? I have five close friends that I've known for years now. But I don't have any friends in my school now because I'm not good at making new friends.
Does your back hurt? Nope.
Are your nails painted? They're not.
Have you ever listened to the emo song? I don't know what that is.
What do you think about love? Uhh, it's a nice feeling.
What are you doing Friday night? It's friday night now and I already told what my plans are.
[created by: kawkaw123]
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nadjastersurveys · 3 years
[created by: mlooovsee71]
Hi! How are you? I feel fine.
Have you gone for any walks today? I haven't gone anywhere today.
Have you ever written a story? For school yes, but I've never written anything just for fun. Unless you count short stories I wrote when I was like 6 or 7 and learning to read and write lol.
Who’s the last person that you don’t live with, that you saw? Umm just some people at a grocery store yesterday if that counts.
Are you more of a dog or a cat person? I like cats more.
Is there anyone in the room with you? No.
Does your town or county have a fair? I don't know exactly what they are but we have something like that? lol.
Do you love the prizes at carnival games? Not really because I never get the one I want haha.
Do you use Febreze? I don't think we have that.
When’s the last time you used hand sanitizer? Yesterday.
Last sent text? I just answered "yeah" to my friend.
How’s your hair? It's down and clean because I just washed it.
Have you been outside at all today? No.
What’s the last thing you had to drink? I drank some water.
Have you drawn anything recently? Nope, I usually don't.
Are you reading any books? No.
I’m currently working on “ Nothing hehe.
What’s for dinner? I ate chicken and mushrooms with potato wedges.
Is the tv on? I don't think so. I'm in my room now so I don't know what's happening in the living room.
Are you listening to music? Yes.
What song has the most plays on your iTunes? I don't use iTunes.
If you’re going somewhere close by, do you walk? Yes.
What’s your favorite kind of exercise? Dancing is the only exercise I do pretty much. I do muscle conditioning sometimes though when I feel like doing it but I haven't done it lately that much as I used to.
Who did you last talk to on the phone? My dad.
Did you call them, or did they call you? I called him to ask where he is lol.
Where’s the person who has your heart right now? I don't know who has my heart.
How long is the longest relationship you’ve been in? I haven't been in a relationship before.
Are you texting/im’ing anyone right now? No.
Where do you wish you were? I like being in my room right now.
Any plans tonight? I want to watch a movie but probably won't because I have planned to watch a movie everyday for months now but I still haven't hahaha.
When do you next plan on leaving the house? I actually don't know.
Do you get nervous leaving people voicemails? I've never left a voicemail because of that reason, I've always managed to avoid it somehow lol.
Is there anyone in your family that you don't talk to? No, I talk to all of the ones in my immediate family.
What makes you sick every time you see it? Hmm, I don't know.
Biggest fear? Outer space and failing in life lol.
Have you ever played the game 20 questions? No.
Will you talk to the person you like tonight? I've texted her.
Do you have a favorite pet? We have two cats and I love both of them equally.
Do you get jealous of someone you’re dating’s exes? I haven't dated anyone.
What are you doing tomorrow? I'm not sure yet.
What’s your favorite thing to do? Watch YouTube, take surveys, dance, stretch, eat good food, pet my cats and spend time with fun people.
Do you have a favorite number? Nope.
Have you ever been in love? No.
Have you ever written a poem? Not really.
Are you waiting for anything? No.
Do you prefer colorful notebooks over plain ones? Like the cover is colorful? Yess I like notebooks with a pretty design on the cover.
What kind of iPod/mp3 do you have? I don't have either.
Do you ever keep dirty dishes in your room? Sometimes I forget them there but not for a long time.
Least favorite chore? Washing the dishes.
Do you have a dishwasher? Yeah we do.
What kind of student are/were you? I'm not that good at learning but I've tried my best. I've always gotten average grades though.
What’s your most ambitious goal? I'm not ambitious lol.
What are you going to do after this survey? Use the bathroom and then probably watch YouTube or take another survey.
What time did you wake up today? 8:57 because that's when my alarm clock was set to lol.
Have you ever been to summer camp? Yeah.
What’s the worst feeling in the world, for you? This isn't probably the worst but when people underappreciate me and when I'm trying my best people telling me that I'm still not good enough and I need to try harder.
What makes you feel special? Umm I don't know, I just am. Just like everyone else haha.
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nadjastersurveys · 3 years
Randomly Random - Part 1  
Middle name? I don’t feel like revealing my middle names here.
Favorite color(s)? I like purple but every color can be nice.
What college do you want to/or are attending? I’m not attending a college/university right now and I have no idea if I ever even will.
What do you want to/are you majoring in? -
Democrat/republican/other? Other?
Birthday month? I was born in October
Do you dress according to your mood? I’m not sure, I don’t really pay attention to that lol but I dress according to the weather and where I’m going to though.
Tomboy/girlie girl I still don’t know lol. I guess mostly a bit more tomboyish.
Are you good at doing hair/make up? I don’t wear makeup and the only hairdo I do is that I put my hair up in a ponytail lol.
Do you wear glasses? No.
Can you drive? No.
Are you shy? In front of people I don’t know, but I wouldn’t call myself shy in general.
Are you always worried or stressed about something? Not always but I get stressed and worried really easily.
Tell me about your dream wedding. I don’t dream about having a wedding lol.
Randomly Random - Part 2
Do you like to sing? When I’m alone, yes.
Do you like to write poetry? I don’t think I’ve ever actually done that.
Can you swim? I can but I’m not a swimmer, so I’m not good at that.
Do you like the pool or the ocean? I prefer actually swimming in the pool. I just dip my feet and maybe legs in the ocean/lake.
Do you hate water in your face? Well no unless it gets in my eyes lol.
Do you hold grudges? Noo, I don’t feel like that solves anything.
Are you/have you ever been in love? I don’t know, I feel like I am right now though.
Do you/did you ever sleep with a teddy bear?if so who gave it to you? I have a big bunny plush toy in my bed but not a bear. My mom bought it for me haha.
Are you a very random person? I don’t even know what that means lol.
What do you do when you’re nervous? I tap my fingers on everything and just do anything with my hands.
Do you love making new friends? Yeah it’s fun because I’m not very good at getting to know people.
Do you like the twilight series? Never read/watched those.
Favorite animal? Cats.
Randomly Random - Part 3
Do you have any pets? We have two cats.
What would you name your daughter? I haven’t thought about it yet lol.
^ your son? ^
What length hair do you like in a guy & why? Whatever fits them pretty much but I’d say boys with a bit shorter hair are usually more attractive, especially like a buzzcut lol.
Do you have friends who are shorter than you? No I’m the shortest.
When you get mad do you cry? Sometimes yeah but it just depends on the thing I’m mad about.
Would you ever consider modeling? Nah.
What color eyes do you wish you had? I'm happy with my eye color but sometimes I wish for more lighter brown eyes, like amber eyes.
Silver/gold jewelry? Silver.
Do you always wear jewelry? My earrings and my nose ring are the only jewelry I wear.
Are you afraid of needles? Not really.
How many kids do you want? I don’t know yet.
Long/short nails? Short but not too short.
Do you like wearing hats? Sometimes yeah.
Randomly Random - Part 4
Do you love taking pics? Yeah it can be fun.
Do you sunburn easily? Not super easily, no.
Does mall Santa Clauses or Easter bunnies freak you out? I've never seen mall Santas or Easter bunnies haha.
Do you prefer to call a person or wait for them to call you? I like when people call me first for sure but sometimes you just have to call first.
Are you scared of crossing bridges? Those wonky bridges, yes lol but I’ve never had to cross one.
Do you have a short attention…oh squirrel…span? Yeah.
Do you hate sitting in silence but get irritated if someone talks too much? Well yes something in the middle of those two is nice.
Has anyone ever called you baby or hun? No.
What’s your favorite kind of chocolate? Milk chocolate.
Would you consider yourself clumsy? I can be pretty clumsy.
Do you hate using public restrooms? Yess I try to avoid them as much as possible.
Do you like when a guy picks you up in his arms? No guy has ever picked me up in his arms haha but sure, that would be nice especially if he’s someone I like.
Ever bought ice cream from an ice cream truck? Yes but that was ages ago.
Do you hate chihuahuas? I don’t.
Randomly Random - Part 5
Has a teacher ever made you hate your favorite subject? Nope.
Do you like hairless cats? Yeah I think they look cool and kind of mysterious.
Did you ever cry at school? Yep.
Have you ever had a poem or story published? Nope.
If you had/have a kid would you ever let them get a tattoo? Well if they’re old enough then yes.
What’s your favorite thing to have for dinner? Just something with chicken or fish.
Would you ever paint your walls red? Nah, I like them white.
Have you ever licked a pole? No lol.
Has your hand ever gotten slammed in a car door? No but my head has lol.
Are you allergic to grass? No.
Do you love guinea pigs? Yeah they’re pretty cute.
Do you prefer to write on chalkboards or white boards?   Chalkboards are nice but I wouldn’t mind writing on a white board either lol. It doesn’t matter.
What is the worst thing you ever did that got you grounded? I don’t know if I’ve ever been grounded haha. I’m not sure what that even actually means. I was sent to my room a lot when I was an annoying 7-10 year old though lol.
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?   I could really use a wish right now so yes.
Randomly Random - Part 6
What would you do if your best girlfriend said she was lesbian? I’d support any friend who tells me that.
Have you ever been chased by a snake? No.
Where do you wanna work? I don’t know.
Is there something you tell yourself you’re going to do but never do? There’s some things, like I’ve been meaning to watch this one movie for like 6 months now.
Has a teacher ever called you an idiot? Not to my knowledge but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did lol.
What awards have you won? Medals from dance competitions.
Do you get nervous eating in front of people? Usually no, but that has happened.
Would you consider yourself good at taking care of kids? I've never actually taken care of kids so probably not now.
How old would a guy have to be before you wouldn’t date them? Right at this age I wouldn’t date anyone older than 18.
Be honest, have you ever tried weed? No.
Has anyone ever broken up with you with a note? Never broken up with anyone before.
Have you walked into a wall? I’m sure I have.
Do you have sensitive teeth? No.
Do you sleep with a fan on? In summer if it’s really hot.
Randomly Random - Part 7
When you hear sirens, do you get afraid its someone you know? When I see a firetruck go with sirens on I always worry if it’s going to our house.
Do you often get nosebleeds in the winter? I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a nosebleed because of winter lol.
What’s a word you use to substitute for a cuss word? I don’t use substitutes for swear words lol.
What was the worst thing you ever did to get detention/suspended? I’ve had detention mostly for forgetting to do my homework.
Have you ever suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder? No.
Have you tried the new crackle nail polish? No.
Do you enjoy the “i love you more” argument? No lol.
Do you like the color yellow? Yeah I like it.
Trees are awesome! Yes? Why not.
Do you suffer from nasal allergies? I don’t.
Marrying your cousin. Yay or nay? Well, no lol.
Are you distracted by anything shiny at the moment? Ooo shiny!! No.
Has your parents ever called you names? Like mean names? No like they were trying to be mean, they were just telling the truth haha, like lecturing me if I did/do something annoying or wrong.
Have you ever seen a cat have a hairball…i have soo gross Yes.
Randomly Random - Part 8
Have you ever had a tooth pulled, i have : / No, the thought of that scares me.
Do you still watch tom and jerry? : ) I’ve never watched that but I read the comics often as a little girl haha.
Do you use your hairbrush as a microphone? No lol.
What’s your usual morning routine? I get up, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, get some breakfast and get dressed properly if I have to go somewhere.
Do you ever get bored with something so you’re unable to finish it? Yes I get bored so easily it’s ridiculous.
Do you wanna redecorate your room? I’m happy with my room.
Have you ever worn black to someone’s house & left covered in fur? Haha yes people who have cats have cat hair everywhere around their house usually, just like our house.
What would i expect to find under your bed? Just dust lol.
If i were to walk into your room, would i be able to see the floor? Yes it’s not messy and I hate when I have stuff that is not furniture on the floor.
What is something you did when you were a kid that you still enjoy? Dancing is one thing.
Has anyone ever said they would love you forever, was it true? I don’t think anyone has ever said that to me.
Do you watch America’s Got Talent? No but I sometimes watch some clips of it on YouTube.
Do you ever sit and look at old photo albums & recall memories? Yes that’s fun.
Do you watch onision on YouTube, if not you should he’s hilarious. This didn’t age well lol. I’ve seen some of his first videos and yeah they’re pretty funny but now he’s in deep shit and so many people hate him. I feel so uneasy and weird watching his new videos also because he disabled the comments in the videos and you can’t see the likes or dislikes either.
Randomly Random - Part 9
Don’t you just hate taking showers in the winter? Noo, I like it but I like taking showers in any season.
Do you say “epic fail” a lot? I’ve never said that lol.
How personal does a question have to be so that you wont answer? In surveys? I wouldn’t tell my last name or the place i live in like the adress.
Do you ever feel like sometimes you have short term memory loss? Yes because I have really bad memory.
What if a stranger came up to you yelled BATMAN & ran away? I would jump a little because it’s something I don’t expect to happen lol.
What’s your favorite kind of pudding? Vanilla or caramel.
Did you ever run over something with a lawn mower? Never used a lawn mower.
When someone says don’t look do you look? Well sometimes.
Have you ever played spin the bottle? Once yeah.
Did you ever have a cat that was obsessed with shoes? No lol.
I believe i can fly! Ever jump off things & try to fly? I haven’t haha.
What was your first Halloween costume? I’ve never dressed for Halloween I think.
Ever have chicken pox? Yep.
Did you eat your Wheaties this morning ? What was for breakfast? I had a smoothie and crackers for breakfast lol.
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nadjastersurveys · 4 years
What’s one thing you have never done? There’s a lot of things obviously, for example, I’ve never driven a car.
Why? Is this something you would try in the future if you had the chance? Because I don’t have a licence and I’m too young to get it. Driving sounds really scary anyway but I guess I’ll get my licence one day haha. I’m sure it’s not scary anymore once you learn how to do it and actually start driving in real traffic. What is one trend you wish you have been a part of? I don’t really care about trends tbh.
Or do you think that following trends is stupid? It’s not stupid if it’s a harmless and a fun trend. But obviously if it’s some dangerous trend then it’s stupid to do stuff only because it’s a trend and to not think with your own brains lol.
Do you enjoy reading fanfictions? About who? Or do you write fanfictions, too? I don’t read or write any.
What is something you own that you wish was in your favorite color? Uhh I don’t know, I don’t really care about colors of things I own I guess.
^ What is your favorite color anyway? Purple. I guess dark purple bed sheets would be pretty though haha.
What grade will you be in next school year? Or have you graduated? If so, do you plan on going to college right away? If not, what do you plan to do then? I'm not in school this year, I finished 9th grade last spring and I’m going to apply to a high school next year.
Is there someone from your past that you wish you had dated? No
Can you snap with both your hands? If not, which hand can you snap with? I can.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how tolerant are you when it comes to gory movies? I mean I can tolerate it well because I know it’s a movie with special FX, I’m more impressed by it rather than being disgusted, so yeah I like gore. But sometimes it’s just too much it becomes pointless? What internet browser do you use? Chrome.
What is your opinion on Ke$ha? Do you listen to her? Or do you think her songs are catchy but uses too much auto-tune? I don’t like her songs and I never voluntarily listen to her.
^ Do you consider that talent at all? The autotune? Idk but I don’t mind autotune in songs if it’s done well you know? Like to bring some nice effect to the singers voice. But if you use it to improve your bad singing then it sounds horrible lol. But I think she is a good singer so the autotune has nothing to do with the fact that I don’t like her songs.
Do you like cosplays? I don’t cosplay but I like to look at a good cosplay.
If you were to participate in one, what/who would you dress up as?
I wouldn’t participate.
Do you sometimes answer surveys with “Idk”/“Idr” because you’re too lazy? Well yes if I really don’t know or remember.
Are you usually open to trying a new food that you aren’t familiar with? Usually I guess.  Have you ever tYpEd tHiS wAy (Be honest!)? If so, tell me the first time you got into it: No lol.
Have you ever acted like a bitch and used PMS as an excuse? I haven’t done that. 
Do you know someone who brushes their teeth in the shower all the time? I don’t know? I haven’t asked anyone if they do it.
Have you ever tried doing that? Did you like it? Why or why not? I’ve done it a few times. It’s convenient I guess but the problem I had is that I hate putting warm water in my mouth and I always have warm showers haha so I had to turn the cold water on to brush my teeth.
Do you like countdown surveys? Or are you like me who suck at them? I don’t even know what those are.
Have you ever had to perform a monologue before? Nope.
Have you ever helped/taught someone older than you how to use email before? Not to use email but internet in general, yes.
Speaking of which, are you patient when it comes to instructing others? It depends if I’m interested in the subject i’m teaching/instructing. Or if I know enough about the topic. If I’m interested in it and I know a lot about it then yes, I like instructing others lol.
Do you ever worry about people finding your layout annoying? Well, no, not worry.
What is the stupidest bandwagon you’ve ever jumped in to? I’m not sure?
Do you listen to Panic At The Disco? If so, how do you feel about Ryan and Jon leaving the band? I like some of their songs but I rarely listen to them, and I don’t know anything about the members of the band.
Do you like kids? Why or why not? Yeah I like being around them usually, I don’t know why, I just like it. Unless they’re annoying and loud etc. but usually they’re not and small kids like me.
Do you not mind having dogtears on your books or do you prefer using bookmarks? If so, how many bookmarks do you have? I just use a piece of paper as a bookmark.
What is your biggest pet peeve? Slow internet, lmao I get really angry sometimes it’s embarrassing.
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nadjastersurveys · 4 years
1. Is there anything in your search history that you’d be afraid of someone stumbling across and getting the wrong idea? or would it be the right idea?   I don’t think so? I only Google like random and maybe embarrassing stuff sometimes, nothing creepy or concerning lol.
2. If you’re not religious, would you ever pray as a last resort? if you are religious, do you often pray for other people? I'm not religious and I don’t know if I would. What could the last resort be anyway though? Anyway I don’t like doing stuff that I find pointless for me or something I believe doesn’t work. Unless someone asked me to pray with/for them then yes, sure.
3. When it comes to your favorite TV series, are they mostly comedies, dramas, or reality shows? They’re dramas.
4. What are your thoughts on Pokemon Go?   I never played that but I guess it was a nice game. Like people going out more and living their lives to the fullest lol.  5. What podcasts do you listen to, if any? The only podcast I listen to is Very Really Good by Kurtis Conner. It’s on Spotify but I mainly watch it on YouTube because I think I can focus and concentrate more when I can see someone’s face while they’re talking haha. + he’s good looking, so.
6. What was your most recent binge watch?   I haven’t binge watched anything recently.
7. Think of the farthest place you’ve traveled to. do you have any souvenirs from there?   Yep I got some small things from when i traveled to Thailand.
8. When was the last time you or someone else said/used your middle name for something? I don’t remember.
9. Do you like caramel? Yeah it’s good.
10. Do you like eating chocolate covered cherries or strawberries? Both sound nice but I like cherries more.
11. Are you nosy?   Yeah I can be.
12. Have you ever been to a bar? What was it like? Nope.
13. Why did you and your last ex break up? I don’t have an ex.
14. What’s your favorite song by Taylor Swift? Why is that your favorite? The only song of hers I like is Bad Blood, mainly because it has Kendrick Lamar in it hahaha. Also it just sounds nice and a bit different from her other songs? And the music video is pretty cool.
15. What do you like better, being single or in a relationship? Why is that? I've never been in a relationship so can’t really compare.
16. Have you ever dated someone named Kyle? Well, no.
17. If you still go to school, who sits next to you in your fifth period? It always changed, you could pick whatever seat you wanted each day.
18. If your ex called you crying, what would it most likely be about?   Don’t have an ex.
19. Who was the best kisser out of all the people you have kissed?   I’ve only kissed one person.
20. What is your favorite breakfast food? Omelettes, scrambled eggs, toast, oatmeal, yogurt, fruit, smoothies...
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nadjastersurveys · 4 years
Have you stayed up past 3 in the morning this week? I did, couple days ago.
What does the soap you use smell like? The hand soap? I’m not sure, I think it’s either mango or peach scented?
Do you prefer to wrap gifts or use gift bags? I like wrapping gifts more.
The last person you spoke to, do you know their eye color? He has blue eyes.
Does anyone you know have their hair bleached? I’ve done it couple times but I’m not sure if I know anyone else.
Is there anyone you know by the name of Frank? No.
Do you own a trenchcoat? I don’t. Not really my style, I like shorter coats/jackets more.
Have you ever written with a pen that had pink ink? Yeah I’m sure.
Do you remember the last thing you took a picture of? Of my pudding I was about to eat lmao. I sent it to my friend.
From where you’re sitting, can you turn the lights off? No, I would have to get up for that.
When was the last time you accidentally slept in? I don’t know, I don’t really do it “accidentally” since I have no plans for the day at this time.
Tell me the last thing you searched on the internet? I googled trench coat to make sure I know for sure what they look like lol.
The last argument you had, who started it? I’m not sure who started it. I don’t remember.
Do you wear a ring on your left hand middle finger? No, or on any finger.
Are you currently in a smoking environment? No.
Can you remember the title of the song you last sang aloud? I was listening and singing along to Know Your Worth by Khalid a while ago.
If a stranger smiles at you, do you smile back? Yes.
Tell me the current time? It’s 9:25pm.
Are you currently listening to music through earphones? No.
What color shirt are you wearing? Is it your favorite color? It’s mostly black. I like the color but I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite.
Do you own a pair of rubber boots? Not anymore.
Does anyone you know own a bird that can talk? Nope.
What make-up are you wearing currently, if any? I’m not wearing any, I never am.
Name one thing you are glad you accomplished today? Uhh.
Name one thing you wished you accomplished today but didn’t? There wasn’t anything I needed to do.
Have you ever been afraid to call someone, even if you knew them well? Only people I’m not afraid to call are my parents.
Do you ever not speak to someone because you’re afraid you’ll annoy them? Haha yes. But I can be really annoying and I have been told that, so.
Is there any drama going on in your circle of friends? Gladly, no.
Have you ever known a guy who caused a lot of drama? I don’t think so.
Is there anyone you know who wears their hair in pigtails regularly? No.
Personally, do you think you have a nice smile? No. I hate my smile with passion lol.
Do you have a nervous twitch? No I don’t twitch but I get really fidgety.
Have you ever taken care of a drunk friend? No.
How about a hungover friend? Nope.
Does the idea of snow-peaked mountains and a large lake sound appealing? Yeah sure.
Pick any number that has personal significance to you? There’s no numebr with personal significance to me lol.
Have you ever lost your luggage at an airport? Nooo. That would be sucky.
What’s your opinion on people who go hunting for sport? Zon’t zo it.
Have you ever been on a rollercoaster that actually scared you? I wouldn’t say I’m scared of them but I hate roller coasters. They make me feel weird after.
Do you know anyone who can fluently speak more than two languages? Yes, pretty fluently.
The last person who texted you, have you ever fought with them? Just once but it was a small fight.
How many windows are open on your computer right now? One window, seven tabs.
Do you have a fairly fast or slow internet connection? It’s pretty fast.
Have you ever gone in a sauna? Yes.
Out of these colors, which appeals most to you: orange, blue, or green? Blue.
Have you celebrated your birthday yet this year? Yep. It was last month.
Is there anything you’re saving up for? Nothing in particular.
Are you taller than most of your friends? No, I’m the shortest actually.
Know anyone with a really annoying laugh? Not really annoying, no. Just people with funny laughs lol.
Have you ever punched someone and broke their nose? No.
Have you ever been someplace tropical? I’m not sure what counts as tropical.
If given the opportunity, would you act in a commercial? Noo.
You see an ant on the ground, do you squish it? ..of course not.
Have you ever baked a pie? I’ve helped my mother bake a pie millions of times.
What is your favorite social networking site? Tumblr or Youtube.
Who was the last person to call you? My mother.
Does anyone in your family tell funny stories? Yes..
Do you believe in finders keepers in most situations? Nope.
Is there a war memorial where you live? Yes there’s couple in the town in live in.
Has anyone in your family fought in any of the wars? No one I have met. They’re all dead now.
Would you make any changes to your current bedroom? Not really, I like it the way it is now.
Has a stray dog ever tried to bite you? Not a stray dog. But a dog on a leash has bitten me when I was like 7? or 8?
When riding a bus, do you prefer to sit up front, down back or the middle? I usually pick something between middle and back.
Have you ever been on a cross-country train ride? Nope.
Are you normally a person to tell people off? I’m not.
Name an object that most would consider odd that’s special to you? I can’t think of any.
What animal have you always wanted as a pet but couldn’t have? I just like cats but we’ve always had them.
Do you currently have any bug bites? No.
Is there currently any caffeine in your system? Yes I just had some coffee-
Look around, are things organized? Not really haha, it’s pretty messy.
Know what you’re planning to do after this? Eat something and stretch my back lol.
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nadjastersurveys · 4 years
1. What was the last thing you ate? I ate some pasta with veggies. 2. What kind of guys are you usually attracted to? People with a nice sense of humor, kind and friendly people. You know, stuff like that. 3. What’s the stupidest thing that’s happened to you that ended a friendship? Nothing stupid happened, we just drifted apart. 4. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve had sex for? - 5. What reality shows do you watch? I don’t watch any, there’s just too much drama and they’re really annoying.
6. Post a video of yourself here: No, I definitely won’t lol. 7. Where do you work? I don’t work anywhere. 8. Have you ever gone up to a car thinking it was yours and tried to get in it? I didn’t get in it, no. 9. Where do you buy most of your clothes? Random stores, mostly online. 10. Are there any people on xanga that you’d like to actually know? I’m not on Xanga, so.
11. If you were very intelligent and had the capability to have any profession, what would you like to be? I have no idea. I have no dream jobs or anything like that, I don’t know what I want to do even if I was smart enough to do anything. 12. What’s your most irrational fear? Bugs? Idk they’re just scary. Like butterflies and flies as well LMAO. 13. How many radio stations do you listen to? I don’t listen to it. 14. What kind of music do they have? - 15. What bank do you use? Not telling you. 16. Would you rather go to Greece or Hawaii? I would love to go to Hawaii for the sake of equality since I haven’t been there, I’ve been to Greece already. 17. Musicals: Yay or Nay? No from me. i don’t like watching them. 18. What have you eaten today? I ate pasta just a while ago, yogurt and some berries for breakfast and then I had some bread as well.  19. Have you ever called in and voted for someone on american idol or another show like it? No, I don’t watch those shows. 20. What size bra do you wear? I don’t know, I only use sports bras and they mostly have the S, M, L etc. sizing. And I’m usually size S.
21. What’s your myspace URL? Not on Myspace. 22. What do all your saved texts say? I don’t save the texts, my phone does it for me and it saves them all you know. 
23. Do you still talk to your exs? No exes. 24. Is your accent common for where you live? I don’t have an accent. When I speak English however, I guess then my accent is pretty common for the people from this country idk. 25. Do you support your city/state sports teams? No. 26. How did you meet your boyfriend? Don’t have one and I don’t even want one. 27. Are your parents constantly breathing down your neck? No they’re not. Not constantly anyway, they can get worried sometimes about things that seem small to me I guess though. 28. Have you ever cheated on a significant other? What did you do? No. 29. Is there someone that’s always there for you, no matter what? My family and close friends. 30. What does your watch look like? I don’t own a watch. 31. Is there any beauty product that you like so much that you’d recommend it to others? Nah. 32. What time do you go to bed on work nights? School nights? I go to bed around midnight nowadays. 33. Does your pet mean everything to you? Yes they doo. 34. What’s the stupidist thing someone has messaged you about? Idk, can’t think of anything. 35. What are the next concerts you’ll be going to? I’m not going to any. 36. Do you have a movie watchers card? Now what’s that?   37. What was the last conversation you had with your best friend about? I texted my friend asking her how she liked the movie she was watching. 38. Are you one of those people that LOVE to hug others? I loooove hugging but you need to be a close person to me obviously. I don’t just go and hug everyone. I hug my close friends and family members(mostly my younger brother). 39. How much is gas where you live? I have no idea. I don’t drive obviously. 40. What’s a restaurant near you that has interesting food? Interesting food? I don’t know, I guess there’s no restaurants with interesting food around here. 41. Do you use post it notes often? No. 42. What’s the most money you’ve spent on a concert ticket? Zero, never been to a concert. 43. Do you like mexican food? It’s okay. No my favorite but I can eat it. 44. What size pants do you wear? I don’t know. 45. Some annoying songs are: There’s plenty but obviously I can’t think of any examples right now. 46. Is there a pool in your backyard? Hahaa, nope. 47. Do your parents trust you to stay the night at your boyfriend’s house? If I had a boyfriend, I’m not so sure hahaha. I wouldn’t even know if I would let my 16 year old daughter do that, soooo. 48. How do you like your steak? I don’t eat steak. 49. Don’t you just hate running into people you know? Yeah, it can be awkward. 50. If you weren’t born in the US, how long have you lived here? Well I wasn’t born in the US and I don’t live in the US, I have never lived there, so stop assuming lmao.  
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nadjastersurveys · 4 years
Who is one rapper that just always tends to get on your nerves? Why?   I can’t think of any rappers that get on my nerves.
Would you consider baby blue to be one of your favorite colors out there? Yes, I like every color, so.
Do you have any OCD’s you actually think you should get help for?   Nope.
Have you ever been disrespectful to one or both of your parents? Yeah, especially when I was a bit younger, like the ages 4 to 12, I was a nightmare to my parents.
Is there anything you strongly believe in? What is this one thing? I don’t know.
Have you ever been pregnant before? Was it a positive or negative thing?   Nope, never been pregnant.
If you could marry the last person you kissed on the lips, would you?   Haha let’s not go that far yet. 
What would you consider the worst aspect of your physical appearance?   I hate my smile and also I’m not a big fan of my eyes.
Do people ever judge you because of the other people in your family? No, no reason to.
When was the last time you went to Wal Mart? Who did you go with anyway?   I’ve never been to Walmart.
Has anyone ever told you that you were conceited? Were they lying?   No one would say that about me because I’m not.
Do you love the last person you had sex with? Why do you or why don’t you?   –
Does your mother seem to snoop into your personal life a lot?   She doesn’t. I talk to her a lot and tell her a lot of things so she doesn’t really have a reason to snoop. I mean she sometimes does that but I don’t mind it because she doesn’t do it in an annoying way.
Do you know what your learning style is? What is it anyway?   I am a kinesthetic learner for the most part.
How do you pronounce the rapper’s name Kid Cudi? Do you even know how to? I would pronounce it like Kid Cood-e? Are most of your nights spent with people or are they mostly alone?   I’m alone in my room most of the time lol.
Do you know someone who is really young and pregnant by accident?   I don’t think so.
Do you normally try to block out the negative comments people give you?   If someone insults me then yes, I at least try to block them out.
Who was the last person you commented on Facebook if you have one?   I don’t have one.
Do you normally say things before thinking about what will follow?   Yes.
If you had the chance, would you live back in the sixties rather than now? Nope, I like living here.
What color are the pants you’re wearing at this exact moment in time? They’re mostly white. They are white shorts with two foxes in them so there’s also some orange and black.
What is one thing that annoys you about the opposite sex? Why is this?   I don’t know.
Do you believe in sex before marriage? Is it against your religion?   Uh, I don’t have a religion. But if you do and it’s against your religion then save it for marriage, sure. It doesn’t obviously bother me what other people do in their bedrooms lol. I don’t know if I would have sex before marriage or not because it’s something I never think about. 
Do you like any cover songs? Which ones if you have any favorites?   Yeah, there’s some but I can’t give you any examples of my favorites now.
If you’re old enough, do you go clubbing on the weekends or not?   I'm not old enough.
Has anyone ever internet stalked you before? What is your opinion on that?   No, that’s creepy.
Has anyone ever made you breakfast in bed? Were they trying to suck up? Nope.
Do you think Shakira is sickening or do you like her music and dancing?   That’s rudeee. Anyway, I don’t listen to her music but the songs I’ve heard are pretty catchy.
Have you ever been to a midnight premiere of a movie? Which one(s)?   I haven’t.
Are there any rooms in your house where the paint is peeling off the walls? I don’t think so.
Do you currently want to do any different arrangements in your room?   Not really, I’m happy with my room.
When will be the next time you’ll get a shot? What is this shot anyway?   I have no idea.
Have you ever done drugs before? Do you still do them these days?   No.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher before? Which one(s)?   No.
Would you rather have your significant other be serious or funny? Why?   Funny for sure. But I would still like to be able to have serious conversations with them, like being able to talk to them about topics that are important to me without them turning everything into a joke?
Can people normally tell how you’re feeling by your facial expressions?   I guess so.
When will be the next time you’ll go to a funeral or a wake? Who died?   I don’t know who will die next hahahaha.
Do you ever think you were adopted at birth? Why do you think this is?   Well yes. Because I was.
When will you next eat tacos? Do you even like tacos, or not so much? I don’t like them that much. I don’t know when will be the next time.
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nadjastersurveys · 4 years
90. First off, what is your name? Nadja 89. Are you sarcastic? I can be. 88. Do you have a best friend that you can talk to 24/7? I have more than one good friend. But yes I feel like I can turn to them at any time. 87. Do you have any siblings? I have four. 86. How many years apart are your mom and dad? My dad is about 1½ years older than my mom. 85. Do you like someone? Yep. 84. What does your last text message say? “Is she going in the washing machine?” From my mom because I sent her a picture of our cat sleeping in our laundry basket. 83. Who sits beside you in math? I’m not in school now. 82. Where is your dad right now? He’s either working or coming home work form his workplace. 81. Where is your mom right now? She’s in the kitchen last time I checked. 80. Do you have any problems in your life? Nothing huge.
79. Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from? My dad, he’s the one I miss the most calls from lmao I’M SORRY but he always calls me when I can’t answer. 78. Closest purple object? A leave-in conditioner bottle for my hair. 77. Closest silver object? My earrings. 75. Do you sing in the shower? I don’t, I’m too embarrassed for that. 74. What is bugging you right now? Nothing right now actually. 73. How does your hair look right now? It’s in a high ponytail with a blue scrunchie. 72. Do you know all the words to the Star Spangled Banner? I have no idea what that is. 71. When is the last time you said the pledge of allegiance? I’ve never said that. 70. If you could kill someone, who would it be? Umm no one? What’s with surveys obsession with killing people haha. 69. Do you have any fears? Of course. 68. What do you hear right now? Chris Brown's voice. 67. Do you like kangaroos? Sure. 66. Can you roll your tongue? I can. Sorry for flexing but I can also make a clover with my tongue. 65. What are you wearing? Nude hoodie and black tights. 62. Screamo or Country? I listen to neither. But at least country music doesn’t hurt my ears so that.  60. Polka or Disco? Let’s say polka haha. 59. Flying or Driving? I’ve never driven anything but I’ll still say driving. Flying doesn’t appeal to me. 58. Who last called you? My mom. 57. Was your Valentine’s day nice? It was an ordinary day. I don’t remember exactly what I did. 56. What are you doing now? I’m taking a survey. 54. Would you die for someone? I don’t know, I’ve answered this already earlier in another survey as well. 53. Would you date anyone from your work? I don’t have a job. 52. Do long distance relationships work? Apparently for many people it does. I wouldn’t want to do it though. 51. Do you smile a lot? Yeah. 50. Do you have to pee right now? No, I went to the toilet about an hour ago. 49. When did you last talk to one of your siblings? I talked to my younger sister before I went to the toilet, so an hour ago. 48. What are you doing tomorrow? Nothing productive. 47. Do you worry about getting older? I don’t, not yet anyway. 45. Do you pick your scabs? Ew but yes. One of my bad habits, it leaves nasty scars. 44. Would you ever pierce your tongue? No. Definitely not by myself? If I ever decided to get a tongue piercing I would go to a professional. 42. Do you bite your nails? No, I never do it. 41. Do you eat meat? Yes. 40. Do you or have you ever had AOL? Nope. 39. Do you check Perez Hilton for celebrity gossip? I don’t know who that person(?) is but I don’t care for celebrity gossip but sometimes I secretly watch Clevver News’ videos haha. 38. Do you have a jar for loose change? No, i use my wallet for that. 37. Do you own a pogo stick? Nooo. 35. Do you own ripped jeans? I have one couple of black ripped jeans. 33. What would you do if you found out that you were adopted? I am adopted. I always knew that because my parents were always open about it + I look nothing like them, so. 32. Are you a jealous person? Nah, I don’t get jealous easily. 31. Do you use a calendar or day planner to schedule everything on? I try my best to do that but I always forget to fill my planner. 30. Do you have OCD? No. 29. Do you have ADD? I’ve been tested for ADD/ADHD when I was a bit younger but never got the diagnosis. 28. Do you have low self esteem? Most of the time. 27. Who can make you laugh during the hardest time? My friends or my older brother. 26. What was the last thing you watched on TV? I watched Moonraker like 4 months ago so not very recently. It was the only James Bond-movie I haven’t seen so I feel complete now lol. 22. Who do you love? My parents, siblings and my friends. 21. What is playing on your MP3 player right now? I don’t own an mp3 player. I’m listening to Control by Zoe Wees right now on Spotify though. 19. What’s your favorite drink? Cold water, iced tea, different sodas, coffee, energy drinks, green tea. Can’t pick just one. 18. Do you own any big sunglasses? I don’t own any sunglasses now, I broke my old ones and they weren’t big. 17. Bed sheet color? I don’t know what color they are? Beige? Light pink? Or the mix between those two. 15. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? I don’t think so. 14. Have you ever bungee jumped? Noooo, and I never will. 12. What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? How they dress and I always check people’s eye color first. Also applies to the same sex. 11. Is it hard to express your feelings to someone? Yeah, I’m really bad at telling people how I feel. I can’t really talk about serious stuff with anyone. 9. Are you sad? No. 8. Are you happy? I could be happier, but I’m content now. 6. Have you ever licked someones cheek? Nopes. 5. Watched all Spiderman movies? I think so. 4. What are you looking forward to? Nothing, I have nothing planned. 3. Favorite Lucky Charms Marshmallow? Haven’t had those. 2. Have you ever ridden in a limo? No. 1. Do you want to get married? Not now lol.
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nadjastersurveys · 4 years
Are you expecting a call on February 3rd?: That’s specific...Anyway I’m not.
Do you draw on your eyebrows?: I don’t.
Have you ever traveled to Italy?: Yes! I was in Milan last year with my family, it was really nice. 
Are you mature enough to shave yet?: Well yeah, I shave.
Did you ever pick your nose and eat it?: I’m sure I did that as a baby.
What color are your eyes?: Dark brown.
Do you like Lady Gaga?: I like couple of her songs but I never really listen to them. Alejandro will forever remain a banger though.
Pen or Pencil?: Pen for writing. Pencil is too light and looks annoying lol. 
Are you expecting any scholarships for college?: No.
Do you have a family member in the Navy?: Nope.
Where is your favorite place to eat?: I like eating at home. Sometimes we go to restaurants though, like a nice diner or something. But I still prefer my mom’s food haha.
Are you or one of your friends pregnant?: I’m not and neither are my friends. But my older sister is :)
Does your head itch?: Right now? Yes because everytime someone mentions the word ‘itch’, something in my body starts to itch haha.
Does it now?: Well..
Are you in love?: No, but I’m crushing.
Were you born in the state you live in now?: Not even in the same country.
Does cough syrup work for you?: I don’t remember. The last and only time I had it was when I was 8 or something?
What year do/did you graduate?: I haven’t graduated from anywhere yet.
Circle, triangle, square, or diamond?: Diamond or circle but it doesn’t matter.
What is your favorite brand name of chips?: I loooove lentil chips, I prefer them over potato chips. I don’t know about the brands though.
Do you have any awesome scar stories?: When I was 6 years old I threw a rock right above me for some reason and it landed on my forehead, had to get stitches and now there’s a nice scar. More of an embarrassing story than awesome, but yeah.
Do you wear top hats on the side of your head?: No. Or anywhere on my head.
Have you ever lost your broom in a tree?: No, lol.
Ever fell off a trampoline?: I don’t think so.
Aren’t Ticonderoga erasers the best?: I haven’t heard of them.
Have you ever tried Proactive?: Haven’t heard of that either.
Do you have 4 seasons where you live?: We dooo.
What year did you have your 16th birthday?: 2020. So, not that long ago.
Have you ever wore a “bump-it” in your hair?: I feel like I’m missing out on many great things. I don’t know what a “bump-it” in my hair is supposed to be.
Do you plan on getting married before you have kids?: I’m not planning anything.
Are you one of the few who has never dyed their hair?: No, I’ve dyed my hair.
Do you love Jesus?: I’m not religious.
What color is your ipod?: I don’t own one.
How old were you when you got your ears pierced?: I was 8 years old when I got the first holes.
Are you a girly-girl?: I wouldn’t say that.
Do you think girl drama is funny, or stupid?: Drama is annoying but it can be funny. I just don’t want to be in the middle of that.
How did you find out Santa wasn’t real?: I never believed in it.
Have you ever heard of Marshall University? I haven’t.
Do you pop your fingers regularly?: Yeah pretty often. And I just did.
What brand of computer are you using?: Huawei.
Would you ever be caught wearing all black?: Yes. I wear a lot of black, sometimes all black but usually i’m wearing black mixed with bright colors. 
Lip-stick or lip-gloss?: Lip gloss? I don’t know, I never wear either. But lip gloss looks nicer.
Do you know a second language?: English is my second language.
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nadjastersurveys · 4 years
Looks and Personality
What do you look like? First of all, I’m pretty bad at describing myself but I’ll give it a try: I have straight black hair that reaches my boobs, pretty small and dark brown eyes, medium sized nose (I guess) and plump lips lmao. My face shape is square-ish and people say my face in general is pretty unique looking? I’m 150cm (so about 4′11′’) and I’m normal weight.
How often do you bathe? I shower about every other day. Sometimes more rarely if I’m feeling lazy and I have no plans to go anywhere lol.
How do you wear your hair? It’s either down or in a high ponytail. Most of the days it’s up. If I’m feeling FRISKY I’ll put it on a lazy bun but it happens rarely lmao.
What colours do you tend to wear? Black, white and grey are the most common colors. Sometimes I like mixing black and white with bright colors as well.
Do you have any tattoos? What, where and why? I don’t have any and I don’t think I ever will but you never know.
What kind of clothes do you wear? I love wearing sweatpants and sweaters. I also like sports tights and hoodies. My style is pretty chill I guess.
What kind of jewelery do you wear? The only jewelry I wear are my earrings and my nose ring. Every other jewelry like necklaces, bracelets or rings feel really annoying and always on my way haha. Also they don’t really fit with my clothing style.
Is there anything else you often wear? I can’t think of anything else.
Would you say you had a “look”? Not really, I guess I haven’t found my own style yet.
When going out, do you dress up or down? I don’t know what the question means? What does dressing up or down mean?
What do you wear to bed at home? Depends if it’s hot or cold obviously. When it’s cold I usually wear sweatpants with a t-shirt. In summertime I like wearing a top or a short sleeve t-shirt with either shorts or my underwear.
What do you wear to bed when you’re somewhere else? The same I wear when I’m at home I guess? I don’t think I would sleep just in a top and underwear though.
Is there a place you keep any prized/secret things whilst you’re away? Nah
What’s your favourite food? I love pasta and chicken.
What’s your favourite drink? I drink a lot of energy drinks nowadays but I wouldn’t say they’re my favorite though. I like tea, coffee and cold water.
What’s your favourite dessert? Ice cream, different sweet pies and cheesecake
What’s your favourite type of food (e.g Mexican)? Italian and Indian food.
Do you have any mental problems? I don’t think so.
Do you have any phobias? What? Why do you think you have this/them? I have a phobia of outer space. I’m afraid of it simply because it’s terrifying lol. I remember it probably started when we had a field trip to a planetarium in 3rd or 4th grade? That’s when I realized really what’s surrounding us and this planet and I was crying and covering my ears almost the whole time the show lasted hahaha.
Why might somebody dislike you? Because I’m annoying. Like sometimes I just don’t know how to shut up and don’t know when to stop joking. I can be pretty hyperactive sometimes also which can annoy people.
What skill do you possess that you are most proud of? I try to be understanding towards others. I don’t judge people easily because I  know that people are different, have different lives and have different opinions/tastes/thoughts/whatever and I respect them even though I might not agree with them.
What is your greatest strength (e.g. honest, loyal, brave)? I’m trustworthy.
What’s your greatest shortcoming or flaw (e.g. cowardly, alcoholic)? I’m really competitive and a sore loser hahaha. Especially when i was a bit younger. When we were playing board games with my family and I didn’t win the game I sometimes threw the whole game to a wall and got mad at everyone LOL.
Who do you most admire? I don’t know. I admire my parents? They’re hardworking and loving.
Who do you most love? My parents, siblings and my friends.
What three things do you look for most in a partner? I like people who make me laugh, kind people and people I can trust.
Do you like crowds? I don’t like being part of a crowd, no.
What are your hobbies? I’m a dancer and I love watching movies.
If you can’t get to sleep in the middle of the night, what do you do? I’ll do something on my phone like watch couple videos on YouTube.
What is your favourite animal? Cats. I also think bunnies are super cute and charming. One of my friends has a bunny and I love petting him.
What is your favourite colour? Purple.
If you could ask God (to athiests - IF there was one) one question, what? I can’t think of any important questions now lol.
Where were you born and raised? I was born in China. I was adopted to a country in the northern part of Europe and that’s where I live now.
Briefly describe your family. I have four siblings (two brothers, two sisters) and I live with three of them and with my parents. We all get along really well and we’re pretty close and happy family and I feel really lucky because of that.
You must choose one - your childhood was calm/peaceful or tragic/turbulent? It was mostly pretty calm (but I wasn’t haha, I was a really hyperactive kid) but I was bullied in elementary school quite a lot so that didn’t make my elementary school years that enjoyable as they should’ve been. But it was not tragic or turbulent, I was happy, laughing and smiling most of the time and I had friends and great hobbies.
Did you have any role models? Not really.
What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Nothing super tragic has ever happened to me luckily but the bullying was pretty bad for me.
How did it affect you? I didn’t want to think about school during my free time because it reminded me of the insults I got to hear almost everyday there. So I didn’t really do my homework or study for tests and I got into trouble because of that quite a lot haha.
Have you ever had any recurring nightmares or themes in nightmares? No, I rarely have nightmares and I’ve forgotten the ones that I’ve had.
What were they? ^
Do you currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No.
Do you have any close friends? I have five close friends.
Briefly describe your best friend: I don’t have one best friend, all of them^ are the best haha. But all of them are really fun to be around with and we have similar interests since all of us are dancers for example.
Any enemies? I don’t have any.
Who? What are they like?
Would you risk your life for your best friend? (not lover or family member!) I don’t know :( I’m really afraid of dying and I’ve never even been in a situation where I had to make a choice between my health or my friend lol.
With who was your most important romantic relationship? I’ve never dated anyone.
Of what are you most proud? I’m proud that I’ve helped my friends and been there for them through their hard times.
Of what are you most ashamed? There’s many things I’m ashamed of :( But one thing is that I can’t stand up for myself and I get offended easily.
Alignment, Ethics and Religion
What is your religion? I’m not religious.
Where do you stand on abortion? Pro-choice.
Where do you stand on the death penalty? I’m against it in every situation.
Where do you stand on wearing fur? I hate it lmao. You could never see me wear fur.
Do you have a moral code that you follow? What? I’m sure I have.
Could you kill somebody? If I felt my life was being threatened and protecting myself was the only option then yes? I wouldn't murder anyone though?
For what reason would you kill somebody? Well, self-defense.
Would you SERIOUSLY CONSIDER killing anybody right now? No I don’t have a reason to, I don’t feel threatened lol.
Do you trust easily, or not? I trust pretty easily, which can be a mistake.
What are your political beliefs (anarchy, communism, democracy etc.)? I don’t know, I’m not into politics that much and tbh I don’t know anything about it lmao.
What, if anything, WOULD you sacrifice your life for? I’m not sure.
Would you ever, for any reason, abandon your friends in an hour of need? I don’t think so.
What are your dreams/ambitions/goals? To study something I’m interested in. Which I don’t know what it could be, I don’t have a dream job or anything like that.
How do you plan to reach them? First I would have to find out what my dream is lol. Then work for it I guess.
How would your ideal partner look? I don’t know, I don’t have a preference.
Do you ever want to have a family someday? With children? I love kids but I don’t know if I want to have my own. But I have plenty of time to think about it.
Who would you want to start this family with, or do you not yet know? I don’t know yet, obviously.
What would stop you from reaching your goals (e.g. death, retirement fund)? I don’t have goals hahaha I don’t know.
What do you see yourself doing next year? Studying in high school.
What do you see yourself doing in twenty years? I don’t know. But I would love to have a nice relationship and a nice job lol.
Would you ever have an affair? Definitely not.
Would you ever have a one night stand? No.
What are your greatest fears? Failing in life, losing people I love. You know, stuff like that.
More information
If you had a month of nothing (no work, no obligations) what would you do? I have a year of nothing now since I’m not in school atm. But all I’ve done is spend time on my laptop hahahahaha. I don’t know what I even want to do tbh.
How do you relax? Watch YouTube, do some stretching, lay on my bed, sleep, take surveys, watch movies.
What one thing would you change in this world (free Tibet, abolish Sweden)? Make everyone treated equally.
Would you ever choose a career or job where your life was at risk? I’m not sure. It sounds appealing to be a hero I guess haha. But I don’t think I would do it.
Why? Because I’m a scaredy cat lol.
How would you like to be remembered after your death? Just someone who was nice to people.
Random questions
Where you present at any major historical events (e.g. 9/11)? No.
How did they affect you?
Do you have any famous relatives? I don’t.
Do you have to try and live up to your family’s expectations? Yeah sure.
Are you a loyal member of any organizations? I’m not.
General Information
Name: Nadja.
Age: 16.
Date Of Birth: October 24th.
Race: Asian.
Height: 150cm.
Weight: 48kg.
Are you happy with this? Yes, I’ve always been normal weight.
Desired weight: I like being 48kg.
Sexual orientation: I think I’m bisexual.
First language: I don’t want to tell you that but it’s not English lol. Second/Third/Fourth etc. languages (if any): I can speak English.
Why did you take this survey? I felt like taking one now and this was the first one to pop up. And it seemed really interesting and fun.(and it was)
0 notes
nadjastersurveys · 4 years
Do you flush the toilet with your hand or your foot? I flush it with my hand, I don’t know why I would flush it with my foot unless I was in a public restroom.
What’s your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Ex: ENTP)? I don’t know, I don’t think I’ve ever taken that test.
Do you read any blogs and if so, which ones? I don’t.
Where do you typically buy your clothes? Different stores online.
On a scale of one to ten, how healthy do you eat? I’m really bad with these “rate on a scale of one to ten”-things buuuut let’s say 8?
What do you think is the most valuable college major? I have no idea, I don’t like saying some major is more valuable anyways, they’re all valuable in their own way.
Which books should I read this summer? I don’t know what you like? I can’t recommend any books either way because I don’t read that much.
Would you rather have curvy legs or skinny legs? Skinny with some curves.
Do you believe in ghosts and if so, have you ever seen one? I haven’t seen one. I don’t think I believe in them, but if I ever saw a ghost I would definitely believe in them haha.
What’s your favorite game show? I don’t like to watch them.
How many times a day do you use the restroom? Three or four times I guess. It depends on what I’ve been eating or drinking too.
How much fruit do you eat on a given day? I haven’t any eat fruits in a while now.
What was the last thing that made you cringe? Watching Amy Schumer’s stand up comedy on YouTube lol.
What’s your favorite ‘80s movie? The Back to The Future-trilogy and the three Indiana Jones-movies that came out in the 80s.
What time did you go to bed last night? I fell asleep around 3am.
Do you have your own car? Nope.
Do you own a romper? I don’t, not something I would wear even though they can look cute.
Do you still speak to your ex’s parents? I don’t have an ex.
Who was the last person who drew you a picture? No one draws me pictures lol.
When someone takes your picture, do you smile with your mouth open or closed? I smile with my mouth open because I look even more LIKE SHIT when I smile with my mouth closed.
Do you floss? I try my best, I do it at least once every month hahaaaha.
What’s your favorite breakfast cereal? I don’t eat cereal.
How do you usually get your exercise? I do dance but I also do some basic muscle workouts at home when I feel like doing them. Sometimes I'll go for a walk.
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? I like basic vanilla ice cream. White chocolate is good as well.
Why did you break up with your last significant other? No last significant others.
Are any of your siblings married? My older sister is engaged but she’s not married.
What does your phone case look like, if you have one? I don’t have one on right now but I own couple nice ones like the one with cute strawberries in it lol.
What’s something about you that the opposite sex finds attractive? Umm, I don’t know :( You would have to ask the opposite sex. 
What do you usually put in your omelets? Cheeeese.
Have you ever tried to go vegetarian and if so, how long did you last? I haven’t tried doing that because of the reason that I wouldn’t last long.
What kind of exotic animal do you think you could keep as a pet? I wouldn’t do that.
What’s your favorite type of dog? I know nothing about dogs but I like middle sized dogs the best haha.
What’s something you can draw really well? There’s nothing I can draw well.
What’s your favorite fast food joint? I don’t really go to those. I guess good old McDonalds?
Did you ever eat leaves when you were a kid? Hahaha yes I was one of those.
What’s the largest body of water near your hometown? A lake right next to our house.
Do you have any flags in your house? I don’t think so.
Are there any “keep off the grass” signs where you live? I haven’t seen any.
Have you ever walked on the grass with such a sign? I’m not rebellious like that lol.
Do you like kiwis? Well yeah they’re okay, not my favorite though.
Are you double-jointed? From some parts of my body I am, like my elbows and fingers bend like crazy?
At school, which area of science did you prefer, biology, chemistry or physics? Definitely not physics. Biology is a bit boring to me tbh, so I’d say chemistry.
Which did you prefer between geography and history? I love geography.
Have you ever had a main part in a play? I’ve never been in a school play.
Are there any musical instruments in the room you’re in? Nope.
Can you name a difference between RNA and DNA? I do know something about it but I don’t know how to explain it lol.
Do you know anyone who owns a farm? I don’t.
Have you ever driven a tractor? I haven’t but I’ve been a passenger in one while my grandfather was driving it.
Does the smell of the countryside bother you? Nah, it’s actually refreshing.
Who sits behind you in English? I’m not in school right now. And even when I was we always changed places so you didn’t always have to sit in the same spot. So anyways it was almost always a different person.
When will your next kiss be? I don’t knoooow.
What song are you listening to? EARFQUAKE by Tyler the Creator.
How late do you normally stay up on weekdays? It varies.
Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadn’t? Not recently.
What did you do Saturday? I don’t remember, nothing productive for sure.
Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable level is good for me.
When do you prefer to take a shower, in the morning or night? I like to take showers in the afternoon more. But out of these options I prefer nighttime showers.
What’s the next vacation you’re going on? I don’t know.
Can you watch scary movies? Yes, I love horror movies, the thrill they give you.
How do you like your eggs? In many different ways. Not raw though lol.
Do you want any piercings? No. I have everything I want now.
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nadjastersurveys · 4 years
What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet? A cat, so nothing big. Do you own any heirloom jewelry? I don’t. When did you last stay in a hotel, and where? Around this time last year, in Italy. What were you doing at this time yesterday? I was on my laptop, surprisingly.
Do you own any kind of helmet? I don’t own a helmet. But we have couple bicycle helmets in this house.
Out of everything currently in your refrigerator, what food or drink is your favorite? I don’t feel like going to the fridge to check what we have there now lol. Are your initials in alphabetical order? No.
Which do you prefer: iPhones, Android, Blackberries, or something else? I have an iPhone and it’s something I’m used to now, so I’ll pick that. Has anyone ever answered one of your surveys with a rude attitude? I don’t make surveys, but even if I did and someone had an attitude while answering my questions I wouldn’t be sad lol, they’re just questions made for fun. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? I’ve broken couple bones in my body but nothing dramatic has ever happened.
Do you like the taste of cough syrup? Noooo, I hate it. What is something you like to have conversations about? A lot of things but for example I like listening to other people’s stories about their life and commenting on them lol. What all is in the trunk of your car? I don’t have my own car and I don’t have any idea what’s in my parent’s car trunk.
Do you ever put fruit on your cereal? People do that? I wouldn’t like milk and fruit mixed together so I don’t even want to try it. Is your heat or air conditioning currently on? Yes. Have you ever fallen off of a horse? I've never even ridden on a horse.
How do you usually celebrate your favorite holiday? I celebrate Christmas with my family, eating and chatting, gifts, you know stuff like that.
Do you have a job? If so, what is it that you do? I don’t. Have you ever been on a houseboat? No, but I used to want to own one because one of my favorite Donald Duck comics was the one where they were on a houseboat and it was the coolest thing in my opinion for some reason haha. Which do you value more, your appearance or your intelligence? Intelligence if I had any lol. Do you learn from your mistakes? I try to. Do you learn from the mistakes of others? Well, I try to. Any guess as to why some people draw out the last letter when they type, likee thiss forrr exampleee? I guess in some situations it looks better or more fitting? When was the last time you drove something other than a car or truck? I've never driven anything. What’s the last nice thing you did for someone? I shared my bag of cookies with my brother. Were your grandparents present when you were born? No. My parents weren’t present either, lol. Have you ever played the game Angry Birds? I’ve tried it couple times but I don’t like any mobile games that much, I find them pretty boring. Have you ever eaten/drank something and then realized it was past the expiration date? Well, almost. Couple times I’ve poured spoiled milk to my coffee and saw it was clumpy, so I didn’t want to drink it. Do you own any jewelry containing your birthstone? No. What is something unusual that annoys you? I can’t think of any, nothing unusual annoys me.
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nadjastersurveys · 4 years
General Womanhood
1. Do you like the color pink? I like every color so I like pink as well
2. How easily do you cry? Lately I’ve been crying a lot hahaha
3. What food do you eat the most of when you’re sad? I tend to lose my appetite when I’m sad. But when I do eat while being sad I go for something unhealthy like most people lol
4. How often do you experience boob sweat? Everytime when I sweat a lot, the boobs leak too lmao
5. What time of month is your time? Like at what time of month is my period in? I don’t know/remember, I don’t track my period which is something I should learn to do
6. How moody are you when you are on your period? I’m not any moodier on my period that I am when I’m not
7. Have you ever thought you were pregnant because your period was late? No
8. Have you ever been on the pill? No 9. Have you ever thought about having children someday? What is your current opinion? I haven’t really thought about that. It’s not something I have to think now anyways lol. I have time
10. Have you ever given birth? If not, would you ever want to? No and i’m not that sure tbh
11. How much do you like decorating for holidays? My family doesn’t do it that much. Nor do I 12. How good of a cook do you consider yourself? I can’t cook 13. What is your favorite thing to cook? ^ 14. Do you prefer cooking, baking, or both equally? Baking is more fun 15. Can you sew? I did that when I was in school but I hated it 16. How feminine do you consider yourself? I don’t know, But I don’t think I’m super feminine 17. Have you ever been told that you are too girly or feminine? No, it’s always the other way around. Like people telling me to be more girly or them saying that girls can’t wear/say things that. It’s really annoying tbh 18. Do you consider yourself a feminist? Yeah 19. How do you define “girl power”? I think it’s just women supporting and appreciating/accepting other women  20. How much of a neat freak are you? I like things to be neat but I wouldn’t say I’m freak about it 21. How you ever wished you were born a male? No 22. Breastfeeding or formula? I don’t know, whichever is better for the baby? 23. What is your opinion of equal pay? I think everyone doing the same job should be paid the same amount and your gender shouldn’t have to do anything with it 24. What is one profession you think needs more women? I’m not sure 25. Are you pro-life or pro-choice? Pro-choice 26. Have you ever experienced any sexism? If so, please explain. I’m sure I have, I just can’t think of any examples 27. Have you ever been called a blabbermouth or a chatterbox? Yeah because sometimes I just can’t shut up
28. What is one thing about women you think most men don’t know? I don’t know 29. Is there anything you dislike about being a woman? Nah, I ike being a female
30. Complete this phrase: I’m so glad I am a woman because ______. we are amazing.
31. Did you ever play with Barbie dolls as a child? Yes
32. Have you ever dotted lowercase Js and Is with hearts or smiley faces? As a joke only lol
33. Have you ever been a Girl Scout? Nope, I was never interested in it
34. Have you ever been a ballerina? No but I did other dance styles though
35. Have you ever been a cheerleader? No
36. Were you ever voted as homecoming or prom queen? No
37. Have you ever hosted a sleepover? I’ve had friends stay at our house so yes?
38. Do you belong to a sorority? No
39. Have you ever kept a diary or a journal? Not really
40. At what age did you get your first period? I was 12
41. What is the longest your hair has ever been? Would you ever grow it that long again? This length I have right now is the longest it’s ever been. So a bit past my boobs. I want to cut my hair a bit though
42. Have you had a hairstyle above the eyebrows? Bangs? Yes, when I was like 2
43. What hairstyle do you wear the most? It’s either down or up in a high ponytail
44. Have you ever died your hair? If so, how often? I have but I haven’t done it in a while. I have my natural color now
45. What is the heaviest you remember ever weighing? I’m the heaviest now lol. I’m something like 48kg
46. How muscular are you? Pretty muscular? I don’t know 
47. Do you have any piercings anywhere besides your earlobes? I have my nose pierced. And piercings on my cartilage as well
48. Do you have any tattoos? If you, where are they and what are they of? I don’t
49. Do you like wearing lipstick or lip gloss? If so, how often do you wear them? I’ve never worn lipstick but I’ve worn lip gloss, it makes my lips look yummy lol. Anyway I rarely wear gloss on my lips however
50. How often do you paint your nails? Never
51. Have you ever worn any fake nails? No
52. Have you ever worn fake eyelashes? No, I don’t think they would look good on me
53. How often do you shave or wax your legs? I shave them couple times a week, so like every other 3 days or so. I’ve never waxed them
54. How white are your teeth? Pretty white
55. Have you ever been told that you look like a certain celebrity? No
56. How much do you look like your mother? Lmao I don’t look like her at all. I was adopted from Asia to a European country sooo
57. How much do you look like your father? ^
58. What do you think is your best physical feature? I like my legs and butt, they’re pretty nice haha
59. What do you think is your worst physical feature? I don’t like my smile and eyes
60. How good are you at communicating through facial expressions? I’m not sure
FASHION STYLE: 61. What type of clothing do you own the most of? I own a lot of different t-shirts I guess 62. How big is your closet? It’s pretty small for a walk-in closet 63. Have you ever looked through your closet and though “I have nothing to wear”? Well not like that because I have a quite a lot of clothes but yeah sometimes it’s hard to decide what to wear for that reason 64. What is your favorite fashion brand? I like Nike, Adidas and Fila 65. Do you wear skirts and dresses at all? If so, how often? I never wear skirts. I wear dresses in super formal situations so like once every three years lol 66. What is your dress size? XS or S 67. What is the shortest length of skirts and dresses you are comfortable wearing? I don’t think I would wear a dress that’s not reaching my knee. Or that goes past my knee, so knee length dresses are my style 68. How expensive was your prom dress? I’m not in high school yet, so 69. What is the most expensive piece of clothing you currently own? My winter jacket 70. Do you wear high heels or stilettos at all? If so, how often? No 71. Have you ever worn high heels casually? I haven’t 72. How often do you take an OOTD (outfit of the day) selfie? Never 73. Have you ever worn the exact same outfit from head to toe more than once? Yeah of course
74. How often do you wear a bra when out in public? I always wear it 75. How often do you wear a bra when bumming it at home? Always 76. When you get home from work, how soon does your bra typically come off? I don’t take it off unless I’m showering or changing it lol 77. Have you ever carried a spare bra with you in your purse? No lol 78. Which are you more likely to go without: A bra or panties? A bra, going out without panties would feel super uncomfortable 79. Does it matter to you if your bra and panties match or not? Nah, they pretty much never match 80. What type of underwear do you typically wear? The only type of underwear I wouldn’t wear is lace. The style doesn’t matter to me, the material/fabric does  81. How much of your underwear is white? I think I have couple 82. Have you ever carried a spare pair of underwear with you in your purse? No 83. Do you like eyeshadow? I don’t wear it  84. Do you like mascara? Or that, I don’t wear any makeup 85. How much makeup do you typically wear? I don’t wear it lol 86. Have you every gone out in public without any makeup on? Yes everytime 87. How much jewelry do you typically wear? Just my earrings and my nose ring 88. Is there any kind of jewelry you pretty much always wear? Well yes ^ my piercings 89. Do you carry a purse at all? I don’t own purses, I mostly use tote bags 
90. Do you like tube and halter tops? No
91. Do you like crop tops? I wear them sometimes, yeah 92. Are you comfortable showing off a little cleavage? I wouldn’t say it’s that uncomfortable but I never show cleavage lol especially when I go out in public 93. One-piece swimsuits or bikinis? Either way is fine 94. Does it matter to you if your bikini top matches the bottom? No
95. Have you ever been a bridesmaid? If so, how often? No
96. Do you have any desires to get married? Not yet anyway
97. For how long have you thought about your wedding? I haven’t thought of it
98. How much of your wedding do you have planned out already? I haven’t planned anything
99. Would you rather have a big or a small wedding? Small
100. Would you rather have a lot of bridesmaids or just a couple? Just couple, nothing dramatic lol
101. Would you rather have an indoor or an outdoor wedding? Does the same go for the reception? I guess indoor, the weather is so unpredictable
102. What is your current relationship status? Single
103. What is the longest relationship you’ve ever had? I’ve never been in a relationship
104. Do you consider yourself a hopeless romantic at all? Nah, I’m not romantic
105. Are you a virgin? If not, which gender did you lose your virginity to? Yes
106. What personality trait are you most attracted to? I people who make me laugh, it’s the best feeling. I also like cool people haha
107. Have you ever been on a blind date? No
108. Has anyone you know ever tried to set you up on a date? No
109. Do you use any dating apps? If so, have they ever worked out for you? Nope
110. Do you kiss on the first date? I haven’t been on a date
111. How often do guys hit on you? Never lol
112. Have women ever hit on you? No
114. Have you ever kissed another woman while sober? If so, did you like it? Well I’m always sober lmao. Anyway, I’ve kissed a girl and I liked it because it was with the right person
115. Have you ever dated another woman? No, or a boy like I said
116. After how long of dating do you typically consider a relationship to be serious? I don’t know
117. Would you rather your lover give you chocolate, flowers, both, or something else? Something else haha, like a hug and a kiss?
118. Are you friends with any of your exes? I don’t have any exes
119. Is sex before marriage wrong? No
ENTERTAINMENT: 120. What celebrity do you most admire and why? Hmm I don’t know who I really admire 121. Do you like romantic comedies? Do you have any favorites? Noooo, I hate them 122. Do you have a favorite romantic movie? Only romantic movies that I liked are Titanic and The Two Faces of January 123. Who is your favorite Disney princess? I like the story of Cinderella but I wouldn’t say she’s my favorite princess. I don’t have one?
124. What is your favorite Disney song? I don’t know 125. Do you watch The Bachelor or The Bachelorette? Nope 126. Have you ever watched Sex & The City? Never 127. Have you ever watched any shows such as Project Runway or America’s Next Top Model? I have seen couple episodes of them both but that’s it 128. Do you like watching any beauty pageants such as Miss America? No 129. Do you like watching the red carpet arrivals before award ceremonies? I don’t watch them 130. Beyonce or Taylor Swift? Beyoncé 131. Oprah Winfrey or Ellen DeGeneres? I used to like Ellen but now I’ve learned some things about her haha, I don’t know that much about Oprah but she seems nice and intelligent?
A PILE OF RANDOMNESS: 132. Are you named after anyone? No 133. How many male friends do you have? I don’t have any close male friends 134. Have you ever been considered the mother of your group of friends? No, the opposite ‘cos I’m the youngest so I’m like the baby lol 135. Have you ever called your friend friends your ‘girlfriends’? No 136. Have you ever called a non-lover a term such as honey, babe, dear, or darling? Yes my friends 137. How many items do you own that are of a floral print design? I don’t think I have any? 138. Have you ever scoffed at something because you thought it wasn’t feminine enough? No lol 139. How healthy do you eat? I eat pretty healthily. Not all the time like I have my “slips” but I’m mainly pretty healthy 140. What is your preferred way to carry a purse: Clutched in your hand, on your elbow, or on your shoulder? On my shoulder 141. Besides you phone, money, wallet, and keys, name five things you always have with you in your purse. Umm nothing else? Bunch of receipts I put to my bag after I bought something and never throw them out? lol
142. Have you ever lost anything inside your purse? No 143. Have you ever used your bra or your cleavage as a purse or a pocket? Just sometimes when my hands are full lol 144. Do you consider shopping a sport No lol 145. Do you shop more in physical walk-in stores or online? Lately online. It’s something I enjoy more actually, even though I like trying on clothes as well 146. What is the most amount of money you remember ever spending in one single shopping trip? I’m not sure actually 147. How often do you have a girls’ night out? Never?
148. Do you prefer coffee or tea? I like both, idk which one I prefer more 149. How polite do you consider yourself? I’m pretty polite 150. Can you do the splits? Yes 151. Do you like doing any yoga? I like stretching but I’ve never done yoga 152. Have you ever been told that you have cute handwriting? Yes
153. How well can you write in cursive? Pretty well I guess, but I prefer print 154. Have you ever successfully been on a diet? I’ve never been on one
155. Do you currently or have you ever belonged to a book club? No 156. Have you ever talked yourself out of a driving ticket by using your looks? I don’t drive 157. Have you ever drunk a non-alcoholic beverage from a wine glass? I don’t remember, I guess not? 158. Do you prefer showers or baths? Showers 159. Have you ever snorted while laughing? Yeah haha 160. How strict are you about manners? I’m not super strict about them
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