nailaka · 5 years
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Manado Tua ✔ Bunaken ✔ Mantehage ✔ Siladen ✔ Nain ✔ https://www.instagram.com/p/B5vKdv5A7_vabKp-TVAS45GSQVx10XmmtetkmE0/?igshid=dttyppu98i2r
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nailaka · 5 years
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So long, Mantehage ❤ https://www.instagram.com/p/B39ty1XB88amMsBuqMFMewUkJt4rWujPFjQzXg0/?igshid=23ncblj9bcib
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nailaka · 5 years
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So long... 👋 (at North Sulawesi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B379Ob4B2LMaAtrgaiy11FIOgNSppDUw8ARy200/?igshid=1kxfngpudfluc
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nailaka · 5 years
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So yeah, holiday is over. Alhamdulillah, I got a chance to have a short escape to refresh my mood after all the bad news i got this month, huhu. Welcome back to my drama life 😂 Semangat aja pokonya mah! You can shine as bright as the sunflower 🌻 (at Taman Bunga Matahari) https://www.instagram.com/p/By4A8K8BtoBSML0y-DVgj4_GezlzL5XWCgPNsA0/?igshid=jniah6oezdo
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nailaka · 6 years
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It's been 10 months since I got the bad news. How r u, pak? I'm still living in this complicated world, but I'm happy 😊 It's still hard to believe that I will never see you again when I come back home. But I do believe that you have a better and more peaceful life in there, don't you? I still remember the last time I kissed your cheeks. I still remember the last words you said to me, "Hati-hati ya". I still remember the last request you asked to me. I still remember how happy you were when attending my graduation days. I still remember your laugh when playing with me and Ayya. Maybe the one thing I can't remember about you is the last time you angry with me. I adore your patience, dad. Sorry for always being a spoiled little girl. I'm trying to be an adult now, it's so hard but I'll keep trying 😅. Oh I think I can hold my tears when I remember you, but I'm wrong. I miss you, bapak. Happy Birthday anyway 😇
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nailaka · 6 years
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Why so cool? (at Mantehage Tinongko)
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nailaka · 6 years
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Day 154. Getting closer to June, getting closer to Home. 👯 (at Yogyakarta)
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nailaka · 6 years
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Hari ke-124 sejak pertama kali menginjakkan kaki di Pulau Mantehage. So far, so good. Walaupun kadang males mandi karna ga ada air, bosen karna ga ada listrik, sinyal timbul tenggelam, gatel2, hitam, gosong, dan yg paling berat adalah kangen rumah. Tapi semua sedikit terobati dgn kehadiran orang2 baik yg mengajarkan pengalaman dan segala drama2 kehidupan yg ada di sini. Intinya sih, I am happy to be here 😎 (at Desa Mantehage)
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nailaka · 6 years
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Pantai Patokan, Jiko, Bolaang Mongondow Timur. Mirip2 lah kaya pantai di Gunung Kidul. Sama2 harus naik gunung dulu, tapi pasirnya lebih halus dan ombaknya lebih friendly. Tapi pantai gunung kidul lebih ngangenin euyyy 🌊 (at Patokan Beach Jiko - Boltim)
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nailaka · 6 years
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nailaka · 6 years
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Anak pulau.. (at Desa Mantehage)
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nailaka · 6 years
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Adem.. (at Pulau Nain)
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nailaka · 6 years
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Happy 🐳💦 (at Mantehage Island)
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nailaka · 7 years
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nailaka · 8 years
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Karena sabar itu indah. Kapan indahnya? Ya sabar aja. (at Yogyakarta)
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nailaka · 9 years
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It was the first time I travelled that far from my hometown, my parents and family. It was the first time I went so far for such a long time (but then I realized that two months weren’t long enough). It was my first time spending my whole two months with my new friends in new neighborhood. It was the first time I visited Borneo and lived for two months in Biduk-biduk, Berau, East Borneo. And this is how I try to collect every pieces of my memories about my experience in community service last year.
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nailaka · 9 years
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Cross the bridge
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