nanagouu-archived · 1 year
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//this blog is archived! activity has been moved to @baiika
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
“I think the meaning of life is eating good food in the company of people you love.”
Nemu really wants to tell Desmond that the meaning of life is too nebulous to narrow it down to dinner with loved ones, but he's too cute to be mean to.
Instead, she says, "Are there people who love you?" They've had drinks and bar food and shitty instant meals, nothing good. Nothing that screams love or some deep, unbreakable bond. Come to think of it, does Nemu have anyone she loves? Does she eat with anyone?
Life is one long shift. She naps, she eats in the cafeteria, she works. She fucks whoever is okay-looking on her desk when she can't focus anymore.
When was the last time she even touched a book?
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
❝ you sure took your time getting here. ❞ 
Nemu fiddles with her hair and a pair of shades. She's only wearing them to cover up a black eye. Not because she's embarrassed, she's just too tired for questions.
"Apologies," she says, passing a stack of parchment to Mukuro. "These are your discharge papers. If you have any questions, speak with the nursing station, please."
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
Nemu wants to give Jewel a foul look but can't bring herself to. They just aren't used to how juuniibantai is. How her father is.
"I'm fine," she grumbles, but she grabs a rolling chair to use as a walker anyway.
This isn't even the worst that's happened. An inconvenience, absolutely. Nemu is a busy woman. Acts as captain and lieutenant on an administrative level since Mayuri cannot deign to touch a spreadsheet unless it pertains to something he can gut and morph as he pleases. Not being able to walk when she must do everything under the sun is detrimental to the division.
Now: suppressants.
"Excuse me," she mumbles.
Nemu does a bit more than limp. Her femur has snapped in half like a twig. Blood soaks the fabric of her uniform, crimson and inky.
Another day in juuniibantai.
She hums and hobbles to the medicine cabinet. Suppressants, suppressants....
She plucks a vial from the shelving. It falls. Hits the deck and shatters. Fuck.
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"I... I'll get one from storage," she grunts. Nothing goes right for Nemu these days.
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
"You're not entirely incorrect, but the ones you look for aren't inside."
It's not a door that Nemu is keen on opening without insistence, either. Juuniibantai is home to thousands of aberrations. While Nemu is fairly certain Grimmjow has seen worse in Hueco Mundo, and Nemu isn't particularly phased by anything anymore, she's sure Grimmjow would sickened by what lays in wait inside, if not outright angry. Outright vengeful.
Nemu wonders what it's like to have something to be vengeful over. She's never had anything to care about. It all breaks, and eventually, she stopped caring altogether.
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@nanagouu asked:
“   you’re   not   even   going   the   right   way  .   ” //stolen from ur meme tag
Prompted Starter
Grimmjow pauses, blue eyes sliding to his right to eye the small shinigami woman. She hadn't spoken much since their introduction. Polite and demure compared to the scathing Captain she'd stood next to. Grimmjow remembered him - the poison fuck. But she's escaped his radar, he can't even remember if she'd been nearby when he and Luppi had torn into each other.
It doesn't really matter, she's doing what she's told: leading him into the bowels of the shinigami military base (a stupid fuckin' idea, but Harribel insisted) to assess the arrancar currently he'd captive.
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"Smells like I'm goin' the right way." He challenges her. The scent of arrancar blood is thick enough, and distinct enough, for him not to miss despite the overpowering stench of disinfectant and bleach.
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
@deivorous says:
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//Honestly, no idea!
//I don't really have a firm grasp on Mayuri's character like I do with others. If I had to give a ballpark, I'd say it depends how it was done.
//I think if Mayuri was made to feel it was an affront to him, he'd retaliate, which is I feel like is pretty easy to do since he's like any other egomaniac. But at the same time, the way I portray Nemu, I think she's intelligent & independent enough to figure something out to leave without incurring something horrific.
//I think maaayyybe Mayuri could be tricked, persuaded, or intimidated into releasing Nemu as well. I think deception & intimidation would be bad ideas! But not entirely unviable.
//I wish I had like... more details to give since Nemu leaving yonbantai is a neat idea, but truthfully, I haven't given it much thought. I wouldn't say it ENTERTAINS me to see Nemu suffer, but it is interesting to write her as victim & victimizer, since it's a very unique situation to write.
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
//I feel bleh like for an ask
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
//I feel bleh like for an ask
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
What's your most important hc for Nemu?
//I don't know if it's a headcanon as much as it is meta?
//Anyway, I don't believe Nemu is an inherently cruel person, but the circumstances of her birth have made her as much victimizer as she is victim. Her entire life has been juuniibantai & the horrors Mayuri conducts within it & her weirdness is definitely a product of it.
//But her weirdness isn't based on a complete disregard of human wellbeing & the sanctity of life. The majority of her time is spent just doing her job, & at worst, her weirdness comes from curiosity. For instance-- Nemu isn't going to enucleate you for your screams or to feel your eye rolling around in her palm or to see what she can do to "improve" upon it, she wants to know what the back side looks like, & then neatly put it back in working order as it was before.
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
would Nemu ever except a transfer to another division? Either as a lieutenant or as a captain?
//In a heartbeat.
//This is just hc on this blog, but Nemu ends up not only as Mayuri's servant & lab partner, but ends up doing both their jobs as captain & lieutenant. Like even for a superhuman, she's spread too thin, especially for shit she has no passion in.
//Personally I think she'd do well in yonbantai. Not necessarily captain, lieutenant, or even as a healer but as like... admin, tech, data entry. Something where she doesn't have to actually Do Shit & instead gets to fiddle with nonentities in peace. Or just the chores the division is shafted with.
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
Does Nemu have a zanpakuto in any capacity?
//Yes! It's gross. I covered it here
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
//u know ur bored when ud rather be iconing than This
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
//nemu doing weird gross shit is my Lifeblood
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
//like for a nem ask?
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
//anon is off for now
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
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//I want to do nem things... but sleeby
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nanagouu-archived · 1 year
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//aight i will be on meowmeow Sporadically for Gay Shit but if my new followers wanna chat on disc it's zucchinifroot#6891
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