naptimeblog · 29 days
You were once a young, fresh twenty something, your ass probably rocked, and your boobs stood where they were supposed to. You where, let's be honest, hot. And then you met him, he dazzled you with a smile, and he could make you laugh even when the world seemed to be at its worst. Flash forward seven years forward your married, have a baby, and suddenly your ass is not rocking like it used to, and after breastfeeding and infant for 9 months... well, let's just say your boobs are not in the same place anymore.
Yeah, that was my experience too, and if it was yours, we'll aren't you the luckiest of ducks; But reality is, this. This is what most women go through. You get pregnant, and you have to get to know this body. Now here's the thing... why is that a bad thing?
Yes, this body is not my 21 year old body. It has stretch marks, my hips are now wider, and I'm no longer a size 3. You know what, though? I'm also not 21. I'm now 28 with a baby, I have a mom body. A beautiful body that produced life and gave me and my husband a family. So why should I hate this body because it doesn't look like a model? Not even modles look like modles.
Now, that's not to say that I've had some issues going forward. Trust me, I have cried in the dressing room countless times over my body and why the clothes weren't looking how they were supposed to. You know why they didn't look right, though? Because I was shopping for the body I used to have and not the one I am currently in.
The moment I stopped mourning my old size body, and learned to dress the one I have, I have never loved the way I look more. Sometimes you need that boost, because I am not perfect. I'm so far from it, but me and my mom body and I are beautiful.
Dress for you, and let's remember the clothes should fit you, not you fit the clothes. If those jeans don't fit, it's time for new jeans. This is not to say don't exercise and eat right, but do it because that's what makes you feel good not because society says you got to bounce back after pushing a human out of you.
This is my body now, and I love every inch of it because it gave me the most greatest gift, my child.
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naptimeblog · 29 days
It's okay to be okay.
Okay...raise your hand if this relates to you. You are at home, and your infant/toddler just went down for a nap begrudgingly. There's snacks all over the kitchen floor, and the bed is a mess. Toys litter your living room floor. You haven't eaten all morning, and you can't remember the last time you have drank a warm cup of coffee. At this moment you turn on tiktok to have a little brake and there you see a beautiful mom, with a clean house, making (from scratch by the way) granola and yogurt for her not one not even two but four, I repeat four, toddlers. And you suddenly feel like an incapable mom... I bet you raised your hand, huh?
Don't fret. My hand is raised, too. Listen, the reality is we are all out here doing our best, and just like the moddles in magazines and Instagram, that prefect "aesthetic" mom on tiktok is not reality. Yet it still gets to us because we want to be perfect even when perfection is unattainable. Why do we want it? We want it because that's what everyone has told us we should want, that we need to want.
Well, I'm done being trying to be the "aesthetic" perfect mom and I'm going to just be the best mom I can be that day. I honestly came to this realization, ironically, after watching a tik video of a mom saying how watching bluey made her feel like an inferior parent (been there, don't lie you have too) because she couldn't play with her kids like Bandit and Chilli do, then she came to the realization that each episode is only 7 minutes long. That means that out of their days they give undivided attention to their children for 7 minutes, even then sometimes we see them struggle to be good parents to, not even them as cartoons are perfect, so why the he'll should I be.
I love my daughter, love her more than I could express, but sometimes I wonder why I became a mom or if I'm cut out for it. The truth is, though, even on my most imperfect mom days, in the eyes of that 9 month old baby, I'm perfect. If my 9 month old thinks I'm perfect without making yogurt and granola from scratch... well, then maybe I should start seeing myself through her baby eyes and give myself a break. Maybe we all should. Maybe, just maybe, it's okay to be just okay.
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