naruto-harem-things · 2 years
This is a redo of what I think the boys pet names for Naruto would be and what kind of partner they are
Shikamaru - Shikamaru is the type of person that would always tease and flirt with Naruto whenever he was misbehaving or just over all being annoying, he also likes laying on Naruto’s lap and watching the clouds - Darling, dear, love
Gaara - He definitely does almost anything Naruto asks him to, if Naruto asked him to destroy a random village he probably would, he is very much a golden retriever, he likes making necklaces out of pretty rocks he finds for Naruto - Mi amor or my love
Neji - The mother, always takes care of Naruto and is very affectionate and loving with the ramen simp, he lets Naruto play with his hair a lot and Naruto loves braiding his hair and putting flowers in it - Love and darling
Sasuke - Gets jealous very easily and is overprotective of Naruto, would always hold Naruto’s hand while they are out and about, when they are alone Sasuke is really affectionate and loves cuddling with Naru - Babe/baby and sometimes kitten
Lee - Very much a chaotic duo, they feed of each others stupidity, Lee is one of the most affectionate people with Naruto, loves cuddles and his favorite place to kiss Naruto is the back of his hand he, likes to help Naruto with his taijutsu - Pebble or love
Sai - Sai will flirt with and tease Naruto at any chance he can get, loves getting really touchy and just all up in Naruto’s space, when he’s not tormenting the boy he is drawing him or trying to come up with new pickup likes to use on Naru-chan - Sexy, sweetheart, cutie, darling, babe/baby
Shino - When they are out in public Shino will often stay close to Naruto and doesn’t show much affection other than occasionally holding hands and gentle kisses on the cheek, when they are alone Shino loves to rest his head on Naruto’s shoulder or lap, he loves listening to Naruto rant and tell stories- Honey or love
Kiba - Another chaotic duo, though not as chaotic as Leenaru, Kiba will constantly ask for cuddles or head pats, will start to flirt and get really touchy out of the blue and loves seeing the reactions that Naruto has, they go on long walks around town and love to walk around at night - Foxy, kitsune, puppy
Kankuro - Treats Naruto like a child, constantly ruffling his hair and always asks for permission for things like cuddles or hugs, makes wooden carvings and gifts them to Naruto - Babe, prince, doll
Kakashi - Is always affectionate, it doesn’t matter where they are or who they are with, Kakashi is always showing his love to Naruto, he loves playing with Naruto’s hair and his favorite place to kiss Naruto is on the nose, he is also a closet perv - Sweetheart, darling, baby
Itachi - Like Sasuke he gets jealous very easily but doesn’t show us as much as Sasuke does, he loves to sneak up on Naruto and hug him from behind, he likes cooking for Naruto and will make what ever it is the boy is craving, usually ramen, he will always pretend to take out little pieces of his heart and sprinkle it on the food whenever he serves it to Naruto - Sunshine
Deidera - Loves making clay sculptures for Naruto (non explosive ones obviously) and Naruto keeps them all on display in his room (Naruto loves gifts), Deidera loves to take Naruto on flights with his clay birds, also he once almost blew up a town because someone had insulted Naruto - Utsukushī (beautiful in Japanese) or dove
Sasori - They don’t go out in public much but when they do Sasori tends to look at anyone who shows even a slight interest in Naruto with murderous intent, their favorite place to be is at a water fall that drops into a lake that turns into a river in the middle of a large forest, there is a grassy island in the middle of the lake where Sasori likes to sit and either make puppets or watch Naruto play in the water or pick flowers, they like to cuddle on the island and look at the clouds, Naruto will also make flower crowns for him and Sasori - doll, love, prince
Hidan - When it comes to Naruto, Hidan can be bit of a pervert, much like Sai he gets kinda up in Naruto’s space and and gets pretty touchy, he kisses Naruto’s neck a lot and loves to see how flustered Naruto gets, when he’s not being a perv he loves just being close to Naruto, it doesn’t matter really what they are doing as long as he is near Naruto, and yes he sacrificed a quarter of a small town for Naruto in the name of love -  Succubus (he calls him this just to mess with him), sweetheart, little fox
Obito - ADHD, they are chaotic in the best way, they match each other’s energy perfectly and get along so well together, they love to cuddle and be affectionate everywhere, their favorite thing to do together is go foraging in the woods and Obito has a pet frog names James, Naruto loves James, they have matching pajamas and love to exchange fidgets and cool rocks that they find, they are very cute - Foxy, Chibi-chan, my sweet, light of my life, love
Adding a new one
Madara - Like Sai and Hidan but worse, Naruto can not go one moment without getting flustered bye this hunk of a man, Madara also likes to give Naruto little gifts like tiny glass animals, rocks, and antiques, he enjoys spoiling Naruto and will often take him out of Konoha to take him shopping - Sweetheart, baby, darling (with a hard r)
If there was anyone that you want to suggest I add onto this list just tell me, I don’t have much better to do
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naruto-harem-things · 2 years
Sai: *grabs Naruto’s chin* I can make some beautiful art out of you
Deidera: Um I think the fuck not *grabs Naruto away from Sai* Besides I can make much better art out of my  precious Naru-Chan than you can
Sasori: *Appears out of nowhere and grabs Naruto’s waist and pulls him towards himself* I believe that I would make the best art from my little puppet here
Naruto: *Has no idea what’s going on and is just very confused*
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naruto-harem-things · 2 years
Head cannon that Naruto has adhd and Shikamaru noticed Naruto fidgeting with just about anything he could get his hands on so he bought him a lot of different fidget toys like anxiety rings, slime, yeetecs, etc.
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naruto-harem-things · 2 years
I’m pretty new here but this is what I think the boys pet names/nicknames for Naruto would be
Neji- Darling or love
Lee- Pebble
Sasuke- babe/baby and sometimes kitten
Shikamaru- Dear or darling
Kiba- Foxy or kitsune
Gaara- My love or mi amor
Kankuro- Babe or prince
Kakashi- Sweetheart or princess
Sai- Sexy, cutie, or babe
Shino- Honey (he would only say this in private)
Itachi- Sunshine
Deidara- Utsukushī (beautiful in Japanese) or dove
Sasori- Doll
Obito- Foxy, chibi-chan, or angle
Hidan- Succubus or sweetheart
Let me know if I missed anyone
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