naturesnun · 4 years
✨👼 angel numbers 👼✨
the meanings behind those synchronistic #’s you keep seeing!! the universe loves to fuck us up with it’s numerical messages. 💝
1111, 111, 11:11 - a reminder that you create your own reality so be aware of your thoughts, beliefs, actions, and intentions. you’re on the path of manifesting your truest self and beginning a spiritual awakening! make a wish bitch! 
2222, 222, 2:22 - miracles are coming your way, seek balance, prepare for a fresh beginning. something you’ve been wanting is about to manifest, make sure it’s really what you want! you might also be manifesting a soulmate or twin flame at this time. 
3333, 333, 3:33 -  reconnect your mind body and spirit. you are being protected by the universe/ your guides/your angels/whatever you believe in. use your gifts/talents & focus your purpose. the ascended masters are with you. make a fucking decision. 
4444, 444, 4:44 - honor your body. you may have just met someone who’s a part of your soul family. you are being fully supported in your journey, you’re going through a spiritual ascension, listen to your intuition, trust in the process, your at harmony w/ the universe!
5555, 555, 5:55 - remember that your life has worth and significance. prepare for major change! trust your choices and make them for the right reason. be open & stay positive. 
6666, 666 - be conscious of the ripple affect your words & actions create, realign them with the universe. dream big babe & transform your life through positive thinking. this is a wakeup call to check your attitude! 
7777, 777 - you’re becoming your best self! congratulation, you’re also flowing in perfect harmony with the universe. if you’ve been reading a lot about spirituality, now is the time to put all that info to use. live a spiritual life!
8888, 888 - giving giving giving and receiving x10! you have knowledge and talents to share. find your greatest sense of purpose through giving the universe will reward you! your mindset of abundance is manifesting opportunities!
9999, 999 - closure & release. you need to let go of something in order to invite abundance into your life. justice is coming to help your ass. if you’ve had an ex on your mind, leave them behind and let karma do it’s shit! also, embrace who you are and abandon any superficial labels. 
1010, 10:10 - shit is working out in your highest good & you’re moving towards a new life path. a spiritual awakening is bringing you closer to the divine. take action towards the success you desire, your goals are being supported. 
1212, 12:12 - your dreams are being manifested right now! your wish has been received, all you have to do is stay positive. remember that your thoughts have power. you’re in the middle of a spiritual awakening! 
1234, 12:34 - the releasing of physical, spiritual, or emotional baggage! the universe is decluttering your life to give you spiritual clarity. you’re being lead to your soul purpose! you are a part of something greater now. 
reblog w/ your favorite angel number(s) and what they mean to you. I love hearing synchronicity stories! 💖💖💖
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naturesnun · 4 years
Spirit guides --- tarot spread ---
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💜Your spirit guides are here, right now. 
They’re an inevitable part of our existence but we might be still learning to be aware of their presence. Wise advice popped up in your mind, sudden turn to the unknown street to bring you to the amazing place, strange butterfly, symbols hidden in bus numbers.
There is an immense dramatic element to be here, on this earth, carrying the grandness of your soul, with all that stories, karma, dimensions, previous lives, and trying to manage in the same time - soul mission, releasing karma, integrating aspects and aspects of self, merging with soulmates, helping humanity, helping Earth and yet not forgetting to take care of yourself. 
💜We’re not supposed to go alone.
Your soul is weaved with all the beings out there - they speak to you, merge with your feelings, guide and bring all of you together, they root for you, love you. They’re your portals and main teachers, your soul family, they can be you.
Put spirit radio on, tune into the vibes you need nowadays.
***Spirit guides tarot spread can be a lot, just a lot of everything***
🔮 know the spirit guides connecting with you at present moment: ancestors and animal spirits, ascendant masters, angels, extraterrestrial beings, your Higher self
🔮 be aware of ways they connect with you, purpose and mystery of your connection - here you can learn about own unique abilities and psychic predispositions + study your personal myth and history 
🔮 find out how you can deepen connection with the spirit guides 
🔮 find out what is blocking you from connecting with the spirit guides and how to work through that
🔮 get messages from the spirit guides, something they’re trying to convey to you at present moment - it can be anything, from very practical things to mysterious revelations 
🔮 if you’ve a question to your guides this spread can be a portal trough which you can try to get an answer 
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This spread needs highly intuitive or psychic reading, you’re definitely going to decipher the specific ways the spirit guides use to speak through tarot. 
Some ideas to begin with:
Lay down cards 1-9 first and interpret them. 
1 - basically this is you, your current state in general or in regard to the spirit guides - your feelings, expectations, attitude.
Major Arcana or court cards represents the spirit guides
Minor Arcana cards: all about your connection with the spirit guides (if this is what you’re interested in), 
messages for you (especially if you’re asking your guides specific question) 
Depending on 1-9 cards, you can lay down a-p cards. Consider to do that especially when there are no spirit guides among 1-9 cards. 
a-p cards can be interpreted differently from 1-9 cards, as spiritual work need to be done, challenges to overcome, interference to clear away.
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naturesnun · 5 years
✨ Cleansing Masterpost ✨
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🌟 [Visual Cleansing] 🌟 [Easy Cleansing Spray] 🌟 [Hekate Shower Cleansing] 🌟 [Cleansing Methods] 🌟 [When You Should Cleanse Yourself and/or Your Space] 🌟 [Cleansing in Witchcraft] 🌟 [Life Cleanse - What I did] 🌟 [Cleansing Chant] 🌟 [How To Cleanse Your Room of Bad Energy] 🌟 [Wind Cleansing] 🌟 [Energy Clearing and Infusing] 🌟 [Cleansing…] 🌟 [Cleansing Your Space Without Smoke]
Herb Correspondences
dragon’s blood
bay laurel
Crystal Correspondences
Black Tourmaline
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naturesnun · 6 years
The Mars Signs - Your will, aggression and sex drive
Mars is the counterpart of Venus, it is the planet of action and assertion. It is how we express our aggression and what triggers our anger. It also represents our sex drives.
Aries Mars: Mars in Aries tend to be very bold and competitive. They are very impatient and can be reckless, they often act before thinking. They are typically attracted to macho men or dominant women
Taurus Mars: Mars in Taurus is very stubborn and determined in their pursuits. They are very resentful and don’t forget things easily. They are slow to anger but when angry are ferocious. They are generally attracted to sensual people.
Gemini Mars: Mars in Gemini are sharp with their words, they are very high strung and impatient. They are very restless and often wastes their time with issues. They are attracted to well spoken smooth talkers.
Cancer Mars: Mars in Cancer are very protective and emotionally demanding. They tend to beat around the bush and can be manipulative without noticing. They are attracted to protective partners.
Leo Mars: Mars in Leo quick tempered and proud, they are dramatic in their assertion and have a tendency to be arrogant. They are attracted to power.
Virgo Mars: Mars in Virgo are very restrained and cautious, they analyze the situation before acting. They pay attention to detail and are attracted to practical partners.
Libra Mars: Mars in Libra constantly try to mediate situations, making them less assertive as the other signs, they are adaptable and persuasive and attracted to charming people.
Scorpio Mars: Mars in Scorpio are powerfully assertive. They are jealous people with a flair for manipulation. Like their sister sign Taurus, they can be resentful. They have a strong libido and are attracted to enigmatic partners.
Sagittarius Mars: Mars in Sagittarius are loud in their assertion, they are energetic and bold. They tend to exaggerate and can often be tactless. They are adventurous and are attracted to free spirits.
Capricorn Mars: Mars in Capricorn are determined and ambitious with a strong sex drive. They are determined, relentless and hard working and are attracted to success.
Aquarius Mars: Mars in Aquarius is radical and unpredictable, they are strong willed and idealistic. They channel passion and are attracted to mavericks.
Pisces Mars: Mars in Pisces is self-sacrificial and imaginative. Their assertion is fluid and they can be sidetracked easily. They have a strong sex drive and are attracted to fantasy partners.
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naturesnun · 6 years
On Worshipping Hades
There are a ton of posts out there for signs and symbols, offerings and all that. Regardless, I’m making this post because Hades is the God I receive the most asks about, and this post was highly requested.
The Basics
Coins & other money (traditionally gold or brass, but all money works)
Stones, especially dark, jagged stones
Alcohol, especially wine
Milk or Water
Herbs: cypress, mint, myrrh, patchouli, bay, pumpkin, yew, wormwood, cinnamon, lavender, willow, oak
Flowers: marigold, dandelion, rose, lily, daisies, rowan, poppy, daffodils, calendulas 
Oils, especially olive oils and vinegars
Salts and spices
Shells or bones of the earth
Teas, especially blacks and oolongs
Breads or cakes
Fruits, such as apples and pomegranates
Meat (especially lamb)
Incenses: frankincense, myrrh, wormwood, sandalwood, cinnamon, rose, pomegranate
Candles: black, grey or silver
Dogs (Cerberus, specifically), black lambs, serpents and screech owls
Precious jewels, money, metals
Cypress, white asphodel, mint, narcissus
Drinking horn
Helm of darkness
Black, grey, silver, gold
Autumn and Winter
Cemeteries, crossroads, forests, caves and mines
Ideas for the Altar:
Black mirror
Black cloth
Dark stones, such as hematite, onyx, obsidian, jet and the like
Dirt from outside, or graveyard dirt
Black, grey or silver candles
Flowers (dried works well too)
Bones (ethically sourced)
Representations of any of His symbols, listed above
Money, especially rare coins
Silver, or other precious metals
Family heirlooms
Active Practice
Worship Etiquette:
As with all chthonic deities, offerings are usually poured down. Offerings that float up (such as incense) are less common, but can be used.
Food offerings are usually buried instead of eaten. However, if need be, you may eat them.
Offerings are often buried, poured down the drain, or into the trash. This is done to ‘complete’ the offering.
This is very traditional, but I want to include it for extra information. In a temple with a roof, offerings would often be left by His feet all day and then during at night. Also, since the Mycenaean period, priests of Άδης would rhythmically pound their hands on the ground whilst praying to Him. I will sometimes tap (not pound) my head to the floor while praying in honor of this tradition.
As always, be polite. Hades will forgive any mistakes with a forgiveness offerings and continued respect.
Ideas for Active Worship:
Saving money, and spending it wisely
Cleaning litter from cemeteries, and tending to old graves
Offerings to the dead, as well as money to the spirits of the dead to let them pass on, and donating the physical change
Collecting crystals and stones
Making an altar to tend dead spirits
Studying other cultures’ burial methods and cemetery rites
Donating to burial, mortuary or funeral services
If you communicate to spirits, treat them kindly and help them move on
Ancestral worship
Devotional poems and artwork
Dedicating items to Him, such as jewelry, a wand, or a specific bone
Working with death energy and dying plants during autumn and winter
Caring for dogs kindly
Reflecting on your thoughts and emotions on death 
Helping others who have experienced loss
Frequently Asked or Requested Information
Hades can help with:
Fears about death or dying
Suicidal tendencies
Chronic illness
Money and business
Moving on 
Releasing regrets, guilt, and past relationships
Seasonal worship and practice
Earth magic and herb work
Recovery from trauma
Spirit work, namely spirits of the dead
You DO NOT need to:
Be a spirit worker or death worker in order to work with Him
Swear an oath with Him, unless you’re 110% sure to commit
Be a devotee in order to worship Him
Only worship Him
Speak super formally to Him
Be someone you’re not in order to worship Him
You DO need to:
Honor Him
Be respectful
More Questions I’ve Answered
What are more DO’s and DON’T’s?
How do I know it’s Hades and not someone else?
I want to devote! How can I?
What if I can’t give extravagant offerings?
I can’t bury His food offerings
I feel like He’s not listening
I think I’ve fallen in love with Hades
Easy ways to start worshipping
I’m closeted, and want to devote
More tips for closeted worship
What are some modern things Hades would like?
How does Hades feel about cursing?
I was taught to fear Hades … 
What do I even say to Him?
Do you have any tips or advice for someone wanting to become more involved with death magic and Hades?
Are there any Gods Hades wouldn’t want to be worshipped alongside?
How do you pray to Him through journal?
Advice on devoteeing
For more information on worshipping Hades–espeically devoteeism and oaths–you can check out this zine I published about Him, Pleading to Hades.
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naturesnun · 6 years
I’ve got another quick and easy tarot trick for y’all! The featured card for this one is The Hermit because I always associate it with taking time to care for yourself. 1. Find The Hermit in your deck. 2. The card below is what’s stressing or draining you. 3. The card above is something you can do for yourself.
hope it helps make somebody’s day a bit better!
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naturesnun · 6 years
How to Do Witchcraft Research for Newbies
Basic search:
Get off Tumblr. (I know, it’s hard.)
Direct your browser to Google.com.
Choose the main keywords of your question. For example, “what is calendula good for in witchcraft?” might be parsed as “calendula witchcraft magickal correspondences”.
Hit enter.
For more in depth research, try these sites:
JSTOR.org, if you have access to it.
Online public library catalogs to find books. (Search your county and “public library.”)
Amazon Kindle. It can be put on your computer for free, there is a Cloud Reader online and a free smartphone app. Filter by price and you can find witchcraft and occult ebooks for free through a few simple searches.
Google Books for the same purpose. (There is a shit ton here, btw, I use it all the time.)
Scribd.com for the same purpose.
Cornell University online witchcraft collection.
Hermetic.com for public domain magick texts.
Sacred-texts.com for all sorts of neat shit.
Alchemy-works.com for magickal lore on plants.
Search your county’s website for weed/plant information to get a list of things growing in your area.
Some tips to aid in research:
Use your browser’s bookmarks.
Use the Amazon wishlist to keep track of titles, or to keep an eye on titles that are occasionally offered for free on Kindle.
Look around on publishers, like LuLu, Immanion Press, etc, for self-published material.
Cross reference with lots of sources to keep on top of the BS.
Take good notes.
Dirty experience/field work is better than reading/book work.
Mkay? After you’ve done all that, come back and ask about what you still can’t find. (Trust me, you’ll find most of it, if not all and more.) You have no fucking excuse to be on Tumblr asking about the basics of paganism or what such and such plant does for witchcraft, or how to summon demons. Harassing people for basic knowledge gets you nowhere. There is so much out there even just online. You do not need the newest, shiniest books by the most popular authors. You do not need to attack people when they tell you to go research on your own. The information is right fucking there. Now go get it.
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naturesnun · 6 years
Here’s a fundamental instruction in performing any act of magick:
Decide what you want to occur.
Ensure that what you want to occur has a means of manifestation.
Choose an experience.
Decide that the experience means the same thing as what you want to occur.
Perform the act / undergo the experience.
Alan Chapman, Advanced Magick for Beginners (London: Aeon Books Ltd, 2008), 37.
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naturesnun · 6 years
(New) Index of Religions
This is not an exhaustive list of everything that exists in the world, only of what is on this blog so far; Additions, editions, and new content will be listed on this page. (Post edited 1/19/2018)
Abrahamic Religions:
Judaism -Orthodox (Yeshivah, Hasidic/Haredim, Breslov, Chabad) -Conservative -Reform -Reconstructionist -Humanistic -Kabbalah (Mysticism) -Karaism (Lithuanian) -Shabbetaianism -Misc.: Abayudaya, Afghani, Amazigh, Ashkenazi, Bebe, Bukharian, Bulgarian, Cochin, Eritrean, Ethiopian, Falash Mura, Igbo, Iranian, Iraqi, Japanese, Kaifeng, Libyan, Mizrahi, Moroccan, Sephardi, Tunisian, Yemeni
Christianity -Eastern Orthodoxy (Antiochian, Armenian, Chinese, Coptic, Ethiopian, Eritrean, Greek, Indian, Oriental, Romanian, Russian, Rwandan, Serbian) -Catholicism (Ambrosian, Chaldean, Chinese, Coptic, Croatian, Ge’ez, Greek, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Maronite, Melkite, Pakistani, Syro-Malabar; Nueva Jerusalen “cult”) -Protestantism (Amish, Anabaptist, Anglican, Assemblies of God, Baptist, Calvinism, Christadelphian, Disciples of Christ, Episcopalian, Foursquare Church, German Baptist Brethren, Holy Ghost People, Hutterite, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, Moravian, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, River Brethren, Shakers) -Adamites -Aladura (syncretic: Anglican & African) -Bardaisanites -Brethren of the Free Spirit -Catharism -Christadelphianism -Christian Atheism -Christian Science -Christopaganism -Donatism (North African) -Ebionites -Jehovah’s Witnesses -Millerites -Mormonism (Aaronic Order, Apostolic United Brethren, Bickertonite, Church of Christ, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Community of Christ, Restoration Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, United Order Effort) -Nestorianism -Quakers (Religious Society of Friends)
Islam -Sunni (Hanabali, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafai’i) -Shi’a (Alawites, Alevism, Ismaili, Twelver, Zaidi) -Ahmadi Muslims -Ibadi Muslims -Khajirite -Moorish Science Temple of America -Mourid -Nation of Islam -Quranist -Salafism -Sufism (Mysticism- Bosnian, Chinese, Cuban, Japanese, Macedonian, Mexican) -Wahhabism
Babism -Azali
Marian Religions: Collyridianism, Ebionism, Helvidianism, Nestorianism, Valentinianism
Dharmic/Indian Religions:
Hinduism (& Vedic Religion) (Sanatana Dharma) -Shaivism -Vaishnavism (ISKCON) -Shaktism (Yellamma cult) -ISKCON (Hare Krishna) -Samkhya -Smartism -Mimamsa -Misc.: Bali, Cham (Vietnam), Ghana, Ramnamis, South Africa, Thailand
Buddhism -Mahayana (Huayan School, Jodo Shu, Nichiren Buddhism, Nyingma School, Pure Land, Sakya School, Tendai/Tiantai Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, True Buddha School) -Theravada -Vajrayana (Tantra, Tibetan) -Zen/Chan (Chinese, Japanese) -Falun Dafa/Falun Gong “cult”
Jainism -Digambara -Svetambara
Sikhi (Sikhism) -Akhand Kirtani Jatha -Kes Dhari -Namdhari -Nirankari -Sahaj Dari -Misc.: Brahm Bunga Trust, Dam Dami Taksal, Gurdwara Tapoban Ontario, Happy Healthy Holy, International Institute of Gurmat Studies, Neeldhari Panth, Nihang Akali, Nirmala, Radha Soami, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, Sikh Dharma International, Sindhi, Udasi
Mahima Dharma
Meivazhi (synretic- Tamil Nadu, India)
African/African Diaspora Spiritual Traditions & People:
Akan (West African- Ghana & Ivory Coast)
Aladura (syncretic: Anglican & African)
Ancient Egyptian
Ashanti (West African- Ghana)
Atenism (Ancient Egyptian monotheism)
Bamileke (Cameroon)
Berber (Moroccan- Amazigh)
Bori (Nigerian)
Bororo (Cameroon)
Candomble (Brazilian- diaspora)
Carthaginian (Carthage/Tunisia)
Galla (Ethiopian)
Igbo (Nigeria)
Kemeticism (Egyptian revivalist)
Kikuyu (Kenya)
Malagasy (Madagascar)
Moorish Science Temple of America
Obeah (Caribbean- diaspora)
Palo Mayombe (Syncretic- Catholicism, Congolese, Santeria)
Quimbanda (diaspora)
Rastafarianism (Jamaican)
Santeria (Cuban- diaspora)
Suri (Ethiopian)
Umbanda (Brazilian- diaspora)
Voodoo/Vodoun (Caribbean; Haitian, Benin)
Yoruba (Nigerian)
Misc.: Asante, Efe, Ibibi, Luba, Mbuti, Yaka, Zulu
Asian Religions & People:
Bon/ Bon Po (Indigenous Tibetan religion)
Bontoc (Indigenous Philippines)
Caodaism (Vietnamese)
Cheondoism (Korean)
Chinese Folk Religion (Shenism)
Confucianism (Chinese, Korean)
Dao Mau (Vietnamese)
Evenks (Indigenous- China, Mongolia, Russia)
Hmong (China, Laos, Vietnam)
Ifugao (Philippines)
Juche (North Korean ideology/”cult”)
Kejawen (Javanese)
Monguor (Chinese)
Muism (Korean)
Onmyodo (Japanese)
Phillipines: Indigenous
Ryukyuan (Okinawan)
Sanshin (Korean)
Sarnaism (Indian)
Shenism (Chinese folk religion)
Shinshukyo (Japanese- syncretic)
Shinto (Japanese) -Jinja -Konkokyo
Shugendo (Japanese indigenous- syncretic)
Siberian (Indigenous) -Buryat -Dolgan -Evenki -Sakha -Ulchi
Tana Toraja (Indonesian)
Taoism/Daoism -Wu Wei
Tenrikyo (Japanese monotheism)
Vedic Religion (ancient Indian)
Vietnamese Folk Religion
Wuism (Chinese)
Yakut (Siberian)
Yiguandao (Chinese)
Australian Cultures & People:
Australian Aboriginal
European Religions, Mythology, & People:
Albanian mythology
Arthurian mythology
Asatru (Nordic)
Baltic mythology
Basque mythology
Celtic mythology (Irish, Scottish, Welsh)
Church of the Last Testament (Russian cult)
Damanhur “cult”
Dievturiba (Latvian)
Druidism (Neo-druidry)
Epicureanism (Greek philosophy)
Etseg Din
Finnish mythology
Forn Seid (Nordic)
Greek mythology
Hellenism (ancient and revivalist Greek & Roman religions) Hellenic cults: Eleusinian Mysteries; Asclepius, Charites, Dioscuri, Eros, Hades, Hekate, Heracles, Muses, Pan, Rhea, & Tyche cults
Kukeri (Bulgarian)
Lokean (Nordic)
Mari (Russian)
Minoan (ancient Crete)
Mithraism (ancient Roman cult)
Norse mythology, paganism, & Heathenry (Nordic)
Religio romana (Roman religion/paganism)
Rodnovery (Slavic: Russian, Ukrainian, Polish)
Roman mythology
Romuva (Lithuanian)
Sami (Indigenous: Scandinavia, Russia)
Sicilian Folk Religion
Stoicism (Greek)
Stregheria (Italian witchcraft)
Vanatru (Nordic)
Mesoamerican Religions & People:
Mexican Folk Religion (See also: Cults) -Jesus Malverde -Narco -Santa Muerte
Nahuatl (Aztec, etc.)
Seri (Native people, also in SW U.S.)
Middle Eastern Religions & People:
Armenian mythology
Ashurism (ancient Assyrian)
Babylonian mythology
Canaanite mythology
Collyridianism (pre-Islamic Arabia)
Ebionism (heretical early Christian movement)
Etseg Din (eastern Iranian folk)
Hetanism (Armenian paganism)
Manichaeism (ancient Gnostic Persian religion)
Mesopotamian mythology
Pre-Islamic polytheism (ancient Arabian paganism; Wathanism)
Ugaritic (Canaanite)
Valentinianism (heretical Gnostic)
Wathanism (ancient Arabian paganism)
Yazdanism (Kurdish: Yarsanism) -Yezidi/Yazidi (people)
Zoroastrianism (Persian & Parsi)
North American People & Cultures:
Native American Church
Nez Perce
Sioux (Dakota, Lakota, Nakota)
Yup’ik (Alaskan)
Oceanic Religions & People:
Maori (New Zealand)
Marquesas Islands
Mentawai (Sumatra)
New Guinea
Polynesian mythology (Maori)
South American Religions & People:
Achagua (Indigenous- Colombia & Venezuela)
Chilean mythology (Chile)
Difunta Correa (Venezuela)
Kogi (Indigenous- Colombia)
Kyikateje-gaviao (Brazilian)
Mapuche (Chile & Argentina)
Maria Lionza (Venezuela- syncretic)
Muisca (Colombia)
Munduruku (Brazilian)
Q’ero (Peru)
Quyllurit’i (Peru)
Santo Daime
Yanomamo (Venezuela)
Misc.: Candomble, Santeria, Umbanda
Cults: -Church of the Last Testament -Damanhur -Difunta Correa (Folk) -Falun Dafa/Falun Gong -Heaven’s Gate (UFO/Suicide) -Jesus Malverde (Folk/Narco) -John Frum Movement (Cargo) -Juche (Political) -Maria Lionza (Folk) -Master Handan -Narco/Santa Muerte -Nueva Jerusalen -Santos Malandros -Scientology -The Kingston Group (Mormon)
Cultus deorum Americam (Modern American Paganism)***
Elevationism/ International Church of Cannabis
Folk Religion: China, Congo, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korean, Kyrgyzstan, Lakota, Laos, Madagascar, Mexico, Ossetia, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Seto, Sicily, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Ukraine, Vietnam
John Frum Movement (“cargo cult”)
Paganism (Neo paganism)
Satanism -Demonolators -Devil Worship -Duotheism -Laveyan (Church of Satan) -Luciferianism -Theistic Satanism
UFO Religions: Aetherius Society, Church of the SubGenius (P*), Heaven’s Gate, Nuwaubian, Raelism, Scientology
Unitarian Universalism
(P*) indicates a parody religion. Parody religions are not typically included here due to their mockery of “actual” religions; in this case, Discordianism is debatable, while the SubGenius Church was part of a group post. Others such as Pastafarianism (or the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster) will not be included on this blog.
PSA: This list is first and foremost for me, so I can keep track of all of my tags and see what is/is not already included. If something is listed more than once, there is a reason for it; it is not a mistake, it is just my personal filing system. I only like to publicize this list for the benefit of followers.
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naturesnun · 6 years
Once you realize you’re a witch, witchcraft will always call to you.
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naturesnun · 6 years
You can never explain to your former faith that the water is fine. That you went past the forbidden gate, and entered the forbidden water, and it is good, and healing, and refreshing.
They have been told the water is not fine. The water is poison. The water will make you sick, make your bones turn brittle and your skin melt off. But you cannot use your health as proof of their error. Because they have a new answer now: it was a slow poison all along and one day those who entered the water will die a painful, gasping death with the water as the cause.
And when no one dies from the water, you still cannot tell them its fine. Because there’s another answer, too: that the water will get you after your dead, that the consequences are invisible, incomprehensible, known only on the other side of life.
There will always be another answer for why the water is poison, even if there is no proof. So all you can do is immerse yourself in the water. Find healing in it. Recognize that all along the forbidden gate was lying to you. Even if no one comes with you.
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naturesnun · 6 years
Witch Tip ✨
Washing your front door with basil and mint water can help clear the path for abundance and prosperity to find you more easily! 🌿
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naturesnun · 6 years
Tenets of the Gods
Baldr: The brightness of life. Let your presence be inspiring and beautiful to all. Allow your joy to radiate from within and become your aura. Bragi: Believe in the power of your words. Speak carefully with thought and precision. Let your praise empower and strengthen, and your insults dishearten and wither. Eir: Seek the cure. Help those in need, and offer comfort in whatever form you can. Reject the corruption of disease, any affliction can be treated and healed with the right approach. Fenrir: Destroy your chains and those who forge them. Never be cowed or submit in fear, reason should be met with respect but dominion with insurrection. Forseti: Deliver the beneficial compromise. Let peace be brokered and unnecessary conflict be evaded, good faith be honoured and deception be castigated. Freyja: Bask in your glory and empowerment. Let pleasure be a virtue, and self-determination be the basis of your strength. Revel in your emotions for they are your power. Freyr: Advance the endeavour of growth. Nurture life in all its forms and display the beauty of progeneration. Anything can take root and grow given the right conditions. Frigga: Provide and protect. Let all you care for be comfortable and safe, and no need be denied. The fire can warm but also burn. Heimdall: Vigilance and caution. A misstep may bring misery and an unheard word, disaster. The way forward is clear and danger is transparent, when the time is taken to identify it. Hela: Death is but the other half of life. Let stillness be, and quiet guide your thoughts. Endings should be neither sought nor feared, an end is but the opportunity for further beginnings. Idunn: Wisdom in youth. Let the words of babes ring with your consciousness and seek the truth held in their innocence, ignorance is found in the dismissal of the young. Loki: Freedom in fun and change. Do not be bound by norms and civility, evil is often disguised as order, and the fabricated as natural. The good thing is not always the common thing, deviation can lead to delight. Modi: Evolve and progress. Find no contentment in maintaining a status quo. Each day be better than yesterday, see the good of your forebear and strive to excel further. Seek, always, the betterment of your theory and actions. Njord: Ebb and flow, give and take. Action begets reaction, matter demands a void, for happiness there must be sadness, for gain there must be loss. Balance is a virtue, no one approach can suit every obstacle. Odin: Wise and learned. Always search for the opportunity to learn, wisdom is found in the diversity of life. Give your knowledge freely and be gracious in reception, a mind in isolation is a mind that does not grow. Sif: Be proud and know your worth. Demand your place and your right to exist in the world. Pay mind to fair criticism but reject detractors wholly. Take pride in yourself, and seek betterment for your own sake. Sigyn: Steadfast and devoted. Stand firmly for what you believe, keep loyal to that you love. Nothing worth doing is easy, no worthwhile thing is effortless. Love takes work, and ideals require labour. Skadhi: Justice through vengeance. Vileness be met with viciousness, the unforgivable can not be forgiven, though reason may temper rage. Covert, can be calamity, and war kept for a better day. Thor: Powerful protection. Vie for strength in soul and arm, to protect is to persevere against evil, contest not only in arms but in wills. To bring joy against misery, hope against despair, and a hammer against tyranny. Tyr: Honour and sacrifice. Victory is not always decisive, a small win leads to the larger success, a minor loss can avert the grander. Achievement can come in portion just as well as in entirety. Ullr: Mirth in contest. Appreciate fair competition and find joy in the fight, to train you must have a partner, to win - a rival. In loss be grateful for the challenger and in victory, for the challenge. norsegodcalls These are some personal interpretations of the kinds of values and virtues that the gods each have, written up as specific tenets.
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naturesnun · 6 years
Master Post
I went through my blog and found some posts that I thought were useful. There’s not a lot yet, but I’ll keep my resource page updated
Witch Tips/Witchcraft 101
Witchling tips
Witch Tip (knitting, etc)
DIY Witchery Resources
9 Easy-to-Find Ingredients every Aspiring Witch Needs
A Masterpost with a TON of resources
Candle Color Associations
Reminder about the term “Spirit animal”
A Witch’s Library
Witchy Tip (if you have visitors)
How to Hide Altars (Also Travel Altars)
“Give Me Sunshine” Potion for Happiness
50 Simple Charms
Cleansing and Charging Items
Banish the Bullshitter Spell
12 Olympians Tarot Spread
Is an entity contacting me spread
Herbalist Related/Etc
Study Tips for Herbalists
Ways to help save bees
Herb Magic: Rose Colors and Magic
Herbal Amulets
Basic Herbs
Herbal Sleep and Dream Pillows
Kitchen Witchcraft
Magical Correspondences of Food
Hellenic Polytheism
Veiling and Binding
Offerings to Haides
Resources for Hellenismos
Offerings & How to make them
Yankee Candle Theoi Associations
Devotional Acts for Hermes
Pie’s Hellenic Polytheism Resource Page
Hair and Hair Binding in Pre-Classical Greece
Offerings/Devotional Acts for Aphrodite
Brief Deity Prayers
Basic Hellenic Supplies
Basic Hellenic Offering Ritual
Deities/General Polytheism
Mythological Book Recommendations (Fiction, Nonfiction and Classical Lit.)
Devotional Acts Don’t Have to be High Maintence
Alternative Altars and Devotions
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naturesnun · 6 years
My Spiritual Protection Tips:
🖤 dragon’s blood incense is a good protective energy additive to spells and wards. burn it for protection.
🖤 shells with horns and spikes make great protective charms for rooms.
🖤 black tourmaline and white jade are a power couple when it comes to negative energy removal and protection.
🖤 i use black candles for banishing and white candles to transmute negative energy into positive energy.
🖤 create servitors/thoughtforms for protection.
🖤 visualizing impenetrable armor around your body, golden light, and shields are great exercises.
🖤 i like to take a bundle of cedar and walk around in each space that has bad energy, sweep it over my body, and then safely burn it in a cauldron or fire safe dish. visualizing that all the negative energy it has collected is being transmuted into abundant blessings.
🖤 if you work with spirits or deities, petition them, pray to them, ask them for help.
🖤 drink green tea to heal any damage in your energy and aura.
🖤 a fresh vase of flowers helps to raise a space’s vibration.
🖤ritual baths with sea salt, sage, cedar, any oils or potions you like to work with for protection will help.
🖤 charge a glass of water with purifying intent before drinking (can be done anywhere/anytime)
🖤exercising helps to heal your energy and cleanse all stagnant energies out of your system.
🖤 putting a drop of skin safe lavender essential oil on energy points, (i like putting them on my wrists and the nape of my neck), will seal off entrances for negative spirits so they cannot possess you.
🖤 with a strong intention just tell the energy to leave. it works wonderfully.
🖤 petition archangel michael with a candle for him, dress it with cinnamon pieces, cinnamon oil, orange slices, orange oil, and let it safely burn to protect you from all lower vibrational energies.
🖤 if possible; a quick trip to the beach, regardless if you are a sea witch or not, will help purify and protect you from bad energy.
🖤 visualize opening an energetic black hole and push all the negative energy into it banishing it then, close it up.
🖤 elixirs made with cinnamon, pepper, salt, and sage are great for dressing protection candles.
🖤obsidian, onyx, black hematite, and black tourmaline are my favorites for absorbing negative energy and transmuting it.
🖤 meditate with a smokey quartz to ground stagnant energy.
🖤selenite will cleanse and open up blocked energy channels letting positive energies flow easier.
🖤my favorite protection herbs: rosemary, palo santo, cedar, sweetgrass, and sage of any kind (can be dried garden sage)
🖤 ALWAYS remember to invite only positive, abundant, high vibrational energies into your space after cleansing. this is very important because once negative energy is gone it can leave a void allowing more negative energy to enter.
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naturesnun · 6 years
[to any deity in particular]: Hi. I’ve brought shitty alcohol, two electric candles, a chocolate bar, my many issues, and an undying love for you. Can you help me un-fuck myself?
[deity]: sighs deeply
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naturesnun · 6 years
When sweet and bitter mingled together, no reed was plaited, no rushes muddied the water, the gods were nameless, natureless, futureless.
Enûma Eliš (𒂊𒉡𒈠𒂊𒇺)  | Babylonian Creation Myth (via hymnsofheresy)
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