naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
Friends and Anemones ~*~ [Open Texts]
Attina: okay, so--i know we have a lot going on but i really wish daddy would've run for board because now i don't know who to vote for !! it used to be so easy ://
Soleil: vote for Gregory Eeyore!
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
Doggy Daycare || Solar
Soleil did not work at Ruff to Fluff. But she did find herself helping out quite a bit. Was it because she enjoyed spending time with the various dogs that came in or because all she wanted was to help her friend who was overwhelmed with all the new responsibility? Whatever the case was, she was there after her shifts at the Garden Grove and whenever she came into town once she’d completed her morning and afternoon walks through Enchantra.
It was a routine now. Part of her every day happenings.
She knew the people who worked there, liked them even. So when she walked in expecting to see Mateo or Greg and in fact saw someone else? It was strange but she took it in stride. Smiled even and introduced herself. Sora. Sora was nice, he was good with the animals, and he was fun to talk to. In fact, she laughed more than she expected and before she knew it they were on the last dog of the day.
“Okay-- This is Cocoa,” she smiled as she brought out their regular customer. “She likes treats and she’s not a fan of the sprayer. But if you scrub her real good, she’ll almost fall asleep! Isn’t that right, Cocoa?” The large dog in question gave a ‘bork’ in response and licked at Sol’s hand. “I think we should be able to tag team her and close up a little early.”
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
If the sprite was trying to get him to stop hating himself so much, it wasn’t going to work. His deep-seeded self-loathing and guilt complex issues weren’t going to be solved by a friendly spring sprite in five minutes. And anyway, it’s not like he was incorrect in thinking this way of himself.
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Marlin smiled at it reached his eyes and Soleil knew she had done what she’d intended to do. This wasn’t going to be something that happened instantly. She realized that the moment Marlin had spoke to her. His wounds were unlike hers in that they were still fresh. This incredible fairy hadn’t had seventy years to overcome his anger and his hurt. And even then, it wouldn’t completely go away. There would just be new ways to cope with it, to feel it. 
That was The Sprite’s goal. To show Marlin what Enchantra and The Great Prince had shown her. That you didn’t have to hold onto anger and fear and hurt. 
“I don’t need to... But I would like to.” She smiled at him as she moved to stand. “Everyone needs someone. A friend. Someone to talk to. Whatever you may need.” Again she smiled as she pushed her hair from her face. “But I know you have important work in the Hollow. And Nam-min will be out from school soon, I’m sure. I would never want to keep you from him. I do look forward to seeing you again.”
A Late Welcome || MarSol
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
present stress || open
Marlin: I can suggest it. I really don't think he'll want to hangout with me ahah, he's really pissed off, I need a plan B of like
Marlin: Something I can just be like "here, have this, yay"
Marlin: maybe I should just hand the kid money
Soleil: no! That’s so impersonal
Soleil: have you asked him what he wants for his birthday?
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
present stress || open
Marlin: the fact I scraped together the money to pay for dance is a present itself, honestly
Marlin: he has no idea how many hours of being called 'kim jong un' and 'psy' i had to put up with at temp shifts in NTO to fund his dance, aish
Marlin: you're right though, Soleil. I can probably buy him...actually, I don't even know. He usually just drags me to a dance supply store when he needs things and he throws them on the counter, I hand over the money, we leave
Soleil: well why not do that? Make a day of it? Go out to eat and get dance things that maybe were put off for another day?
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
present stress || open
Marlin: our sons have been best friends - mates? what's english, for years
Marlin: expensive things
Soleil: oh that’s sweet
Soleil: most teens like expensive things
Soleil: it’s just how they are these days
Soleil: I heard he dances! What if you got him something for dance?
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
present stress || open
Marlin: I'm a terrible father, my son's birthday is in eight days and I still haven't figured out what to get him
Marlin: Kanga, what do you do for Roo's last birthday?
Marlin: Nam-min's furious with me right now anyway, so I doubt he even wants anything from me, but if I just don't do anything he'll be even more mad. Teenagers. -_-
Soleil: oh you know Kanga too!
Soleil: isn’t she amazing?
Soleil: What does Nam-Min like?
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
He didn’t flinch when Soleil put her hand on his. While he didn’t flip his hand over to grip hers either, he did release the tension in his shoulders. Why weren’t the others in the hollow like this? 
Sure, he and Nemo were granted safety, but it was no secret they thought he was weird and that Nemo was a strain on resources. There was the odd fairy that didn’t think that way of course; Peri, also an immigrant, Miss Lily, the sweet older fairy that was Nemo’s childhood babysitter, and the two healing talents that taught Marlin the English he needed to work in the hollow clinic, for example.
The sprite was offering her kindness free of any quid pro quo and it felt strange. It felt, as they would put it in his native language, burdensome. He hadn’t experienced genuine caveat-free kindness in over a decade and part of him was suspicious because he couldn’t afford to get his hopes up that she was really being genuine.
“I don’t want to hurt anybody,” Marlin said slowly. “Except maybe whoever killed my wife, but they’re in Korea. I just don’t want anybody to hurt my son. I don’t care about me, you know? I’m not important. He is, though.”
Soleil wanted to protest almost at once. Marlin was absolutely important. Without him the Hollow would be without a healer, Nam-Min without a father. The world would definitely be at a loss without him. Soleil had learned that every soul served a purpose, was on this Earth for a reason. Of course, not everyone knew what their purpose was. Even The Sprite wasn’t sure what her true purpose was. Why she kept coming back after death and self banishment in the form of repentance. All she knew was that her role was not yet finished.
And maybe this was part of it. Finding Marlin and giving him something that he’d been missing for so long.
“That’s not true,” she said softly, squeezing his hand softly. “You are important. Even if you do not believe it. Everything and everyone in this world is important. From the smallest of ants to the largest of oaks. No one is here for no reason.” She gave him a soft reassuring smile as she drew her hand back into her lap.  Of course there was no real way for her to show him this. It was something that was learned over time and forgotten and relearned. 
She gave a soft sigh before shifting to kneel beside him, her hand placed firmly against the ground. Closing her eyes, she concentrated and willed her magic to fill the small glade before it centered and flowed directly through her. Slowly her hand rose from the ground, a small sprout pushing up through the dirt and following her hand as it trailed upwards. This. This was the best that she could do to explain to Marlin just how important he was in the grand scheme of things.
“Why another tree? Right?” She looked up at him as she shifted to sit on her bum and cross her legs. “There are so many in the forest already. Surely we do not need another.” She gave a small shake of her head as she smiled. “This sprout, while small and seemingly insignificant now, will grow for years. It will add to the voices of the forest. To the magic here in Enchantra. The same way you added to it when you came here seeking refuge. You are an important part of what we have here. And if I must come here every day to show you that, then I will.”
A Late Welcome || MarSol
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
How long had Cornelia begged them to shut up? To stop talking to her? When it first started, she couldn’t hear herself think over them. She got horrible headaches, and was distracted from the life around her.
It was the first time she ran away from the other Guardians, and tried to shut them out of her life. The first time she tried to quit.
Of course, it didn’t work. And over time, the voices became less distracting, and more a buzz in the background of her life. She’s adjusted, adapted, and learned to live with it. Even took advantage of it sometimes.
So now that she didn’t hear anything, it felt like she was taken back to those first few moments of terror when the ability developed. It was like losing one of her senses. She didn’t even bother to check for her other powers in that moment. Instead, she just kept running, looking for an exit, thinking it was some kind of enchantment dealing with the maze - a cruel joke.
But she only ran further in, letting out another shout. “How the fuck do I get out of here?”
And it echoed, mocking her. Or did it? Was that another voice? Someone else in the maze? Did she hear her own name?
“Hello?!” She called, desperately, and stopped in her tracks, taking a moment to spin and look around, as if they’ll show up any moment, popping out from between the stalks. “Over here!”
Soleil pushed her way through the stalks, not caring if she wasn’t taking the right path. There was something wrong. Something not right. The stalks spoke of Cornelia, told her where she was, but they carried no other messages. There was no frantic messages from Cornelia. Nothing that indicated that Cornelia had received her own words of encouragement. It scared The Sprite and made her move quicker, the forest and stalks urging her forward.
It felt like forever before Soleil heard Corny’s panicked shouting again. As if somehow she’d moved farther away from the blonde instead of closer. But as she moved and pushed forward, her voice grew louder. “Cornelia!” She called out again, jumping as if her short stature would be seen above the tall rows of corn. As Cornelia’s voice grew louder, Soleil moved quicker. 
Show me the way. Take me to her. Quickly. Please.
Obeying her, the stalks of corn rustled and shifted enough for Soleil to catch sight of the blonde she’d searched for. “Corny!” She called again as she pushed through the last bit of maze separating them. 
There was no hesitation as Soleil flung herself towards Cornelia and wrapped her arms around her. It didn’t matter that the other girl had cut off all communication, that she acted as if they didn’t even know each other anymore. Soleil was just so relieved to see her and know that she was okay at least physically. She wasn’t hurt. Just lost. But even that didn’t make sense. Soleil knew that she heard the Earth just as she did. There was no way she could have gotten lost, no way she should have.
Unless this was all some joke the forest was playing on them.
“Corny what happened? What’s wrong?”
Screaming into the Void; Mothers of Nature
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
“It’s all right.” Marlin said. (It wasn’t, his bones still ached for her after all this time.) “I’ve gotten used to it by now.” (He hadn’t, he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to fall asleep without the certainty of the nightmares again..) 
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“I’m not sure it was in mean spirits,” Soleil was quick to correct about the trees. She had her suspicions based on how they liked to meddle in her life. They were the little old ladies that lived near her own cottage who gossiped and chatted every day on their front porches and always called out the most ridiculous and confusing advice to her mother on their way into town. The only difference being that the trees in Enchantra cared for her well being, wanted her to surround herself with people who were like her and people that would, eventually, care as much as she could care about others.
The Sprite looked over to Marlin then as she gave a soft smile. 
“The town is not nearly as dangerous as it seems. There are disasters that happen but I have learned that disasters happen everywhere. My own forest was burned down without any warning. It is the same here. Things get triggered because Swynlake has its own magic, it’s own mind almost. And the people here-- It’s safe for him. Magicks are not targeted here the way they are other places.” Carefully she reached out to place her hand over his.
“I think this is why the trees told me about you,” she said slowly, looking to them as she spoke. “When I first came here and for a long time after, I didn’t trust the town. I didn’t care about the Mundus. I wanted them to suffer the same fate I had. But I-- I met someone who helped me overcome that. And I’d like to do the same. We all need friends to help through the trials of life. Plus, I’m sure you would like having someone in town to help keep an eye on Nam-Min.” 
A Late Welcome || MarSol
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
The Fall Carnival held many happy memories for Soleil. She’d met her sweet, sweet Zero there among the pumpkins. She’d met Cornelia there too. It didn’t matter that eventually both of those people had left her. As she walked through the crowd she let those memories fill her, making it easier to deal with overabundance of people. She’d been back for some time now but it was still unnerving being around so many people. It was why she liked working at the flower shoppe still when she wasn’t tending to her Enchantra duties. There was a slow, steady stream of people that came in and out slowly. Allowing her to adjust slowly.
Taking her trip down memory lane led her to the games booths, a small smile on her lips as she remembered playing them with Zero and winning Alfred. The forest had told her that Alfred had not lasted long after she’d started her penance. It still hurt to think that every trace of what she’d had with Zero was now gone but at least she could hold onto her fond memories. Like silly carnival games and goldfish.
Her next little venture led her to the corn maze. She’d met Cornelia there just a year ago and, well, nothing had been the same. Meeting Cornelia had changed so much. For a moment she’d been happy and then she’d been destroyed once she’d left. At the time she hadn’t known why but--- She’d figured it out after that silly dream where she’d flirted and gone on a date with Corny. The Sprite had a crush on the Earth Guardian. Of course, her feelings were unrequited. Corny hadn’t spoken to her since the earthquake and the dream. 
Just thinking about it made her mood drop and she turned to move away from the maze as if she did that she could push away the encroaching thoughts. 
No, Sprite. The Guardian. Your Guardian. Listen. Listen.
Soleil’s brows furrowed at the insistence of the forest around them and as the wind picked up briefly, she heard an all too familiar face. It didn’t take her more than a second to make her way into the maze. Once inside the sound of Corny’s voice faded but The Sprite closed her eyes and let the stalks speak to her. Giving her a path to find her friend, Soleil couldn’t help but run through the stalks. “Corny? Cornelia!” She called out loudly, hoping to be heard above everything else. I’m coming, I promise I’m coming Corny. Stay there.
Screaming into the Void; Mothers of Nature
Cornelia had woken up that morning feeling very….weird.
Something was off, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. She wasn’t hungover, or queasy, or anything like that. Instead, it was the sense of something missing. Something important.
Like a taunt wire had been cut.
But despite the urgent feeling, she still couldn’t come up with anything as she got ready. She was sure it wasn’t that big of a deal, and she just needed to focus on today. Because Jacques had convinced her to finally head out to the carnival with him today. It would be a good ‘bonding experience,’ he said. Plus, ‘fun.’ 
And he hadn’t been wrong.
The carnival was fun when they got there, and they’d played a couple of games, got caught up in conversations, and she completely forgotten about what was on her mind. After a while, though, they split up to go look around a little more on their own. Said they’d call each other later.
And that’s how Cornelia ended up at the corn maze. Just like last year. Once lost in the stalks though did it hit her. As the carnival music and crowd’s chatter faded, she knew what was wrong.
It was silent. 
A deafening silence in the corn maze that made her heart rate pick up. This was impossible. It was never totally silent. She was always being whispered to, being spoken to by the plants around her. Nature never shut up. But they said nothing. Not to her, not to each other…
And that’s when she started to panic, and ran further into the maze, trying to find the way out. To run somewhere for help - she didn’t know to who though. Something was very wrong and she - 
She needed help. “Help! Anyone! Help!” She called, lost deep within the stalks, having run off the set path now and pushing through helpless.  
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
Chosen. Was it much of a choice? Marlin came from ‘Marlon’ when he explained to some fairies that he learned English in Korea by watching a lot of old Marlon Brando movies, and a few took it upon themselves to call him Marlon. The spelling became like marlin the fish because Mu-yeol could speak English, sure, but it wasn’t until about four years in the Swynlake hollow that he was good at reading, writing, and spelling. 
So, he’d accidentally made his name Marlin like the fish and not Marlon the American actor, when he thought his actual name wasn’t really hard to say.
He wasn’t thinking about that now though, he was still surprised that the sprite wanted to talk to him specifically so he obediently sat down near her and waited for her to ask what she wanted to know.
“The forest was right on that one,” he said, relaxing just a little. Well, she seemed nice, didn’t she? “My son and I are from Korea. Mundus governments call it South Korea, but fairies and elves still consider the Korean peninsula as one land, even if we can only move freely within South Korea. But I’m afraid that’s the only interesting thing about me.”
“I’m pretty boring, but that’s okay. I don’t like drawing attention to myself, which. My son is the opposite.” Just like his mother was. “We’ve been here coming up on thirteen years, so it’s - this is home.” 
To Nemo, at least.
“I came here after I became a single father. I’ve raised my son alone since he was two, when my wife—” he hesitated, not sure how honest he wanted to be. “— was murdered. By humans.” Completely honest. He still had the scar on his chest from that night; he’d used up his energy to take away his dying wife’s pain, so he couldn’t prevent his wound from scaring.
“As long as my son is safe, I’m happy. I don’t really have any friends but that’s okay; my son is all that’s important. I’m not.”
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Listening to Marlin, Soleil could feel her heart breaking for him. She knew the terrible things that Mundus could do. How anger and ignorance could fuel the worst behavior possible. Knowing that he had suffered at the hands of them as well... It made it even more apparent that her presence was needed. Though, he didn’t seem to harbor anger like she had. Instead he seemed.... sad and detached.
“I am so sorry to hear that,” she stated softly, reaching a hand out to his shoulder. It wasn’t much. Not in the grand scheme of everything. Nothing could really erase the hurt of such a loss. Even if you buried yourself in something you truly cared about. It only masked the pain. Soleil felt she could see through that mask. If only because she’d done it for so long as well. “Mundus are... They can be so cruel. And they don’t think about it. They don’t realize just how harmful their actions can be.” She frowned as she looked over at him.
The frown didn’t last long as turned to the willow tree again as it’s vines reached out to her. “Home, though. Enchantra has a way of becoming that for the lost. It took me in when I needed it most. I’m glad that it has done the same for you. Even if the trees are terrible gossips.” She gave a small chuckle as she gave a stern look to the oak across from them.
“Your son, he likes it here, too?”
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A Late Welcome || MarSol
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
Keeping up with... | Open
Louie: The...but...
Louie: The Kardashians?
Louie: Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall, etc.
Louie: Queens of the US?!!
Louie: u gotta kno the Kardashians?
Soleil: I-- I don't have a tv
Soleil: Maybe... I can look it up for you?
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
Keeping up with... | Open
Louie: o m g
Louie: i gotta knowwwww
Louie: what did the Kardashians do? Uncle D wont lemt me kno ANYTHING IMPORTANT!!!
Louie: cant keep up DDDDD= end days
Soleil: The Kardashians?
Soleil: I'm sorry I have no idea what you're talking about
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
Memories || Sol&You
Dodger: Goons, friends. What's the difference
Soleil: I don't know
Soleil: I'd never heard that word used in that way before
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
Lost Item, Please Return | Open
Jacques: oh!
Jacques: that's alright =]
Jacques: Guess I get to make a new friend. =]
Jacques: Bonjour, I am Jacques.
Soleil: That is a very optimistic way to look at it
Soleil: I'm Soleil. It's nice to meet you
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naturessoleil-blog · 5 years
Lost Item, Please Return | Open
Jacques: have you seen my bracelet?
Jacques: I thought perhaps the chat...er cat took it. But alas!
Jacques: DDDDDD=
Soleil: Oh no. It's happened to you too
Soleil: I'm not sure I'm the person you're looking for
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