naughtybunnies · 1 year
these comms are still open just so ppl know!
Im also going to open it to non-sneeze art as well. 3 slots, and it can be anything! I do draw humans as well as anthro, so nothings off limits there.
Since I've never posted humans here you're free to ask me in dms to share pictures if that's what you're interested in! I just don't want to post them publicly.
But be well aware if it's humans/humanoids, it's gonna be in my style. if you want sfw of any of your snz characters or anythin like that and they have things like exaggerated noses then they'll be changed to fit my style.
a few commissions
I'm opening up for the first time in a while for a few little commissions to pay for some important things.
Only 3 slots available! Likely kept to a 1 page for $40-50 for the speed and lesser time taken
anthro characters only and I'll allow nsfw for these ones (full nakey) if anyone's interested. If you don't have an anthro character you're free to do these things: use one of my characters, just tell me an animal to be anthromorphized or a cartoon character you enjoy.
The size ratio of the canvas will be changed from my usual square to the size of a piece of paper, for more room to elaborate.
Give me a full scenario or the basic idea of what you like and I'll draw it out best of my abilities.
Please dm me for info
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naughtybunnies · 1 year
a few commissions
I'm opening up for the first time in a while for a few little commissions to pay for some important things.
Only 3 slots available! Likely kept to a 1 page for $40-50 for the speed and lesser time taken
anthro characters only and I'll allow nsfw for these ones (full nakey) if anyone's interested. If you don't have an anthro character you're free to do these things: use one of my characters, just tell me an animal to be anthromorphized or a cartoon character you enjoy.
The size ratio of the canvas will be changed from my usual square to the size of a piece of paper, for more room to elaborate.
Give me a full scenario or the basic idea of what you like and I'll draw it out best of my abilities.
Please dm me for info
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naughtybunnies · 1 year
Hey just wondering how your doing and stuff and when you will post new art
I'm doing alright thanks
Honestly I've been really busy with non-nsfw to go back to more sneeze related artwork. I'm an animator and i work on lots of projects and headrunning one of my own with my friend.
Me and my partner took a break for a while that seemed like it was gonna be indefinite. To avoid complicating and saying too much in this post, I was pretty heartbroken and coping with the idea for 5 months. Which made motivation overall pretty difficult.
For a while before that I just kinda slowly felt less inclined to draw snz. I think I overworked myself with my commission workload and I was making a lot of art for not enough money, leading to very fast burnout. ($40 for comics that run 3+ pages is not enoughĺ I don't have any ideas atm for my own things. And I owe ppl art who commissioned it, so I wouldn't feel right just randomly drawing the snz i might want and posting.
I still enjoy snz stuff as always, it's just making art for it is really hard. And I'm not an nsfw artist, I draw lots of other things that I'm passionate about and have been working on stuff for non-nsfw things.
Thankfully everyone's been patient up to a point, and I really feel bad for not being motivated enough to just force myself to draw snz art. But I can't do much right now and I need to be in the right headspace to draw snz comfortably
Thank you for your patience. I hope I can share more soon
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naughtybunnies · 1 year
Even a kinky blog like mine wishes there weren't so many porn bots
Ah old tumblr
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naughtybunnies · 1 year
Now that I'm. Sigh.
Sort of single. It's complicated
But in between my very depressed thoughts, I have the horny thoughts that say it would be pretty hot to have a partner into the sneeze. But then I have to get picky abt it because I'm very picky about the sneeze and also if it occurs during the owo
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naughtybunnies · 1 year
Tmi sort of?
When snzy stuff is making you 👀 for like a few minutes, then a little while longer. And an hour passes by after you were trying to go to sleep "early" and now it's 3am and you gotta be up in a few hours
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
ive reached the point where i want to commission sneeze related things (in audio or art idk) its been about a year of me just accepting im a fucking weirdo
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
There's background music playing on my mobile tumblr and it's really ruining the God damn mood
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
I'm dealing with some personal issues that went on with my partner.
Work sucks, college making me busy and taking up time/struggling to deal with, commissions are backed up, life is just very hard at the moment.
If anyone is able to, I could really use some help through donations. (Pls respect the privacy of my actual account name that I use on here just fyi)
Anything helps. I'm just really struggling. And there's lots of things I need the money to go to. I'm not in the position to take any commissions right now, but if you like what I make in any capacity..please consider it
I'm just really struggling. Especially mentally.
Thank you in advance
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
I'm dealing with some personal issues that went on with my partner.
Work sucks, college making me busy and taking up time/struggling to deal with, commissions are backed up, life is just very hard at the moment.
If anyone is able to, I could really use some help through donations. (Pls respect the privacy of my actual account name that I use on here just fyi)
Anything helps. I'm just really struggling. And there's lots of things I need the money to go to. I'm not in the position to take any commissions right now, but if you like what I make in any capacity..please consider it
I'm just really struggling. Especially mentally.
Thank you in advance
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
still sitting with 10+ comms for this stuff. its really stressful. i wish i could just give ppl refunds and take a break from the stress looming over my head and weighing me down so i could start again.
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
Dear snzpunks
I would like to rp, limited time offer, nsfw pls (cuz it's more fun to write)
Rules are:
- same s3x is preferred (f/f is best, but m/m is pretty good too)
- most likely involves colds/rapid contagion and some gross stuff to catch partners said cold
- furry-esque characters only, not rly into monsters for snz stuff (if u RLY want to rp bc you like the way I write, but don't have furry interests, we can make up a character)
- I have 1 female horse, 1 transfem rabbit. 1 male poodle. 1 male femboyish wolf
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
my partner has this weird thing where he rly doesnt care if he gets sick, he regrets it after i think?? but also?? i dont think they do?? like i try very hard to prevent them from catching anything. and really get on them about wearing warm enough clothes and other such fluffy things
they're not into any of this as far. but i think that, when im not being overworried about the state of them, they still like me taking care of them after the fact???
i mean they're literally SO stubborn about not doing what i ask. i have no explanation in my mind as to why. like i know you dont like being sick. i know you aint as much of a sick freak as i am (literally)... so whats ur deal girl. why would you rather risk that than just bring warm clothes and just going against whatever im tellin u.
i fear it will become a problem when we're together in the future. and i honestly dont know if itll make my demisexual ass horny when they dont listen to me in that scenario. and im left taking care of them. in which case im usually more in love with the idea of taking care of them, than horny over sneezing stuff. but what will happen if i cant control it these are my deepest fears
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
Are you a mess lover? Want to pleasure yourself to some sneezes? But also desperately need a shower?
I've got the idea for u, if you have a washcloth, use ur favorite soap. Clear is preferred and if more white, then imagine it's the realllly congested kind. The kind that happens during a cold. If it's got a slight tint to clear, then imagine the snot was from some naughty flowers that got too close.
Put some of that soap in your wash cloth and pretend to sneeze into it, or that you help someone else give it a sneeze! Fold it in half, it mimics the way a tissue folds in half when a nose is hastily or gently placed into it, you can even close your eyes doing it to rly imagine. Do that and then slowwwwly pull it apart from each other.
Youll see inside a nice film of sneezy mess, snot stretched in between the folds and pulled apart. Start small and add little bits at a time if you'd like to mimic a sneezing fit that increasingly gets worse and doesn't use too much soap.
After youve had your fun--
Now you can use that soap to wash away all the sin!
(Or if you are a next level mess lover! Be even more sinful by pretending that messy goodness is rubbed all over you sensually)
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
Was gonna do comms tonight and be productive before the 3am scheduled pass out time, then a lavender soap in my shower decides otherwise
I blame all of you.
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
gonna start callin snot nose cum
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
I wish there were a way I could get all my fukin sneeze comms out of the way. Collab with someone or something idk.
Both so I can take new ones and so I can stop having the looming stress hanging over my head so I can work on other things without feeling guilty.
The only time I do them is rly at night, and by then my body is worn out. My shoulder acts up and I can only last until 2-3am before my eyes literally start to blur everything.
Its worse when I actually want to draw in that moment. Bc my body is literally pulling me saying I can't. Because if I force myself ill end up hurting my shoulder more or just not making my art as good as it could be. So I'd be frustrated.
It's a terrible cycle. The money from the current comms is gone and I really need new ones but fuck. I have to get these out of the way. It makes doing them that much more of a hassle cuz I don't *want* to do them anymore, like I'm not getting anymore joy out of it. It's just bc I *have* to do them. And I can't afford to send refunds.
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