nctmuse · 9 months
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JOHN HUGHES MOVIE ! is the first SINGLE of the nct member LULU as part of NCT LAB. it was released digitally on SEPTEMBER 01, 2023.
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LULU had always liked to make music, something that had been known for a while for fans, but she had never released one of the songs she wrote on her own. with the creation of NCT LAB, LULU decided it would be the perfect time to release a song. on BUBBLE she talked about how she watching old john hughes movies one night and immediately knew she needed to make a song about it. she also talked about how she was the sole person to work on this song and had a lot of creative vision when it came to the music video and concept.
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nctmuse · 9 months
@NCTsmtown MADE A POST !
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nctmuse · 9 months
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@NCTsmtown MADE A POST !
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nctmuse · 9 months
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what about wendy?
Wendy, Maisie Peters (2023)
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nctmuse · 9 months
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@NCTsmtown MADE A POST !
[NCT LAB] - Lineup Poster !
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nctmuse · 10 months
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dm ♡ 220119
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nctmuse · 10 months
continuing with the success of their first album and repackage, the group came back with the mini album ATTITUDE in AUGUST of 2021. the title track, TOMBOY, though not as popular as some of their other songs, charted well and became a favorite amongst stans of the group.
for NCT’S third album as a group, UNIVERSE in DECEMBER of 2021, NCT MUSE released the song MASCARA, which is often overlooked as there were no stages for the song and only a TRACK VIDEO was released. the song still has yet to be performed live.
in FEBRUARY of 2022, NCT MUSE came back with a new mini album, BACK TALK. the title, TALK THAT SHHH, was well loved by fans, though was overlooked by the public until a fancam of YOOMI started to go viral, which shot the song back up the charts and gave the group a few wins.
in AUGUST of 2022, the group cameback with yet another mini album, STRONGER. the title track, ANTIFRAGILE, quickly rose in the charts and managed to keep its spot for many weeks. although it is not the group's most streamed song, it is their longest charting song.
the group did not have another comeback until JANUARY of 2023, with the mini album BRING IT BACK! the title track, OH NO, was another great success for the group, bringing in a large amount of new fans and even securing the groups MOST amount of music show wins in a single era.
following the success of their last two comebacks, fans were eagerly awaiting their next release. NCT MUSE managed to convince the company to allow them more creative control with their release and finally in JUNE of 2023, the group cameback with their second full album, QUEENCARD. the album, along with the title track of the same name, received lots of mixed reviews with many people, non-fans and fans alike, saying it was nothing like their other releases. they did manage to scrape up a music show win this era, though the song quickly fell from the charts. about two months following the release, however, the song began to rise in the charts once again and had many people changing their opinion on the song.
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nctmuse · 10 months
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[ SUMMARY ! ] in which yoomi realizes where she stands. [ CHARACTERS ! ] song yoomi (juno song), lulu tang, mark lee, lee mikyung [ WORD COUNT ! ] 1k [ WARNINGS ! ] none
Juno had been expecting just about anything when she woke up for practice that morning. Someone messing up the dance and making them all stay later, Mikyung snapping at one of them out of the sheer stress of having a comeback in a little over two weeks, some of the girls getting into a fight over something completely stupid. The possibilities were basically endless.
What she wasn’t expecting, however, was Lulu walking into her first practice since being back from tour, hand in hand with Mark Lee. It wasn’t abnormal for any of the boys to walk past their practice rooms and say hello before dipping out to let them work, though it was strange for them to be holding hands with anyone else, and it was even more strange to see the blush rising on both of their faces when everyone looked at them.
Lulu rushed into the room, barely looking at any of them, placing her bag over to the side with the rest. Though, Mark looked around the room, giving a small wave. Juno noticed that he barely met her eyes, something she had become all too familiar with over the last couple of months. She could feel some of the other members' eyes on her, but she refused to show anything on her face and just went back to stretching, ignoring the pit forming in her stomach.
She doesn’t blame any of the other girls for looking over at her in concern, all the members had been doing it since Mark had basically stopped interacting with her during the last leg of their tour last fall. It’s a normal reaction when her and Mark, who had been attached at the hip since they both joined the company, suddenly had this weird tension between them that nobody could explain.
Juno doesn’t even fully remember how the two became close. All she remembered was small, shy, and awkward Mark Lee walking up to her on her first day and offering to show her around and the rest was history. The two were practically always together after that. Mark was introduced into SM Rookies and Juno followed a few days later. Mark joined NCT 127 and two comebacks later Juno was right there with him.
It had always been Juno and Mark. Mark and Juno. And Juno doesn’t even know what happened to make them so awkward with each other. Sure, the other members always joked that the two would end up married one day, but they had never taken that seriously in all the years the jokes had gone on. Juno practically had to force the idea that the two were just friends into Mikyung’s head when she warned her off of dating any of the boys back when Muse had just debuted.
Of course, it wasn’t like Juno never thought about it. She would admit that she had a bit of a crush back in the rookie days, though it wasn’t like anything was ever going to happen and that crush went away once they debuted and she was far too busy to think about anything like that anymore.
She had gotten over that, though it was clear that everyone else around her had thought the two of them were in some lover’s quarrel or something like that with the looks they kept shooting the two of them. Even Taeyong had pulled her aside and asked if whatever was going on was going to affect the group. She had told him if she ever figured out what was going on she’d let him know.
One of her saving graces in all of this was the thought that maybe Mark was just as miserable as she was, even if he was the one to start this. Though, judging by him walking Lulu to practice, she’s pretty sure that was all just wishful thinking.
Juno had no idea what happened on the Dream tour. Admittedly, she had tried not to look at anything from the tour and only got her information from the calls they had with Lulu to go over lyrics for their album. She had been giving herself a ban from thinking about anything related to Mark Lee after the whole awkward fiasco of going through promotions when your best friend basically pretends you don’t exist. It had worked out for the most part, though she feels like she missed a big part of the story. She made a mental note to bug Donghyuck for details later, even if he would probably not say much of anything if Lulu doesn’t want people gossiping. He always would listen to Lulu over her any day.
Mark either finally realized how awkward the room had become or he actually had somewhere else to be, because he wasted almost no time telling them good luck before turning and walking back out the door. Once he was gone, Juno could feel the pit in her stomach lessen, though it all came rushing back when she looked up at Mikyung, who was staring back at her with a worried look on her face.
Of course Mikyung would be worried, she had been the one that’s been on the receiving end of her late night rants about the Mark situation ever since it started. She was the one who was one giving her concerned looks as soon as they got back from tour, she was the one that had seen her close to tears because she couldn't figure out what was going on. On top of her hearing all of that, Mikyung had always thought she had not got over Mark as much as she said she had. 
Juno tried her best to not let anything show on her face, though Mikyung could probably tell, she could always read Juno better than most. Juno just shook her head at the older, but she knew Mikyung would corner her to talk about it later after practice. Mikyung just nodded and clapped her hands together, ringing loudly in the quiet room, signaling it was time for practice to begin. Juno couldn’t be any happier for the distraction.
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nctmuse · 11 months
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nctmuse · 11 months
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nctmuse · 11 months
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nctmuse · 11 months
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chaewon · unforgiven ending fairy · 230521
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nctmuse · 11 months
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nctmuse · 1 year
just give it time besties…nctzens always hate on a new nct song that’s slightly bold, but then it magically becomes soty 🤭
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"we'll be laughing all the way to the bank when we eventually get stoy" yoomi laughs covering a hand over her mouth.
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nctmuse · 1 year
NCT MUSE was first introduced during the NCT album, NCT 2018 EMPATHY. though it wasn't an official debut as a group, many fans talk about their first release, TIPPY TOES, as the group's debut. the song, while wildly well received by other kpop fans, was largely overlooked by NCTZENS at the time.
the subunit's official debut came in JUNE of 2018 with the mini album, FINDING MUSE. the album performed well, though the title track, HURRY UP, fell flat with other releases happening around the same time.
NCT MUSE had their first comeback in FEBRUARY of 2019 with the mini album I'M YOUR MUSE. the title track KITSCH was very well received by both the public and by NCTZENS and the group often came in SECOND on music shows, though could not scrape up a FIRST WIN for the group.
the groups next comeback, GIRLS ALL OVER THE WORLD, with the title track PIRATE, was finally the song that got the girls their FIRST WIN. coming out in SEPTEMBER of 2019, the song hit a wave of success upon it's release and gained the unit a lot of new fans.
while PIRATE brought many fans into the fandom, their next comeback in JULY of 2020 would skyrocket them to much higher success. the mini album HIT IT! was widely loved at the time and the title track HIT YOU WITH THAT was an instant success, even gaining some more international attention.
though ME is not considered a title track, having been on NCT RESONANCE PT. 1, the song is still loved throughout the MUSE fandom, yet is often forgotten from people outside of the fandom. this song, however, only received a track video and has only been performed once.
capitalizing off the success of their last mini album, NCT MUSE came back in JANUARY of 2021 with their first full album, MAKE ME. the album was bigger and better than any of their previous ones and the title track, PINK VENOM, though not received as many wins, was still a large success.
following shortly, the group came back with their first repackaged album, UNFORGIVEN, in APRIL of 2021. the title track VILLIAN was widely well received and one of their most streamed songs to date, falling only behind HIT YOU WITH THAT.
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nctmuse · 1 year
🐝  *  ―  𝑾𝑨𝑳𝑲 𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑵 𝑴𝑬𝑴𝑶𝑹𝒀 𝑳𝑨𝑵𝑬.  (  send in a symbol to receive a drabble or meta about one of my muses’ memory.  )
🌼 ― a happy memory. 🌧 ― a sad memory. 🌹 ― a romantic memory. 🌪 ― a scary memory. 🍑 ― a sexual memory. 🌑 ― a fading memory. 🌕 ― a vivid memory. 💫 ― an obscure memory. 🎀 ― a childhood memory. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 ― a memory involving a family member. 👥 ― a memory involving a friend. 🐕 ― a memory involving a pet. 💥 ― a memory you wish you’d forget. 🗝 ― a memory you never want to forget. 🧠 ― a memory that had a big impact on you. 🌈 ― a memory you’re not sure actually happened. 🙊 ― a memory you don’t ever talk about.
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nctmuse · 1 year
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(g)i-dle · queencard (2023)
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