neonkn1ght · 2 days
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neonkn1ght · 4 days
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“You need to hold tight to… Whatever gets you through the night.”
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neonkn1ght · 7 days
the most important thing to know about the way I see doctor death defying. is that he’s an old black gay bear who still dresses like it’s the 70s and he kind of always smells like cigar smoke and cologne. and im right for that. by the way. thank you.
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neonkn1ght · 8 days
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star-crossed sun-burned lovers
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neonkn1ght · 9 days
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warning signs
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neonkn1ght · 10 days
There are several common misconceptions city folk have when first settling into the Zones.
The first, is that masks are meant to protect the living. While living under constant surveillance, it is perhaps only natural to find solace in the impression of anonymity provided by face coverings such as masks, helmets, and bandanas, and even more cynical types who claim their purpose is to obfuscate what little presence BL/i does nurture amidst the harsh desert winds— however, these are nothing more than outsiders' views on matters that had not previously concerned them. The truth is, in fact, much simpler: masks are talismans, and bargaining chips of the dead— they prove there once was someone who cherished them and whom they in turn swore to protect. No one can return from the dead without renouncing some part of themselves, and when dealing with something as strongly entwined with one's identity as a mask, it is one last chance for forgiveness or retribution.
The second most common misconception amongst newcomers, is that all information shared voluntarily is shared without ill intent. It is undeniable that skill and information are what constitute power both sides of the wall, and that the latter is often freely shared amongst those willing to stand their ground against Better Living as a form of leverage, but unlike the City which has had its bare bones exposed, ground down, and then rebuilt inside-out in the crater of something far larger than any atomic bomb, the Zones are alive. Alive in a way which goes far beyond the roads spreading like veins and arteries beneath fallow land. Alive in a way which alludes even the conscious component of a place brimming with the unknown and unexplainable where the line between one's perception and physical reality is drawn thin. Alive in a way that is cold and uncaring, and which if exposed would be enough to drive even the most devout believers and cynical scholars mad. It is truth which makes the sharpest blade, afterall.
The third and final misconception many new zonerunners hold to be true, is that numbers are a liability. While undeniable that resources in the Zones are scarce and that it's more difficult to move as a group rather than an individual, to treat one's life as merely an extension of their escape from the clutches of Battery City is no better than to pen their name on their own death certificate. There is of course the practical aspect of desert community as well; although scattered like dandelion seeds in the wind, killjoys often come together for events such as parties, races, concerts and markets, and even on more mundane occasions there are more than a handful of crews loitering about Tommy Chow Mein's or slumbering sharehouses and bars. Information travels fast within groups and although there is such a thing as too much, patrol routes and standing commissions will always be made known on the ground before the airwaves. Solitude may be effective while running, but rest is always better shared with those you've come to trust
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neonkn1ght · 10 days
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neonkn1ght · 12 days
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neonkn1ght · 13 days
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binary stars
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neonkn1ght · 15 days
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umm this literally isn't a party so maybe like get off the dance floor.....
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neonkn1ght · 15 days
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neonkn1ght · 16 days
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hello world, im new to tumblr (joined just to see some fanarts 😭)
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neonkn1ght · 17 days
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neonkn1ght · 18 days
Obessed with how all of us are very sure Cherri Cola has a poetry corner but I haven't found anyone who has made any poems written by him.
Anyways drop in the tags or rbs your cherri poems or at least how you think he writes
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neonkn1ght · 21 days
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freehand doodle of my OC, Rush Perfection… the world’s biggest jackass that nobody likes. He claims to be Kobra’s biggest rival at the crashtrack. Kobra does not know who Rush is.
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neonkn1ght · 1 month
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party portrait 💊❌ (ID in ALT)
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neonkn1ght · 1 month
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when the music videos for Telephone (Lady Gaga ft. Beyoncé) and Na Na Na (My Chemical Romance) both had scenes filmed in the same diner
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