neonraven28 · 27 days
Hesh in the beginning of the game’s got vaguely 2008 swag, and it’s just a thing of the game being made 2013, but i like to think yeah he just dresses that way… but when [reader] comes along she gives him a little nudge to dress nice! one specific outfit i imagine him looking sexy in, white wife pleaser, black pleated trousers (but high waisted), dogtags :) and Keegan’s ass would look amazing in Western Wrangler “wrancher” dress jeans; i think he would wear slim fit clothes idk. you ever think of clothes the boys would look good in, i wonder?
Ooh, nice visuals here anon. I've thought about what our boys would wear out of uniform / tactical before.
So... fashion show time with the Ghosts! Complete with pictures! How do our boys dress? Primarily for comfort.
Merrick : I see Merrick having a mature taste and the fisherman style fits him well (plus he was in the Navy so it suits him). He's a guy that values comfort first and foremost and despite his gruff exterior, this man enjoys the cozy life when he can.
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Keegan: I picture him rocking flannels. Like, he'll throw on a flannel and some nice black jeans and go about his way. It's simple and effective and comfy for him. He does wear darks quite a bit so blacks and grays are common in his wardrobe.
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Logan: Logan has a more street style based fashion. He's the perpetual hoodie guy and goes for comfort primarily. I think his style also highlights his age.
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Hesh: More mature and kind of the modern casual, shops at Gap style. It's typical modern male fashion and functional. Nothing fancy but presentable and nice.
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Kick: Whatever the fuck you'd call this. Hunter S. Thompson core?
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neonraven28 · 1 month
How would the boys react if y/n walked into the common area with a bowl of ice and was just munching on that froze water
Merrick: ...
Keegan: "Kid, you're going to break your teeth. Don't do that."
Hesh: "Are you honest to God just eating ice?"
Logan: "Is there something else in that bowl or is it just ice?"
Kick: "Crescent ice? Really? No, no, no...if you're going to do that get flake ice. It's the most pleasant crunch you can ask for. Seriously. Trust me here."
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neonraven28 · 1 month
i think keegan has really crackly joints (lowkey projecting rn)
and he likes to pop em all in one go and Everyone Hates it
keegan after having been idle for too long: [*popping his joints, knuckles, back, etc*]
the rest of the ghosts:
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neonraven28 · 1 month
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who can relate
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neonraven28 · 1 month
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If I had a dollar for every time Keegan was called/compared to an animal, I wouldn't do much with it, but it's weird it happened 21 times
Bro how long did it take for you to compile this lmaoooo
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neonraven28 · 1 month
I wrote!
Logan walker is a sad sad man I love him
CWs: Implied suicidal ideation? nobody makes an attempt, but it’s worth noting his thoughts arent very happy in the beginning
Logan Walker. He would never call himself special by any stretch of the imagination, and everything in his files tended to agree with that notion. He had, in his professional opinion, the best brother in the world, but him? He was quiet, anxious, regularly described as ‘weird’ by his classmates. He didn’t; or rather, tried not to, let that affect him. Getting through highschool frankly was nothing short of a miracle. They all knew it. He lucked out in his last year before joining the US army, with one Cameron Rorke - his third favourite person, fourth if he was including Riley. He and Cam went through it all together, every stupid little fight he had with his brother, every time he convinced himself the world was out to get him, that it’d be better if he was gone from it entirely.
They did everything together, until Logan and Hesh joined the Ghosts, and the clusterfuck that was their dad’s death. Cameron- he tried, he really did, but he’s never been the best at dealing with processing grief like that, he just felt unbearably guilty, it was *his* dad who killed Elias, after all, despite Logan’s insistence he wasn’t to blame. He’d move heaven and earth for Logan, they both knew that already; but he wasn’t sure how to fix this. If it could be fixed. Death was complicated, he knew that much.
Months later, Hesh and Logan were sent on a mission, stealth- as is their usual- in and out, get the information and *leave*. Of course it didn’t go that easily. On their way out Hesh was shot, twice, both bullets hitting, and shattering, his knee. It effectively fucked them, their stealth was near impossible, and they were slowed down significantly.
Logan never once considered leaving his brother behind.
They struggled through it, coming to a head in the middle of a bridge, Hesh’s balance shifted, causing him to slip out of Logan’s grip for just long enough for his leg to collapse under him, semi dangling off the edge of the bridge. Logan could feel his heart pounding, his hands beginning to shake uncontrollably, but he couldn’t let it get to him, he had to pull his brother up, he had to.
The Ghosts, back at HQ, could only listen in horror, they knew they were too far to help, that much was obvious, but it didn’t stop the sinking feeling everyone felt, the whole situation was so eerily familiar. The image of Elias trying to hold onto Rorke for all he was worth, how he fell, the atmosphere in the air. Powerless.
They listened as Hesh practically begged Logan to let him go, to just let him die. Surprised, and heartbroken, when Logan responded.
*’I’m not *leaving* you! Fuck- This is the first time i’ve actually felt comfortable, i’m *not* letting you die.’*
He’s not sure how he manages it, but he gets himself and his brother back home in one piece, anger and fear written on his face clear as anything could be.
He let himself cry once he was safe, right in their rec room, surrounded by family. Someone - he thinks Keegan - got him a cup of tea. It’s perfectly made and just makes him want to cry more. He leans into Cam, using his best friends - partners- jumper to wipe his tears off onto, letting out a small smile as Cam flicks him for that move.
He’d do anything for his team, for his family. He knew that more than anything.
I listened to Call Your Mum by noah kahan while writing!
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neonraven28 · 1 month
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neonraven28 · 1 month
Kick is such a dork. He would seriously convince Hesh to go with him urban exploring if he could for his YouTube channel...and Hesh WOULD ACTUALLY GO!
Kick: "Yeah, this is an old office building or something, I don't know... but it has a lot of cool graffiti and weird sounds."
Hesh: "Weird sounds?"
Kick: "Yeah. You know, old building sounds. Creeks and Squeaks. Legend has it that back in the 80s it was the scene of a hostage situation. You can still see the bullet holes in some of the walls. Anywho... some dude with no shoes actually helped save many lives that day. Crazy shit."
Hesh: .... Wait... That's the plot to Die Hard, you idiot!
Kick: "Yeah...but for a moment there you believed it."
*Kick turns to his phone camera.*
Kick: "Like & Subscribe y'all. :)"
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neonraven28 · 1 month
Logan: "Bro...you know how we have a good and close relationship, right?"
Hesh: "Yeah, definitely."
Logan: "And you know how we can tell each other anything, right?"
Hesh: "Of course."
*Logan takes a deep breath*
Logan: "So...I really need to tell you something."
Hesh: "You can tell me anything. Always."
Logan: "Well...you see...everytime you do your face paint for missions, I can't help but see this:"
*Pulls out his phone and shows him this emoji -> 🗿*
Logan: ...
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neonraven28 · 1 month
ironically I will probably disappear off the face of earth tomorrow because lessons are starting againnn
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neonraven28 · 1 month
my brain is so full of keegan but my hand can only draw so much and my pc's battery can only last so much and my NECK—
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neonraven28 · 1 month
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Literally me talking about these two
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neonraven28 · 1 month
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neonraven28 · 1 month
I always like to think that Logan and Roach would be besties…like, silent but deadly besties. I also like to think they both have around the same hair colors too. Although I do think Logan is more of a blonde, I saw some fanart someone did where Logan had auburn hair, and I also saw fanart of roach with similar colored hair. I just think they’re both so neat and they’d totally vibe w one another 💞💞💞
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neonraven28 · 1 month
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neonraven28 · 1 month
i hate when i send someone a meme in another language and they're like "uhm... translate? 😒" fucker i sent you a meme where 90% of the words have an english cognate and/or you don't need to know what they're saying to find it funny. can you at least TRY
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neonraven28 · 1 month
me thinks the whole fandom should either
1) come together and form a team and develop a MASSIVE cod ghosts fangame, add develop a "better" version of the og and develop the sequel
2) take over activision/blizzard/ALL OF THEM and make the goddam sequel
in both events, the game will be absolutely amazing. i know that
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