newdleboya · 11 months
BLOG IS MOVED !!!!! u can follow me over at @newdleboy
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newdleboya · 11 months
BLOG IS MOVED !!!!! u can follow me over at @newdleboy
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newdleboya · 11 months
SOOOOOOOOOOOO i decided i AM gonna move mk to his own blog rather than keeping him on a sideblog sO LIKE,,, WISH ME LUCK G Od
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newdleboya · 11 months
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" It was meant to be me, " his words are sharp and blunt as he glares at MK, though a brief moment passes, and they're words he soon forgets. Red Son clutches his wrist, turning away -- he'd worked so hard, striving to be everything Sun Wukong had wanted... NEEDED him to be. And now, he's being replaced. He's trying not to be angry, after all it's root of his mentor's actions... but -- " I was supposed to wield the staff. I was supposed to be Sun Wukong's successor. I was -- " / red sun au (: / @samadhifire
▬▬▬ ☁      He didn't mean for this to happen. It's not like he planned to swoop in && suddenly gain the powers of the Monkey King -- it wasn't what he wanted. Sure, MK loved the legend. It was so incredibly cool && awesome that this legend was actually real too! Meeting the Monkey King was probably the best moment of MK's life. There were a lot of upsides to this. But when it came all the way down to it, MK didn't get why it was him.
                              At the end of the day, MK was just a noodle delivery boy. There was nothing special about that! He was just a guy. So when Red Son spoke, MK frowned. This wasn't his fault. But he wasn't angry at the demon. He felt... bad. He could sympathize. Red Son had worked for this, obviously! If anyone deserved this power to be bestowed upon them, it was him. What had MK done? Absolutely nothing. && yet here he stood, staff in hand; trying to figure out his entire purpose. Of course it wasn't all bad, but down at his core, MK felt unworthy.
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                              ❝ I didn't -- I didn't mean to take this from you. I wish there was something I could do. But I can't.. I can't do anything about how this turned out. But I am sorry. I hope you know that. ❞
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newdleboya · 11 months
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks.
Ask them funny questions, get personal, query about the people around them or pester them for their deepest darkest secrets - go wild! Include ✘ with the asks!
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newdleboya · 11 months
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we have fun here :3
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newdleboya · 11 months
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newdleboya · 11 months
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guy. of. ever.
image id below the cut
Start ID. A digital illustration of MK from Lego Monkie Kid, squatting, looking over his shoulder at the viewer. He's balanced on one hand, and the other is bracing his staff against his shoulder. End ID.
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newdleboya · 11 months
▬▬▬ ☁      Whatever happened in the past with his mentor && Macaque, MK didn't like that Monkey King was blaming himself. It made him feel horrible. It didn't matter to him; even knowing this was an act of revenge, the successor knew that he had played his own role in this incident. Maybe that was why he couldn't in good conscience let his mentor accept ALL of the blame.
                              ❝ Yeah, but I trusted him. I got so frustrated && impatient. I should've just told you. But I thought he was making me stronger--- ❞ MK paused, sighing.
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                              ❝ -- I should have trusted you as my mentor. ❞
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❝ I'm sorry. ❞ MK says quietly. He's been quiet, but this needed to be said. ❝ I just wanted to learn more. This is my own fault. ❞
the oracle told him to beware the ides. // @newdleboy
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there  were  many  thoughts  that  were  plaguing  the  sage's  mind  throughout  this  ordeal... but  the  one  feeling  that  continues  to  linger  was  the  fact  that  he  was  guilty. this  shouldn't  have  happened  to  him... and  staring  at  the  wound  on  the  successor's  face  resurfaced  old  memories  he  had  tried  so  hard  to  forget... this  was  what  macaque  aimed  for  and  he  had  hit  the  target  perfectly.
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❝  it's  not  your  fault,  kid... ❞  he  says,  voice low. eyes  look  downwards,  afraid  to  look  at  mk  and  be  reminded  of  his  constant  failures. fist  clenches  tightly  at  his  pants,  ❝  i... it  was  my  fault. for  not  being  a  better  mentor  for  you. ❞
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newdleboya · 11 months
i am an innocent bystander
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newdleboya · 11 months
so anyway that comic inspired me last night // putting under the cut for eye injury
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newdleboya · 11 months
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Sorry kid, nothing personal
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newdleboya · 11 months
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You are losing yourself, bit by bit. Your own skin is peeling away, moths forming out of it as you shed more of yourself. Your breaths birth hummingbirds and doves as they abate, your fears turning into savage things of teeth and claw. How much more of yourself will you have to grate away until you fit the mold you set yourself today? How much more will have to go tomorrow? How much longer until you've shed too much of yourself - until the pieces you left by the roadside are more than what little you have left?
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newdleboya · 11 months
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you mean a lot to me. i hope you know that. / from mei ! / @clicktogether
▬▬▬ ☁      Without a doubt, Mei was MK's best friend. He would do just about anything for her. He should be able to talk to her about anything && yet. He remained silent. About everything. But that wasn't just toward her. Still, he was doing it because of how much he cared. No need to worry everyone he loved! He'd be alright. Looking up && smiling at her, MK nodded.
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                              ❝ Yeah, I know, Mei. You mean a lot to me too! ❞
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newdleboya · 11 months
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the 2012 film
i know things have been difficult lately, and i'm sorry about that.
don't make promises you can't keep.
i thought it was great what you did out there. stupid, but great.
if you can do good things for other people, you have a moral obligation to do those things.
is that a knife? is that a real knife?
anyone has a problem with that can talk to me.
everyone was there but you.
something is very wrong.
this is my responsibility. i have to fix it.
i think i know what you're feeling.
you know, in the future, if you're going to steal cars, don't dress like a car thief.
i can't do this. i can't do this...
my weakness. small knives. anything but knives.
you leave right now. that is an order.
you should see the other guy.
i feel kinda pukey and... just emotional. i keep crying. it's brutal.
you seriously think i'm a cop?
oh come on, how dare you?
no one seems to grasp the concept of the mask.
it won't happen again, i promise.
let me ask you a question.
where do you go? who does this to you?
you've been living with so many unresolved things.
if anyone's destined for greatness, it's you.
i can't sleep.
you're my hero... and i love you.
i can't see you anymore.
i think most people would say he was providing a public service.
did you get expelled?
why didn't you tell me you didn't like my meat loaf?
we all have secrets: the ones we keep, and the ones that are kept from us.
i just did 80% of your job. and that's how you repay me?
where have you been?
you have to get out of there right now.
i was wrong about you. this city needs you.
oh, i'm in trouble.
people are gonna die!
what did you call me?
you are a lot like your father.
you're gonna make enemies. people will get hurt. sometimes the people closest to you.
did you ask her out?
secrets have a cost. they're not free. not now, not ever.
you think we're just sitting around eating donuts with our thumbs planted firmly up our asses?
i've been bitten.
don't make me have to hurt you.
oh. you saw a video on the internet? well, then the case is closed.
don't you ever think about leaving that filthy box in my kitchen.
where are you headed?
i can save them. i can cure them.
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newdleboya · 11 months
▬▬▬ ☁      MK watched the customer for a moment, feeling like he missed something. At the next questions, he blinked && looked over his shoulder. Pigsy was just in the kitchen, he could just grab him if this guy was serious about a complaint. By the time he'd finished talking, MK finally grasped what was going on. He was being flirted with. Okay MK, play it cool. Still, he wouldn't be MK if he didn't continue the bit.
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                              ❝ I don't know if talking to me specifically would really help, guy. I'm just the delivery boy. I can get Pigsy over here if you want though? ❞
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@newdleboy​ continued
There’s a slight moment of awkward silence at the answer that left him confused. Maybe his delivery had been off or the server boy had already heard that line before.
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Taking a drink from his tea the ninja turned sideways on his booth chair, elbow resting on the counter as Kai turned to face him directly.
“You know what? I think I should place a complaint about that. May I get your number?”
Haha! Smooth, very smooth.
“Better yet, why don’t you give me the time you get off the clock and I’ll just stop by then to speak with you?”
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newdleboya · 11 months
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                              snowflake obsidian
you are all grit and closed fists. you refuse to let anything in through the cracks of your armor. you would burn the world to protect those you love. the heart of a warrior burns in your chest. and it also weighs your shoulders down. what is the price for being so strong? what have you sacrificed to make yourself feel safe? when was the last time you let someone see your soul? when was the last time you let someone see you and not just the masks you hide behind? not everything must be a fight.
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