ngeng · 1 year
yknow how like.....screwed...i was? before offline school is back?? YEAAAH lol i'm kind of going back
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ngeng · 1 year
gue ngomong b.indo : woi ajg shjdgd heh tai bgt orang gila anjir lu
gue ngomong eng : omg that's sweet have a great day baby <3
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ngeng · 1 year
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ngeng · 1 year
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destiel doop
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ngeng · 1 year
tfw you read one of the most mind blowing cheek hurting heart racing fic and now you dont know how to read any others from the ship bc it sets the standards too high.....
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ngeng · 1 year
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Ini foto akar masalah gue malem ini aaargh
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ngeng · 1 year
nangis/tearing up pas baca fic fluff tuh emg paling anjay
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ngeng · 1 year
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ngeng · 1 year
normalize saying "cantiknya akuuu" to a man
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ngeng · 1 year
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sometimes, he looks like he belongs in new hope club
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ngeng · 1 year
Kalau gue boleh jujur. Gue sedih ngeliat lo kayak gini. Gue mungkin berubah, tapi lo tetep seseorang yang menarik buat gue. Sama kayak dulu tapi kini gue tau gimana rasanya sakitnya suka sama lo.
Gue khawatir sama lo, despite everything. Gue gak suka liat lo dibiarin left out. Dan gue gak suka gimana temen-temen lo seakan lupain lo ada. Seakan-akan yang peduli sama lo cuman kakak lo, atau emang begitu kah dari dulu? Waktu lo sakit nggak ada yg stay buat sama lo, dan lo baru naik ketika ada dia. Sekarang dia kemana?
Gini je, gue sedih liat lo sendirian, ngurung diri kek gitu. Lo yang dulu bikin gue iri karena lo ceria dan banyak bacot sekarang kemana? Lo cuman senyum ketika lo butuh ngomong ke seseorang. It hurts lowkey, to see your smile when you borrowed a pen with a smile and your face fell just like after. As if you're trying to look okay.
I still care about you, jem. I still do. Not the way i used to but i still do. The last time i saw you like this, i wrote a whole page about wondering what's the weather in your head, which was covered by the same grey friends hoodie. and for once, for the first time in a few months, for the first time since i stopped looking at the class' corner any chance i could, i wonder
how's the weather in your head?
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ngeng · 1 year
Kalau gue boleh jujur. Gue sedih ngeliat lo kayak gini. Gue mungkin berubah, tapi lo tetep seseorang yang menarik buat gue. Sama kayak dulu tapi kini gue tau gimana rasanya sakitnya suka sama lo.
Gue khawatir sama lo, despite everything. Gue gak suka liat lo dibiarin left out. Dan gue gak suka gimana temen-temen lo seakan lupain lo ada. Seakan-akan yang peduli sama lo cuman kakak lo, atau emang begitu kah dari dulu? Waktu lo sakit nggak ada yg stay buat sama lo, dan lo baru naik ketika ada dia. Sekarang dia kemana?
Gini je, gue sedih liat lo sendirian, ngurung diri kek gitu. Lo yang dulu bikin gue iri karena lo ceria dan banyak bacot sekarang kemana? Lo cuman senyum ketika lo butuh ngomong ke seseorang. It hurts lowkey, to see your smile when you borrowed a pen with a smile and your face fell just like after. As if you're trying to look okay.
I still care about you, jem. I still do. Not the way i used to but i still do. The last time i saw you like this, i wrote a whole page about wondering what's the weather in your head, which was covered by the same grey friends hoodie. and for once, for the first time in a few months, for the first time since i stopped looking at the class' corner any chance i could, i wonder
how's the weather in your head?
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ngeng · 1 year
Dahal dulu gue yg kek "awas lu nyakitin tu cewe" ((krn saya sakit hati)) yah malah disakitin
Bgst tu org kandas pas gue udh stop ngecrush anjir WRONG TIMING BGT BORRR
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ngeng · 1 year
Bgst tu org kandas pas gue udh stop ngecrush anjir WRONG TIMING BGT BORRR
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ngeng · 1 year
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cant believe this picture gave me a fucking nightmare(ish)
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ngeng · 2 years
i went from being a yamazaki kento fan, a death note fan, and now i'm a lee know stan my life is on a PATH
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ngeng · 2 years
i envy you, too.
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