nightbearsnebula · 59 minutes
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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nightbearsnebula · 1 hour
sometimes all you need is one passionate person who goes berserk for your work to keep you creating
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nightbearsnebula · 11 hours
What if you loved me so much it literally undoomed me haha jk unless
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nightbearsnebula · 11 hours
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I finally drew something for Mermay! :D
It’s not much but schools been kicking my butt so at the very least I have this on time TwT
(I totally didn’t make them have weird claw things for hands because I couldn’t get the human like hands to look right)
I might color this some day
Anyways enjoy this rare moment of me posting art on here lol
Hope you guys like it :3
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nightbearsnebula · 11 hours
a quick “why is my life so bad” checklist
how’s your sleep schedule
have you eaten or drank anything besides sugar and caffeine
how long have you been sitting in one spot
have you gone out in public recently
have you taken a shower/brushed your teeth/groomed yourself properly
have you spent time doing an activity that doesn’t involve a screen
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nightbearsnebula · 15 hours
take figures out of their boxes btw. sew patches on your favorite jacket. go to bed with your favorite plushes. wear the pants you usually save for special occasions. draw something cool on your wall. put a sticker on your laptop. dye your hair and pierce your lips. glass is meant to break, metal is meant to rust. items are meant to be used. that's how the world knows that somebody loved them.
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nightbearsnebula · 15 hours
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nightbearsnebula · 23 hours
“AI art isn’t real art” boring, pedantic, relies on defining the undefinable and an ever changing goalpost of what Real Art is.
“AI art is fueled by massive art theft” correct, concrete demonstration of the harm it’s doing to actual human beings and not just the nebulous concept of Art Itself.
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nightbearsnebula · 23 hours
When I see ai art, I always check the hands.
And almost always...there are six fingers. Seven knuckles.
A missing thumb.
And yet, as long as they have big tits, people be fawning over it like omg this is peak art.
Yeah. Peak art made by a bot and stolen from actual artists that still somehow can't figure out the exact number of fingers and hands a human being has.
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nightbearsnebula · 24 hours
Not wacom using AI art for their promotional material.
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Y’all are literally selling tablets for people/artists to “draw” on, yet resort to AI garbage. Did they think no one would notice. Didn't even try to hide it.
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What even is this?!!!.........awful.
Not mention the message it sends to artists. The biggest of middle fingers.
Do better!!!
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nightbearsnebula · 24 hours
Friendly reminder that fan-made content (fanart, fanfic, fanvids, etc) are:
extremely time consuming. Remember someone actually took time out of their life to create that, time they could’ve used to, idk, sleep, for example
entertainment you’re consuming for free. I can’t stress this enough: you’re enjoying someone else’s craft for free. You paid exactly zero money to look at/read/watch it.
S H A R E D  with you, not made for you. This is the most important point: someone created that, put it online and you found it. No one forced you to consume that fanwork, you C H O S E  to do it. 
Whenever you feel like leaving a mean comment, anonymous hate or make a ~clever post about how ‘lol look at all of these overused tropes every fic writer crams into their fics’ remember you’re being a dick to someone who shared their work with you. You’re not being funny, you’re not being edgy, you’re not being brave for calling something out - you’re being a dick.
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nightbearsnebula · 24 hours
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nightbearsnebula · 24 hours
me every time I post something
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nightbearsnebula · 24 hours
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nightbearsnebula · 1 day
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nightbearsnebula · 1 day
you all hate the position i sleep in because you haven’t advanced to my level and you’re jealous of my mental acuity and caustic wit as well as being extremely good at sleeping
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nightbearsnebula · 1 day
Change a single letter and change the word game
I want to play a game with you all.
You have to make a new word by changing only one letter of the last word.
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