nightsung-a · 2 years
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nightsung-a · 2 years
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nightsung-a · 2 years
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nightsung-a · 2 years
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nightsung-a · 2 years
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        NO TREE SURVIVES ALONE IN THE FOREST.    an independent  &&  highly selective multimuse.  featuring muses from the oa,  psych,  dishonored,  the resident,  the west wing,  westworld,  scandal,  revenge,  everwood,  new amsterdam,  broadchurch,  one tree hill,  orphan black,  gilmore girls,  the last of us,  a quiet place,  this is us,  marvel,  grey’s anatomy  &&  more!  𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒈,  by victoria.
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also found at:   @ltcmdrdax​,  @cptnseven​,  @gavehope,  @altmanmd  &&  @trustschaos​.
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nightsung-a · 2 years
shawn spencer,  certified autistic chaotic bisexual vibes.
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nightsung-a · 2 years
@bannannie​​ said   ⟶   ‘  treat yo self. it’s the best day of the year!  ’
PARKS AND REC,   accepting.
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“are you still talking?”  a vein of irritation runs beneath the words,  and his facial expression matches the tone perfectly    ❪  he’s had plenty of practice,  hasn’t he?  ❫,   “because i’m gonna be honest,  i stopped listening a while ago.  i have no clue what you’re talking about,  but it sounds pretty damn pointless to me,”
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annie’s eyebrows came together in a frown (as they often would), almost offended by what he’d said. ❝ i’m giving you some great advice and you’re just not listening? ❞ it wasn’t often she gave good advice and that was something the blonde was more than aware of - but this she stood by. ❝ maybe if you bought yourself something nice you wouldn’t be so snippy. ❞
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“i have a nonsense filter,”  he begins,   “see,  i’ve dealt with so much bullshit over the last decade,  i automatically just stop listening whenever someone’s saying something that isn’t worth my time.”   brow furrows as he scoffs,   “great advice?  your advice is to buy something?  and you’re telling me that’s not nonsense?  i’ve got an amazing wife and a brilliant daughter,  i don’t need anything more than that...  and the occasional addition to my firearms collection or some vintage civil war memorabilia should the perfect item become available,”
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nightsung-a · 2 years
there’s more to it.      facets of the dark relationship that not even tommy knew about.      what happened when she was alone in seattle.      the events in santa barbara.      when ellie saw abby walk through the gates of jackson , it wasn’t just anger that coursed through her veins   –   even though outwardly that is what she showed   –   but a walking reminder of every life she took.      of the pregnant woman she stabbed her knife into the throat of.      of nora who she cornered in the basement of that fucking hospital before beating her until her face was unrecognizable.      of nearly killing a child who was never apart of this.      of the love she had thrown away with dina in a blind need for revenge,      abby was a reminder of how she’d lost herself and all she once held close.      this was not just about joel anymore,      but facing something ellie felt she wasn’t ready to.
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but how does she explain that to maria?     how does she lay out all those months to someone who wasn’t there ?      it’s the fact she can’t that keeps her go to emotion that of anger.      ❛   that’s bullshit and you know it.   ❜      her words are sharp as she speaks.      ❛   if i learned anything from joel it was you can’t just trust everyone.      i mean   ––   how do you know they don’t have some sick motive maria ?!   ❜      she begins with her voice raising , and the mention of the fireflies being the reason for the group’s arrival makes ellie’s eyes grow large and her words stop in their tracks.      ❛   fireflies ?   ❜      confusion overtakes her.      ❛   the   ––   the fireflies are gone.      they broke up after   –––   ❜ 
to a degree she knows she’ll never understand,   she’ll always be destined to simply watch as those she loves hurt in so many ways while her own pain isn’t nearly as enormous.  all the same,  maria’s got to take more than just those closest to her into consideration  —  that’s part of being a leader,  isn’t it?  it’s a part of ensuring they all manage to survive the difficulties that present themselves at every turn  —  whether they’re difficulties that are known to many or not.  
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“i don’t appreciate you trying to tell me what i do or don’t know,  ellie.  i’ve been more than patient with you,  and i can say without any doubt that you know it.  i’ve made it abundantly clear.”   with a sigh,  maria tries to loosen the tension in her jaw as she watches the younger woman,   “what if they have some sick motive?  really?  y’know,  that’s something that could be asked of too many people.  there’s a line between trusting those who deserve it and trusting no one at all,  and it’s my job to be able to find that line.  my job to be objective.”  
“we’re perfectly equipped to handle any problems that might arise from the presence of our new residents,  but until they display any truly worrisome behavior?  the decision’s been made,  and any further decisions won’t move forward without my involvement.”   she can’t be anything less than clear given the circumstances,  can she?  
“they were.  they...  they did break up,”   suddenly she’s softer,  though there are hints of exasperation and frustration that remain,   “at least,  that’s what i thought until recently.  until contact was made with old friends who confirmed their identities with as much certainty as tommy ‘n i needed.  these people are friends.  they need our help,  and we’re going to give it,”
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nightsung-a · 2 years
hey so my birthday’s on the 13th and i really wanna do a group photo op with tim omundson and maggie lawson the week afterward at a con so uh…….  here’s my ko-fi if anyone wants to donate to the cause as a lil birthday present 🥰 (or alternatively commission from me that works too)
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nightsung-a · 2 years
hey pals so for professional reasons i’m changing my alias!  i’m now going by VICTORIA!  you’re cool to refer to me as zanza on discord,  but this change is goin into effect immediately!
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nightsung-a · 2 years
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          NO TREE SURVIVES ALONE IN THE FOREST.   an independent  &&  highly selective multimuse.  featuring muses from the oa,  psych,  dishonored,  the resident,  the west wing,  westworld,  scandal,  revenge,  everwood,  new amsterdam,  broadchurch,  one tree hill,  orphan black,  gilmore girls,  the last of us,  a quiet place,  this is us,  marvel,  grey’s anatomy  &&  more!   𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒈,  by victoria.
also found at: @ltcmdrdax​,  @cptnseven​,  @gavehope,  @altmanmd  &&  @trustschaos​.
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nightsung-a · 2 years
hey pals so for professional reasons i’m changing my alias!  i’m now going by VICTORIA!  you’re cool to refer to me as zanza on discord,  but this change is goin into effect immediately!
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nightsung-a · 2 years
hey so my birthday’s on the 13th and i really wanna do a group photo op with tim omundson and maggie lawson the week afterward at a con so uh…….  here’s my ko-fi if anyone wants to donate to the cause as a lil birthday present 🥰 (or alternatively commission from me that works too)
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nightsung-a · 2 years
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specify muse (on both sides if you’re a multi) or you won’t get anything!
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GREY’S:  amelia shepherd,  arizona robbins,  charlotte king,  lexie grey,  mark sloan.
NEW AMSTERDAM:   elizabeth wilder,  georgia goodwin,  veronica fuentes.
THE RESIDENT:   billie sutton,  conrad hawkins,  kit voss.
teddy moved to @altmanmd​,  nic moved to @gavehope​,  lauren’s still at @trustschaos​
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nightsung-a · 2 years
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idk a meme for forever ago,  addressed to rawree guomore bc that part needs to be immortalized
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“AUNT ADDIE!!”   there’s no denying rory’s reaction to seeing @fatalelity​ is bright as she crosses the lobby quickly  —  it’s not often the surgeon makes her way to connecticut,  after all.   “finally took mom up on her offer to come see the new inn?  it’s pretty fancy,  huh?  what’ve you seen so far?  i know mom’s busy dealing with some taylor related issue,  so i’m happy to give you a tour,”     
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when addison answers,  rory can’t say she’s surprised by a single word of it,   “i said hi to the horses. they’re very nice.”   the younger gilmore girl’s smile broadens as she offers her own answer,   “aw,  you met cleetus and desdamona?  they’re sweethearts alright,  mom’s obsessed  —  she always wanted to get horses for the independence inn,  there just wasn’t room.  seen anything else?  then when mom’s free we can have sookie make lunch?  or we can go to luke’s!  whatever you want,  you’re the guest here.  i have to get back to yale by tonight,  but otherwise...  you and mom have me all day,”    
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nightsung-a · 2 years
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“ wait,  i’m sorry,  do you not know who i am?  because that’s a way bigger problem than whatever the hell’s gonna happen to the mayor. ” quinzel folds her arms over her chests in a huff,  refusing to move another step. “ you’ve never heard of harley quinn? ”
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“no,  i’ve never heard of harley quinn!   what sort of question is that?  who are you,  one of those people from that clock app i keep hearing about?  that doesn’t make you famous,  it makes your life incredibly sad,”   he lets that sink in for just a minute before continuing,   “there’s no way in hell it’s more important to what’s about to happen to the mayor.  are you kidding me?  this isn’t some game,  lady!”
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nightsung-a · 2 years
THE DATE IS FEBRUARY 1ST BY EARTH RECKONING, 2379  —  a thursday  —  and a ship is docked on upper pylon two. by no means is this an unusual sight, but given the way necks crane to get a glimpse of the famed ship (and the fact that quark is selling commemorative pens) one might assume it’s brand new. their debrief hadn’t lasted too long and while some have accepted reassignment, others are eager to get a look at the place that has become an expansion of their home, for all intents and purposes. that eagerness isn’t shared by all, with a great many of the USS VOYAGER’s crew feeling hesitant and nervous. they’re managing expectations - right? with only moments before the senior staffs of DEEP SPACE NINE and VOYAGER are set to have their first official meeting,  to know what lies ahead is something they’d all like the answer to…
WHAT LIES AHEAD,  a discord based post dominion war star trek group verse with integrated star trek adventures elements,  with some inspiration taken from the ds9 relaunch novels.  presented by ZANZA + GANY.
reach out to zanza (nightsung, ltcmdrdax, et. al),  gany (colnerys),  or trekresources to indicate interest! 
*   all required material will be provided at no cost,  we reserve the right to accept or reject any potential members at our discretion. 
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