Noah was grateful he had not eaten lunch as he had just watched his brother sell another dark item to a customer. His stomach turned at the dark glint in the man’s eyes as he muttered something about, “that bitch” or something. He had a feeling some woman was going to have a dangerous night and he could do nothing about it. He had never hated working in this place more than he did now.
The door opened as someone else came in and Noah set his broom aside. He could only sweep the honestly now spotless floors for so long before William demanded he helped assist with a sale or something. He tightened his apron. “Thank you for coming to Borgin and Burke’s. Is there something that you are looking for in particular?” he asked, turning to face whoever entered the store and painting on a smile.
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Noah sat on a barstool at the leaky cauldron, sighing into his butterbeer. He felt emotionally empty. It was hard to get to this point for Noah. He was always very chipper and excited, but the dark mark in the sky just weighed on him. He had been unable to get merchandise out of the store in time and many customers had purchased so many dangerous items. It made his soul feel sick.
He felt someone coming up and saw it was Ted Tonks. He gave his fellow Hufflepuff a weak smile and offered him a seat. He waited until the older man was settled before a question on his mind couldn’t help but tumble out past his filter. “ Ted, why are Gryffindors either arses or idiots? I mean, I dated one, and ended things because he was too dumb to see he and his best friend had been practically married to each other since Hogwarts and two more I asked for help and both of them just seemed to believe I was trying to lure into some trap or something. I wanted to make the world safer and got accused of being a Death Eater! If I told you, ‘Please come to my family’s shop and help me get rid of the dark items there,’ does that seem like I am about to do something bad to you? Sorry, that was a terrible starting conversation. How are Dora and Andy?”
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“Can’t do that,” Sirius grimaced. It certainly wouldn’t help with whatever poorly planned thought Noah had in mind, but having not spotted Remus or Lily in his attempt at scanning the crowd to make sure they weren’t part of it left him assuming they would have gotten Harry home.
“My godson lives there,” He shook his head. “Red would hex me into next year for even thinking about doing something that would put the little tyke’s safety at stake. You would be better off depositing it on the Lestrange’s grounds. Another thing I won’t be able to help with since I value my life. Probably properly banned from the estate anyway.”
Remus’ name being brought up caused Sirius to wrinkle his nose. “Yeah, I’m only about halfway sorry for my behavior after that,” He winced once Noah stopped talking. It was still far too much to process. “He never properly explained why you ended things.” He added in a whisper. “Suppose it explains why he wanted nothing to do with me the first week though.”
Another shake of the head accompanied Noah’s question then Sirius threw a sideways look in his direction. “You need to calm down,” He muttered. It wasn’t the best advice but it was advice nonetheless. “The more you keep asking, the more suspicious I am of the store having something to do with things.”
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Noah had honestly never felt more frustrated in his life. Did no one understand how dangerous things were right now except him?! “You don’t have to drop them down in front of Harry’s playroom or whatever! I just wanted them taken to him since he is an auror and he could floo them to the ministry really quick! The last thing I want is for them to remain where they could hurt people,” he explained. “Why on Earth would Lestranges be a better place to take Dark items? They are regular damn customers!”
“Well good for at least starting to get that. I’ll take a start over nothing,” he said with a very heavy sigh. “Yeah I doubt he would go to you and say, ‘Crazy story, so my boyfriend just dumped me because he thinks I am in love with you. Tea?’ He is still trying to deny it, but the man’s face lights up when he talks about you, he would go on for hours about one story of some shite you did at Hogwarts, and it becomes a bit obvious when he claims once a month he has to go see you. If I didn’t know the kind of person he was, I’d have thought he was cheating on me with you. Anyways, that was why and now you know. Happy Christmas.”
Noah just shook his head. “I cannot calm down and frankly, I am tired of no one helping me. If anyone gets hurt from items in that store, I guess you will know what happened. Get somewhere safe, Sirius, and for the love of magic, fucking admit you like Remus so the gay community can find some other couple to talk about.”
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— 🦌 —
     James’s mouth falls open in an expression of shock. He hadn’t been trying to offend the guy, he was simply doing his job— and right now, that’s what he needed to be doing. Besides, what was more shady than someone asking an Auror and War Survivor to go to a shop filled with sketchy artifacts while a Morsmordre covers the sky? He walks quickly up to where Noah has ran away from him and grabs his arm, pulling him back into the pub. “You can’t go out there right now. It’s not safe.”      James rolls his eyes and gives Noah’s arm a shake, hoping to bring him out of whatever state of mind he’s just gone off to. “I’m an Auror,” he says with a pointed look, unable to keep the snarky tone from his voice. He was stressed, and panicked, and really couldn’t be dealing with this right now. It’s either the lad was part of what was going on, or he wasn’t, and right now, James couldn’t take any chances.      “I wouldn’t be doing my job if you didn’t look wildly suspicious to me right now.” He shakes his head and gives Noah a blank look. “I’m not going anywhere near that shop of yours, thank you. If you want someone to come take a look at it, you’ll have to owl Headquarters tomorrow. If I’m not busy, I’ll do it, but not without someone else there, too.” He frowns and shakes his head again, dropping Noah’s arm. He was still suspicious, but he doubted that Noah was up to anything dangerous, especially if he was worried about the symbol rather than excited about it.       He looks at Noah with sympathy. “Look… Just don’t worry about it right now. Get home, call your family, your friends… Whoever you need to. Owl me— address it to Auror James Potter at the ministry— and we can schedule a time for me to come by, alright?” He puts his hand on Noah’s shoulder, one of understanding rather than accusation this time. “Whatever trouble you’ve managed to get yourself into, mate, I’ll do what I can, yeah? I trust Remus, and if he trusted you, I’d be a fool to not at least give you the benefit of the doubt.” 
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Noah held back a scream of frustration, not wanting to draw more attention to himself. James was not getting that time was of the essence here and he didn’t care to keep trying to explain to him that not going with him might endanger so many people. 
“E’eryone tha’ e’er hears me las’ name always does this shite. They make judgements, don’t listen to me, and jus’ see some death eater in trainin’. I don’ know why I listened to Remus’s suggestion to not tell people. It never woulda mattered. There has been only one person tha’ was not a Hufflepuff that gave me a chance, and it was Remus. I thou’ maybe you’d be the second. Forget it. I have lives to save and you aren’ gonna help me do it,” he croaked, voice hoarse from the tears he was trying to choke back so he could see better.
“I... I don’ ha’ anyone to keep safe. Me fam’ly will be jus’ fine since the dark folk need their goods. Friends... friends are hard to come by when your name is synonymous with dangerous goods. Ye already know me love life is trashed. So it’s jus’ me. It’ll always be jus’ me. You ge’ home to Lily and ‘Arry no’. If ye canna help me, at least go be with them.”
He left without another word.
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Sirius grit his teeth in an attempt at keeping back a sarcastic comment. It backfired but made the thought a little less catty sounding than it originally would have. “Feeling rather charitable today,” He admitted with a shrug. There was truly no knowing what possessed him to assist outside of acknowledging he was already on edge from the mark and Remus was nowhere to be found. It certainly wasn’t anything he was going to get into with Noah.
“No thanks necessary though,” He added. There was a momentary pause where he listened, unable to disguise the look of amusement once it creased over his features. “Yeah,” He chuckled. “Because that will go over well. Wally will take that as an open invitation to try to convince me to-”
Then the rest of what was said registered.
Sirius trailed off mid-sentence, the rant about his mother quickly forgotten. The look of confusion immediately took over while his jaw hung open a few seconds. He quietly mouthed what he thought he heard then brought a hand up to show he needed more time to process before Noah said anything else. “Backup a moment and excuse my language,” He murmured then ran his hand through his hair. “What the fuck are you on about? Or should I say who? If this is some attempt at taking the piss at my behavior, it is poorly timed.”
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Noah was too focused on the situation at hand to really focus on Sirius’s comment. Making a plan in his mind was important at the moment. Get the objects out of the shop. Have Sirius take them to the Aurors. Blame this all on a robbery in the chaos of the situation. As long as Veritiserum wasn’t given to him, he could get away with this. It wasn’t like William had a large amount of spare gold on hand to buy some. “Still, thank you.”
“Don’t worry about your freaking mum. I just want you take them to James. He can do what needs to be done with them and that will be it,” he said in an attempt to cut off whatever argument the other had planned. He didn’t realize Sirius has stopped to process his comment tossed out in the heat of the moment. Oh Merlin’s balls. They did not have time for this shit and it was his own fault.
“Dammit all. I apologize for that slip of the tongue but you and I both know I was talking about Remus. You started being an arse when I dated him, and then became a bigger arse when I ended things. First of all, very hypocritical of you. You don’t get to be pissed when I date him and then be pissed when I don’t. Second of all, anyone who has any gaydar and a pulse can tell except for the two of you that you both love each other and it is frankly annoying. Finally, I may be a Hufflepuff, but I am tired of letting you be a jerk to me when I ended things because I am aware of your feelings for him and vice versa and I am trying to make you both break out of whatever Confundus charm you morons seem to be under that is stopping you from admitting your feelings. Now, can we focus on getting rid of dark magical items in my family’s damn store so people do not die? I would super love to do that.”
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The options were easy. Either ignore the fallen person that didn’t look like any of the people he was trying to keep track of or do something decent. A low groan could barely be heard when he took a closer look at who had fallen, tongue pressing against his cheek while he thought over the best way to approach things.
On one hand, it would have been typical of him to ignore Noah’s presence. Some scoffed remark and his going on his way. On the other, he had been berated for his behavior enough times to assume Remus wouldn’t be pleased with him if he fully ignored him and word got back to him. Even with the two broken up, the idea of ignoring him did not feel right.
“Right, back on your feet,” Sirius muttered and offered a hand out to him. He deliberately avoided making eye contact since he couldn’t trust his facial expressions. Pleasant words were easy enough but he would be damned if a scowl or something gave away precisely how he was feeling.
The mention of home earned a look of confusion and the realization that he hadn’t been able to keep track of the few people that meant something to him. The people he counted as home. “A bit easier said than done,” Sirius sighed then rolled his eyes. “What direction were you heading in?”
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Noah barely had time to register his shock at Sirius helping him with all the chaos happening, but he was incredibly shocked all the same. Sirius was one of the people he would least suspect would want to help him. No. That’s not true. He knew Sirius was a good guy. He’d help anyone that needed it. He was more surprised that Sirius didn’t help with some sort of comment about it. He took the help and tried to right his things. He quickly double checked that he still had the key on him with a non-verbal accio. Good. It was fighting to get out of his pocket.
“Thank you, Sirius. I really appreciate it. I kind of expected to be trampled, to be honest,” he admitted softly. He noticed the crowd was starting to thin, making his stomach tighten. He was losing time. 
“I... I was headed for the family shop,” he said, now being the one unable to meet Sirius’s eyes. He hoped that the other understood what he meant. “Could... could you please... please come with me? I know this is a lot to ask, but... I... if this is happening again.... I need as much stuff gone as possible,” he explained. “William will come to check soon when he hears the screams. I can’t hide the bad stuff this time. He knows. Sirius, lives are at stake. Please, if there is any time for you to let your very petty grudge about me dating the man you love and then ending things, please let it be now!”
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— 🦌 —
     James blinks at Noah, suppressing a laugh at the insinuation that Sirius is in love with Remus. He guesses that perhaps the marauders do look like a married group more than a friend group sometimes, but that’s just the way they were. The way they had always been. Sirius and Remus had a curious friendship, but it was no more curious than Sirius and James’s own brother-like companionship.      “Right,” he says, nodding his head at the man’s confusion. “Of course. Moony and Padfoot and their sexual tension.” He takes a sip of his drink before he can let out a big snort of laughter and give away just how ridiculous he thinks it all is.      To hear the guy had a crush on him surprises James. He was under the impression that he was a complete and utter tosser back at Hogwarts, and that anyone had anything other than a memory of complete distaste when it came to his teenage self was a shock, to say the least. Instead of voicing this, though, he lets out a chuckle. “Well, I was quite the catch back in my glory days, I must admit,” he smiles, reminiscing on the days where he was very much not a catch, if Lily Potter had anything to say about it.      James is still lost in his memories when the panicking of the crowd hits him. Immediately, his eyes turn towards the door, making a note of the exit and how he could get everyone out. He hopes that nothing has happened, but he knows better than to hope for the best when it comes to panicked crowds. The minute he hears that word though. Those words. His breath catches and he feels himself drawn into a mind of panic and worry. James knows he can’t succumb to it though, not in public, not with these people needing him to be strong and organized about it all. He quickly composes himself and turns towards Noah, having barely caught anything he has said over the last few minutes, aside from the name ‘Burke’ and a ‘we have to go now or bad things will happen.’      He turns to Noah with a look of suspicion. “What was that?” he says, hand immediately going to his wand, held tightly in a holster on his waist. “I’m not going anywhere, thanks,” he says flatly. He eyes Noah’s forearm with a glare. Surely the man talking to him over the course of the evening couldn’t be one of them? He was nice, and Remus dated him, for Merlins sake. No, he couldn’t be— James was an advocate for giving people the benefit of the doubt, but one could never be too sure. “Why don’t you stay here with me, alright?”
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Noah saw James’s attempts at hiding laughter and immediately felt sympathetic. The poor straights were terrible at seeing non-straights having feelings for another non-straight. “Oh dear... you believe them when they say they are just friends.... Terribly awkward, mate. Um... I would recommend asking Lily if she agrees. Ladies tend to see queer love a touch better than gents who aren’t queer. No offense or anything,” he said while rubbing the back of his neck.
Noah was surprised that James was not agreeing to come with him. He felt a stab to the heart to see James’s eyes fall on his arm. Was... was he really thinking he was one of them?! Tears burned his eyes as he ripped the sleeve of his left arm right off his shirt, revealing a perfectly clean arm. “You want to cast detection spells on it and my guitar too?!” he accused. “I wanted you to come with me and get all the cursed stuff out of my family’s shop while I knew no one would be there to stop you! I thought... I thought you would be different! Remus di’n’t need to see my feckin’ arm, you arse!” he cried, his Irish brogue coming to the surface in his distress.
He shook his head at the suggestion to stay. “No’ why woul’ I stay?! I wa’ gonna ha’ you help me betray me fam’ly to keep folk safe, and firs’ thing ye do is look at me feckin’ arm like I woul’ do shite like this! Shite! I canna stay! I ha’ ta go get shite out o’ the shop afore me granda come to make a knut on all this insanity!” He ran for the door, hating that his glasses were fogging up from his tears, making an already difficult exit harder. He stopped for a moment to try to wipe away some of his tears, not wanting anyone to get hurt just because he was being reckless.
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— 🦌 —
     “Sirius is,” he says, pausing for a moment. “He’s protective. Don’t worry about him, he’ll come around.” Maybe. James didn’t really know much about his friends personal relationships, aside from all of the family nonsense they seem to go through, but he couldn’t imagine what this kind bloke had done to irritate his best mate that much.       James takes in Noah’s appreciation of Remus with a quirked eyebrow, wondering if the man still had feelings for his dear ol’ Moony. He couldn’t blame him there. If Jamie swung that way, he’d have married Sirius and Remus the minute they all graduated Hogwarts. He supposes Lily is just waiting for that to happen still anyway, finally binding them all as a family. For a minute he thinks maybe he should legally adopt Moony and Padfoot as the family pets. Might as well be at this point. James laughs at the thought and then remembers he’s not alone, changing the laugh to a cough before taking a sip of his drink.      “The pleasure is all mine, I assure you,” he says, but he glows under the praise nonetheless. Perhaps his Animagus should’ve been a dog. “No worries, mate, I’m quite the talker myself. Think the wife tells me to shut up at least 6 times… an hour. Yeah, sounds about right. I usually don’t listen, I think she’d be bored to tears without dear Prongs around to entertain her. It’s the Potter Charm.” He laughs and takes another pull from his drink. “I do have a request, actually,” he hums, a finger tapping on his chin. “I’m quite favourable to Mary Had A Little Lamb. Do you know that one?”
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“Protective, clearly in love with Remus, same difference. I honestly have no idea how you manage to hang out with them in the same room sometimes. The sexual tension could be cut with a severing charm,” Noah said with a little laugh. “I don’t blame either of them, they are both rather attractive and wonderful people. If they weren’t so territorial about each other, I would have suggested all of us date. But clearly they are not about that at all. That’s why I ended things, though. I’m trying to get them to stop being thicker than trolls and date. It’s not going well, though,” he admitted, a touch sheepish. “If you care for someone and they love another, you want them to be happy, you know?”
“I sincerely doubt she tells you to shut up that often. Though I will admit, the Potter Charm is very real. I had a bit of a crush on you in school. Though, honestly, it is very hard to be a polyamorous pansexual some times because so many people are just terribly attractive and I just want to come home to a group of people to love and cuddle! Sorry! There I go again! Oh! Um.. A bit of a different choice, but I can definitely play Mary Had a Little La-”
Noah was cut off as people started screaming about the Dark Mark showing up in the sky. He felt his heart stop. He felt his eyes burn as he fought tears falling. The set. His plans. The shop. William. He needed to do something. He had to do something fast.
“James! James, um... I know this is the oddest thing, but my last name is Burke. Can you come with me to my family’s shop? I... we have to go now or... or bad things... bad things will happen,” he said quickly, his hands shaking as he picked up his guitar and started looking around for anyone familiar from the store that might see him.
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Noah had been just about to set up on stage when the screams started. A part of him thought it was just a drunk person a bit too excited, but then he heard what the screams were about. He froze. No. No this... this couldn’t happen again. This could not be real! He was four years into his deal with William. No, it was worse than that. William knew about what he did last time. He wouldn’t be able to do it again.
He grabbed all of his stuff and began running for Knockturn Alley. He knew the shop was long closed, but thankfully had his family’s key. He had closed up earlier. He had to think.
Maybe he could stage a robbery? Break the glass with rocks so people couldn’t detect spells? Or he could grab the registry and go find someone that could audit their selections and... and... and the family would look for who told the Aurors. 
He fell in the street, tears burning his eyes. What could he do?
He felt someone trying to help him up. “S-sorry, I... I tripped. I’ll get out of your way now.... Get home... get to your home where it is safe,” he said as he tried to wipe away his tears.
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     His Auror tactics notice Noah’s change in energy before he can figure out why and James immediately jumps to being suspicious— the only people who tensed at his introduction were people who knew him as an Auror and had something to hide, or people who he tormented in Hogwarts. Knowing it definitely wasn’t the latter, his mind is concentrated on the former, but he decides to give the wix the benefit of the doubt before casting him off as an enemy. The war is over, he reminds himself firmly. He relaxes as his best mates name is mentioned, knowing that Moony would never befriend someone who had less than favourable world views.       “You know Remus? He’s the best of us, you know,” James says with a grin, happy to meet one of Moony’s friends that he hadn’t already known. He takes the pumpkin pasty with a wide smile of gratitude and takes a bite, chewing with a satisfied mmm. He listens to Noah talk, nodding along but only half paying attention to the words, his better half paying attention to the pastry. His ears tune in on the word dated and he looks at Noah with surprise.      He knew Remus had an ex called Noah but honestly, he had completely forgotten. His memories are quickly flooded but he shoves them to the back of his mind, already decided that if Moony had forgiven the lad for their past, then he obviously should too. James was very protective of his friends, but he knew that Remus was adult enough to make his own decisions— being even more mature than James in all most situations.      “Of course not, mate,” he says, clapping a hand on the other’s back to show how much he meant it. His mind had immediately gone into what his friends called Dad mode, wanting to make sure Noah didn’t feel upset. “If Remus has forgiven you for all that, I do, too— he’s a smart man, that one. Besides, if I were to hate you, I’d have to leave right now and miss hearing your music, which I’m sure will be incredible. Can’t do that now, can I?”
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Noah was instantly filled with relief at the response. He released the breath he did not know he was holding, felt his shoulder sag, and dug his nails slightly into his palm as he swallowed back the urge to cry. He really had no idea how he was going to react if James became upset. He at at least kind of known Sirius before he and Remus dated, so Noah knew when to try to make amends and when to just let the other go. James was a blank slate to him and he already knew he would probably have another rough moment when James learned his last name.
“That means a lot. I really appreciate that. Sirius has been avoiding me for about half a year, which was when Remus and I started dating and just continued when I ended things a few months later. I am a firm believer in letting people feel what they feel, but it hurts a bit to be forgiven by Remus, the guy I was actually dating, only to have Sirius continue to give me the cooling charm, you know?” he asked. 
“I’ve honestly wanted to meet you for a while. Remus said so many wonderful things about you, Lily, and little Harry. Then things got weird and I thought I lost the chance to have a nice conversation with you, but here we are! It’s really a pleasure. You’re a hero with all you did in the war and it’s nice to know that everything Remus said was true. Though, I think he is an excellent judge of character, so I am not surprised,” he gushed, blushing slightly before pulling back a bit. “Sorry, I tend to ramble a touch,” he muttered, biting his lip.
“Oh yes! I go on after this set finishes. Do you have any requests? I basically taught myself all the classics,” he added.
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     James eyes the guitar and the musician with respect, appreciating a hard-worker when he sees one. As privileged as he was, James understood what it was like to work for what he wanted. He didn’t win the Lily Evans on reputation alone, after all, and he did contribute to winning a war. “We called ourselves the marauders, thick as thieves. Terror amongst students, surely; McGonagall was rather glad to see us go in the end. Though in my heart she remains the one that got away,” James says with a jokingly wistful tone. He moves on quickly, not allowing himself to think too hard about how their close quartet has long since become a trio.       “Snacks, you say?” he responds with a grin, matching Noah’s seriousness of tone. “Definitely could’ve used some of those in the Gryffindor common room. The boys and I happened upon the kitchens way too many time back then, think we drove the castle’s elves half mad.” He relaxes back, sending a quick, assessing gaze over the crowd.       “But I digress. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Noah. What’ve you got planned for us tonight, then? What’s the music scene like these days? I hardly get out, if I’m not at the Ministry or on the fields, I’m home with the family,” he says, holding his hand out for the wizard to shake. “It’s Potter, James Potter, but just James is fine. Or Potter. Whatever suits your fancy.” 
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Noah heard the name Marauders and felt his blood run cold. Oh dear, this was James, wasn’t it? He had known Sirius before he and Remus had dated, but they had not been together long enough for him to meet James. Was he as angry as Sirius was? No, probably not, not with Sirius’s feelings. Oh Merlin this was going to possibly turn sour rather quickly. “Oh yes, I have heard of the Marauders before. A friend of mine, Remus, told me about some of your adventures. They sounded rather fun,” he replied, chuckling slightly.
“Oh yes, snacks are terribly important. First years in Hufflepuff learn day one how to get into the kitchens. Fancy a Chocolate Frog or Pumpkin Pasty?” he asked as he pulled a couple of each out of his bag as if to prove his snack supplying abilities. He hoped they might butter James up before he told him who he was. “The house elves don’t mind too much about getting snacks as long as you try to keep clean up for them to a minimum.”
“Oh I have some of my personal songs as well as some classics. You know, nothing too crazy,” he answered. “I have been listening to some muggle musicians thanks to Remus. He erm... introduced me to them... when we dated...,” he said, now unable to meet James’s eyes. “I kind of figured you were James Potter when you mentioned the Marauders. I know Sirius already and obviously I know Remus... so by default, you were James,” he explained. “Remus and I have gotten back on friendly terms and I never meant to hurt him when I ended things, but when you are will someone who is clearly in love with another, is it more heartless to stay and hope their affections change or to let them go?” he asked, almost trying to rush the words out before James could really react. “Do you hate me too?” he whispered.
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“That is quite amazing actually, congrats on the gig.” She complimented with a warm smile, Andromeda understood aspirations.  She had several of her own, most she knew were dreams but she had hope that one day she could achieve them.  “No worries, my name’s Andromeda.  It is a pleasure to meet you Noah.” She smiled shaking his hand with a tight grip.  “Especially one that is a rising talent.”
“Oh thank you. I’m rather excited to share some of my new songs. I hope people like them. It’s a bit of a turn from the norm. I’ve been trying to take on some erm... muggle musical influences. I know not everyone is ok with that, but their musicians are amazing!” Noah explained, whispering slightly when mentioning muggles. “It’s lovely to meet you, Andromeda! Do you have any song requests? I am pretty well versed in everything, so it’s rather difficult to find a song I don’t know. I figure it’s best to play some classics in between my stuff to show my range. You really think I am a rising talent?” he asked, blushing slightly.
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Caradoc hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the gift from Noah since it came in. His mums were going to be in soon, but he couldn’t host his family if he was worrying about a certain curly haired man. He tried to tell himself it was because of the money. His family worked hard for what they earned and it felt odd to him to be given that much money from a friend.
He left Emme to greet his parents and told her he’d be back. He needed to thank Noah and a letter didn’t seem personal enough. He had also worked out how he was going to give the money back and he didn’t think sending it in a letter would be enough.
“Hi,” Caradoc said when Noah noticed him. He had already been nervous, but being in front of him sent his blood pressure through the roof. “I need to go soon,” he said, feeling flustered. “Don’t want to keep you from what you’re doing… But erm, I got your gift. And I wanted to thank you.” He stepped closer to Noah. He’d wait for the moment to give the money back, but now wasn’t the time. There was so much he wanted to say, but none of it seemed right. “You didn’t have to do that. I really appreciate it. I don’t think I even know when your birthday is.” He smiled sheepishly. He’d have to find out and return the favour. 
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“Oh! I’m glad! I hoped you got it, since Zigs came back, but he gets a bit lost sometimes, so I couldn’t be sure until now. I meant to send a letter to my mum once and got a response from Olivander. It was a bit impressive how lost he got that time. I’m rambling again. Sorry! Erm, I know you said you couldn’t stay long, but you should come in. I can get you some tea,” he said gesturing for the other to come in.
He quickly remembered the state the room was in with ribbon and flower stems in one area and sheet music scattered across the coffee table. As he ran to clean up, Ziggy Stardust hooted in disgust at the rush and flew to his perch. Noah quickly moved to clear the table off, stacking the papers up with a song labeled “Fairies In My Gut” on top, not that Noah noticed as he ran to spell the bouquet remains away. “Sorry my place is a bit of a site. Wasn’t expecting company. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll go start tea!” he said, heading toward the kitchen and sending a few quick spells around to get a kettle warming before he returned.
“Ok that will be a few, so you said you liked the present? I am so glad to hear that! I felt so awkward in that muggle shop, but when I thought about things you liked, all I could remember was you getting sweets packages in school, but not knowing what any of them were. So I went to the shop and looked for the label I remembered. I hope I got the right one. Did I?” he asked as he sat down.
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  “No no, no need for that, I was just admiring that lovely instrument of yours.” He leans in closer as if to tell a most captivating secret and whispers: “You know, I was in a band myself back at ol’ Hoggiewarts.” One time in fifth year, he’d tried out for the frog choir, thinking he could impress Lily with his beautiful singing voice and perhaps get some of the other members to help him serenade her. He was quickly dissuaded from the notion when he not only didn’t make the choir, but was forbade by Flitwick from ever gracing the halls of the castle with his “disastrous and off-pitch” singing voice, or else he’d find himself on the end of a Silencio. He chuckles at the memory and adds: “Er, different sort of band though. More like a friend group, really.”   He was fresh off his first pint of the day and felt more friendly than usual. He regards the wizard with a curious look, giving him a subtle once-over. “Well, you’re definitely not Celestina Warbeck, and I don’t think you’re a musician of the muggle variety, either. Got a name?”
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“Oh thank you! Yes, she’s lovely. It was a week’s pay at my family’s shop to get her, but very worth it,” Noah replied, smiling like he was looking at a child. “You were?! I didn’t know there was a band at Hogwarts! How did I miss that?! Did they not invite Hufflepuffs? Cause honestly, that is a mistake. We bring snacks to everything,” he added, his tone sounding as if snacks were the most serious of business. Though, in his opinion, they were. “Friend group?”
Noah couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh no, I’m not Celestina Warbeck, but I’m also not a muggle, so you are two for two there!” he replied between chuckles. “Noah! I’m Noah,” he said, carefully trying to avoid his last name. “What about you, sir? Didn’t catch your name either.”
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“I can’t see you getting any T’s,” he complimented. “Even if you’re bad at potions, I doubt you’re that bad.” He normally was hypercritical when it came to marks in school, but he was biased in this situation. “That sounds nice,” he said. “There wasn’t much in Ravenclaw’s common room, but books. Which is great for me, but it might be nice to have something more fun in there too.”
Doc laughed loudly and for a long time. He felt bad for how long he laughed, he didn’t want Noah to think he was laughing at him. “Sorry, we’re just so close that the fact that we would ever date is hysterical to me.” He listened to Noah talk about Remus. He noticed it too sometimes, but he never said it so blatantly. “That’s why you broke up with him?” he asked, not even able to believe it. “He doesn’t know that does he?” He eyed Noah. “Trying to get them there? What are you doing? Meddling?” He grinned softly, like a little kid about to pull a prank. He wasn’t sure what Noah meant, but he wasn’t sure if he approved. It sounded like he was potentially sticking his nose where it didn’t belong.
Caradoc looked down as Noah put his hand on top of his. He tried to not overthink it. It was just a friendly gesture when they were talking about something hard. Doc knew the war was hard for a lot of people and he couldn’t even begin to judge what happened to someone. Caradoc knew who Noah’s family was,  but he also knew that the way Noah was didn’t match with the way his family was. “You can still be a musician though right?” Caradoc asked, feeling the way Noah’s hand felt rough on his. He clearly still played. “Your brother isn’t stopping you from that is he?”
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“I managed to avoid them, thankfully! Grandfather might have forced Da I mean Father to disown me,” Noah replied, a touch of his native Irish Brogue slipping out for a moment. His family had worked hard to hide their accents, wanting to sound more like the upper class Purebloods that frequented the store. “It was nice! I am sure your books were lovely too. Books are one of my Aromentia smells, so I cannot imagine it was terrible.” He gave Caradoc a confused look at his questions. “Yes I told him, even though he denies it constantly. And yes, I am meddling. I refuse to let them keep lying to themselves!” He replied with fierce determination in his eyes.
Noah hid his face in his hands at Doc’s laughter, half out of embarrassment, but half to hide how much he loved the sound. It was effervescent and honestly incredibly contagious. He was soon giggling as well. “Ok, ok! I get it! You aren’t dating her! Noted!” he cried out between giggles. Noah gave Doc a bitter smile. “I can play. I just have to make sure I still dedicate far more time to the store. I have... I can’t become a professional musician for six more years. Otherwise, he will tell the family what I did. I shouldn’t care what they think, but... I keep hoping there is something good still in there! I want to believe they aren’t like the others. So I stay there for six more years. A part of me hopes someone with enough gold will find me and ask me to be a songwriter and performer for them, and if I do, the money will be enough to let me out of Will’s deal early, but that is the only idea I can think of to get out of it before the time is up,” he explained.
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“No worries love.” She smiled, the energy the other was radiating was practically infectious.  It brought a bright smile to her face.  “I take it you are our entertainment tonight?” She asked with a rather intuitive nod.
“Oh um... I am just part of the entertainment. Tom has a bunch of people playing tonight here in a bit. I just have one of the sets, but I am pretty excited about it. I mean, this is going to be one of the biggest events of the spring, and I get to play? How amazing is that?” Noah asked, practically jumping out of his seat.
“Oh! I have been terribly rude. I’m Noah! May I ask your name, please?” he asked, extending his hand to her.
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