norisonozaki · 9 years
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“What was I supposed to do! It’s not as if I wanted this to happen!!”
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norisonozaki · 9 years
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“This is why I can’t trust anyone around here...”
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norisonozaki · 9 years
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what’s good thoth
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norisonozaki · 9 years
Send "✞" for our muses going to church and pray for our sins
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“W-Wait, I thought vampires didn’t go to church...”
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norisonozaki · 9 years
Send "✞" for our muses going to church and pray for our sins
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“I don’t believe in these things, but I truly hope this will change you for the better... Especially what happened to you...”
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norisonozaki · 9 years
Send "✞" for our muses going to church and pray for our sins
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norisonozaki · 9 years
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i want to look up at the lord so much right now but laughs this is hell what am i talking about
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norisonozaki · 9 years
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“It’s tempting... It really is, but there’s no use for it around here- and you’ll only become gold yourself out of it. That’s not exactly a fair trade now, is it?” 
Sighing, she could only stare at it in wonder from afar. Just one bar of gold was worth millions, or even billions. Ah, yet she was smarter than to walk over and pick one up to examine. There was a content look on the other’s features, smiling brightly at her.
Was she supposed to smile too? It didn’t seem to quite fit the conversation they were holding, therefore she ceased.
“But these people who fell for that delusion... is a rather pitiful sight to witness.”
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      “That’s interesting.”
      She took a quick glance of her surroundings, taking it all in before allowing a smile to form on her face. Friendly, always. It was Tsubasa Hanekawa’s trait. Even when she first met Kaiki, she allowed herself to smile. It felt much lighter to do so, after all.
      “Wouldn’t you be curious in picking them up? To see if they’re genuine gold?”
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norisonozaki · 9 years
“That’s true... It’s a sin that all humans harbor inside of them, no matter how innocent they seem to be. It’s only when they let it control them that becomes a problem, in my opinion.
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O-Oh, um... I was assigned in Superbia, but... I’m not in the mood to head over there right now. And you?...”
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“Well, proves that they knew nothing about the place. I wouldn’t go there even if I had access. Humans are naturally greedy, that I believe in. Where do you live eh, miss?”
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norisonozaki · 9 years
She knew she came to the wrong location, she was even warned by her servant, but she was so persistent in refusing to listen to him. Frankly, his ways of talking irritated her enough, much like how her child had that constant ‘uu-ing’ going about.
This was what she deserved for not taking his advice, she supposed. A sigh came through, but she felt her heart race against her chest as she felt the ambiance around her dampen undesirably. There were people, or what looked like to be one, but something was amiss. The way they behaved, their manners- everything about them, actually.
The woman kept note not to approach too close to any of them, fearing the worst out of it.
But upon avoidance, she happened to stumble upon an eloquent lady, who initially spoke to her before she could. Eyes fluttering, ignoring the servant beside her, she stared at her as if she were some peculiar artifact. Finally, she answered in a doubtful tone,
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“I’m sorry, do you need something?...”
❀ { nunconformist
                                      “…aaaaiiiee…to de…huup iighh…”
“Forget it.” Dahlia said in disgust. “I might as well be listening to liquid sludge.” 
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“Lucifer, come.”
With a swish of her sash, demon and mistress left behind yet another gibberish-spouting nun, who stopped speaking as soon as Dahlia turned away to stare listlessly into the distance. All of respectable men and women, and not an intelligible one among them. Was everyone here addled in the brain?
{ Mistress, perhaps if we asked them to speak slower– }
“Oh, it’s no use!” the redhead said irritably. “Every one of them babbles like an idiot.”
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“What’s the use of having so many around if they don’t do anything?” She shot an annoyed glance at the wandering groups of nuns and priests, none of whom paid her any attention. “They’re just taking up space and wasting people’s time.”
A hand ran restlessly through her hand, before her fingers accidentally knocked into somebody’s back. Her first glance saw a woman in a black dress–another nun?–but no habit, causing Dahlia to raise a brow.
“Pardon me.”
Hopefully, this one could actually talk.
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norisonozaki · 9 years
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“Yes... Ah, it’s nothing... I just thought how desperate they must have been to forget about the consequences that came along with it... But in here, value means nothing- doesn’t it?”
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“Oh? You mean the golden statues at that one hell of an island? What of it though?”
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norisonozaki · 9 years
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“That’s a cool mask that you have there, mister! You almost look like you have a set of lion fangs, uryuu!”
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“Saku- I mean, Satan... Don’t say things like that, especially to a stranger. Now apologize to him.”
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norisonozaki · 9 years
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“Where do you even find glasses here... This is ridiculous. Do I really have to...”
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norisonozaki · 9 years
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“It’s terrifying to see how these were once people... but... I don’t blame them for being tempted to touch gold.”
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norisonozaki · 9 years
When the girl spoke, in response, she turned her head to look at her. This girl knew her? She stared at her long, intensively studying her from head to toe. Had she seen her before? Perhaps, perhaps not. Her memory wasn’t one that was poor, still running as fine as ever, but she couldn’t create a figment out of this. Green swirled locks, red eyes and that one winged eagle on her ‘uniform’- was she-? No, she couldn’t be an Ushiromiya herself. That was impossible. The only people granted to have it embedded on them were herself and her siblings, as well as their children. It only made matters more complicated, and she felt a ringing in her head before she asked.
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“Who are you?...”
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  “So many familiar faces down here….Can’t say I’m all that surprised. You, Ushiromiyas were a hand full of trouble that made the seven us look like saints. Fufufu.– Though I can’t help but to wonder what you did that was so bad that got you sent all the way down to the pits.” Cackling laughter escaped through parted lips every chance it could. Even in the this brightly golden placed area, there hadn’t been anything that made her burst out into tears of envy, in fact quite the opposite happen. In this place full of greed, those that were unaware of the stingy fingers quickly turned into comedy for the demon that raised cruel her malice.
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norisonozaki · 9 years
Faint. Her limbs felt weak, and she felt like coughing up whatever was stuck between her throat. What happened before? She couldn’t recall anything, her head was too foggy from the concussion that went through her body. Bits and pieces fallen apart, she slowly rose to wake up in a garden, the garden that belonged to the Ushiromiya.
What was she doing here? Did she blackout from exhaustion? But on the ground and all so sudden? It wasn’t adding up at all. Senses eventually coming to her, her vision returned as well, allowing her to speculate the mansion in which was all to familiar for her. 
There was no one other than herself- or so she thought. Slightly lifting her head to stare at the horizon above her, someone sat idly on top of the structure. The figure was petite and feminine, quaintly dressed, though had a unique taste to its own. As she continued to examine it longer though, horror rushed through her upon realization of who it was.
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“Y-You’re...” A step taken back, she shouted, 
“Stay away from me!”
  Aftermath. It was always the same in this endless carousel of tragedies and death, looping countless for the sake of the witch that controlled all inside the chess board. No matter what side you played, as long as you were the a piece controlled by either or your fate was bound to leave you inside the golden land by the end of the second night.  There everyone’s journey has ended, and despair sets the stage for another round.  Even she, the witch that formerly held power of gold and death was stripped away from all that she strive for, to end up bound by rules of a simple black witch. In the Golden land where salvation was known, the black witch sat alone from the rest of the family that admired the golden petals of the flawlessly bloomed roses that enchanted even witches that visited.  Still, not even the glistening sky of twilight, or the aroma of earl black tea raised the spirit of the wicked witch that cause devastation for the sake of her own amusement. Nothing of simple pleasure of admiring small things would calm the blackness of her heart.
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The role of the witch of legend was shortly lived, but the sweet taste will forever be stained onto her tongue for all eternity. Never fading with no matter how many lives she loses, no matter how many times her body and soul will be resurrected  to play a new part on the game board. It will be burned onto her existence for all time.
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norisonozaki · 9 years
aegirine, lapis lazuli.
aegerine:my muse’s opinion of the supernatural
Rosa is terribly skeptical about the supernatural. To her dismay, with her daughter showing an obsession towards that field, it’s like a punch in the face for her whenever she has to deal with it. It was enough that her father was devoting his life to it, and to see her child follow that nonsensical path is quite heartbreaking in a lot of ways. Along with it brings unpleasant memories of the past in which she doesn’t want to recall, but alas, can’t be helped.
lapis lazuli:where ‘home’ is to my muse
Home to her, well, is her actual home. Not Rokkenjima, but the home she and her daughter live in; even then, it sometimes becomes hectic with her child. Her ideal depiction of home is like any other’s imagery of it- somewhere that has a welcoming environment with nothing to complicate her mind. She can only dream about that though, and hope for the best despite not living through it.
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