north-peach · 13 days
Prompt 200
Danny has found himself reincarnated, for fun! While waiting for Tucker to reincarnate. He’s uh, found himself as a clone now- thankfully stable! But he was apparently also an accident, and overheard some of the people talking about termination, which no thanks?
So apparently he wasn’t exactly an accident per se, they did mean to make a clone, so thank fuck for that! They had apparently grabbed the wrong blood, which he almost snorts at. Kind of hard to do in a tube full of liquid though. 
Oh well, he’ll just be leaving now… after he destroys this lab and steals all these files on himself, thank you~ Now, does he want to go on an adventure or find his unwilling donors first…
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north-peach · 16 days
Dead on main au where
1. Danny wears a 1/2 face mask as a ghost to make sure his parents don’t find out who he is
2. The decision to start wearing the mask was a spontaneous thing that happened at school and he stole the mask from his high school’s theater department
3. Danny moves to Gotham as soon as he turns 18 on a scholarship but it doesn’t include dorm fees.
4. Danny hides out in an abandoned theater (the attic is surprisingly well insulated!!!!) and spends most of his time there as a ghost because he can’t anywhere else in Gotham.
5. An injured Red hood limps his way into one of his favorite old hideouts (the theater obviously), and promptly passes out from blood loss with the hazy image of a masked glowing spector as the last thing he sees.
6. He wakes up enough to hear soft reassurances of safety and feel cool hands carry him with no noticeable strain.
7. Jason comes to in a giant nest of blankets with his wound neatly stitched up, a killer headache, and a sticky note wishing him well/ promising the writer didn’t leak under the helmet (a fact Jason is well aware of considering his head is very much unexploded)
8. Jason tries to leave but he passes out again and is honestly too tired to try again when he comes back around. So he just…falls asleep.
9. Jason wakes up again to warm food on an old silver tray and an empty room, not knowing Danny is watching him from the corner to make sure he doesn’t fall again. Not that Danny wouldn’t catch him again, but he’d prefer it didn’t happen at all.
In short, Danny plays elusive nurse to the dangerous red hood while Jason sees a literal ghost that lives in an abandoned theater wearing a phantom of the opera mask and decides he’s found a keeper. Clearly he appreciates the drama.
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north-peach · 22 days
making an ask game that's Not Like Other Ask Bait
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north-peach · 23 days
@alovelyocean @constantlymisspelled @wolfsrainrules @deathwalkerberry @silverfoxoath
fuck it homebrew boop button. reblog this post to boop the person you reblogged from.
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north-peach · 23 days
@deathwalkerberry @wolfsrainrules @constantlymisspelled @ladyhallen @ding-dong-the-bitch-is-dead
bear with me here...
Reblog to put one of these in your mutuals’ pocket when they’re not looking
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north-peach · 24 days
So I just saw a post by a random personal blog that said “don’t follow me if we never even had a conversation before” and?????? Not to be rude but literally what the fuck??????????
I’ve had people (non-pornbots) try to strike conversation out of nowhere in my DMs recently, and now I’m wondering if they were doing that because they wanted to follow me and thought they needed to interact first. I feel compelled to say, just in case, that it’s totally okay to follow this blog (or my side blog, for that matter) even if we’ve never talked before.
Also, I’m legit confused. Is this how follow culture works right now? It was worded like it’s common sense but is that really a thing?
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north-peach · 25 days
Oh no
Oh nooooo
The Justice League Dark is under some...misinformation. Now John feels like a berk.
JLD had been operating under the assumption that Phantom was an Ancient, a being very close to being a god. When they heard that Amity had been straight up dragged into the Infinite Realms, and that Phantom had defeated Pariah Dark, to them that meant that Phantom had allowed it to happen in the first place for an excuse to attack Pariah.
Because Realm's Ghosts are notoriously territorial, and always itching for a fight.
So John Constantine agreed to summon the little tosser, and put a caveat into the summoning circle that bound Phantom to his will.
John had already pissed off multiple demons, why not add a Realm's Ancient to the list?
Then they summon Danny, in human form.
John very, very quickly realizes that this kid is Phantom. He also very, very quickly realizes that this is a actual teenager, and not an Ancient. A teenager who is so scared he's shaking, and paler than his Ghost form.
And he just enslaved said scared teen, who has no idea who John is or what is happening. From the looks of it, the kid didn't even realize he could be summoned.
John mentally scrambles. Old plan bad, need new one now.
"Just realized you don't have a mentor, kid," he hears himself say, and wants to stop talking immediately but can't because he's gotta make it up to the kid somehow. "Figured I'd take that spot. Bond I just slapped on ya means that if you're in trouble, I'll know. If I'm in trouble, you'll know. That way the whole 'Pariah Dark' thing doesn't happen again, yeah?"
The kid seems to buy it, and Zatanna is staring at him in disbelief.
But it's fine; if she keeps her mouth shut and doesn't say anything, the kid'll never know, because John has zero intention to use the binding the way he wrote it down.
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north-peach · 25 days
method actor this method actor that. toshiro mifune played a guy getting shot at by arrows by getting shot at by arrows
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and yeah i believe it. ^ this is the face of a guy getting shot at by arrows
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north-peach · 25 days
Okay but I just? Made myself snort?
Imagine~☆ Grandma Fenton. Young, hot, built like a tank.
She meets a SUAVE and well muscled man of mystery. With a CAPE! Fabulous facial hair. There are ninjas. She was hunting the Supernatural. Very, very badly.
But still! That Fenton STRENGTH. That smile! That "just back handed an assassin through a wall"! Mystery man is... intrigued ™.
They do unspeakable things to each other hot young nuible bodies against every surface they can find. There are explosions and sword fights. She has a BLAST! It was a great trip.
Prooooobably should have gotten more then his name though!
Maybe used protection!
Ah well, she always DID want kids! A jack is a wonderful kiddo! Strong as an ox! Bit obsessive, but what Fenton ISNT?
She goes about her merry way. Things to do! Monsters to HUNT! Crocodiles to WRESTLE! Feeling like... she's... forgetting? Something? But what could it BE?
It's only after YEARS, as she's retired, down a leg (damn Sasquatch) and two fingers, that she squints at some hoity toity shin-dig on the TV... and... huh.....
You know? That lil Wayne kid reminds her of someone. It's... it's on the tip of her to- OH FUCK! *slams down the morning paper* she forgot to tell her sprogs DAD!
Shit! He didn't know he got her preggers!!!
Which? Is how Ra's AL Ghul? Get a VERY sheepish call from that lion of a woman he had... relations *unholy smirk that makes SO MANY people around him uncomfortable* with, informing him? He not ONLY has a son.
But a grandson and granddaughter.
Neither fit to inherent, obviously. But his blood has run true. His son married the most powerful woman he could locate. Because studying the borders between life and death. And can snap lesser men in half like a twig. Grandchildren? Much of the same.
So obviously, he shall become... Supportive. A loving grandfather.
Why? Because he has no standards for them! They are but a pleasant suprise. The bloodline MIGHT be useful. Eventually. But for now? Charm champaign.
EVERYBODY loves Grandpapa Ra's, after all. :)
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @lolottes @dcxdpdabbles @the-witchhunter
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north-peach · 25 days
Jason turned his head to see a small guy with black hair pointing at him. He was wearing a light grey hoodie and jeans.
“Your ancestor has been haunting me for MONTHS!” Danny tilted his head, looking at Hood’s chest. “They weren’t wrong, you really do need to see a ghost doctor. What the fuck is up with your ecto?”
“My what?” Red Hood said. “ are you the guy people around here have been talking about? The one who can talk to the dead?”
“More like the dead won’t stop talking to me.”
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north-peach · 26 days
The Green Lanterns have found an anomaly in space uncomfortably close to Earth. A floating green wormhole, that does not follow the rules that wormholes are supposed to follow.
In fact, it seems to be fine to get close to. It does not distort any time or space near it; it's literally like someone had just poked a hole through the universe, and they can just step into it.
They opt to use an exploratory space shuttle.
Naturally, certain Earth Leaders want to send representatives to go up in that shuttle.
Green Lantern Corp tries to push back, they really do, but humans are stubborn.
They get their exploratory astronauts.
Hal Jordan manages to get chosen for America; his experience in the military and having Batman pull the strings was a huge part of that.
The first hint that something was wrong was when they went through the portal and it was just a sea of green full of doors.
Second was when it looks like they would hit something, they just went through it.
Third was that the portal closed behind them.
Fourth, there's...something circling their craft, tapping on the walls and doors. It talks to them in the voice of a young boy, and keeps asking to be let in.
Or; Danny found a weird ship in the Zone, and he doesn't want to be rude and just barge in since it isn't one of his parents.
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north-peach · 27 days
DPxDC Prompt
The GIW were created from a branch of the League of Assassins, their purpose was to isolate places with a high likelihood of spawning a new Lazarus Pit in the future. The reason they took on the looks of white suits was they needed a visible presence to make the civilians in the area cooperate, by playing the part of government agents.
It worked well in the beginning, until they learned about the portal (after Pariah sucked the town into the ghost zone), then they infiltrated the town on mass. Something was different about this hotspot then it was in Gotham or anywhere else. Something connected to the very source of the pit's power and Ra's wanted it for himself.
As the town was soon locked down and ghosts were hunted with prejudice, the governing bodies within the infinite realms took notice. And a newly crowned Prince was given no choice but to watch as war was declared against the GIW and in extension the LOA.
Ghostly skeletons rose from every Lazarus pit in the world and hunted down everyone who even spoke affiliation with the LOA or GIW, League bases were emptied overnight and Ra's found facing off against the Fright Knight himself.
The LOA/GIW stood no chance and by the time the rest of the world even suspected anything was going on, it was over.
When the Bats realize LOA activity has been quiet for over the past week after a day or so of frantic communications and sightings of members disappearing in broad daylight (that they have been watching with concern). They are left to try and piece together what happened and if it is a sign of something dangerous to come.
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north-peach · 27 days
Fine line
Okay so we all know pre-reveal but already adopted Danny would question his whole life when he finds out about the vigilante life the Waynes are in but may I introduce you to:
✨Absolutely horrified Danny.✨
Basically he finds out that his seemingly normal family isn't so normal after all and due to the nature of the JL never responding to Amity calls he assumed that they were working with the government. This led to the realization that the family probably knows who he is (they really don't. They just think that he was a meta that doesn't want to deal with the crime-related life bs so they never brought it up) and they're probably in the midst of handing him to the GIW.
He's terrified, because god dammit he shouldn't have trusted a rich guy but he doesn't really have time to contemplate on his next move. Next thing you know Danny's holding a modified ecto gun that is now fatal to humans against Bruce.
The family is alert and ready to pounce on him, but they realized that Danny was shaking too much and his breathing was too ragged. His eyes are glossy and he's biting his lip like he's trying so hard to not drop the gun on his adoptive dad. Danny was having a panic attack.
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north-peach · 29 days
Danny, in his forties, knows he passes for two people; Bruce Wayne and some randomass reporter named Clark Kent. Which is great, because he's about to defend Bruce Wayne's son, and it'd be weird if the press thought he was just some rando.
Danny didn't want to know who the fuck Bruce Wayne was, but Sam's parents would not shut up about the guy as Danny was growing up.
So, yeah; he can recognize Bruce Wayne on site. And his children.
Not because he stalked them! It was all Sam's fault, her and her parents! Her for complaining about the Waynes, and her parents for idolizing them!
Anyways, he's pretty sure he just saw some chick drug Dick Grayson's quadruple sugar caramel frappe, and Dick drank it.
Danny doesn't really think? He kind of just moves.
Dick Grayson barely gets out a "Uh, hey-?" before Danny decks the bitch in the face hard enough to throw the woman back five feet.
She's definitely going to need a hospital.
Danny doesn't give a fuck.
Danny gives so little fucks that he just puts a very carefully gentle hand on Dick Grayson's shoulder and steers him away from the scene.
"She roofied your drink. I'm taking you to the hospital."
Or; Dick was going to allow a Trafficker to drug him, so that he could play bait. The trackers he'd swallowed would absolutely lead Jason to where he was taken, as Jason was working with him on this, but didn't meet the traffickers "type". He didn't tell Bruce he was going to do this. So when the Rohypnol starts to kick in, he's absolutely sure he sees Bruce come in out of nowhere and wreck the Trafficker's shit. The randos filming the incident think they just saw someone's dad almost murder a bitch, and then heard said dad mention roofies. When the videos are posted online, and the dad is "identified" as Bruce Wayne, Bruce has three things happen. First; he's getting a lawsuit from the woman. Second; he's also getting notified through this that he has a doppleganger or clone. He will need to investigate, as he needs to thank the man. Third; his image has become pristine in the eyes of Gotham, and has also become yet another wholesome meme.
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north-peach · 1 month
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north-peach · 1 month
oven is for bacon candy! or for warming! but cooking just normal bacon is obviously on the stove top!
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north-peach · 1 month
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So I’ve been binging a bunch of DPxDC crossover fics cause they’re hella fun. And I wanted to make some fanart for a handful of the fics I’ve been reading just to show how vastly different Danny gets portrayed. It’s really fun!! I love when ppl make Danny get Jack’s tall ass gene’s, but it’s also funny to see him as a scrawny lil guy. He’s a pretty moldable character
Anywho, it’s just been fun, so here’s some fanart. Thanks to the authors for writing them 🙏
Fics in order of art:
Like Beta Fish Do by @clockwayswrites
Ghost in the Morgue by @the-witchhunter
Secretary Danny by DeathlySilent13
If You Give a Bat a Burger by @noir-renard
If you give any of these a read, just make sure you mind the tags/ratings
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