northgazaupdates2 · 11 days
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Nomad esims are needed!!!!
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northgazaupdates2 · 11 days
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[ID: An image of a fundraiser titled: Dr. Moath Abu Samra Evacuate Gaza organized by Frances Silney-Bah. $4,269 has been raised of the $50,000 goal. The fundraiser's cover photo is an image of Dr. Abu Samra at work. End ID.]
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northgazaupdates2 · 11 days
My cousins Jana and Juana are living in a tent.
This place lacks the basic necessities of lifeIt's not clean and not suitable for living💔😭
Ten people are living in the tent with no bathroom or kitchen. They prepare food on the street😔
Forgive me My family is living in extremely difficult circumstances. Please help my family with sharing and / or donations if you can.🙏🙏
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northgazaupdates2 · 14 days
Our struggle to obtain water is immense. We walk every day for about an hour to get water for drinking and preparing food. Children suffer from diseases because there are no basic necessities for life here.
Please help my family to evacuate before it will be very late💔😭
Every dollar you donate saves our lives. So please don't hesitate to share the link.🙏🙏
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northgazaupdates2 · 14 days
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‼️ Urgent Plea: Help Evacuate My Family from Gaza!
My heart is heavy as I write this urgent plea. My family in Gaza is facing unimaginable danger, and I'm desperate to get them to safety. The situation is dire, with each passing moment feeling more precarious than the last.
We've already taken steps towards evacuation, but we're not there yet. We need your help to bridge the gap and ensure the safety of my loved ones. Every donation, every share, every act of kindness brings us one step closer to reuniting my family and giving them the chance to rebuild their lives in peace.
Please, I implore you, give generously and share this message far and wide. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.
Thank you for your compassion and support.
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northgazaupdates2 · 16 days
Hi My family in Gaza is in desperate need of help to escape the horrors of war. Please, I urge you to share our fundraising campaign link to support their evacuation. Every share counts. Thank you for your kindness. https://gofund.me/4c6b6962 or Just reblog my latest blog
Let’s help Mahmood’s family evacuate Gaza!! Link
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northgazaupdates2 · 16 days
and efficient way to make sure every dollar goes to keeping them safe.
Thanks for your support, and I'm grateful for any help you can give during this difficult time.
Help me reach my goal and provide safety for me and my family by sharing this campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your kindness and support, as well as your willingness to stand with us in support, as together we can make a real difference and provide safety and security for my family.
Thank you our compassionate friends and supporters
Hamad and his family are under attack in Rafah right now! Support and share his campaign so they can evacuate Gaza as soon as the border reopens!
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northgazaupdates2 · 16 days
Nael Hilles had just finished building his brand new home on October 7th, which took nearly 2 years to complete. He was about to get married, and looked forward to starting a family in his new home. Soon after it was completed, however, Nael’s home was destroyed by IOF bombardment. Nael and his family now have nowhere to live. They lost their careers and their educations to the occupation’s campaign of destruction, leaving them with no way to rebuild.
Nael and his family made the difficult decision to leave Gaza in search of safety and stability. His family is large, comprising 8 people: himself, his fiancée, his parents, and his siblings. As the cost of evacuation is $5000/person, the amount of money they need in order to leave Gaza for Egypt is substantial. They have made some progress, but are still very far behind their goal.
Please help this family get to safety outside Gaza. Even a few dollars can go a long way. If you cannot donate, you can support Nael’s family by reblogging this post and the posts on Nael’s blog @nael-helles, and reposting this link across all of your social media accounts.
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northgazaupdates2 · 16 days
Hello, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Sahar from Gaza. I'm reaching out to seek your assistance in sharing the link to my fundraising campaign among your followers. Currently, I am the sole provider for my family as my husband is injured. Here is the link to my campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-mohammads-family-escape-gazas-devastation Your support in spreading the word about our campaign would mean a lot to me and my family. Thank you for your kindness and understanding. Best regards, Sahar
Let’s help Sahar get her family to safety! Link here
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northgazaupdates2 · 16 days
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Hamad and his family were displaced from their home in north Gaza very soon after the occupation began its collective punishment campaign against the Gaza Strip. They were displaced to Rafah, where they have been sheltering ever since. Tragically, Hamad’s father was martyred by the occupation in January, leaving behind Hamad, his mother, his wife, their baby girl, and his sister. They are still mourning his loss, and still have no home, no employment, no cash or savings, and no refuge.
Rafah has been under bombardment for 7 months, but the attacks have dramatically increased over the past few weeks. Now the occupation is actively invading Rafah, continuing its scorched policy against the 1.5 million innocent civilians there.
Hamad and his family are trying to raise funds for their evacuation from Gaza. They are surrounded by constant bombings, and have nowhere to go. They require funds to begin evacuation proceedings from Gaza to Egypt so that they can evacuate once Rafah crossing reopens. However, their campaign has made very, very little progress.
Hamad and his family are alone, they are isolated from relatives within the Gaza Strip and they have no relations outside of Gaza to who can support their evacuation and rehouse them. They are exhausted and terrified and have nowhere else to turn. Please be their hope in this agonizing time. Please help support this family by donating to and/or sharing their fundraiser. If you cannot donate, please help Hamad’s family by reblogging this post, reblogging Hamad’s posts on his own blog @wlaabkr, and reposting this link to your own blogs and to your other social media accounts.
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northgazaupdates2 · 16 days
Alaa’s family’s home was destroyed by occupation bombing. After suffering homelessness, hunger, and danger from IOF troops and bombs, Alaa and her son were able to evacuate Gaza to Egypt.
However, Alaa’s ailing mother is still in Gaza. She is homeless after the destruction of her house, malnourished due to the occupation’s famine, sickly due to the destruction of waste treatment infrastructure, and exhausted from a life in displacement. You can find photos and more information about Alaa and her mother’s living conditions on Alaa’s blog @alaaalkhateeb and on her campaign page.
Alaa’s mother has had to flee various shelters on several occasions due to IOF bombing. Each time, she is forced to carry her few intact possessions and what little food and water she can find. When she is not fleeing for her life, she is forced to search for food and water, and if she is fortunate enough to find any at all, she has to haul it back to her shelter on her own.
These living conditions would be exhausting for anyone, but are especially so for an elderly woman who is sick and starving. The burdens she is forced to bear in order to survive are weighing very heavily on her, and her condition is deteriorating rapidly.
Alaa is trying to evacuate her mother from Gaza before it is too late. She only needs to pay the evacuation processing fees for one person, which means her fundraiser goal is relatively small. I am hopeful that we can share Alaa’s campaign and achieve the goal quickly, so that Alaa can evacuate her mother as soon as possible. If you cannot donate, please reblog this post, reblog the posts on Alaa’s blog @alaaalkhateeb, and repost this link to your own blogs and across all of your social media accounts.
Thank you❤️
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northgazaupdates2 · 16 days
your original account seems to be back!!
Oh wow! Thank you so much!
Here is our main account @northgazaupdates
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northgazaupdates2 · 16 days
This young family is trying to procure a tent and supplies to shelter them in Rafah. Right now they are sleeping on the street, with no privacy and no protection from the elements. This is a horrible way for anyone to live, much less an entire family. The amount they need is relatively low, and I think we can meet their goal quickly if we share widely.
You can make a tangible, immediate difference in the lives of displaced people in Gaza right now. Please reblog this post, and repost the link across your social media accounts.
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northgazaupdates2 · 16 days
17 May 2024
Journalist Wadea Abu Alsaoud documents a funeral for a family who was bombed by the occupation, completely wiping them out.
WARNING: Not especially graphic, but very upsetting
Instagram user israa5q provides a full English translation:
Wadea: This is the reality of what we are living this morning and every day morning and night: it is the same.
Man 1: These are the bodies of a man, his kids, this is his wife's, this is his mother's, and those are his relatives.
Wadea: So this is a whole civilian family that was wiped out from the civil registry?
Man 1: Yes the whole family.
Wadea: What do you have here in those plastic bags?
Man 2: The remains of the family, these are body parts that were scattered around. We buried the full bodies and now we will bury the pieces.
Man 3: Wake up, mother. You promised me we will celebrate together. We will be happy. Didn't we promised each other that? Then why did you leave me and go? Please wake up, mom. You said we will be happy? How can we ever be happy? How? Mom. (5x) | wish it was me not you.
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northgazaupdates2 · 16 days
This is Suad Ahmad. You can read her full story here.
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Suad is a successful engineer and professor from Gaza. On top of her professional accomplishments, Suad found out she is pregnant. Sadly, a week later, the occupation began bombing Gaza and planning an invasion.
Suad’s home and workplace were destroyed, and she and her husband’s family were displaced. While living in a cramped tent and subjected to the elements, Suad became extremely sick with gastroenteritis, a dangerous condition during pregnancy. Food is scarce, and they are all suffering malnourishment.
Suad’s due date is coming very soon, and she wants her baby to have a better life than the one she’s living now. She is trying to evacuate to Egypt, where she and her family will be safer and healthier.
The campaign has been open for several weeks, but has received almost no support. We are trying to get Suad and her family evacuated before she gives birth, so we have only a few weeks left. Please help give Suad and her family a better future. If you cannot give, please reblog this post and repost the link across all of your social media accounts.
Thank you
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northgazaupdates2 · 16 days
People now in gaza strip are facing the danger of hunger again and displaced since the occupation invaded rafah please can you help this family is for my cousin they need money to survive in gaza to buy food and water since everything is so expensive
And my cousin family are close to me if you can't donate share it
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northgazaupdates2 · 16 days
🚨The time is running out to save our lives🚨
I ask everyone to help us save our lives from this genocide, famine, water scarcity, disease spread, and food shortage. I beg everyone to assist us.
Your support means a lot to us in saving our lives.
Every donation brings hope.Share this post and spread the word!
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