norwegianvisagecrusher · 37 minutes
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norwegianvisagecrusher · 39 minutes
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(found on reddit)
Gods give me strength to not buy the materials to rebuild that. I don't need it, I wouldn't even know what to do with this but MAN I'd feel like I'm on the OG Enterprise and I WANT IT
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15. Promotion
He took the job entirely of spite. But the teeth were definitely an added bonus.
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irrationally aggravated by people who see me talk about body hair in some fashion and go “but what if I shave for sensory reasons?” the fuck does that have to do with me? are you asking me for permission? absolution? you want me to hand you an exemption card? “but what if I shave for sensory reasons?” well since you feel the need to ask I guess the answer is you have to go to feminist jail and there’s now a bounty on your head. whatever.
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Ok kids this is why you shouldn't try fiber. At first you think "I used to crochet, a little knitting won't hurt me. I'll learn to make a hat, for a baby gift." But soon it's not enough. You start buying yarn, yarn for future unspecified projects. First the cheap stuff, then you're hitting the local yarn store hardcore: superwash merino, baby alpaca, silk and mohair blends. Cashmere. You sneak new yarn to grow your stash -- yes, you have one now. More yarn than you could use in a lifetime. But it doesn't end there. That elusive color you crave... a little voice whispers to you, "Dye it yourself." So you do, and it's good -- but the thrill doesn't last. You chase new and ever more exciting colors and fiber blends. Handspun offers you dizzying combinations you've never had before, but the supply isn't steady. In a fit of withdrawal you acquire a drop spindle and some highly questionable roving. Your first attempt is a disaster but you know you'll do better next time. There's always a next time. A wheel would be so much faster. You're hoarding bobbins and eyeing drum carders. Two ply, three ply, chain ply? Everybody else is doing sheep-to-shawl, why not you? Your zoning doesn't permit alpacas but says nothing about angora rabbits.
There's this loom on craigslist...
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My salmon bag I finished last night, wanted to make something for myself for once. This is what I came up with.
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finally got some good pictures of my outfit for meow wolf denver's second recycled fashion show!! the show was themed around "bloom" so i went carnivorous plant. the show itself was a blast and i'm super happy with how the outfit turned out!
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not even a millisecond later 
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every day wake up & remind yourself you are an animal
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I was trying to find out if Kermit was eligible to be pope and I found a blog that says he's the perfect example of a catholic priest
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i love orangutans. a chimpanzee would kill you if you look at it wrong but orangutans just seem peaceful. like they'll mess you up but at long as you dont hurt them they seem pretty nice
You're right- you would be hard pressed to find evidence of an orangutan attack.
While this is only a side-note in your ask, I want to address the statement "a chimpanzee would kill you if you look at it wrong". We love orangutans, but we also love chimps and won't take chimp slander!
A lot of people, including those who follow this blog, are prone to villainizing chimpanzees for their aggression and social structures.
Yes, chimpanzees are incredibly powerful animals who have a reputation for war and physical violence. Being fearful of them and their seemingly trigger-happy aggression is understandable given the media content and the many chimpanzees who has famously attacked in the past; but they are also so much more!
Chimpanzees are capable of empathy. They adopt orphaned youngsters, even males will adopt a baby in need (Sniff, documented by Jane Goodall). They play. They have a rich vocal repertoire, one that allows them to communicate different predator threats. They can communicate fear, excitement, and They LAUGH! They need reassurance from one another- reaching out to their mothers for support or embracing one another after a tiff. They kiss their young. They teach each other how to utilize and make tools. They routinely show capacity for commitment, trust, altruism, and caring,
And they suffer.
Chimpanzees all over the world live isolated in labs, human homes, or inadequate facilities away from proper social groups, care or quality of life. These living situations do not allow the chimpanzees their natural behaviors, or their natural comforts, leaving them overly-stressed and reactive. Their natural habitat is shrinking- with each group being forced to overlap territories; this causes conflict. The blood-thirsty reputation chimpanzees have gained is due, in full, to humans.
Who are we to pass judgement on how wild animals react to fear or pain? How can we say, "oh they should be more like bonobos and solve their conflicts sexually" Ask them to change the natural course of their lives to better suit our morals? Are we so much better at resolving conflict, as a species? Do we villainize them as a way to deflect our own violent tendencies? 
To love chimpanzees is to love them the way they are. They are exactly how they need to be! Their unfortunate violent reputation is not something we want to encourage. When we speak about the deadly force chimpanzees are capable of, we must acknowledge our own role in their lives and give the animals respect as beautiful, complex animals deserving of a healthy dose of fear and wonder.
Not only that, but remember that aggression is not species exclusive! Even the "peaceful" apes can act in ways we might not expect. Aggression can sometimes be a positive sign of rehabilitation! Orangutan jungle school graduates that have moved to free roam in forests can behave anywhere from apathetic to aggressive towards the people helping them, which is a positive sign for their survival.
This is a video I love, this newly released male orangutan is not afraid to fight for his independence! Theres another video of an adult male orangutan fending off humans here, the people have his best interests in mind but not knowing their intentions, he makes a formidible adversary.
It's easy to typecast a whole species, and we add that aggression can happen in any species not to scold but to encourage loving primates in their entirety- warts and all 🦧❤️
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It's dishonest work and it's a lot. And nobody needs to do it
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check out this Phanaeus vindex a buddy of mine picked up for me in kansas! a truly handsome beast
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