notg1nger · 5 months
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notg1nger · 6 months
OOC. Not my spotify hitting me with Wham! BUT fourteen would play Christmas songs all December.
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notg1nger · 6 months
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OOC. I really need to remember to make a carrd for her...
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notg1nger · 6 months
OOC. Ten correcting that genius kid from The Son.taran Stra.tage.m is never not funny.
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notg1nger · 6 months
“ – Oh, you mean like you going to one of the employees and asking to buy the SNEAK desk?” There’s humour in his voice; words laced with them, while he raised his eyebrows at Donna. He can imagine the chaos. There was a reason why the TARDIS didn’t translate names – in some cases, she just made sure you didn’t end up in a bad-smelling, wet dungeon on some far away planet.
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The smile, however, was wiped off his face quickly; eyebrows formerly raised, furrowed now, while a slightly high-pitched “HEY!” escaped his lips. “It’s a SONIC screwdriver – and I’ve built MANY things in my lives, you don’t just need a screwdriver to build furniture and – There has to be SOME furniture I’ve built before.”
she does, in fact, give him the look. she's also watching out for people and their elbows, mostly for him. one good knock over from an ikea storegoer, she doesn't want to find out what the medical care here is like, and then find out what happens when you have two hearts in ikea.
sounds like a nightmare. really.
"i think you should update it. make it translate names too. think of the chaos you could cause."
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"you're living there, sunshine, don't get all yours versus mine about it. no, that's right, the tardis does it all for you, doesn't she? oh, that's hilarious, you've never built furniture in your life, have you. and you carry around a screwdriver!"
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notg1nger · 6 months
“I’m not acting suspicious!” Offence lining his words as his gaze is turned back to his companion; not at the light touch of fingertips against his cheek, but the sheer audacity of implying he wasn’t being INCONSPICUOUS. He was allowed to just look at the surroundings – act as though he was admiring the shining buildings glittering in the light of the sun slowly setting. TOTALLY NORMAL BEHAVIOUR OF A TOURIST.
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Getting over his own ego for a moment, the burrowed brows softened, before he shook his head. “ – not yet. We still need to get past the crowd. There’s still a chance, we’ll just lose the guards’ attention. And we don’t have to make it more complicated getting into the palace by already having them sound the alarm…”
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she watches the levity in his features extinguish like a snuffed flame , her eyes following his sightline as far as she can without turning . with a soft nod to his warning she leans in just a bit closer , her own voice coming out in hushed whisper .
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❝ you don't act suspicious . they can see your face , ❞ she reminds him . delicate fingers reach up to just barely press against his cheek , guiding his gaze away from the guards & back to her own . once the job is done her hand quickly retreats . lips purse in apology for the intrusion . ❝ how much further do we need to get ? d'you reckon if it's close enough we can just make a run for it ? ❞
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notg1nger · 6 months
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Doctor Who 3.06
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notg1nger · 6 months
OOC. I like the idea of Fourteen not being the flirty type - because Ten is very flirty! However, Fourteen still gets attention - people and neighbours just flirting with him when he's living with the Nobles, and he doesn't get it AT ALL. He's just standing there like???
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notg1nger · 6 months
1-800-how’s my portrayal?
This mun is now accepting feedback! 
Please remember there’s a difference between hate, constructive criticism, and giving praise because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
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notg1nger · 6 months
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
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notg1nger · 6 months
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Donna: exists The Doctor: :“)
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notg1nger · 6 months
Honestly, I make it my canon that he did regenerate and ended up wearing Thirteen's clothes - he chose the suit, tie and converse because it was something familiar... BUT it's also a look that's different from the old one. There's a philosophical plotline here.
OOC. Why did we never get Fourteen in Thirteen's clothes?
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notg1nger · 6 months
An eyebrow is raised; the sonic screwdriver finally lowered, while he looks at the pile of blanket speaking with Donna’s voice – the fact that it was actually Donna underneath only hinted at by a pair of eyes and strands of red hair poking out. Stubbornness. He knew she had always been stubborn. – That’s one reason why it had worked. It being EVERYTHING at this point.
“Yes, I COULD sleep – about twenty minutes, and then I’m just laying in bed THINKING. If I was a few hundred thousand years younger, I might manage to sleep hours, but I don’t NEED the amount of sleep YOU, for example, need.” He had told Donna he would have been fine with the sofa, but she had insisted. A bed. A desk. All furniture needed for a nice room, which had been added to the house. HIS ROOM. It was already in a minor state of creative chaos.
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“ – Go to bed, Donna”
"You go to sleep." Said like a child. From under a blanket. It only heightens the childish nature of the words. There's a rustling noise as she turns on her side to face him, eyes peeking out from underneath the blanket.
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"If I go to sleep, you're going to give my fridge sentience. I know you can. Sleep, that is. And the fridge bit, I wouldn't put it past you."
Really, she wouldn't. She's seen weirder. She thought she saw weird, but this go around really upped her tolerance for the strange.
"We gave you a bed for a reason, you know."
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notg1nger · 6 months
OOC. Why did we never get Fourteen in Thirteen's clothes?
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notg1nger · 6 months
Like 14 and 15 are two ends of the spectrum. 15 just stopped masking.
OOC. Both Ds in AdHd stand for Doctor. Since there's now two of them.
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notg1nger · 6 months
OOC. Both Ds in AdHd stand for Doctor. Since there's now two of them.
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notg1nger · 6 months
“SMYGA – pretty sure it means TO SNEAK in English. The TARDIS doesn’t translate because they are using words as names. – I mean all names are words and there’s a whole species in the…” He stopped himself, half expected one of Donna’s FAMOUS look, half just trying to avoid getting another elbow between the ribs as people passed them, trying to find the right desk and set of furniture, too. Of course, they were here to buy furniture! He knew that! He just – well, he had never needed to buy furniture. Not this way. The TARDIS had been fully furnished (and she had her own ideas and style) and the life he once had lives, was a billion years ago. He didn’t remember ever going to IKEA, though.
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Weight shifted onto one leg; hands in his pockets, elbows close to his own body – he shrugged his shoulders. “ – it’s your house… And I wouldn’t call interior design one of my areas of expertise.”
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"you're not going to drive yourself mad, you're going to drive me mad."
oh, there's no fight behind the words. it's as good natured as can be. she's five seconds from elbowing people back. really, they could keep their elbows to themselves.
"we're getting you furniture. things. that's part of making a space your own. if i managed to bully UNIT into building an extra room when they repaired that house, you can manage to pick out a -" she looks at the sign above the desks. "i'm not going to try to pronounce that."
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