notthisimagines ¡ 3 years
Resources for Writing Injuries
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Head Injuries
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Skull Fracture
Diffuse Axonal Injury
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Neck sprain
Herniated Disk
Pinched Nerve
Cervical Fracture
Broken Neck
Chest (Thoracic)
General Information
Aortic disruption
Blunt cardiac injury
Cardiac tamponade
Flail chest
Pneumothorax (traumatic pneumothorax, open pneumothorax, and tension pneumothorax)
Pulmonary contusion
Broken Ribs
Broken Collarbone
General Information
Blunt trauma
Penetrating injuries (see also, gunshot wound & stab wound sections)
Broken Spine
Lung Trauma
Heart (Blunt Cardiac Injury)
Bladder Trauma
Spleen Trauma
Intestinal Trauma
Liver Trauma
Pancreas Trauma
Kidney Trauma
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Muscle Overuse
Muscle Bruise
Bone Bruise
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Tendon pain
Injuries to ligaments
Injuries to tendons
Crushed Hand
Crushed Foot
Broken Hand
Broken Foot
Broken Ankle
Broken Wrist
Broken Arm
Shoulder Trauma
Broken elbow
Broken Knee
Broken Finger
Broken Toe
General Information
Broken Nose
Corneal Abrasion
Chemical Eye Burns
Subconjunctival Hemorrhages (Eye Bleeding)
Facial Trauma
Broken/Dislocated jaw
Fractured Cheekbone
Skin & Bleeding
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femoral artery (inner thigh)
thoracic aorta (chest & heart)
abdominal aorta (abdomen)
brachial artery (upper arm)
radial artery (hand & forearm)
common carotid artery (neck)
aorta (heart & abdomen)
axillary artery (underarm)
popliteal artery (knee & outer thigh)
anterior tibial artery (shin & ankle)
posterior tibial artery (calf & heel)
arteria dorsalis pedis (foot)
Abrasions (Floor burns)
Gunshot Wounds
General Information
In the Head
In the Neck
In the Shoulders
In the Chest
In the Abdomen
In the Legs/Arms
In the Hands
In The Feet
Stab Wounds
General Information
In the Head
In the Neck
In the Chest
In the Abdomen
In the Legs/Arms
General Resources
Guide to Story Researching
A Writer’s Thesaurus
Words To Describe Body Types and How They Move
Words To Describe…
Writing Intense Scenes
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Shoutout to my $15+ patrons, Jade Ashley and Douglas S.!
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notthisimagines ¡ 3 years
y'know sometimes fanfiction is just an increasingly convoluted series of setups to make characters sit around and talk about their feelings, and that’s ok
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notthisimagines ¡ 3 years
So disappointed, was planning on finishing and putting out a couple imagines this weekend but I’m currently quite ill and haven’t been able to focus on writing at all. Hopefully have them up start of next week.
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notthisimagines ¡ 3 years
Hands down the funniest thing I have ever heard at college was overhearing the following sentence at a conference:
“I asked him what his pronouns were and he said ‘uh, PhD.’”
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notthisimagines ¡ 3 years
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Doctor Who: The Ghost Monument
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notthisimagines ¡ 3 years
Connect 4
Thirteenth Doctor X Reader
Just something quick I threw together as practice and for some fun so definitely not the most polished work I’ll do. This is actually a rewrite or more so re-imagining of a imagine that I wrote a long while ago (over a year? maybe a couple years ago) on another account that has since been lost to the Tumblr black-hole. (points and my love and admiration to anyone who can locate that imagine or my lost account at all because I sure can’t)
Word Count: 991
TW: none :)
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“YES! Another one for me!” The Doctor bounced slightly hands in the air, sheer excitement plastered across her face. You breathed out in disappointment leaning back on your hands taking in her excited demeanour and lamenting your loss. “You’re only winning by 2 games” you snark back.
As the Doctor tipped the counters out the bottom of the connect 4 board and helped herself to a victory custard cream from the pack that laid beside her on the console room floor you take in the slight absurdity of the situation. You were on an alien spaceship that travels not only space but also time playing connect 4 with an alien who was eating custard creams. An alien who looked more than amazing under the golden glow of the TARDIS lighting, you push away the thought that had flashed through your mind opting instead to think about how nice it was to have this time alone with the Doctor with the rest of the gang heading home to see family or catch up with friends. Not that you didn’t love the rest of the gang but to have time alone with the Doctor was so rare and different. Especially time like this, you had both just come back froma solo adventure and to your surprise the Doctor suggested a small game night with the two of you which was more than welcome, perhaps she had noticed that although the adventures were so much fun sometimes you needed a break from all the running and high intensity situations.
It was strange seeing the Doctor so vulnerable and relaxed. The two of you sat crossed legged on the console room floor. She sat without her signature beautiful coat on, which was a welcome change allowing you enjoy her maroon t-shirt and her amazing yellow suspenders you loved so much and often when she was focused on the board or engrossed in telling a story found yourself staring at the elastic pieces wondering what would happen if-
“Right!” she says unceremoniously dumping your red counters in-front of you, “Time to let me beat you again!”
You looked up at her with fake shock and then put on your best intimidating face “Oh, you’re on. No way you’re getting me this time” Setting the first counter into the board and watching it travel down.
The game that followed was probably the most intense game of connect 4 you had ever played, not that you often played a lot of connect 4 particularly. You couldn’t let her win, her smugness at earning yet another victory custard cream would be unbearable. 
You were all lined up, your strategy in play and she seemed to be playing into your hands just one more counter and you had it. You kept your best poker-face on attempting not to give away how close you were and then it happened.
You look up and see the Doctor hovering a counter over one of the slots with a shit-eating grin across her face making eye contact and wiggling her brows as she dropped the counter into the board. It wasn’t until the counter fell its short way to the board you realise your mistake and it was too late.
“Connect 4! yes I win again. Champion!” she says quickly reaching for one of the custard creams beside her and holding it above her head with both hands like a small trophy. Excitement once again spread across her face.
You’re not sure if what happens next is because of how ethereal and beyond beautiful the Doctor looked in the lighting, her hair slightly dishevelled after a long day and her face so lit up and stunning or simply because you desperately didn’t want to see her sit and smugly eat another victory custard cream in-front of you.
Either way you reach forward not giving her the time to react, knocking over the connect 4 board and grabbing both of her suspenders and pulling her into you crashing your lips together in one fluid motion.
There’s a second between your lips meeting and her reaction that you panic slightly wondering if what you had done was wrong but that is immediately dismissed when the Doctors hands move from above her head. She throws the custard cream from her hand limply and brings both of her hands down around your waist bringing you in closer. You can taste the sweet treats that she had been eating on her lips and as she brought you in closer you take in her scent, smelling of lavender and lemon and something else that was familiar but you couldn’t quite place. 
As you break apart in need for air the Doctor looks disappointed for a second and then as you take in the moment you see something else entirely take over her face. She quickly steps up in one swift movement offering her hand out to you and you take it eagerly standing up and finding yourself only inches away from her face.
She kisses you again, just as needy, if not more. She touches the side of your hips as if she’s going to copy her motion from earlier and grab onto them again, however she then pulls her hands back suddenly as if she stops herself. This time shes the one to break away although it looks like its reluctantly as she then rests her forehead on your for a second before finally moving her head back from yours. 
You realise your hand is still intertwined with the Doctors when she begins to make a move, slowly pacing backward, keeping eye contact and beaming with a wondrous smile across her face. 
“Where are we going?” you ask finally snapping out for your daze. “The bedroom” she answers simply looking back to you eyebrows raised, still beaming. You followed her happily. You certainly weren’t going to argue but you never thought this was where connect 4 would lead you.
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notthisimagines ¡ 3 years
Thirteenth Doctor X Reader
Finally managing to get my first imagine on this account out and the first time I’ve written one in years so please be gentle with me. It’s a bit ramble-y but hopefully that’s something I’ll work out as I keep writing more. Any advice/ suggestions appreciated.
Word Count: 1,667
TW: Blood mention, injury mention?
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You slammed the TARDIS door shut turning to lean against the door, attempting desperately to catch your breath while the Doctor continue to sprint up to the console. Breathlessly you watch her whizz around the console doing her usual manic routine of lever pulling. Relief washes over you as the TARDIS begins wheezing signifying take off and escape from the threat of outside. 
“See!” The Doctor swivels around from her spot at the TARDIS a grin plastered across her face. “Told ya I’d get us out safe, perfectly planned if I do say so myself.”
You gave her a small joking glare still attempting to catch your breathe. “Yeah, cut it bit close did you not?” you manage to wheeze out slowly making your way up the small steps to the main console area. 
“All part of the plan.” the Doctor said grin still wide on her face “plus, makes it more fun!”
A grin mirroring the Doctors made it way onto your face, finally getting back to normal breathing and the lingering fear from the adventure wearing off leaving the adrenaline.
The Doctors grin suddenly drops as she stares at your face and you stop, feeling the fear slowly seep back in, along with a pang of something else you couldn’t quite identify, your cheeks heating red and the Doctor steps closer to you than would be normal for any conversation.
She stops just in front of you and you realise that you could simply lift your hand and touch her if you wanted to. Did you want to? before you could give yourself an answer to that thought the Doctor shocks you by lifting her hand slowly a look of concern plastered across her face as her thumb swipes over your forehead right above your eyebrow.
She looks at your forehead and then at her thumb as she brings it down in front of the both of you. She scrunches her face looking between the two for a second.
“Your bleeding, why didn’t you say anything?” she uttered swiftly plunging her hand into her coat pocket and pulling out a TARDIS blue coloured handkerchief and pressing it to your head finally meeting your eye contact.
You assumed she was making eye contact as a means to check to see how you were and as a push for you to answer her but as she made it your heart skipped a beat for a second. “Uhhh yeah, I didn’t realise. Must’ve been all the adrenaline and running” you sputter out “I’m fine” you add with a small not entirely convincing smile.
You were nervous. You didn’t quite understand why. You had been handling your ‘feelings’, well, suppressing your feelings for the Doctor pretty well and you had definitely been closer to her during adventures as she shielded you from danger or grabbed your hand to run away. Though something about the way you were standing so close and with the Doctor breaking the distance between you to come to your aid. 
No. The Doctor was your friend and she was just trying to help and you were reading too much into it.
You raised your hand to the handkerchief on your head attempting to push onto any part of it the Doctor didn’t have her hand on giving her permission to let you hold it for yourself. 
She moves her hand away and you slightly miss the closeness of the contact, if you could even call it that. To your surprise however the Doctor doesn’t move away immediately her face still scanning yours looking for any sign that you weren’t ok. 
“Right then. It doesn’t look too bad but we better get you to med-bay to double check then, eh?”
You assume her question is metaphorical as before you could even react she gently grabs your free hand and leads you out of the console room and down the TARDIS halls for the short walk to the med-bay. 
You found yourself felling nervous the entire time, you had held the Doctors hands on adventures before but that was usually done while you were both running at high speeds from danger. Something about holding the Doctors hand while slowly walking through the halls of the TARDIS felt so intimate. You take a second to hold onto the memory of the calm and her hand in yours knowing this would probably be a one off situation.
Your thoughts are disrupted hen she gently leads you from the hallway into the med-bay. 
“Right, hop up there” she lets go of your hand and gestures vaguely to the bed. “and I’ll just” she continues not finishing her sentence and turning to the many drawers in the room, rummaging through them.
Your follow her orders and half jump up onto the bed trying to push the disappointment of  having to let her hand go to the back of your head as your nerves return realising that if the Doctor was going to patch up your head this would once again mean close proximity and attempting to hide any signs that would give away how you really felt about her.
“Ah, right perfect” she said pivoting round to face you with some supplies in her hand, making her way to you, you give her a small smile that was intended to be reassuring but your sure your nervousness is displayed through it. The Doctor places the supplies on the bed next to you and puts her hand to the handkerchief on your head once again.
“Don’t worry. Shouldn’t hurt all that much. Maybe a little sting but shouldn’t be too bad” She reaches with her other hand to the supplies pulling what you assume is a disinfecting wipe of some sort from a small tub and she gently presses it again your cut. The sting from the wipe wasn’t entirely unexpected but it was worse than you expected, clearly you hadn’t realised quite how big the cut on your head was, not that it was huge but with all the adrenaline making it feel initially like a small graze, realising you had an actually cut on your head was now starting to properly hit you. 
You take a sharp breath in and the Doctor stops for a second looking down catching your gaze. “I know. I’ll just need to wipe it a couple times just to keep it clean, ok?” You felt like such a wimp under the Doctors gaze, it was only a small cut after all. You nod your head, deciding to focus on her face as a distraction this time as she slowly moves the wipe towards your face again. 
As she once again wipes the cut without thinking you raise one of your hands and hold gently onto the wrist of her free arm not attending to you. The Doctor continues to focus her attention on the cut in front of her. This time a second before the wipe makes contact with the cut she snakes her wrist from your hand and instead slips her fingers easily into yours giving your hand a small reassuring squeeze as she does. The Doctor continues to pat the wipe against the cut a couple more times to ensure it was completely clean and you feel it but your focus was now more on the fact that you were so close to the Doctor, her hand in yours as you stare up at her face, trying to steady your heartbeat.
“There we go!” She says excitedly finally meeting your eye contact and giving you a large grin. She then ,without letting go of your hand, reaches down to your side picking up a large plaster, expertly taking off one side of the paper from the sticky part and placing the plaster half on your head before taking the other half of the paper off again with one hand. You assumed with the ease at which she did it that she had done it before given all the adventure and danger you sure at some point she’s had to put a plaster on someone, more than likely herself, with one hand. 
“Aaaand there we go.” She smiled, once again making eye contact her grin somehow outdoing her one from before. You’re not quite sure what to say panicking with the closeness of the moment you opt for “What do you think does it look good?” The Doctor lets out a small chuckle and you see surprise take over her face for just a second. 
“Yeah, it does actually. Very fashionable.” she retorts matching your sarcastic, cheeky tone adding a small wink at the end. Your heart once again stops for a second and without thinking you lean forward, closing the small distance between you both and place a small, quick kiss on her lips.
The Doctors face once again washes with surprise however this time the expression stays for far longer, what felt like minutes but in reality  was only seconds. You begin to panic you’re head going a million miles an hour trying to come up with an excuse.
“oh.” The Doctor breathes out as you assume what you had done had settled in. You don’t wait for her to push you away and begin “Doctor I’m so so-”
But before you can continue she cuts you off her lips crashing against yours and her hand making its way to your burning cheeks as she pulls your face in as if the two of you could get any closer. The kiss somehow both gentle and needy. 
She pulls away and the both of you still for a moment as the implications of the moment settle in. 
“Thank you” you utter. 
“For the plaster or for the kiss?” she retorts the calm on her face making way for a small closed-lip smile and eye-brows raising.
“Both” you whisper closing your eyes and leaning into a soft kiss knowing that your relationship with the Doctor would never be the same again.
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notthisimagines ¡ 3 years
Feels like everything under the sun has been stopping me get my first imagine out but hopefully I’ll have it posted either tonight or tomorrow night :)
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notthisimagines ¡ 3 years
Well, back again. Having had an imagines account a couple years ago with a few imagines on it that I’ve since lost the info for and I’m assuming has been lost to the Tumblr void thought I would give it another go since I’m back simping over the 13th Doctor again. Should be fun.
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notthisimagines ¡ 3 years
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notthisimagines ¡ 3 years
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Doctor Who Headers
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