nova-cola · 2 months
I must sleep. Sleep is the mind-healer. Sleep is the big-life that brings total ability to fucking do anything. I will face my bed. I will permit the blankie to pass over me and snores to pass through me. And when sleep has gone past I will turn the outer eye to greet the new morning. When the sleep has gone there will be everything. Energy and will to live will remain.
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nova-cola · 6 months
it's a classic scam. you buy cheap ingredients, renovate them using heat and other ingredients and flip em. by the time the cops catch up you've moved on to another dish
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nova-cola · 7 months
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nova-cola · 7 months
she let me hit because i asked nicely and said please. also because of my gorgeous cock and beautiful balls
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nova-cola · 7 months
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No queen don't believe their lies
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nova-cola · 7 months
every website has a specific posting style and when you post in that style outside of that website it almost always reeks. it stinks. however when someone types in greentext format outside of 4chan it is always acceptable perhaps charming even
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nova-cola · 7 months
man with excellent self restraint dismayed to realize that not wanting anything is more likely a depression symptom than a carefully honed skill that atones for other aspects of his character
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nova-cola · 7 months
I think if JoJo dialogue even vaguely resembled the way real humans speak it would detract so much from the experience
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nova-cola · 7 months
God I forgot how annoying people on this website are. How utterly incapable of understanding nuance. Every single issue has to be boiled down to a single right/wrong binary and then everybody on your side is good and everybody on the other side is evil and that's all they're is to it.
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nova-cola · 7 months
Hmm, so what exactly is in this letter that everyone is saying is so eye-opening and insightf—
“The Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense.”
“Your law is the law of the rich and wealthy people, who hold sway in their political parties, and fund their election campaigns with their gifts. Behind them stand the Jews, who control your policies, media and economy.”
Oh. I see. Well… I’m sure this is fine and not at all concerning 🙃
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nova-cola · 7 months
i think one of the most misunderstood and misused "therapy speak" things is I Statements.
I Statements aren't just about starting with "I feel...." they are about identifying, specifically, the emotions you're dealing with, and acknowledging your subjective experience instead of making objective claims about the other person that you can't possibly know.
"i feel like you hate me" is not an I statement. "you hate me" is not an emotion. "i feel insecure in our relationship" or "i feel vulnerable," or even "i'd like affirmation," those are I Statements. you can't just slap "i feel" before an accusatory sentence and call it good. you need to actually pay attention to the spirit of the idea too.
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nova-cola · 7 months
"Nice characters are boring" to YOU. I love characters who no matter what, will always have genuine love for humanity in their heart. Characters who dance and laugh and sing with sincerity. Characters who believe in others, and are willing to extend a helping hand to people when no one gave them the same luxury. Characters who have gone through so much but believe, no matter what, that humanity and life is something beautiful and worth protecting
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nova-cola · 7 months
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free conversation ender for people who continue to willfully misunderstand source material and start inane arguments about it
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nova-cola · 7 months
woman called and spent ten minutes ranting to me over the phone about how domestication ruined the wild spirits of bees
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nova-cola · 7 months
in the wintertime you can remove the FRZN status effect by drinking some warm tea... but WATCH OUT! you may be inflicted with SLEEP status effect instead
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nova-cola · 7 months
I'm fascinated by the ecology of organisms from fetish porn. The idea of a terrestrial cephalopod that uses a host organism as an incubator is not actually that crazy, but it gets more fun the more seriously you take it.
Like yeah you specialize for hyperactive gonads and extremely survivable seminal fluid. But like, are you going for multiple host organisms? Or are you specializing specifically for humans? You probably want to shoot wide right? Just try to impregnate anything you see, and hope at least a handful of kids survive.
But uteruses are pretty chemically complex little organs. Even a slight change in the PH balance could send your host into sepsis or shock or whatever.
And what do you EAT? like how do these organisms actually survive? When they're not banging are they squirming around eating snails like aquatic cephalopods? They're usually depicted as pretty big too, usually strong enough to lift a fully grown human off the ground with what have to be like, hydrostatic appendages? That's a much more energy-intensive physiology to have on land.
They're clearly not specialized for hunting. But what food source could support an organism at this size? Those tentacles could probably be useful for navigating like, mangrove swamp type areas with abundant foliage and lots of little cracks to navigate. Maybe they're kinda like barnacles, or some kinda terrestrial coral. They just kinda plant themselves in a nutrient-rich stream and just kinda impregnate anything that brushes past them like some kinda parasitic sex anemone.
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nova-cola · 7 months
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i have no words. worlds first terf monk returns from a thirty year hibernation on top of a mountain i guess.
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