nrivanwrites · 5 hours
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Paysage Gothique Au Corbeau Et Au Clair De Lune, ca. 1890 German School (19th Century)
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nrivanwrites · 5 hours
love, in all its forms
it's been a busy, busy week for me, and it'll be busier still just for a little while so I haven't been able to write as much I'd like, but in the end I managed to find some time today to write something, just a little something - a heartfelt something, for me and my characters,
two snippets of vital importance for my stories - or their sequels, we shall see :)
"I do not love you, this is much worse, far worse - I live for you. My heart beats to spite you, to hold you, to feel for you; there is not a moment of my existence that goes by without the thought of you. It is maddening, you are maddening, and even when I hate you it is because- Because I, well I'll damn myself to the harshest fires of hell, I do love you. I live to love you, and that is all."
"I have loved you since the day I met you, from the moment I was honoured to meet your gaze, I loved you when I lost you - when I lost myself. I have loved you since the end, do you hear me? Do you understand it now? I am incapable of not loving you. Even if that love kills me."
~ ~ ~ Writing Tag List ~ ~ ~
edited the post to finally use the tag list that some lovely people have asked to be a part of and get updated when i post writing bits and bobs, so here goes! (p.s if you'd like to be included/notified too, interact with this post :))
@humbly-a-doppelganger @imawholeassmood @frostedlemonwriter @yrndrgn @abditorywriting
@riveriafalll @lead-to-code @casualsuitturtle @floweryprosegarden @joeys-piano
@catwingsathena @godsmostfuckedupgoblin @nothoughtsjustmhaandotherthings @anaisbebe
@drchenquill @leahnardo-da-veggie
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nrivanwrites · 17 hours
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Just 100% followed the Inquisitor concept art because I wanted to see what it would look like with some slight recoloring for my Herald because I’m forever upset we didn’t get more official “inquisitor” armor for the game
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nrivanwrites · 17 hours
out of context line tag game
i was tagged by @thewriteflame and this is from ch2 of the second draft of Seafoam
“I said, we could get married.”  My insides squirmed uneasily, and the absurd desire to laugh nearly overcame me. He was about to speak again, but I shook my hand between us, cutting him off. “I appreciate you trying to make a joke, but is this really the time?”
and i'll tag: @coarsely @daisywords @flowerprose @zmwrites and an open tag (no pressure!)
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nrivanwrites · 17 hours
tag: out of context line II
I wast tagged by @megarywrites! Thank you!
A quick exchange between Dorian and Tess from Open Seas:
“You are going to lead the way to the temple down the block where we will all be officially declared free people, and I am going to do my best to kill the two who were left behind.” “Kill them?” she demanded, voice going squeaky. “Yes, darling, kill them. Remember that these people kidnapped you and were ready to sell you to the highest bidder.” She bit the inside of her lip so she didn’t argue. He grinned and flicked her nose with his thumb. “Let’s go.”
Actually obsessed with their dynamic.
I tag @ace-malarky, @ashen-crest, @sleepyowlwrites, and anyone else who wants to play! As always, no pressure!
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nrivanwrites · 17 hours
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Nygmobblepot but with dialogue based on that one scene from Please Like Me
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nrivanwrites · 1 day
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Siofra Lavellan: hunter, assassin, CEO of Buff Elves with High-Functioning Depression
I commissioned the wonderful @artharakka to paint the other love of my life and they did it so beautifully. this really is stunning - I can’t thank them enough!
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nrivanwrites · 1 day
Me reading a really good book: god this makes me wanna write
Me reading a really bad book: ugh this makes me wanna write
Me having coffee: i wanna write
Me going on a drive: i wanna write
Me doing the dishes: i wanna write
Me waking up: i wanna write
Me writing:
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nrivanwrites · 1 day
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nrivanwrites · 2 days
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This is just a random thing I worked on as a breather between a few different paintings I was working on…I was trying to emulate Solas’ mural style in DAI (or Nick Thornborrrow IRL). It’s a fun style to use, or attempt to anyway. 
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nrivanwrites · 2 days
i’ve noticed that when people attempt to handle the horror of the hanged women in the odyssey with care, there is an impulse to make penelope sympathetic to them. one problem with this is that i’ve read the odyssey, and she clearly isn’t, but more tellingly: we know that she used to favor melantho, but any care she had for her has been shoved firmly into the past tense since melantho put a toe out of line. because melantho isn’t a real daughter, she’s a slave. because this is an issue of class, not female solidarity.
whatever penelope may believe about herself, she is not capable of caring for enslaved women in any meaningful way. this also goes for the rest of the slave-owning class in homer, and probably homer himself (if for the sake of brevity you want to call “homer” a “self”), which i bring up because i think you have to understand the perspective of the text to challenge it. but i notice this problem particularly with penelope because i find her complex and fascinating and i want other people to find her complex and fascinating and give her her dues, but i simply do not think you can do so by making her care about women she owns.
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nrivanwrites · 2 days
Alright, official call-out post for writers, authors, and fans of fiction.
I am looking for more writing mutuals and writing-centered blogs. Extra points if you write horror, historic fiction, thrillers, mysteries, or just generally off-putting and uncomfortable topics.
Please interact with this post somehow so I can check out your blogs!
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nrivanwrites · 3 days
When I took my literary criticism theory class in undergrad the professor told us that in modern literary criticism “The author isn’t dead but they are a ghost breathing down your neck”
Basically, the old way of thinking was that the point of literary criticism was to find the true original intentions of the author. Then death of the author was introduced and literary criticism swung hard the other way, saying that what the author thinks and the context they were in doesn’t matter.
Nowadays, it’s somewhere in between. Yes the author had intentions and yes the work had context. But the work also has context right now and a history of people reading it and interpreting it and sometimes an author puts meaning in something that they didn’t realize they were.
I can’t sit down and interview Jane Austin about every little decision she made in Pride and Prejudice but I can look at what we know about her life and the era and place she lived in. I can also ignore all that and look at what the book means right now to modern people. I can compare Austin to writers in her own time as well as writers now. I can speculate on what I think was on purpose and what wasn’t.
A lot of people go on about death of the author like that’s the only correct way to interpret fiction when modern lit crit moved past it years ago. Reading critically is a conversation between the author, the reader, and the various contexts surrounding both of them. Nothing exists in a vacuum but at the same time nobody can anticipate every interpretation their work might present with.
The question of analysis and separating art from artist isn’t a simple cut and dry issue. It never has been and it never will be.
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nrivanwrites · 3 days
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Movie Costumes | Sarah's ballgown, Labyrinth (1986)
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nrivanwrites · 3 days
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WIP INTRO: The God-Dragon’s Wife
Xinya, dignity forgotten, scrambled away from the altar, headdress scattered to the other side of the temple, her Robes of Worship falling off her shoulders. “Who are you?” she breathed.
The dragon, pale as moonlight, curled its enormous, snakelike body around the whole of the room simply to face her. It dipped its head closer, until they were nose to nose. Black eyes the size of shields, glittering like pools of ink, pierced through her eyes and into her soul.
“I am Yu-Qi,” the dragon said, and Her voice cracked like thunder. “I have heard your prayer, and I have come to claim my prize.”
Xinya’s ears rang like bells, her breath came in pants. “A-And what is it that you wish of me?”
Yu-Qi huffed, hot, smoky air escaping Her nostrils, brushing over the face of the trembling human queen.
“My wish,” She said, “is you.”
Genre: High Fantasy, Romance
Medium: Prose
Queen Xinya Ba-Leng, ruler of Syo-Lang, is struggling to care for her people. Rains are spares, crops are poor, and her country borders on a war they can’t afford to enter. Desperate and losing faith, she prays to the God-Dragons for help, offering any price they desire to help her people. When Yu-Qi, one of the God-Dragons, answers, She names Her price: Xinya’s hand in marriage. 
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nrivanwrites · 3 days
Literally cannot emphasize enough that my #1 writing advice is to stop being afraid. Stop being afraid of sounding too cringe, or too stupid, or too horrifying, or too horny, or too weird, or too much, or too little, or too you. You need to put your entire pussy into your art. Sure, it won't be to everyone's tastes, but if you keep yourself to the blandest tamest safest roads possible you will be of no one's tastes, not even yours.
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nrivanwrites · 4 days
New idea: instead of writing the fic, you come over to my house and I tell you the entire plot while I pace my tiny kitchen. There’s a cup of tea, warm in your hands. The words don’t stop and the affection never leaves your expression.
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