nuffporter · 1 year
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Rough natural fur fit fella
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nuffporter · 2 years
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Hairy daddy
183 notes · View notes
nuffporter · 2 years
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nuffporter · 2 years
Shower Scene
A transformation story inspired by Scream 2022. Contains no spoilers for the ending of the film!
While jogging around the neighborhood, Wes’s phone started to ring. He sat at a nearby picnic table and answered it.
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“Is this Wes Hicks?”
“Yes, who’s this?”
“Oh, you know exactly who this is…”
A chill went up Wes’ spine as he recognized the voice. Ghostface! The killer who had been terrorizing him and his friends.
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“Let me guess… You want to know what my favorite scary movie is?”
“Not exactly. See, I have a little proposition for you, Wes.”
“If you think I’m working with you, you’re crazier than you sound.”
“No, no, boy. I don’t need the help,” the menacing voice intoned. “Here’s the thing. You’re on my hit list. I’m targeting teens related to people involved in the original killings, and your mom was around during the Roberts killings in 2011. So that would mean you’re next.”
Wes frowned. “And you’re warning me why?”
“You’re a cute guy, Wes. I wouldn’t want to have to rip you apart. Here's your question: What if I could offer you a way out?”
“A way out how?”
“What if you weren’t related to Sheriff Hicks? What if you weren’t born in Woodsboro in the 90’s? You’d be safe. Would you like that?”
“Well yeah, of course, but I don’t see how-“
“A yes was all I needed, Wes. Thanks for playing.”
Ghostface hung up and Wes felt a zap of electricity shoot through his hand, sending a tingling feeling through the rest of his body. He stared at his phone in confusion. Well, THAT wasn’t anything like any of the other calls his friends had gotten.
As he jogged home, he thought over what Ghostface had offered him. Sure, it would be nice if he wasn’t on the chopping block, but he wouldn’t want to be away from his friends or his mom. He shook his head. He was being stupid. It’s not like that offer was a real thing anyway. Making sure to deadbolt the front door when he got home, he headed upstairs, stripped off his sweaty clothes, revealing his skinny and hairless body, and hopped in the shower.
He saw a flash of black in the reflection of the shower door and did a quick double take to make sure no cloaked figure with a mask and a knife was lurking behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief, failing to notice that what he had registered subconsciously as movement was actually a small patch of dark black hair growing from center of his chest.
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As he turned on the shower and let the water run over his body, he closed his eyes and tried to relax. His chest tickled a little as the patch of hair began to spread, sending a light dusting across his chest in either direction, some small tendrils even drifting up toward his neck. As he breathed he sucked in his stomach, and it never expanded back out, the skin rippling as muscle bubbled underneath. He began soaping up his chest, and noticed the extra movement of the wet hairs trailing along with his fingers. What the -
He opened his eyes to see the brand new hairs gracing his torso. And below his torso stood a tight six pack that barreled out his abdomen. He almost screamed, but for some reason the sight of his new hair and muscle made his dick stand to attention, throbbing so hard it seemed like it had grown an extra inch. Or even two. As the blood rushed downward, all he could think about was how horny he was, and his new fur slipped entirely from his mind.
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He slithered one hand down his body and made a tight fist around his cock, pumping back and forth while thinking of his crush, Tara Carpenter. He’d had a crush on her since grade school. Her dark hair, her thick lashes, her sculpted pecs with that dusting of fuzz…
Wait, what?
He realized his mental image of Tara had been replaced with one of his other friend, Chad Meeks-Martin. When had that happened? Had he been thinking of him the whole time? And why was his dick still rock hard, straining into his hand as he thought of his most recent Instagram photo and the way his chest hair and tattoo poked out of his shirt collar?
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Fuck! His dick jolted with pleasure and he released it with a start. No, no, no. This was too weird. He turned off the water and grabbed a towel, reaching for his phone and heading to his room as quickly as possible. He needed to get a grip on himself! He didn’t notice that his iPhone felt weirdly bulky in his hand, like it was a model from a couple years earlier.
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Once he got dressed, he decided a good long drive might clear his mind. He headed out to the driveway, where his trusty, beat-up 1992 sedan waited for him. He noticed it looked particularly clean this morning. And didn’t there used to be a patch of rust on the roof? Whatever. He needed out. He decided to drive to Tara’s house and see if she needed anything. Yeah, that was the move. Chad would appreciate- No, not Chad. He was going to CHAD’S house. Yeah, that’s where he was going. He wasn’t sure why he’d already started heading in the opposite direction. He flipped a U-turn and made for the Meeks-Martin residence.
As he drove, his whole head began to itch something fierce. Well, not the whole head. Just the top and bottom, not really anything in the middle, but the bookend effect was driving him crazy. He ran his fingers along his scalp, mussing up his hair in the process, not noticing that the strands were ever so slightly longer. He scratched the rough stubble on his chin, feeling the coarse speckles soften as hairs elongated from the follicles, seeming to be pulled out with the force of his scratching, until his entire face was coated in a downy chestnut beard.
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Something felt wrong again. He looked at himself in the mirror and was startled to see the patchy beard that had grown in seemingly in seconds. How hadn’t he noticed that? But all thoughts were driven from his mind as his dick surged with pleasure once more. He grabbed his crotch, adjusting his junk in his jeans and continued heading to Chad’s.
His mind became bleary and the world in front of him seemed to blur somewhat. Must be the stress. He tried to focus his eyes on the road in front of him so he didn’t crash. That’s why he didn’t notice his chest pumping up with muscle, straining at the baggy sweater he’d thrown on before leaving the house. His pants similarly strained against his quads and calves as they expanded like sausage casings being filled.
He scratched at his chest as thousands of tiny pinpricks of itchiness exploded across his torso, which distracted him from the continued itching on his chin as his beard filled out into a lush, thickly arranged carpet.
He was ultimately too busy trying to keep an eye on the car ahead of him, which seemed to keep changing color. And becoming an older and older model, too! It was weirding him out. He finally parked in front of the Meeks-Martin residence and stepped out, not noticing that his car was now shiny and new as if he’d just driven off the lot with it. He walked up to the front door, but stopped when he noticed that it was painted a completely different color. Did he have the wrong house? And was he… wearing the wrong clothes? With a start, he noticed he had on a plain white tee layered with a suave jacket that he certainly hadn’t been wearing earlier. Or at least, not that he remembered?
What had he done before driving over here? He remembered taking a shower. What had he done before that? Watched an episode of Cheers, yes! He remembered laughing at something or other that Sam had said. And ogling the pecs on a particularly built guest star playing a delivery boy. And then he’d been on the phone and accidentally knocked the TV off the counter with the cord. Before that was still fuzzy, but he didn’t need to bother remembering right now. All he needed to do was remember what he was doing HERE. Oh yes of course, the photo shoot. He knocked on the door. While he waited, he scratched at his chest, which was still feeling weirdly tingly. A man in a leather vest answered the door with a suspicious glint in his eyes.
He scowled at a clipboard. “Name?”
Wes smiled. “Wes. Wes Dalton.”
“Yup, there you are. Come on it, it’s the third door on the left.”
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Sheriff Judy Hicks was looking through a locker full of contraband that had been confiscated from various high school students over the years. Ghostface had just given her a particularly puzzling call, saying that he was “remaking more than just Stab,” and she wanted to follow up on her suspicions that the killer was one of the local teens.
She wasn’t sure exactly what she was looking for, but she sighed as she pawed through numerous cherry bombs. She’d always wanted to have a kid of her own, but at least she didn’t have to worry about dealing with a high schooler in the house.
She pulled out an ancient gay porno mag that must have been confiscated in the 90’s. She checked the date. Yup, 1992. She looked at the cover model with a start. She had no reason to know who some 90’s porno model named Wes Dalton was, but he looked terribly familiar for some reason.
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Underneath the magazine she found an old Colt calendar from eight years after that. She was surprised to see it featured the exact same model. Wes had clearly filled out, and his blonde tips were more subdued, way less 90’s. It was weird seeing a man age before her eyes like that. She found herself wondering what the model was up to these days, but shook her head and returned to the task at hand.
Remaking more than just Stab… What could that possibly mean?
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nuffporter · 2 years
Body Possession Journey
OG Story: https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2067738-Body-Possession-Journey/map/1
Brandon, the younger brother, knew that taking over someone else’s body would be wrong, but he was so tired of not being taken seriously. He was 14 for crying out loud! He felt old enough to be treated like he knew what was best for himself, but his older brother’s always rolled their eyes and joked with him. His father kept telling him he wasn’t old enough yet to be in charge of certain things or to know what was best for himself. Richard, Brandon’s 43 year-old father, he’s a single father. He hasn’t gone gray yet and is still very fit, handsome, and youthful. He could definitely pass for a 34 year-old man.
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Brandon knew that the only way to be respected and taken seriously was to take it for himself.  Brandon was extremely frustrated, so he went to his room and slammed the door. He hopped on his bed and just laid there with his face in the pillow for a few minutes until he noticed a strange feeling–rather, that he did not feel anything.
“Huh?!” Brandon yelled out as he looked down and saw that his body was gone. He was some kind of translucent ghost looking thing. “Nice! Can anyone hear me?!!” he called out, but no one came. He tried banging on the wall that separated his and Jake’s rooms, but his hand went right into the drywall. “This is fucking awesome…” Brandon thought before he heard some big footsteps approach his door.
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“Brandon! You’ve been in there a while. Are you gonna remember to mow the–HUH!” Richard gasped as he opened the door and unknowingly walked right into Brandon’s invisible energy. Brandon was caught by surprise too as the door swung open and his dad walked right into him. But instead of a collision, he felt himself getting sucked right into his dad’s muscular body. “Oh God…” Richard said through strained grunts as his body quivered and he grabbed each side of the door frame for support. Richard moaned as Brandon was fully absorbed into him before standing straight up and gasping as Brandon’s astral energy reached full alignment inside him. “What the…Oh shit!” Brandon exclaimed as he got his bearings, instantly recognizing his father’s voice leaving his mouth. Brandon had no idea how the fuck that had happened, but he quickly closed the door behind him and stared in awe at the mirror as he watched his dad’s big, strong body do everything he willed it to do. Brandon knew he would need to get better at controlling his abilities, but for now this was his chance to feel important. He was finally the man of the house!
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Richard groaned in satisfaction as he stretched his arms and then ran his hands down his solid torso. “Oh I could get used to this,” the man of the house said, only it wasn’t Richard saying that or doing any of that–he was currently possessed by his youngest son, Brandon, after an accident. He was enjoying his quick tour of his father’s body and relishing in the strength he felt as he squeezed his fists and watched his hairy arms bulge in response. And he loved hearing that deeper voice express his thoughts. He had a hard time ignoring the stirring in his dad’s jeans, but he got a grip on himself and assured himself, “there’ll be plenty of time for that later.” Richard smirked as Brandon walked his new body out of his old room and went straight to the master bedroom–the place he would be staying as long he decided to keep his dad’s body.
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“I could sure get used to this,” he groaned after hopping onto the King sized bed and sprawling out. He really did feel like a king, but Brandon smirked again as he got a mischevious idea. Brandon got back up on his powerful new feet and swaggered down to the kitchen, chest out as he proudly showed off his powerful chest. The chore board was on the wall, and Brandon chuckled as he crossed his name off of lawn and pool duty before yelling out, “Smith! Jake! You boys get your asses down here right now!!” Smith came down first, standing at attention. He had always respected and looked up to his father, and then after his time in the military he was truly ready and waiting. Jake yawned as he slowly made his way up to join them. These two boys had terrorized Brandon growing up, but now, as their father, it was his turn, and they couldn’t say no. “Jake, you little fuck. When I call your name I expect you to walk in like you give a damn like Smith here. Drop the fuck down and give me twenty.” “What??” Jake asked, confused as Richard had never been strict with him before. But he didn’t know he wasn’t dealing with the real Richard–it was Brandon inside their father’s body, and maybe Jake should have been nicer. “I said drop to the fucking ground and give me twenty,” Brandon forced his father’s powerful and deep voice to say with such intimidation. “I mean why do I have to push ups when that fucktard Brandon isn’t even here yet?” Jake gasped as Richard’s hands pushed him hard against the wall. Then his eyes shot open as he felt Richard’s strong hand grip around his throat and squeeze. “Don’t you ever disrespect your little brother like that again. He’s at camp if you must know, so we’re back to you and your shitty attitude. When I let you go I expect you to drop and give me fifty. Are we FUCKING clear?!” Richard growled into Jake’s face as Brandon unleashed his pent up rage. Jake grabbed for his throat and coughed for breath after his throat was freed and immediately dropped down, blasting out push ups until his shaking arms completed number fifty. “See, that’s a good son right there. Making your old man proud. Now go clean the pool.” “But that was Brandon’s–” Jake cut himself off as he saw his father spin around with a look of fury in his eyes. Without another word, Jake scurried to the back yard and began readying the pool vacuum along with the chemicals and the pool net. That left Smith there, still standing at attention but visibly shocked by what he had just witnessed. “Smith, you were a good son getting your ass down here so fast. You’ve been a real shithead to Brandon, but you’ve really grown a lot in the military. Just mow the lawn, and then you can go do whatever. Use the riding mower if you want, I don’t give a shit,” Brandon ordered. “Yes, sir,” Smith responded before going out back to the shed to get started with the lawn. “Fuck that was awesome!” Richard exclaimed as he was by himself in the house–it looked almost comical seeing that strong man of the house bursting with the excitement of his 14-year-old son, but this was such a rush for Brandon.
Afterwards Richard, currently inhabited by Brandon, could no longer ignore the stirring in his jeans. Brandon went to Richard’s room. As Brandon passed by the mirror he could see the large bulge in Richard’s jeans twitching with need, so he pulled down the jeans and rubbed his erect dick through his underwear.
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“Ooooohhh fuck” Brandon moaned in Richard’s voice, as a wet spot appeared on the front of his underwear. 
Finally he couldn’t take it anymore, he pulled down his pre-cum stained underwear and grabbed ahold of Richard’s erect pole. “I didn’t know how good it felt being a full grown adult”, Brandon exclaimed from inside of Richard’s body. After about 30 minutes he felt the built up of cum in his throbbing member, “aw fuck” Brandon said as his stolen body quaked in pleasure as his long and thick dick shot over 10 long strands of thick cum.
Brandon stared at his Dad’s sexy, manly body in the full length mirror. So strong and virile. He growled a little as he rubbed his hands along that trimmed coat of hair covering that toned and powerful chest. His still hard cock stirred, letting out one last drop of cum that dropped right down onto the floor. The 10 strands of thick cum were slowly gliding down the mirrors surface and Brandon couldn’t help himself in the moment as he dropped down onto his father’s knees and began gliding his tongue up, making contact with the cum before moaning in delight as he licked up every last drop. “Ohhhh fuuuuck that tastes so good,” Brandon said in a nice, low and sexy tone. This was a violation of his dad’s body in every possible way, but he was now throbbing rock hard all over again, his pulsating dick prepared to release another fresh drop onto the floor as Brandon finished lapping up the last of that first load in his own father’s body. But as he grabbed his rod and sighed out in contentment he was absolutely sure it would not be the last.
Brandon felt out of control as he rushed for his father’s bed, enjoying the sound and feeling as he hopped on with Richard’s larger, powerful body. It was addicting. And in that moment he was overcome by so much. The combo of his own 14 year old urges and hormones roaring to life combined with his dad’s roaring, powerful body that was flooding with masculine testosterone and finally the gay urges he had started to feel in the last year that only grew stronger after he discovered gay porn. A small logical part of Brandon’s mind knew this was so fucking wrong, but the rest of his mind was overwhelmed by the temptation of the moment. Brandon lifted his father’s muscular and hairy legs in the air and then.
Brandon couldn’t control himself or wait any longer. With his dad’s muscular and hairy legs lifted up in the air Brandon quickly put one of his dad’s thick fingers in his stolen mouth, getting it wet and slick. His heart was pounding in his chest with sex and desire. He eagerly reached that wet finger down to his father’s almost guaranteed virgin hole and began rubbing the wet tip around that rose bud opening. “Ohhhhhhhhhh” Brandon cooed with Richard’s deep, bass filled voice as he ran circles around that opening, getting chills as it involuntarily tightened each time his finger got a little too close. Biting his lip, Brandon decided to bite the bullet and get that show on the road. Spitting into his hand he made sure a glob of that spit was right on his opening before pressing his right index finger up against that impossibly tight hole. Brandon closed his eyes and moaned as he pushed, so slowly, but at a steady pace. His dad’s hole was sooooo tight, or at least he assumed so. Brandon had never even played with his own teen hole. No, his dad’s manly 43 year old hole was the first one he had ever played with and he was so glad. “Ohhhh Fuck!” he gasped out as his eyes shot open and it was like he had gotten past a barrier. There was the initial opening and then a tight band, but once he got past that it’s like he just shot the rest of the finger in up to the knuckle. Brandon was beside himself, gasping out for breath and wriggling his toes around as he began gently twirling that finger around inside himself. He still got off hearing his father’s voice make such passionate and sexual noises. But it really reached a pitch as his inner exploration reached a magical spot. “OH FUCK!” Brandon shouted as he accidentally discovered his father’s prostate. RIchard’s face went bright red as sensation crashed through his body and his own 14 year old son made him finger that spot again and again and again! Brandon hadn’t even touched his father’s dick but was shocked as it reached full hardness and was no pulsating, throbbing, bright red and begging for release. A drop of precum oozed out of that amazing cock as Brandon continued to finger fuck himself with that right index finger and massaged his hairy chest and abs with his free left hand.
Just as Brandon was going to reach for his father’s huge cock all of the sudden his stolen body started to shake and Brandon could feel himself losing control of his father’s manly body. Brandon’s astral form could be seen slowly exiting his father’s body trying to hang on to anything to keep him inside but it proved futile. Once all of Brandon’s form had been expelled from his father’s body, he regained consciousness and was really confused with the scene in front of him and why his asshole was sore. 
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“What?? How did I get here? The last thing I remember was going to check on Brandon.”
All of the sudden the father let out a loud deep moan and shot a giant load all over himself. Energy now spent and disoriented the father got up from the bed and looked over at his clothes on the floor and could see his sexy grey underwear with a giant wet spot on the front of the pouch. Just the father was starting to get freaked out about the hole in his memory Brandon decided to use his father’s disoriented state to jump back inside his sexy hairy body. The father let out a grunt of surprised as he felt his control of his hunky body decreasing. 
“Ughh what’s happening to me!!” 
The father yelled as his body continued to shake. All of the sudden he stopped shaking and let out a deep chuckle only now it was Brandon controlling his voice. The father looked up and his eyes were now a different shade of grey (brandon’s eye color) to signify Brandon’s dominance over his sexy body. Brandon used his stolen muscular legs to walk over to the mirror
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“You know, I’ve always been envious of all the men in my family especially you” Brandon from inside his father’s body said. 
Brandon then forced his father to flex his giant mountain like biceps 
“I had to see you stride around the house with your shirt off and all these hard muscles for everyone to admire, but now they’re mine to flaunt and control.”
Brandon then noticed his father’s monstrous hairy cock rise to full hardness.
“Don’t think I forgot about this sexy cock, all those times you walked around in shorts with no underwear on, I could see just how long and thick you were and how your fat cock would bounce around with every step your powerful thick thighs would take oh how I wished I could just get a feel of it, now my dream has come true. I now can feel up your body whenever I please and use your huge cock to plow any man I want”
Brandon then forced his father’s giant meaty hand down to his fat cock and started going to town thrusting his hips and moaning so loud in his father’s deep sexy voice that the walls would vibrate. After a few minutes of non stop jerking his father’s sexy hairy cock exploded in the biggest load Brandon has ever seen and covered the mirror and everything around it in giant globs of his father’s mature seed. After Brandon from inside his father came down from his sex high he grabbed a pair of basketball shorts and with a giant smile on his face put them on with no underwear. Brandon took one last look in the mirror with his stolen eyes and admired the way the front of the basketball shorts would bulge out with his father’s cock under his control. He gave his father’s sexy hairy body one last double bicep flex and he could smell the after sex musk his father exuded. The father under the control of Brandon growled deep within his hairy muscled chest as the front of his basketball shorts started to bulge out. Time to go check on the other men of the house!
Brandon got dressed in some preppy casual clothes A fitted polo that showed off his dad’s nice pecs and toned shoulders and some khaki shorts that went a little above the knee, so everyone was able to see Richard’s amazing calves and thigh muscles. This wouldn’t be acceptable in most standard offices, but Richard was primarily able to work from home on account of owning his own company, so he could dress however he wanted except for the obvious client meetings when he had to suit up. Brandon was loving how he looked in the mirror, feeling along his father’s tapered V torso through the soft black shirt.
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He figured he’d try his hand at doing a few “grown up” things and went to Richard’s home office, enjoying the feeling of the luxury chair morphing to his extra weight and putting his spine in perfect alignment. His Dad had a corporate-grade PC with a finger print reader for extra security, but he smirked as he pressed down with his new finger and watched the laptop unlock for him. He did the same with his dad’s Face ID on his iPhone and felt immense satisfaction. “Hmmmm, since I’m technically Richard for now, I guess I should do some work. Don’t want my old man to be screwed over tomorrow or whenever I go back to normal…” Brandon said aloud with richard’s deep baritone. But he honestly didn’t know where to begin. Brandon never fully understood what his dad’s job even was. That’s when an idea hit him. He thought long and hard—concentrating on accessing his father’s memories and knowledge. He closed his eyes and focused until he opened his eyes with an alert expression.
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“Fuck!” Brandon said as he opened a work program and began typing away. He now knew everything that his dad did and knew how to do it exactly as well as his father! After an hour or two he logged off of the laptop, having completed all of his father’s assigned work and emails for the afternoon. The satisfaction he felt was immense. With Richard’s work done, plus it’s now Saturday afternoon, Brandon thought about what he should do? Is it time to move on or should he enjoy the weekend in his father’s body?
Yes yes yes! Brandon already knew that this was his ideal, perfect body! And now that he knew he could access his father’s knowledge and memories he knew he would be able to continue his dad’s work and other adult stuff like bills and taxes! There was nothing holding him back! Brandon didn’t know if this would work, but he stripped down naked and hopped back onto his dad’s bed. He was so hard thinking about owning this body and BECOMING Richard permanently. Brandon grabbed his father’s pulsating rod and began stroking it gently while he focused and closed his eyes. Within his mind he searched around until his spiritual avatar found the true dormant Richard. His father was trapped in stasis in his body’s own subconscious while Brandon had been having his fun, but now Brandon was ready to take things to a new level. He wasn’t going to merely possess his dad—he was about to become his dad. Brandon flopped his dad’s spirit form over onto his stomach so his back was facing up. From there, all Brandon could think to do was enter. Back in the real world, Richard’s body was stroking his cock faster and with greater intensity as Brandon’s spirit positioned itself behind Richard’s resting spirit and began to enter! Richard’s body suddenly seized and arched its back as Richard’s own spirit was invaded and possessed by his youngest son. There was no going back from this. Brandon was elated as he felt the larger soul take more and more of him in. He stretched his astral legs into his fathers—felt his fathers astral torso swallow him and seal him inside and finally their heads aligned and Brandon’s was sealed inside. “Nnnggggggggg fuuuuucckkkk yeahhhhh!!!!” Richard’s body roared as cum shot all over his chest and bed, toes curled and his sexy mature face flushed red and face tight with pleasure. Brandon opened his eyes, breathing harder than he ever had as he looked at the site in front of him. “Fuck, it worked!” He gasped before hungrily eating up every last drop of “his” seed. He no longer felt like he was an outside force in his father’s body. No—this was now his base body now and forever more. And he closed his eyes and explored his mind to prove it. Within his mind he went in front of an astral mirror and saw the proof—his spiritual form was now identical to his father. The voice inside his head was his father’s. He was truly Richard in every way. Opening his eyes again he wondered…did the merge make him lose his powers? He concentrated and to his delight he instantly transformed into an astral form only now his astral form looked just like his father! This was a dream come true for Brandon! It’s Saturday evening and Brandon no longer exists. What does the new Richard do now?
Richard gets to work…He goes to his old room and collects some clothing and essentials and stuffs them in a duffel bag. He then grabs pen and paper and begins writing the note, tapping into his former handwriting to really sell the act.
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Dad, Jake, and Smith: I’m sick of being part of this family. I’ve decided to run away. I didn’t take my phone, so you won’t be able to track me. Don’t even bother to try finding me. I’m never coming back. Richard then tosses the duffel bag into a creek in the back yard and watches the remnants of his old life wash away with the current. It shouldn’t be a turn-on, but he can’t help but feel his dick hop a little as he realizes this life and body really is his now. It’ll take some getting used to as he still thinks of himself as Brandon at his core, but it’s only a matter of time before that old life feels like a distant memory. Thinking with Richard’s voice certainly helps. Time to put on the act…. “Boys! Jake! Smith! Get down here!” Richard shouts from the kitchen. The two older sons hustle down the kitchen, not wanting to upset their father after the morning incident. “Boys, Brandon ran away! He left this note!” Richard says before showing them the paper. “Quick! Start calling all your friends in the neighborhood. Get in your cars and check the neighborhood! I’ll cover the south side of the neighborhood! Go! Now!” The boys look shocked and surprised but quickly get to work–letting their friends and neighbors in town know to be on the lookout for Brandon before getting in their cars and searching. Richard goes along with the show–calling several parents with concern to see if Brandon is at their house before hopping in his expensive SUV and driving off. Except Richard doesn’t drive around the neighborhood. Nope–he’s too excited. He’s getting off on this. He goes to the mall and parks in an empty area where no one can see what he’s up to.
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“mmmmm yeahhhhh” he moans as he rubs his throbbing cock through his nice khaki shorts. “no going back. This really is all mine now” Richard unbuttons and unzips the shorts, freeing his monster cock from its fabric prison before enthusiastically gripping the shaft and pumping that meat. The devoted single father that has half the neighborhood on a wild goose chase is getting off on this! The finality of it all. He knows that once there is a search and it’s eventually called off that’ll be it. He’ll have to act sad and put on a show, but it’s only a matter of time until he’s free to live the life he’s always dreamed of in a body that he deserved. The old Richard was gone forever. There was a new Richard in town. These thoughts swarmed through his mind until he finally couldn’t handle it anymore. “mmmmmfffuuuuuckkk!” Richard groaned before biting down on his bottom lip and feeling his cock shoot out wads of his virile seed. The shots of warm cum got everywhere–all over his nice shirt, the steering wheel, and one even landed smack dab across his cheek. After his breathing calmed down, Richard got to work eating up as much of the spunk as he could before stripping off the cum soaked polo and reaching in the backseat for his gym bag. He pulled out a fitted exercise shirt and swapped into it, admiring his cut torso along the way. “Well, better head back and let anyone know Brandon was nowhere to be found.” the man says with a smirk.
“Oh fuck yeah!” Richard says aloud as he sees a sex shop emporium on the drive home. With teenage delight the fully grown man parks right outside and saunters into the store. He’s given a quick welcome and told to let the staff know if he needs help. Richard isn’t looking for anything in particular though–a little bit of everything. He grabs a basket and immediately goes to the lube section, picking out all sorts of flavored lubes, regular lubes, and even some that claimed to reduce anal pain. Next up was the fleshlights. The former Brandon had wanted one ever since he hit puberty but was too embarrassed to ask for one. But now that he was Richard…he put two in his basket–one shaped like a pussy and one shaped like a tight asshole. He went ahead and got a few vibrators and then in the dildo section he picked out three so he could graduate up over time: an average looking 6 inch cock, a juicier 8 inch cock, and finally, a beer can thick 10 inch cock. It might take some time to work up to that one…. He didn’t need any porn DVDs since the web was abundant with porn, but he thought maybe later he’d get a subscription to Sean Cody. For now though he brought his basket to the checkout counter and proudly pulled out his platinum credit card. Richard was beyond excited to put these new goodies to work.
The liquor store was just across the street, so Richard thought, ehhhh why the hell not? This 43 year old man was looking forward to his first drink…well his first drink now that he had permanently gone from 14 to 43. The former Brandon had never had a drink in his life, but based on the memories he absorbed from his father, this body didn’t drink often, but when it did, ketel one vodka was the booze of choice. He excitedly grabbed a 1.75L bottle of the ketel one and picked up some club soda, orange juice, and lemons. Based on his new memories, a vodka soda with lemon would be tolerable, but a vodka OJ would actually taste really great. Richard loved being able to pull out his wallet and see his new self on that Driver’s license. Handing over an image of such a sexy, attractive man was a thrill–even more so knowing this was his identity forever and ever–or at least until he decided to merge into someone else–maybe he’d give this body a good 10 years and then merge into his oldest son, Smith…but that was all down the road. For now he was just thrilled to hand over that platinum credit card, pay, and return to his car with materials to have one hell of a fun first night in this body.
Richard pretended to answer some emails in his office. “Ugh Finally!” he said with glee as he closed the laptop and retrieved his goodies from the car. Tons of vodka, lube, fleshlights, and dildos were all his to enjoy in that perfect older body. So many firsts were his to enjoy that night. But he wondered–would it be even more satisfying to enjoy this booze and these toys with another person?
Richard licked his lips, moaning slightly as he began to undress.
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He plopped down on his couch, buck naked. Richard laughed to tears. His life, His house, his ‘sons’. All his. He took a rugged hand to wipe these tears, savoring the exquisite flavor in his new tongue. This body, these tears oh happiness outpouring from the emotions he produced in them- they were utterly his. He aimed for his goodies before stopping himself. Panting and moaning felt utterly unnatural coming from the man’s gravely tongue. Building a new habit only seemed to rile him up further. The older hunk gripped his body possessively, smearing himself in the day’s grime and inhaling his own pungent scent. He began playing with his nipples nonchalantly, while bucking his hips. “No…. I think for my ‘first’ night… it’s just gonna be you and me.” Unprompted, the rock hard stallion’s dick began squirting out his seed. Unbothered, the man continued to smearing his own product. Sweat, seed and grime began to penetrate his nasal passages and he inhaled even deeper. Richard’s eyes fluttered as he gingerly places a large sampling of his own seed on his lips. Like a snake wriggling in the night air, his tongue danced rhythmically before greedily lapping up his own body ‘s produce. He sighs happily before falling into unconsciousness. “Fuck I’m delicious.” Richard’s eyes fluttered gently in dim morning light as the father appeared to be first to wake. He frowned slightly as his sons had apparently not woken up. He gave an uncharacteristic pout, pinching his nipple before winking at his reflection. “Shame we couldn’t show Smithy and Jakey what a god-bod their old man has.” He moaned as he cupped his own ass and gave it a quick squeeze. “I should check on the boys- let them know their brother might be gone, but-“ He twists his nipple a little further before moaning. “a part of him will live on, inside us.” He slaps his abs. Before uncharacteristically snarling at his reflection. “And I’m never fucking leaving.”
I’m not really ready to jump right to sex Richard thought to himself. I mean, he literally just stole this body today. He wanted to get fully comfortable with it first before jumping right into sex. That would come in due time, but for now he grinned as he unpacked his bags in his master bedroom. He made sure to lock the door. Noise wouldn’t be that much of an issue within reason seeing as how the master bedroom was on the ground floor and all three of the boys’ bedrooms were upstairs. Richard was already getting hard as he unpacked and laid out the booze and all of the sex toys he had bought with his platinum visa. God, what a thrill handing that thing over. All of that hard-earned money was his to enjoy. He fetched some ice and a glass from the kitchen and went ahead mixing a cocktail. About 3 parts OJ to 1 part Vodka. Nothing strong based on the old Richard’s memories, but something enjoyable to prime the palette for stronger drinks. He took his first sip and…
Wow that was better than he thought it would be! This body had decades of drinking experience, but its new owner did not despite now possessing Richard’s memories. It was still his first drink and he was lucky to be tasting it with an experienced tongue. That vodka screwdriver was gone after one more big gulp. “mmm damn that was good,” Richard marveled as he poured another–stronger this time at probably 2 parts OJ to 1 part vodka. “Bottoms up,” he mused before taking another sip. He scrunched his face slightly. “Well, that has a bit more of a kick,” he said before laughing. But he was man of the house now and wasn’t going to water it down. Richard tossed the drink back and set the glass down, belching just slightly as he already felt a mild euphoria that he had never experienced before. “Oh fuck this feels good,” he mused to himself as he made one more round exactly like the last one. He savored this one more, not quite tossing it back–already amazed at how his palette had adjusted and this one didn’t have the kick that the last round had. Richard wanted to really feel what it was like to be drunk before he played with all of the sex toys, so he switched over to the vodka soda–making three moderately strong rounds with lemon juice before downing them in decently rapid succession. He was feeling like he was on cloud nine, euphoric and happier than he had ever been. Richard made one more vodka soda that he put on the nightstand to nurse later on, but for right now he was feeling absolutely perfect and ready for some sex toy fun. He gasped in excitement again as he got up in front of the mirror and rubbed his hands along those carved pecs. Seeing that masculine, handsome face smiling with teenage excitement at the hotness of his own body was such a cute sight.
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He flexed and clenched his pecs and abs as he massaged that torso, dick tenting in his shorts as he did so. “Fuck man, I’m such a stallion. I’ve milked this cock like 3 times today and I’ve never been hornier,” he mused to himself. “No hard feelings, Dad. I’m so glad I became you. It wasn’t enough to just inhabit you. I fucking needed to become you!” Richard remembers that moment when he used to be Brandon–when his younger astral form entered the slumbering astral form of Richard–fully possessing and merging into his own father’s soul–effectively destroying the man that raised him and making him the new Richard now and forever. “Fuck yeah this is my body forever. Fuck, I’ve got your cock, your good looks, all your muscles, your great job, your clothes, your money. It’s all mine now.” Richard’s cock was throbbing at this point so he quickly shook off the shorts and underwear and marveled at his reflection with the 10 inch cock standing straight up, hard as a steel rod. He immediately laid down a towel on the bed and pulled all of the toys into the bed with him. He was excited, but didn’t know where to start.
“Oh my god, I’ve always wanted to know what this feels like!” Richard exclaims as he grabs the smallest dildo he bought earlier and slathers it in the lube that reduces pain. He goes ahead and smears some on his hole for good measure. This sexy grown man raises his legs in the air and gently places the head of the dildo against his virgin opening. “Oh fuck that’s tight,” he groans as he gently nudges the head halfway in before the pain makes him remove it. “Need to relax a little–or maybe I need some of that lidocaine lube inside me…” Richard pumps some of that lube on his left index finger and sighs loudly as he inserts that finger inside himself, slowly up to the knuckle. He enjoys just leaving that finger in there and gently swirling it around. The lube is definitely working because he can feel the pleasure of the finger swirling, but his sphincter seems noticeably less uncomfortable and more relaxed. Richard removes the finger and lines the dildo back up, applying gentle pressure again and moaning out as this time he’s able to get the entire head inside himself. He closes his eyes and just leaves it in like that for almost a minute before taking a deep breath and applying more pressure. “ohhhhhhh fuck,” he moans out as he slowly slides that dildo deeper, half inch by half inch. He has to stop again when it’s about halfway inside, but he keeps it exactly where it is and tightens his hole around it. As soon as he relaxes again he’s able to slide more of the dildo in. This process continues over and over until he arches his back and grunts loudly as the final half inch is fully inserted inside himself. “mmmmmmmmm Jesus that feels good,” he groans as he stretches his muscular, hairy legs out, curling his toes and squeezing his hole tight around that 6 inch dildo. Richard didn’t know if he should push his luck–He was feeling so good with the 6 inch dildo. Maybe he should just fuck himself with that since this ass is a virgin ass. Then he can incorporate the fleshlights and still have an amazing night. Or should he be daring and try to fit the 8 inch dildo inside himself?!
Richard was too horny to take on the process of working up to an 8 inch dildo, feeling so amazing and full with the 6 incher. It was a bizarre sight, this respectable 43 year old father acting out the most horny fantasies of his gay 14 year old son, clearly beyond turned on by the power he had in his new body. He eagerly lubed his pulsating ten inch rod and began lowering a fleshlight onto his meat, sighing in satisfaction as he felt himself stuffed full and his own cock snug and filling a tight, slick hole. He just basked in the dual sensation for a few moments before slowly pulling the fleshlight up a bit and sliding it back down, instantly sending a shiver down his spine as he went at it again, this time thrusting a bit into his grip, growling now as the testosterone took over. Richard’s toes curled and dug into the bed as he spread his thighs wide, working rhythmically to thrust up into his grip to fuck the fleshlight, while furiously using his other hand to plunge the dildo in and out of his quickly adapting hole. “nnngggggg FUCK! This prostate went to waste all these years! DAMN that feels good!” Richard said between grunts as he continued this double pleasure. Sweat formed a sheen on his hairy and muscular body as his breathing picked up, muscles tightening as his back arched and he nearly screamed with seismic pleasure, thrusting the dildo into him one last firm time as stream after stream of cum launched into the fleshlight, filling it up so much that each pump started squirting his seed out of the sex toy oozing down his shaft and getting caught all over his thick bush, thighs, and lower abs. “Jesus Christ…” Richard said, panting for breath as he smiled in orgasmic bliss. He reached over and sniffed the manly aroma radiating from his hairy and sweaty pits, really digging his face in and even tasting that funky sweat before removing the fleshlight and letting his juices ooze into his open and eagerly awaiting mouth. “Tastes so fucking good…” Richard moaned as he devoured his own seed. And on some level, the man previously known as Brandon basked in making his new identity do this. Even though he was technically the new Richard, the old him never would have existed without this seed he now hungrily devoured with his new mouth. The world truly seemed like his oyster at this point as Richard contemplated what he could do next…
The former Brandon, now 43 year old DILF stud, Richard, woke up groggy and tangled in cum smeared bed sheets. The morning light poured into his window and for a brief moment, the new man wondered if the previous day had just been a wildly erotic dream, but with a few blinks he realized the room he was in and looked down to see the larger, masculine body that now belonged to him. Brandon still couldn’t believe he had been so impulsive! And a little bit of that reality was sinking in as he realized it was Sunday, but starting tomorrow–even though he now had seamless access to his father’s memories and knowledge–he would have to work fulltime, finish raising Jake who’s still a senior in High School, and be there for Smith as well. Brandon also wondered about his old best friends. How would they ever hang out now without it being super inappropriate? What would they think? Would they even believe him? “Oh shit” Brandon gasped softly as he simultaneously started feeling the first headache of his first hangover at the same time that his semi-hard cock hardened to full morning wood and he helplessly ground his amazing new dick raw against those buttery soft sheets that caressed his fit body. He chugged the last of the water on the nightstand and hoped that would help his head feel better, but in the meantime he resorted to the most natural painkiller he could think of as he grinned and started to slowly grind with even more intent–moaning with that sexy, deep voice until he jammed a pillow between his thighs and thrust those powerful hips over and over. He fucked that pillow with the same buttery soft thread count and caressed himself–cupping those firm pecs and playing with those sensitive nips and flexing his rippling abs and feeling along all the ridges. “I can’t believe this is all mine! This fucking body. This life! All mine. That’s right, I’m Richard now. Why waste time being more like dad, when I could just become you, old man? Fuckkkkkkkk and now I get to be the old man.” That thought drove Brandon wild and he glistened with sweat until he finally bucked his new hips wildly and felt that massive new dick launch his virile seed over yet another bed linen. There was a lot of spillage though onto his inner thighs, his trimmed bush, and even some on his cut abs, but Brandon was not grossed out at all. In fact, he fingered a lot of the excess into his own mouth–tasting his new seed yet again and grunting in approval as he rammed his hips with the last few spasms of his orgasm. “That’s what a real man tastes like,” Brandon said with a cocky smirk on his mature face. This morning orgasm had distracted him from his earlier conundrum, but as he got up and decided a shower was in order, he quickly got back to worrying where his day should head after he washed off the layer of filth accumulated in such a short time since permanently taking over his own father’s body, mind, and soul.
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nuffporter · 2 years
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nuffporter · 2 years
maybe something where two guys hang out and then one drinks something and anything he says becomes the truth?
(Check out the full, NSFW version of this story HERE!)
“A truth serum?” John asked.
“Yeah!” Mark replied, “except it’s not what you think. Instead of making you tell the truth, it makes everything you say become the truth.”
John looked down at the small green bottle. “Sounds a little dangerous.”
“It doesn’t last that long, and you can always reverse whatever you say.” Mark saw the hesitation in his friend’s eyes. “C’mon man, all I need for you is to make me jacked. You can do it to yourself too! C’mon. Please?”
John looked down at the bottle then down at his body. He could do with some more muscle, and it wouldn’t hurt Mark either.
“Fine,” he said taking the bottle and unscrewing the cap, “but just to get us jacked.”
“Totally bro,” Mark said, and with that, John drank. The bottle was so small, the entire thing went down his throat. “Well,” he said, “feel any different?”
“Not really…” John said, “how does this work?”
“Anything you say becomes the truth. So… say something!”
John cleared his throat. “Right… well… we’re jacked. Both of us. Nice and muscular, but not too muscular.”
It was instantaneous. Both boys felt their bodies balloon out with muscle, causing their loose, dangling clothes to grow tight and fitting around their new, jacked bodies.
Mark didn’t waste any time. Within seconds, his shirt was off, and he was looking at himself in the mirror, eyes wide with shock.
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“Fuuuuck dude! It worked! It really worked!!” John was barely listening. He was feeling up his own muscles through his t-shirt. They didn’t even feel real, but when he gave one pec a hearty squeeze, he knew that this wasn’t a dream. “Say something else!” John ran back in, practically jumping up and down.
“Like… what?”
“ANYTHING! Like… give me a huge dick.”
“A huge… what?”
“C’mon dude,” Mark was back to pleading, “my girlfriend would get a kick out of it.”
“Fine,” John said with a grin, “Mark has a a giant monster cock that’s so big, he can’t even fit it into his girlfriend’s pussy.”
Mark felt a huge tugging at the bottom of his boxers, and looked down to see his cock growing and growing, so much so that he was fighting to keep his shorts from just falling down. By the time the damn thing was done expanding, Mark guessed it was at least 11 inches long.
“Jesus man, what the fuck??” But John was cracking up. Mark looked back down at his dick and started to imagine what life would be like with a shlong that long. “You’re so fucking gay man,” Mark said.
“Right,” John scoffed, “I’M the gay one.”
He didn’t realize what he had done until after he’d done it. Apparently the serum didn’t take to sarcasm too well, because after saying the words “I’m the gay one,” John started to look at Mark differently. He started to lust after his muscular physique with an animal passion, caressing the curves of his biceps with his eyes, practically tasting the precum dripping out of the wet patch in Mark’s skin-tight boxer shorts, where his massive dick was twitching relentlessly.
“Dude… you okay?”
He didn’t know how long he was staring. Only that he wanted more than to just stare. He wanted Mark. He wanted him now.
“I think we’ve had our fun,” Mark said, starting to feel his nerves unwind, “let’s change back, okay? John? Can you change me back?”
“Okay,” John said with a smirk, “I’ll change you… but I won’t change you back.”
Mark’s face grew pale. “Wait, what?”
John cleared his throat, “Mark has a giant body to match his giant dick. He’s a fucking muscle beast with humongous arms and a giant pec shelf.”
Mark didn’t even have time to speak before his body shot out in all directions. What was previously handsome and toned was now obscene and large. His legs grew like tree trunks bursting through his underwear and sending his monster cock flying out into the cold air. He could barely see below his bulging pecs, and his arms had grown so large in the span of a few seconds, that they had rendered a lot of previous movement impossible.
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“What the fuck man?!” Mark said. He gripped his dick. It felt normal sized in his otherwise abnormal hands. “What did you do to me?”
“I only made it so that you’d be able to have a regular dick again. Well… regular compared to the rest of your body.”
Mark’s head was rushing with thoughts. What was his girlfriend going to say about this? What was his family going to say? His job? How was he going to live his life when he couldn’t even fit through a proper doorway?
“Change me back,” he said firmly.
John smiled. “Of course I’ll change you back. But not after I’ve had some more fun.” Mark was about to lunge forward when John said: “Isn’t that right, mister Robbie Amell?”
Mark exhaled deeply. As he did, he felt his muscles subside, his body shrinking and leaning out into the chiseled physique of Robbie Amell. His hands reached for his face, and he felt the bones shift and rearrange themselves under his skin, which became smooth and soft to this touch.
“What is happening to me?” Mark said, his voice now noticeably higher. His bewildered blue eyes shot to John, who was rubbing his own dick through his skin-tight jeans. Just as soon as he saw this did a pair of tight gym shorts wrap themselves around Mark—or Robbie’s—defined hips. In the nylon pouch, he saw his dick return to normal size. Normal, that was, for a Hollywood celebrity.
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Robbie smiled. “Yeah,” he said feeling his washboard abs, “I could get used to this.”
“Better not,” John said with a smile. He was becoming mad with power, and he was sure that his next transformation would be his hottest. “You’re not actually Robbie Amell. You’re a hairy Spanish bodybuilder.”
The second the word “hairy” crossed John’s lips, Mark’s chest started to grow itchy. He looked down to see his previously spotless chest dusted with little black hairs. What was more, his pecs were starting to come back in. With a vengeance.
“Que es esto?” Mark said. Though he could understand the words that came out of his mouth, he knew they were not in English. As a matter of fact, the more he thought about it, the less he knew of the English language at all. “Yo no enteindo…”
“It’s okay,” John said as he walked up to his friend, “you don’t have to say anything. Just look at yourself man!” He pointed to Mark’s bicep, which Mark instinctively flexed. The thing must have been 17 inches, at least. He followed it up to his broad, thickening shoulders, down the hairy cleavage of his new pecs, and across the landscape that was his muscle gut.
Mark—or Manuel—gave a deep groan. He was so enamored with his own body, he didn’t have the energy to even be mad at John. “Flex,” he heard his friend say, and Manuel placed his hands on his hips and flared his bodybuilder muscles out.
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“Very good,” John said, running his hands over the rough mounds of stone.
“NOW can you change me back?” Manuel asked, only the words came out as “Ahora puedes cambiarme?”
John gave him a confused look. “Sorry? I don’t speak Spanish.”
“Ahora puedes cambiarme?!” Manuel repeated, but it was no use. He was running out of time. If John didn’t turn him back soon, he was going to be stuck as a hulking hispanic bodybuilder for the rest of his life.
He dove for the little green bottle, brining it to his lips in the hope that there might be just a drop of the truth serum left.
Nothing. He shook the bottle pathetically, but not a single drop came out. He heard John laughing behind him.
“Sorry Mark,” he said, “you should have taken the serum yourself. But you trusted me, and I suspect I’ve got time for one more transformation left before we run out of time…”
Manuel couldn’t understand the words John was saying. He understood only one single word: “briefs,” and made one more pass at the bottle.
But his hands were disappearing. As a matter of fact, his whole body seemed to be shrinking down, the mass of his muscles vanashing into thin air as he felt wind rush through the silky sheen of his skin.
He collapsed onto the floor, immobile, and felt the bottle topple down just a few inches away from him. He could see John walk over to his limp body. His friend towered over him, his toned and perfectly round muscles seemed colossal compared to whatever it was Mark had become.
He watched as John removed his clothes, revealing every inch of the body he had wanted in the first place. Not too big, not to muscular, but just sexy enough to get every guy in a two block radius hard as a rock.
Even Mark felt a flash of attraction as John pulled him up his legs and over his ass. But as he felt his best friend’s cock fill out what used to be his face, he knew that his life was going to be different from here on out.
John rubbed his dick through his brand new briefs. “Damn man,” he said to Mark, “you fit pretty well.” He knew he should feel bad, having just turned his best friend into a pair of underwear. But he suspected there was plenty more where that truth serum came from. He was sure he would turn him back… eventually…
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nuffporter · 2 years
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Buff at the beach. 
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