nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
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From: Makoto
To: Ann ❤️
  ♛: I’m okay now
  ♛: Since I’m talking to you.
  ♛: Actually…
  ♛: I hate to impose suddenly like this, but are you free?
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From: Ann
To: Mako 😻
💗 : Yeah!! I just finished my shoot, so I can meet you whenever.  💗 : Do you wanna meet up somewhere, or either of our places?
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
The store is refreshing frigid, and Ryuji takes a second to bask in the cold before getting completely blown away by the selection laid out before him. He follows as Ann starts surveying, feeling a little bit like a lost puppy. Holy shit are there a lot of flavors. 
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“What the hell even is lavender?” He mumbles.
There are a couple of simpler choices, and it really does look pretty good, if absolutely overwhelming. 
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“Dude I can’t decide with all this shit I haven’t even heard of, I came here to help you out so pick for me or somethin’“
She is lost in her own world, particularly fawning over the strawberry cake bits flavor, so it takes her a hot minute to notice Ryuji trying to get her attention. 
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“Geez. I can’t just magically know all of your tastes.” He does have a point, though, and it’s not as if he’d have come here on his own, so she might as well help him enjoy it. 
“Let’s see... I’m guessing you’re not into the super sweet stuff?” She browses the selection, concentrating on each flavor and mix of toppings. 
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“Ooh, the trail mix looks pretty good! It’s regular vanilla, but it’s got like pretzels and peanuts and stuff mixed in.”
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“This is all my treat, of course.” 
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
As cliche as it sounds, her heart skips a beat. She hugs her phone to her chest, just for a quick moment, then looks around to make sure nobody saw that.
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From: Makoto
To: Ann ❤️
   ♛: Don’t worry, I’m trying to stay healthy. I even take a few minutes each morning to practice kickboxing.
   ♛: It was supposed to be yesterday, but as I’m sure you figured out, my supervisor had a pressing project that just had to get done. I feel like I do all this work and it doesn’t even mean anything.
   ♛: Sorry to whine. Maybe I’ll leave early/on time tomorrow and stop by and we can have a movie night? 
   ♛: Thanks for being so understanding and supportive. You’re the best.
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From: Ann
To: Mako 😻
💗 : Hey, are you ok?  💗 : Like in general 💗 : I get that your job is super demanding, and you’re not always gonna have a good day but
💗 : idk you seem really run down lately
💗 : You can talk to me
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
If he didn’t look dubious before he sure as hell does now. 
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“Bacon? On Ice cream? That seems like a damn waste of good bacon but…I guess it’s worth a shot. Let’s just get the hell out of this shitty heat, and hey, even if it tastes bad at least it’ll be cold.” 
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“That’s the spirit... Kind of.”
It really is too hot to rib him back, so she keeps up a brisk pace until they escape into the frigid blast of the store. Sure enough, the line of flavors expands from one end of the counter to another, carrying flavors both traditional, strange, to stuff she’s pretty sure don’t even exist in their original world. 
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“Now, let’s see... What should I get?” She hums as she browses each flavor carefully as if she’s combing through an ancient tome for hidden secrets. 
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
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From: Makoto
To: Ann❤️
    ♛: Hey. 
    ♛: I miss you. Sorry I’ve been so busy lately.
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From: Ann
To: Mako 😻
💗 : !!!
💗 : !!!!!!! 💗 : Babe you don’t gotta apologize! I know work is like. A lot. 
💗 : I’m super glad to hear from you tho!!
💗 : You doing okay? Remembering to eat? Like. Actually eating meals?  💗 : When’s your next day off? We don’t even have to go anywhere, you can literally just nap at my place.  💗 : Or even just at your place. I’d rather see you, but getting rest is more important! 
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
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“Yeah, I guess, but that’s ramen, Ramen, totally different stuff.”
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“I’m cool with just van– o-okay I guess we’re goin’ then, man, this place better be good after you’ve hyped it up so damn much.” 
He doesn’t fight back, but he also doesn’t go skipping along arm in arm. He got himself into this mess. Besides, and he won’t say it out loud, it’s always fun to kick it with Ann, even if she’s bein’ damn crazy about sweets. 
“Oh believe me, it is. They even got weir- I mean, more savory flavors. It’s not just sweet stuff. I’m pretty sure they’ve got bacon as a topping, too.” It takes all of her willpower not to outwardly grimace at the concept. 
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“Point is, you’re gonna find something you’ll like.”
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
“Happy to help I guess.”
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“Woah, slow down there dude, I know you’re crazy into sweets but ain’t this a bit much? It’s just ice cream, how fancy can that shit even get?” 
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“It tastes good, though... You put a lot of extra toppings on your ramen, right? It’s the same thing.” 
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“That’s it. I’m gonna take you to this great place that��s got a HUGE selection. You’re gonna love it, trust me.” 
She hooks her arms around his and starts dragging the poor boy to his inevitable fate of ice cream Armageddon. 
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
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“Ugh, It’s freakin’ gross out!” “I’ll go with you jus’ stop whinin’ about it, it’s makin’ the heat worse” 
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“Seriously? Yay!! You’re a big help!” 
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“So there’s this frozen custard place that I’ve been dying to try. It’s supposed to have a lot of toppings to choose from. But I guess that can be pretty rich, huh? Ooh! What about that little parlor down the road? The lady working the counter will sometimes give an extra scoop if she’s in a good mood. Or maybe Chiil Rock? They’ve got a new, flavor, and-” 
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
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“Aaaaaaa, why is it so hot oooooout? I can’t take it anymore!!!” 
“Someone get ice cream with me! I’ll feel guilty if I go alone!”
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
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To: Ann From: Goro
Ⓐ: It does sound like a nice workout. Haha, if you would ever like to try it out with someone, I would be happy to accompany you. ^^ Ⓐ: You jog with Yuri, correct? He can be rather brutal…
Ⓐ: Ahaha, it is pretty hard fitting everyone when hiding… Apparently very good for learning interesting stretches, though.
Ⓐ: Hahaha…… Ⓐ: Akira came back again yesterday during the day, but after the party we all just fell asleep, so it’s not an innocent act…!
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To: Goro
From: Ann
💗 : Ooh, that actually sounds fun! Hold on a sec.
💗 : Looks like there’s a place that holds classes downtown. And first one is free! 💗 : Got any free time coming up?
💗 : Pffff. That actually sounds like him.
💗 : Sometimes, whenever we’d meet up at his place, you know, just to exchange info, he’d dose off. 💗 : I mean, not like he was missing much. If we weren’t going to Mementos, we usually just ended up messing around.  💗 : Actually, weren’t you there with us one time?  💗 : Yeah! You guys were on his couch and he kept poking you with his foot lmao!
February 16th
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
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To: Ann From: Goro
Ⓐ: Ahaha, the creative ways you managed to bend were pretty impressive. As was how long you were able to keep that up. Ⓐ: Do you do yoga? 
Ⓐ: Haha, I relate to that, though. I’m pretty sore myself. It feels like my side is screaming.
Ⓐ: Ah, wait… Romance?? Ⓐ: Why would the burgers be heart shaped???? Ⓐ: I think they were just worried about me…
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To: Goro
From: Ann
💗 : You know what, I really should? It’s supposed to actually be a really great workout? But it’s also meant for meditating I guess? 💗 : I must be doing something wrong, because every time I jog, all I can think about is how my lungs are about to pop. vv;;;;
💗 : But really, I guess going around Mementos helps? Sometimes you gotta bend in weird positions to hide behind certain objects. Especially if you’re trying to cram like, 3 other people into a tiny corner. 
💗 : Pshh, you can drop the whole innocent act, I know you know what I’m getting at. :O 
February 16th
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
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To: Ann From: Akechi
Ⓐ: Haha, hello!  Ⓐ: It was certainly… a lot. Ⓐ: I am still trying to process it all. Ⓐ: But it was fun towards the end, and afterwards Akira and Ryuji showed up at my apartment unannounced with hamburgers.
They’re such a silly duo. 
Ⓐ: Ahaha, of course I would be up for a twister rematch. That is, if you aren’t afraid your victory wasn’t just a fluke. (‘ᴗ ~)
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To: Goro
From: Ann
💗 : pfff, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? But too bad for you, I’m just that good at contorting into weird positions. 💗 : Like... A horror movie monster or something. 
💗 : Except I bet they don’t get muscle cramps. Seriously, I have this knot in my shoulder that just won’t go away. >:
💗 : Also, woow, lucky! Sounds like a pretty good way to top THAT kind of a night off. And they say romance is dead. :p
💗 : Were the burgers in the shape of a heaaaaaaart? lol
February 16th
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
February 16th
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Ann started messaging Goro
💗 : Heyyyy~
💗 : Hope you got to cool off yesterday. That sure was a night.
💗 : It was pretty fun towards the end tho.
💗 : Maybe we could have a twister rematch sometime. Not that it’ll do you any good. :3c
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
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To: Makoto 💕
From: Ann
💗 : Sooooo... 
💗 : Thursday.  💗 : It sure is a day.  💗 : You don’t have plans with anyone else, right? ;D ;D ;D
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
It’s been a few days since the Christmas party, and while some things have worked out splendidly for her (regarding a certain someone who makes her stomach burst into butterflies), there are other experiences from that night that have her worried. Mainly, regarding a certain Goro Akechi. 
She gets that he’s probably tired, and honestly, who wouldn’t be? Everyone was kind of spent emotionally, and Akechi was especially put through the wringer. And in hindsight, she really should have checked up on him sooner, but she ended up getting swept up in... Other things. 
But she’s brought back down to the ground when she sees a news story on her phone detailing a house fire from the day before. Apparently the guy brought into custody doesn’t remember doing it, and that’s a familiar song and dance that causes her heart to drop. Swallowing, she exits out of the window and pulls up her messaging app. 
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To: Akechi
From: Ann
💗 : Hey. Are you holding up okay?
She pauses, whether to tiptoe around the subject, or dive right in. 
... Well, being cagey hasn’t really done her or anyone else any favors, so screw it. 
💗 : I saw the news this morning.  💗 : I know you don’t wanna get into it, but I seriously mean it when I say that I’m here to talk.
💗 :And so are the others.  💗 : Even if you just need a distraction and wanna hang out, let me know, okay? 
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
Makoto’s traitorous heart beats faster at those texts. She’s a bit strange for wanting that dream to be true, isn’t she? Even worse, what if she’s being… creepy? 
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To: Ann
From: Makoto
♛: Oh.
♛: Well, you’re welcome to come over, if you like.
Ann breaks into a smile as she reads the text and is already on her feet as her fingers fly across her keyboard. 
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To: Makoto
From: Ann
💗 : Yeah!!  💗 : I can be over there in about an hour? Is that enough time for you? 
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nyannyangaogao-blog · 5 years
Glitter. Makoto seems to remember there being glitter in her dream… 
That’s just wishful thinking. She’s being ridiculous, wanting Ann to be her – to be with her in that way. Deep down in her heart, she knows she wants this so, so much, but it would be foolish to even entertain such a thought of that ever happening.
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to: Ann
from: Makoto
♛: I’m tired, too. I didn’t sleep all that well.
♛: We can talk any time. Is something the matter?
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to: Makoto 
from: Ann
💗 : Notthing really
💗 : I just wanna see you. 
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