nyational · 3 years
u ever finna come back
why the fuck would i
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nyational · 5 years
Hey guys, it’s me. I just wanted to make this final post, to say some things. I want to say that I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry. I understand that I overstepped the boundaries of many people, and hurt them, and I know it was wrong. I should have never said the transmisogynistic, intersexist, biphobic, things I said, or acted in a sexually inappropriate way. I also would like to apologize for kinning outside of my race. I understand that it makes people of color uncomfortable, and their comfort is more important to me than kinning, so I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to hurt people, and I would not have taken these actions if I knew the length to which they would hurt others. Most of my actions as an autistic person are learned, and though this does not at all excuse what I did, I want to express that it was never purposefully malicious. I will not be doing these thing again in the future, and I will try to be more aware of my actions. I have taken the last several months to deeply consider my past actions and choices, and I want to do better and treat people better. I know that apologizing doesn’t take away what I’ve done, but I feel it’s important to apologize anyways. I don’t expect anyone to forgive me, but I want it to be known that I understand what I did, and how it affected people, and I won’t do it again. I will be moving to a new blog that is very different from this one to get a fresh start, and I won’t visit this blog very often anymore.
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nyational · 5 years
Hey guys, it's me. I just wanted to make this final post, to say some things. I want to say that I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry. I understand that I overstepped the boundaries of many people, and hurt them, and I know it was wrong. I should have never said the transmisogynistic, intersexist, biphobic, things I said, or acted in a sexually inappropriate way. I also would like to apologize for kinning outside of my race. I understand that it makes people of color uncomfortable, and their comfort is more important to me than kinning, so I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to hurt people, and I would not have taken these actions if I knew the length to which they would hurt others. Most of my actions as an autistic person are learned, and though this does not at all excuse what I did, I want to express that it was never purposefully malicious. I will not be doing these thing again in the future, and I will try to be more aware of my actions. I have taken the last several months to deeply consider my past actions and choices, and I want to do better and treat people better. I know that apologizing doesn't take away what I've done, but I feel it's important to apologize anyways. I don't expect anyone to forgive me, but I want it to be known that I understand what I did, and how it affected people, and I won't do it again. I will be moving to a new blog that is very different from this one to get a fresh start, and I won't visit this blog very often anymore.
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nyational · 5 years
After having some time to reflect on my words and actions I wanted to offer a more sincere apology to everyone who I hurt with my post, I did not intend to be transmisogynistic with what I said and I am extremely sorry that my post upset so many people, and to the people who were upset.
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nyational · 5 years
I understand that there’s a callout that was just made about me and I just woke up so I can’t really say anything specifically about it but if anyone wants to clarify with me about it then please feel free to pm me
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nyational · 5 years
are you ever gonna apologize for being transmisogynistic or nooo
Yeah I already did I talked to the person who made the post about my post already. If you’d like another apology I can offer it here as well, I didn’t intend to be transmisogynistic.
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nyational · 5 years
Send me a 🎨 and I’ll give you a new name :3
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nyational · 5 years
Fortune, Lumi, Hope, River
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nyational · 5 years
if you dont have too much 🎨??
Morgan, Salem, Crow, Onyx
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nyational · 5 years
Milo, Harvest, Finley
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nyational · 5 years
good content
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nyational · 5 years
⭐ :3
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yuki takeya!!
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nyational · 5 years
please read
to everyone who interacts/has interacted with @juliasortofway (prev. known as: @emitsu, @3ma, and many other urls - all are linked in the document below). Two alters in that system are insanely manipulative and have hurt me and my boyfriend, Hayden (@hajihinata), in a lot of ways and we’d really appreciate if you be wary of them and take what we have to say seriously. The alter who is currently host (Julia, the person who has been running the current blog) is leaving Tumblr. And hopefully will not return.
click the read more for details.
Keep reading
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nyational · 5 years
imma firin mah lazer
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nyational · 5 years
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nyational · 5 years
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nyational · 5 years
i wanted 2 come up with an aesthetic/community centered around kindness & loving urself (while also not being associated w anything/anyone Bad) and what i settled on is *drum roll*
but what is it? basically, its about appreciating the little things. one thing i personally take for granted is my backyard. if i want to knit, i might as well knit outside. if i want to draw, why not draw outside? something as simple as taking an activity out of the house and into the backyard (or onto the porch, or even beside an open window!) can have a profound impact on your mood.
what about the aesthetic? well, i like to think of it as a mix-match of elements from naturecore, gardencore, dirtcore, and other related things. its also rather versatile, as it’s about love – love of the self and love of the other – through nature. some characteristics of backyardcore are:
- grass, especially covered in native wildflowers/“”“weeds”“” (fuck lawns!)
- flowers and gardens
- stepping stones, little pathways, cobblestone arches
- dirt, moss, leaves, sticks, yknow
- bugs n other creepy crawlies!
- picnics
- or anything else outside! like i said, the act of taking an activity outside (or opening the curtains/a window if you cant get there) is backyardcore itself
the last thing is, anyone (barring bigots, of course) can be/participate in backyardcore! theres no need to make a “backyardself”, because thats just you but in your backyard. you dont have to look or act a certain way, you dont have to have a “pretty” backyard, or a yard at all! its all about finding love and life in the small things, in the breeze through the grass, in the bugs flying around flowers, in the sunlight filtering through the leaves, in the present moment.
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